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Tuesday April 2nd!!!

(1215am on all platforms for On-Demand viewing)


Biden pushes a mental illness over Easter in an attack on Christians....Media ignores NYC Officer Diller wake and funeral....Biden raises $25m in night of debauchery...2 more bridge accidents....Speaker Johnson to push thru $60b for Ukraine....MSNBC rips Christians falsely claiming they worship Trump...Daughter of Trump's NY judge raises $93 million for Dems off of Trump legal issues..AND MUCH MORE!!!!



International Public Notice: Regarding the New World Order
By Anna Von Reitz

The Bible tells us that the Devil lives in Geneva, Switzerland.

Now, that is an incredible statement and I don't expect you all to accept it, but -- several generations of Biblical Scholars have confirmed that, so your shock and any arguments you may have are with The Good Book and those scholars, not with me.

I offer that as a backdrop for you.

Several months ago, I introduced you all to a young American veteran, Derek Johnson, who, via YouTube and his own media efforts, provided the exact blow-by-blow proving that, not only did Donald Trump remain the Commander-in-Chief but also established himself as a wartime President under The Constitution of the United States of America -- that is, the British Territorial service contract.

Yesterday, our friend Pascal Najadi, who has everything right except being aware of the Romano-British Caste System, repeated Derek Johnson's information while expanding the discussion to Switzerland and the rest of the world.

Najadi's presentation is more civilian-oriented and easier to understand -- and cut down to bare bones -- and I highly recommend it. The link appears at the bottom of this Notice.

Bottom line -- we are in the midst of a covert war and are in the last phases of it.

The vast theocratic, commercial, and corporate conspiracy to establish a form of Corporate Feudalism and the vicious suppressed Satanic "religion" underlying it, have failed.

This is and has been a war waged in the jurisdiction of the air -- the realm of beliefs and ideas, commitments and character. It is the last of three major wars that have been fought, one each in each jurisdiction, to expel the evil that has preyed upon mankind for centuries.

The first war was a land jurisdiction war that we know as the First World War. The good people of the Earth lost that one, with the result that more countries fell under the sway of evil and the jurisdiction of the sea which was maintained by ....wait for it....Britain.

Britain, which doesn't really exist as a country, but which rules the sea, and is always found at the bottom of every dog pile.

Again, not to belabor it or antagonize those with no religious faith, the Bible very clearly tells everyone that Satan fell into the sea.

The Second World War was fought in the jurisdiction of the sea and had a similar but mixed result, in which the jurisdiction of the sea held on by the skin of its teeth and gradually rebuilt in secret.

And now we come to the third jurisdiction and the third World War, which has been fought in the jurisdiction of the air. This has been, as we say, a war of awareness, ideas, beliefs, laws, and ownerships.

According to Pascal Najadi, we won this one, as the result of a successful worldwide military coalition that included United States, Russian, Chinese and other military forces worldwide.

If so, that's wonderful news and cause for great celebration. I must, however, sound a solemn note. Our military has knowingly or unknowingly been complicit since 1863. We must make sure that their change of heart is complete and we must re-establish a civilian government that is also fully committed to our foundational principles and fully educated.

Central to this process is our awareness of the Romano-British Caste System that was imposed upon the military along with the rest of us. I shall demonstrate it using triad groups, so you can see at a glance how this system was organized in descending order of status:


Anglican - Protestant
All other religions



United States

Everyone else


citizens of





Local - State


As you can see, there is a logic to this system, albeit a logic that was never disclosed to the public, and indeed, not disclosed to 98% of the participants engaged in it.

Soon after The American Civil War, efforts started to reverse this "normal and customary order of things" ---at least, normal and customary in the view of the Roman Catholic Church.

The so-called "New Order" was to be established according to the principles of Satanism, the veiled sister-religion husbanded by the Roman Pontiff.

Satanism simply reverses everything, so that it is upside down. Everything including the symbolism is inverted -- even the original symbols such as the cross, the star of man, and the swastika are inverted.

So the five-pointed Star of Man with the fifth point facing straight up is inverted to create the Satanic Pentagram with the fifth point pointing straight down.

Believe it or not, the Vermin had a new "United States" flag ready to go, with all fifty stars in the inverted Satanic position.

The cross is inverted so that the cross-bar is below the mid-point of the vertical axis, instead of above.

The right-facing swastika which has been a symbol of good fortune and life and health in Hinduism and Buddhism for the past 7,000 years, is abused by the Nazis to form the twisted and slant -armed Hakenkreuz; and, in other Satanic adaptations, the symbol turns in the opposite direction, commemorating death, misfortune, and disease.

Under Satanism, everything is inverted. The truth is restructured as lies. Lies become prayers. Virtue becomes anathema. Life becomes the enemy.

In the inverted world the New Order Plotters had planned for us, the people giving rise to the government would have been slaves of the government; the churches would have encouraged sin and debauchery; the courts would have delivered only injustice; health care would have promoted disease for profit, and legal fictions -- corporations of various kinds -- would have ruled the world.

These nameless, faceless things, incorporated entities -- trusts, foundations, S-corps, B-corps, cooperatives, LLC's, etc., -- made up out of thin air and paper, would have dictated the lives of living men and women.

All means of exchange would have resulted in debt, as all means of actually paying anything or giving any meaningful consideration in exchange, would be removed. Sound familiar?

Only the priests and priestesses of Satan would live as men and women; everyone else would be denigrated to the status of human animals or slaves.

The military had already been denigrated to the status of "humans" and further hierarchies of human political and social standing had been created by the ranks. A human General would outrank a human Corporeal, but they would both still only be humans and considered "animals" in the New World Order.

And woe betide the poor slaves, the civilians that the "humans" were originally hired to protect. They would be left with no voice, no rights, no political status. they would be considered "human chattel".

The value of their labor, their former lands and property assets, their gold, silver, and business interests, their creativity and copyrights, trademarks, and patents would all be seized upon by the New World Order and used as collateral to back the debts of the priests of Satan and their human Orcs -- the military, the bureaucrats, and Agents employed by the priesthood of Satan, using your assets as collateral to do so.

Of course, there would be nothing called "Human Rights" in such a New World Order --- which you now see was meant in a literal sense --- there would be some re-branded conversion making Human Rights into privileges similar to Civil Rights.

Some exigency would have to be claimed and the "rights" recast as privileges accorded to the mere humans would have to have a new name -- perhaps, "Natural Rights", which after all, even wild animals possess.

In this way, by Lies, by deceit, by guile of every description, the Satanists hidden in the Roman Catholic Church and those promoted by them to offices in the bureaucracies of business and government, have sought to turn the world completely upside down and backward--- which you may readily observe.

If you wish to identify these men and women, they are the ones holding the upside down crosses and sniggering when they look at Yehoshua on the crucifix. They are arrogant and prideful materialists. They think they are "cool" and everyone else, well, stuck in the past, dim-witted, and weak.

Living people were counted among the dead in the Satanic system of things, the estates of the dead were seized upon as being "intestate" and the Satanic members of the Temple (as in religion) Bar Association rolled in as "Public Administrators" of a foreign public (ours) and began disposing of these "constructed estates" as Executors de Son Tort.

Think of it as a perverse mental game, being played behind a curtain provided by normal assumptions.

You assumed that attorneys and lawyers were purveyors of justice and order, but since 1860, and especially since the 1930's, they've been playing a very different game.

You also assumed that the doctors were there to heal you, but under orders of the Satanists, and licensed as "Medical Doctors" and conscripted as "Uniformed Officers", these Health Professionals readily yielded and pumped you full of poisons and parasites and control technology.

They polluted your genome, sterilized millions of people, killed vast numbers of the elderly, and caused spontaneous abortion of fetuses while telling you all that this was safe and effective and necessary for disease prevention.

When your body reacted to this poison, and you became sick, they also used more known poisons like Remdesevir, which had already been pulled from the market because of known dangers, and they improperly applied ventilators to kill you more quickly

Many of them and the institutions they work for took kickbacks for all this "service".

And then, there is the issue of "your" Government, which, it turns out, wasn't your actual Government, but rather, two run amok incorporated foreign Subcontractors--- one human, one subhuman.

We are not priests or priestesses of any religion, but we are astute observers, and so, let us observe that there is always the danger of being fooled again.

Don't let your guard down against "Satan" until he is well and fully defeated, all his works and ways and modes of thinking, all the tools of his hegemony cast away. Wait for Rome, the Inner City of London, Washington, DC, and Geneva, Switzerland -- all of them, to be liberated from his ilk and kind.

Realize that we are all men and women, of one status, one nature, one substance. Humans and subhumans don't really exist; all you are seeing are arbitrarily denigrated men and women, the victims of an unjust, antiquated, superstitious and evil system almost inadvertently created by Popes who have been dead over 500 years.

Pope Boniface VIII created the concept of "human creatures" because people were ignorant and superstitious about the placenta and Afterbirth processes.

Pope Nicholas V created "subhumans" because his Crusaders were being defeated by the Saracen Turks, and so he declared them to be subhumans and "eternally enslaved".

These wanton fits of ignorance and anger created the Romano-British Caste System and all these different systems of "law" and classes of rights and privileges applying to all these purported different classes of people, and then, commercial self-interest kicked in and infested the governments.

King Henry VIII started the Anglican Church, then sold it out; while the Roman Pope claimed the Catholics, body, mind, and soul -- and held them as chattel, his British Overseer of the Commonwealth lands in England, weaseled a way to cut himself in on the profits.

While working for the Pope and owing the Pope his crown, Henry the Eighth also worked as the Head of the Anglican Church in England, and kept track of every Anglican baptism; in exchange, he'd impersonate each Anglican and declare them "lost at sea" and keep 40% of the estimated lifetime worth of these Protestant minds, bodies, and souls.

All Henry's Successors have done the same, right up to the present time, with the 60% for the Pope and 40% for the British King being maintained to the present day.

This supremely Dirty Business is what the pay-off of $950 Trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" paid to Prince Philip by the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA in April of 2017 was all about.

The New Order Plotters had agreed to murder -- in corporate language, "liquidate", -- billions of innocent people in order to immediately access their "estate value" -- meaning their part of the Global Trust.

You may be sure that $950 Trillion is 40% of the total estimated value of the Protestant population under the administration of the so-called British King, and that the game was on, to kill all these people and harvest the value of their estates.

The Satanists were stuffing their war chests to pay off entire governments and approximately two million individuals--- mostly military and bankers, politicians and bureaucrats running "agencies" like the FDA and CDC, and of course, media tycoons --- which they did, and which resulted in the bogus pandemic.

So now, we are told that all these bad guys have been killed and that what we are seeing as these "characters" continue to appear and cause trouble, are body doubles acting in their places.

Maybe so.

The people like Pascal maintain that the worst is over and I certainly hope so; I retain skepticism to the end and will be watching the play-by-play very closely.

Mark this, prior to his death, Pope Benedict XVI foretold that 27 States in this country and five European nations would suffer something on January 31st of 2024. Faithful Catholics in those 27 States and five European nations were advised to stock up on water and food and fuel and medicine and anything else they might need.

Is it any coincidence that as I sit here and issue this International Public Notice, months after Benedict XVI's death, there are precisely 27 States backing Texas regarding "President" Biden's Open Borders Policy, and five European countries proposing to exit the European Union?

I don't believe that for a moment. And no, I don't think the Holy Spirit told this precise information to Pope Benedict XVI. I think that information came from completely different sources.

We are also told that the purpose of inciting this whole border controversy was to identify which State-of-State Governors had been bought off by the Satanists. They would be the ones not sending National Guard assistance to Texas.

So this is a game of who is tracking who, and who in the end, wins. Experience has taught us to look below the surface and around the corners and to carefully measure the verbiage against the actions.

So far, all that has actually happened that can be proven, is that (1): Donald Trump has continued to act as the Commander-in-Chief behind the scenes, and as a wartime President under the British Territorial service contract known as The Constitution of the United States of America.

Secondly, we can prove that the late Queen, Elizabeth II, vacated the English Throne and the Christian Crown within three days of her Coronation; we can prove that she continued to receive the traditional 60/40 split from the Pope; we can prove that she was ineligible to serve as the British Monarch; we can observe that various Satanic and Black Magic Rituals were on display at the London Olympics and the Commonwealth Games; we can prove that her consort received $950 Trillion in Life Force Value Annuities three days before he retired from Public Life-- via Roman Catholic Church officers in Canada; we can prove that their Son, King Charles, was crowned as His Imperial Majesty -- a Roman Emperor, not a King of England and not a King of Britain, either one.

We can also prove that Pope Francis could not inherit the dissolved Office of the Roman Pontiff, that he did not accept and did not officially receive the sacred ministerial office from Pope Benedict XVI, which leaves the loyal Jesuit only one other role to play: the Prince of the Air, the King of Terror.

These are the things we can prove at this point and we can continue to observe like hawks for the rest.

If, indeed, a coalition of 800 Generals tried and true exists, then the stand-off at our Southern Border will evaporate in a couple days.

Joe Biden, or, alternatively, the Actor playing Joe Biden, will have another brain fart and realize that he doesn't have a leg, legally or lawfully --- and certainly not contractually --- to stand on. The so-called Federal forces will be withdrawn.

If, on the other hand, we are being sold another Bag of Hooey, there will be a concentrated hellfire situation, where scads of innocent people in 27 States will be killed by the Satanists, regardless of race, color, creed, or any other factor.

It makes sense that Pope Benedict XVI would be privy to their plans and that he would give a final warning to faithful Catholics in the targeted areas, because unlike his Successors, Benedict XVI retained a real world appreciation for who filled the collection plates.

And now, a word for the bankers involved in all of this. None of this rot could have occurred without you and your complicity. People could not have been impersonated and denigrated like this. Their assets and their property couldn't have been purloined like this. Their relatively honest monetary system couldn't have been hijacked and replaced with a Babylonian debt system. None of these wars could have been fought without you. Mortgages couldn't have been foisted off on people who never owed them. Taxes couldn't have been enforced on people who didn't owe them, either. All these evils come back to you as the priest caste of the Temple of Satan housed in the Inner City of London.

We've seen what you do at the Bohemian Grove and elsewhere.

If what Pascal is telling us is true (see link below) and I trust that he believes it, then all the Maritime Commercial Banks will go down and be replaced by land jurisdiction commercial banks; the courts will begin operating and producing justice again, the bogus debts will be erased; there will be an actual monetary system again, with currencies all backed by actual assets. Wars for profit will cease. Our Honorable Military will be returned and never hired out as mercenaries again. The slaves will be released and everyone will regain their senses, realizing that there are no second or third class people in existence.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 29th 2024



Viral #NormanRockwell #AI art reveals #debauchery in #Biden’s #FallenAmerica like you’ve never seen before…


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Tuesday April 2nd!!!

(1215am on all platforms for On-Demand viewing)


Biden pushes a mental illness over Easter in an attack on Christians....Media ignores NYC Officer Diller wake and funeral....Biden raises $25m in night of debauchery...2 more bridge accidents....Speaker Johnson to push thru $60b for Ukraine....MSNBC rips Christians falsely claiming they worship Trump...Daughter of Trump's NY judge raises $93 million for Dems off of Trump legal issues..AND MUCH MORE!!!!



International Public Notice: Regarding the New World Order
By Anna Von Reitz

The Bible tells us that the Devil lives in Geneva, Switzerland.

Now, that is an incredible statement and I don't expect you all to accept it, but -- several generations of Biblical Scholars have confirmed that, so your shock and any arguments you may have are with The Good Book and those scholars, not with me.

I offer that as a backdrop for you.

Several months ago, I introduced you all to a young American veteran, Derek Johnson, who, via YouTube and his own media efforts, provided the exact blow-by-blow proving that, not only did Donald Trump remain the Commander-in-Chief but also established himself as a wartime President under The Constitution of the United States of America -- that is, the British Territorial service contract.

Yesterday, our friend Pascal Najadi, who has everything right except being aware of the Romano-British Caste System, repeated Derek Johnson's information while expanding the discussion to Switzerland and the rest of the world.

Najadi's presentation is more civilian-oriented and easier to understand -- and cut down to bare bones -- and I highly recommend it. The link appears at the bottom of this Notice.

Bottom line -- we are in the midst of a covert war and are in the last phases of it.

The vast theocratic, commercial, and corporate conspiracy to establish a form of Corporate Feudalism and the vicious suppressed Satanic "religion" underlying it, have failed.

This is and has been a war waged in the jurisdiction of the air -- the realm of beliefs and ideas, commitments and character. It is the last of three major wars that have been fought, one each in each jurisdiction, to expel the evil that has preyed upon mankind for centuries.

The first war was a land jurisdiction war that we know as the First World War. The good people of the Earth lost that one, with the result that more countries fell under the sway of evil and the jurisdiction of the sea which was maintained by ....wait for it....Britain.

Britain, which doesn't really exist as a country, but which rules the sea, and is always found at the bottom of every dog pile.

Again, not to belabor it or antagonize those with no religious faith, the Bible very clearly tells everyone that Satan fell into the sea.

The Second World War was fought in the jurisdiction of the sea and had a similar but mixed result, in which the jurisdiction of the sea held on by the skin of its teeth and gradually rebuilt in secret.

And now we come to the third jurisdiction and the third World War, which has been fought in the jurisdiction of the air. This has been, as we say, a war of awareness, ideas, beliefs, laws, and ownerships.

According to Pascal Najadi, we won this one, as the result of a successful worldwide military coalition that included United States, Russian, Chinese and other military forces worldwide.

If so, that's wonderful news and cause for great celebration. I must, however, sound a solemn note. Our military has knowingly or unknowingly been complicit since 1863. We must make sure that their change of heart is complete and we must re-establish a civilian government that is also fully committed to our foundational principles and fully educated.

Central to this process is our awareness of the Romano-British Caste System that was imposed upon the military along with the rest of us. I shall demonstrate it using triad groups, so you can see at a glance how this system was organized in descending order of status:


Anglican - Protestant
All other religions



United States

Everyone else


citizens of





Local - State


As you can see, there is a logic to this system, albeit a logic that was never disclosed to the public, and indeed, not disclosed to 98% of the participants engaged in it.

Soon after The American Civil War, efforts started to reverse this "normal and customary order of things" ---at least, normal and customary in the view of the Roman Catholic Church.

The so-called "New Order" was to be established according to the principles of Satanism, the veiled sister-religion husbanded by the Roman Pontiff.

Satanism simply reverses everything, so that it is upside down. Everything including the symbolism is inverted -- even the original symbols such as the cross, the star of man, and the swastika are inverted.

So the five-pointed Star of Man with the fifth point facing straight up is inverted to create the Satanic Pentagram with the fifth point pointing straight down.

Believe it or not, the Vermin had a new "United States" flag ready to go, with all fifty stars in the inverted Satanic position.

The cross is inverted so that the cross-bar is below the mid-point of the vertical axis, instead of above.

The right-facing swastika which has been a symbol of good fortune and life and health in Hinduism and Buddhism for the past 7,000 years, is abused by the Nazis to form the twisted and slant -armed Hakenkreuz; and, in other Satanic adaptations, the symbol turns in the opposite direction, commemorating death, misfortune, and disease.

Under Satanism, everything is inverted. The truth is restructured as lies. Lies become prayers. Virtue becomes anathema. Life becomes the enemy.

In the inverted world the New Order Plotters had planned for us, the people giving rise to the government would have been slaves of the government; the churches would have encouraged sin and debauchery; the courts would have delivered only injustice; health care would have promoted disease for profit, and legal fictions -- corporations of various kinds -- would have ruled the world.

These nameless, faceless things, incorporated entities -- trusts, foundations, S-corps, B-corps, cooperatives, LLC's, etc., -- made up out of thin air and paper, would have dictated the lives of living men and women.

All means of exchange would have resulted in debt, as all means of actually paying anything or giving any meaningful consideration in exchange, would be removed. Sound familiar?

Only the priests and priestesses of Satan would live as men and women; everyone else would be denigrated to the status of human animals or slaves.

The military had already been denigrated to the status of "humans" and further hierarchies of human political and social standing had been created by the ranks. A human General would outrank a human Corporeal, but they would both still only be humans and considered "animals" in the New World Order.

And woe betide the poor slaves, the civilians that the "humans" were originally hired to protect. They would be left with no voice, no rights, no political status. they would be considered "human chattel".

The value of their labor, their former lands and property assets, their gold, silver, and business interests, their creativity and copyrights, trademarks, and patents would all be seized upon by the New World Order and used as collateral to back the debts of the priests of Satan and their human Orcs -- the military, the bureaucrats, and Agents employed by the priesthood of Satan, using your assets as collateral to do so.

Of course, there would be nothing called "Human Rights" in such a New World Order --- which you now see was meant in a literal sense --- there would be some re-branded conversion making Human Rights into privileges similar to Civil Rights.

Some exigency would have to be claimed and the "rights" recast as privileges accorded to the mere humans would have to have a new name -- perhaps, "Natural Rights", which after all, even wild animals possess.

In this way, by Lies, by deceit, by guile of every description, the Satanists hidden in the Roman Catholic Church and those promoted by them to offices in the bureaucracies of business and government, have sought to turn the world completely upside down and backward--- which you may readily observe.

If you wish to identify these men and women, they are the ones holding the upside down crosses and sniggering when they look at Yehoshua on the crucifix. They are arrogant and prideful materialists. They think they are "cool" and everyone else, well, stuck in the past, dim-witted, and weak.

Living people were counted among the dead in the Satanic system of things, the estates of the dead were seized upon as being "intestate" and the Satanic members of the Temple (as in religion) Bar Association rolled in as "Public Administrators" of a foreign public (ours) and began disposing of these "constructed estates" as Executors de Son Tort.

Think of it as a perverse mental game, being played behind a curtain provided by normal assumptions.

You assumed that attorneys and lawyers were purveyors of justice and order, but since 1860, and especially since the 1930's, they've been playing a very different game.

You also assumed that the doctors were there to heal you, but under orders of the Satanists, and licensed as "Medical Doctors" and conscripted as "Uniformed Officers", these Health Professionals readily yielded and pumped you full of poisons and parasites and control technology.

They polluted your genome, sterilized millions of people, killed vast numbers of the elderly, and caused spontaneous abortion of fetuses while telling you all that this was safe and effective and necessary for disease prevention.

When your body reacted to this poison, and you became sick, they also used more known poisons like Remdesevir, which had already been pulled from the market because of known dangers, and they improperly applied ventilators to kill you more quickly

Many of them and the institutions they work for took kickbacks for all this "service".

And then, there is the issue of "your" Government, which, it turns out, wasn't your actual Government, but rather, two run amok incorporated foreign Subcontractors--- one human, one subhuman.

We are not priests or priestesses of any religion, but we are astute observers, and so, let us observe that there is always the danger of being fooled again.

Don't let your guard down against "Satan" until he is well and fully defeated, all his works and ways and modes of thinking, all the tools of his hegemony cast away. Wait for Rome, the Inner City of London, Washington, DC, and Geneva, Switzerland -- all of them, to be liberated from his ilk and kind.

Realize that we are all men and women, of one status, one nature, one substance. Humans and subhumans don't really exist; all you are seeing are arbitrarily denigrated men and women, the victims of an unjust, antiquated, superstitious and evil system almost inadvertently created by Popes who have been dead over 500 years.

Pope Boniface VIII created the concept of "human creatures" because people were ignorant and superstitious about the placenta and Afterbirth processes.

Pope Nicholas V created "subhumans" because his Crusaders were being defeated by the Saracen Turks, and so he declared them to be subhumans and "eternally enslaved".

These wanton fits of ignorance and anger created the Romano-British Caste System and all these different systems of "law" and classes of rights and privileges applying to all these purported different classes of people, and then, commercial self-interest kicked in and infested the governments.

King Henry VIII started the Anglican Church, then sold it out; while the Roman Pope claimed the Catholics, body, mind, and soul -- and held them as chattel, his British Overseer of the Commonwealth lands in England, weaseled a way to cut himself in on the profits.

While working for the Pope and owing the Pope his crown, Henry the Eighth also worked as the Head of the Anglican Church in England, and kept track of every Anglican baptism; in exchange, he'd impersonate each Anglican and declare them "lost at sea" and keep 40% of the estimated lifetime worth of these Protestant minds, bodies, and souls.

All Henry's Successors have done the same, right up to the present time, with the 60% for the Pope and 40% for the British King being maintained to the present day.

This supremely Dirty Business is what the pay-off of $950 Trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" paid to Prince Philip by the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA in April of 2017 was all about.

The New Order Plotters had agreed to murder -- in corporate language, "liquidate", -- billions of innocent people in order to immediately access their "estate value" -- meaning their part of the Global Trust.

You may be sure that $950 Trillion is 40% of the total estimated value of the Protestant population under the administration of the so-called British King, and that the game was on, to kill all these people and harvest the value of their estates.

The Satanists were stuffing their war chests to pay off entire governments and approximately two million individuals--- mostly military and bankers, politicians and bureaucrats running "agencies" like the FDA and CDC, and of course, media tycoons --- which they did, and which resulted in the bogus pandemic.

So now, we are told that all these bad guys have been killed and that what we are seeing as these "characters" continue to appear and cause trouble, are body doubles acting in their places.

Maybe so.

The people like Pascal maintain that the worst is over and I certainly hope so; I retain skepticism to the end and will be watching the play-by-play very closely.

Mark this, prior to his death, Pope Benedict XVI foretold that 27 States in this country and five European nations would suffer something on January 31st of 2024. Faithful Catholics in those 27 States and five European nations were advised to stock up on water and food and fuel and medicine and anything else they might need.

Is it any coincidence that as I sit here and issue this International Public Notice, months after Benedict XVI's death, there are precisely 27 States backing Texas regarding "President" Biden's Open Borders Policy, and five European countries proposing to exit the European Union?

I don't believe that for a moment. And no, I don't think the Holy Spirit told this precise information to Pope Benedict XVI. I think that information came from completely different sources.

We are also told that the purpose of inciting this whole border controversy was to identify which State-of-State Governors had been bought off by the Satanists. They would be the ones not sending National Guard assistance to Texas.

So this is a game of who is tracking who, and who in the end, wins. Experience has taught us to look below the surface and around the corners and to carefully measure the verbiage against the actions.

So far, all that has actually happened that can be proven, is that (1): Donald Trump has continued to act as the Commander-in-Chief behind the scenes, and as a wartime President under the British Territorial service contract known as The Constitution of the United States of America.

Secondly, we can prove that the late Queen, Elizabeth II, vacated the English Throne and the Christian Crown within three days of her Coronation; we can prove that she continued to receive the traditional 60/40 split from the Pope; we can prove that she was ineligible to serve as the British Monarch; we can observe that various Satanic and Black Magic Rituals were on display at the London Olympics and the Commonwealth Games; we can prove that her consort received $950 Trillion in Life Force Value Annuities three days before he retired from Public Life-- via Roman Catholic Church officers in Canada; we can prove that their Son, King Charles, was crowned as His Imperial Majesty -- a Roman Emperor, not a King of England and not a King of Britain, either one.

We can also prove that Pope Francis could not inherit the dissolved Office of the Roman Pontiff, that he did not accept and did not officially receive the sacred ministerial office from Pope Benedict XVI, which leaves the loyal Jesuit only one other role to play: the Prince of the Air, the King of Terror.

These are the things we can prove at this point and we can continue to observe like hawks for the rest.

If, indeed, a coalition of 800 Generals tried and true exists, then the stand-off at our Southern Border will evaporate in a couple days.

Joe Biden, or, alternatively, the Actor playing Joe Biden, will have another brain fart and realize that he doesn't have a leg, legally or lawfully --- and certainly not contractually --- to stand on. The so-called Federal forces will be withdrawn.

If, on the other hand, we are being sold another Bag of Hooey, there will be a concentrated hellfire situation, where scads of innocent people in 27 States will be killed by the Satanists, regardless of race, color, creed, or any other factor.

It makes sense that Pope Benedict XVI would be privy to their plans and that he would give a final warning to faithful Catholics in the targeted areas, because unlike his Successors, Benedict XVI retained a real world appreciation for who filled the collection plates.

And now, a word for the bankers involved in all of this. None of this rot could have occurred without you and your complicity. People could not have been impersonated and denigrated like this. Their assets and their property couldn't have been purloined like this. Their relatively honest monetary system couldn't have been hijacked and replaced with a Babylonian debt system. None of these wars could have been fought without you. Mortgages couldn't have been foisted off on people who never owed them. Taxes couldn't have been enforced on people who didn't owe them, either. All these evils come back to you as the priest caste of the Temple of Satan housed in the Inner City of London.

We've seen what you do at the Bohemian Grove and elsewhere.

If what Pascal is telling us is true (see link below) and I trust that he believes it, then all the Maritime Commercial Banks will go down and be replaced by land jurisdiction commercial banks; the courts will begin operating and producing justice again, the bogus debts will be erased; there will be an actual monetary system again, with currencies all backed by actual assets. Wars for profit will cease. Our Honorable Military will be returned and never hired out as mercenaries again. The slaves will be released and everyone will regain their senses, realizing that there are no second or third class people in existence.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 29th 2024



Viral #NormanRockwell #AI art reveals #debauchery in #Biden’s #FallenAmerica like you’ve never seen before…



Update on the Vatican Trip
By Anna Von Reitz

Our trip to the Vatican has indeed been delayed. It is, nonetheless, going forward -- though, as it turns out, it is not strictly speaking, necessary.

We are not the only people on the planet who have had issues with the administration of the Air Jurisdiction, so the original plan was that we would all go together to Vatican City and spend the day finalizing all our paperwork with the Pope.

He is, indeed, willing to liquidate the offending corporations and take other requested actions, a process that only requires his signature approval.

Then, one of our group members had trouble getting a passport, the Pope was ill for two weeks and is suffering from a chronic life-threatening disease (unspecified) and, as we found out, he has only one lung -- the result of surgery when he was a young man. This makes him far more vulnerable to respiratory illness than you might suppose and dictated that he not be in public and not be dealing with a lot of people.

We were therefore told that we had to select a maximum of three members from our overall delegation of several groups to represent each group, instead of all of us meeting with the Pope. That was not a problem for us, as we had a relatively small number of people planning to go, but nonetheless it took over a month of deliberation by the other groups.

This is occurring in an atmosphere in which some entire countries are considering changing their names in honor of the old system ending.

Frustrated that we could not proceed as planned, we requested to present our claims as individual articles to the Vatican Chancery Court instead of as a list to be signed, and that was easily done.

So, I sat down and wrote the over 450 pages of The Mamberti Papers which have been published and compiled, and as I did, they were published on my website and emailed directly to the Principals and other Interested Parties, which means that the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the British Monarch, the Vatican Chancery Court, the International Court of Justice, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the US ARMY Corps Command, the Government of the Philippines (which is still our Trustee in some matters), the Secretary General of the United Nations, heads of other governments, and numerous journalists as well as the entire readership of my blog, were copied as each article came out.

The Vatican Chancery Court has been able to consider each claim as it was made and to engage the Pope's support for their decisions, and he has indeed reviewed and agreed with them, so that the signatures required have been obtained one by one and with far greater understanding of the issues, over a period of time.

As each article has appeared and the requested action has been considered and as each action has been taken, we have been gratified to see the changes, but appalled, too.

As each of these corporations have been gutted and their Executive Officers arrested, an element of chaos has ensued as word of these actions -- though suppressed in the mainstream media -- has unavoidably trickled out. The arrest of Pfizer's CEO a couple weeks ago made international news, but not a word here in this country.

In terms of creating a major reform, I have been compared to Martin Luther; though it was never my desire or intention to attack the Church as a religious institution, the revelation of its power and responsibility in the secular world has had a profound impact on the internal as well as external management of the Church in an incredibly short period of time.

You may have noticed that there is a note of desperation and chaos, a sort of "live, drink, and be merry" attitude on the part of numerous government agencies, as they are being defunded and taken down.

Some of these agencies, like FEMA, have turned to crime and debauchery as part of their Last Hurrah--- as we have seen on Maui, with the use of DEW weapons and 2400 missing children, presumed to have been sold to adrenochrome factories. And the $1000 per night hotel suites housing hundreds of "government employees" -- aka, hired FEMA Agency Mercenaries, who mysteriously showed up in Hawaii 2-3 days before there was any emergency.

The arrest of senior FEMA officers last week and continuing investigations and firefights between the Agency Personnel (mainly Blackrock) and Marines have continued. The Blackrock mercenaries are well-funded and making more money for themselves through criminal activities, such as the sale of children for drug and organ extraction, and adults for organ extraction and sex trades.

All these corporations are being dismembered, and their CEO's are being arrested, but as you can see, severing the head of the snake does not necessarily mean its immediate death. It continues to thrash around and cause havoc---kinda like Joe Biden.

The evil ideas and practices linger because the people involved either: (1) can't imagine any other way to do things, or (2) don't consciously know that what they are doing is wrong.

This latter condition is especially unnerving and common among pedophiles. We often find that they were abused from a young age and survived, so that they consider sex with prepubescent children to be normal.

Anyway, I don't want you to think that because we haven't physically sent a delegation to Rome for face-to-face meetings that nothing has happened. In the modern age, such meetings are diplomatic in nature and though obtaining the Pope's direct signature in front of witnesses was the object of the trip, his signature has been obtained with the Witness of the entire Vatican Chancery Court.

Right now, we are compiling a very long list of criminal patents that have been identified at the Patent Office, and are in the process of presenting them in addition to The Mamberti Papers, specifically requesting that these patents be revoked and that the British managers of the US Patent and Trademark Office be replaced by our people.

It is clear that the monsters have been dreaming up criminal schemes and products -- and patenting these so as to enjoy the profits.

More than 15,000 such patents have been identified so far.

Your donation has been supporting all the work and research it has taken to bring forward the published claims and do the patent research in addition to our original plan.

I spoke with members of the other delegations this past week and they are similarly holding off travel to Rome right now in anticipation of increasing civil unrest and because they are, similar to me and our team, cleaning up their patent offices and submitting long lists of criminal patents for revocation.

By revoking the patents we deny the criminal syndicates their profits and their turf.

So whether our intention to physically go to Rome has thus far materialized, or not, I feel very satisfied that the objectives of our visit have already been accomplished--- and better accomplished than if we had been able to immediately pursue our original course.

We still hope to go to Rome and to meet with the Pope, if only to thank him for his efforts to clean up not only these matters, but the misconduct of the Bar Associations, which he undertook himself without any prompting.

As with so many other instances in my life, I have learned to accept "editing". I have already told everyone who will listen that Jeremiah is my favorite prophet, but have not gone into any great explanation of why.

I love Jeremiah because he was pressed into service at a very young age and was an unlikely candidate to be a prophet.

I love Jeremiah because he endured so much personal loss and was befriended by so many unlikely people.

I love him perhaps most of all, because he endured everything in faith, and because he humbly admitted that we don't know our next step in this life.

Not even a single step, much less all the steps it takes to go to Rome.

Like Jeremiah, I have been pressed into service in spite of my age. Like him, I have raised my voice in a time of corruption and danger. And like him, I haven't been able to take a single step of my own. I am constantly being redirected by circumstances beyond my control.

In this case, my "failure" thus far to go to Rome as anticipated has resulted in both the desired actions, and in the compilation and distribution of formal and specific claims worldwide. This is a better outcome than our original plan embraced and has resulted in a far greater and wider understanding of the issues and evils with which we contend.

So who am I, or you, to complain? We aren't in control of what happens, just as Jeremiah observed thousands of years ago.

As for questions about donations and lack of thanks and recognition for donors:

Donations made to go to Paul Stramer to pay him for his endless hours of work and to support the equipment and fees necessary to keep that whole system running. I never see a dime of it unless Paul has largesse and decides to send some on, or someone specifically says that "this donation is for Anna".

Donations to the TASA website go to support TASA and its work; similar to Paul, they share out as they can above expenses, sacrifice when there is special need, and pass on donations specifically earmarked to me.

As far as I know, those are the only two websites and "buttons" that collect donations for me, so, I would need to know which one you used in order to backtrack it, and to know how much, if any, I received from it.

As for receiving a Thank You from me, that is one of the great banes of my life, that I am literally unable to send thank you notes to everyone.

So, I early on adopted a practice of putting all the names and addresses in a "hat", and drawing names at random each week, regardless of whether you donated $5000 or $5. I usually have about two hours on Sunday afternoons that I can devote to writing thank you notes and it is a pleasure, not a duty to me.

Many thanks to my Thank You Note Helpers who keep me supplied with notes and stamps and assist me in this. We toyed with the idea of having volunteers send thank you notes "for" me, but no, that would be fake. My donors deserve actual notice and honest thanks.

Except for instances where I have had business to discuss in addition to donations, that is how everyone gets a personal thank you from me. When people ask for email confirmations I always bend over sideways to make sure they get one. And given the circumstances of my life and the amount of work I have on my desk, that's the best I can do.

Last night, I had a man from San Antonio call me just as I was getting into bed, and proceed to argue the fine points of language used in the Internal Revenue Code, a subject that is irrelevant for the bulk of Americans who, like him, receive no "Federal Income".

Half an hour later, he was still off-track and trying to hair-split the possible meanings of "of" and other calls were still coming in.

This is, regrettably, typical for my day, up before six and down around midnight or one o'clock, because I am one of the very few pundits who actually publishes my phone number and email and who tries to answer and to help people.

What I find is that most people haven't bothered to read the books I have provided--- literally provided. The book intended to be a primer, "You Know Something is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause", is under a very liberal copyright, allowing people and entire organizations to use it for educational purposes so long as they don't tamper with the content or take quotes from it out of context.

I made it available for direct download as a pdf so that people all over the world and even people who are extremely poor can read it and download it and share it. Printing it off or buying an actual book through Amazon is recommended because we don't know when the internet may fail, but I didn't do all this to make money.

I did this to educate people, to wake them up, and to press for reform of the most obvious evils of this system.

To date, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has taken all receipts from the publication of my books for years. I haven't received a penny from their sale on Amazon.

So all this nonsense that "it's too expensive" and whining and crying and accusations that I am making all this money from my books and that I am pushing people to buy books to profit myself is just more slanderous blather.

I am pushing people to read my books, so that they are not ignorant and defenseless.

And despite all this effort on my part, I find that most of those who call me haven't bothered to read "You Know Something is Wrong When" and those spreading slander about me haven't read that, nor have they read my first book, "Disclosure 101" which explains the Vatican connection to all of it, and those banging on my door about money issues haven't read "Blood Money" and haven't read my articles, either.

So, who, exactly, is "not performing" here?

It's always easier to blame others than it is to accept responsibility for ourselves, yet accepting responsibility is precisely what I ask people to do and what I do every day. Just scoop up all those big piles of useless blame that some people insist on producing, like mucking out a cow barn, and carry on, doing your best with what you have to deal with, each and every day.


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:


4 Children were rescued from unsanitary living conditions at a public housing apartment complex in Boston

Four children were rescued from terrible living conditions at a public housing apartment in South Boston. According to Breitbart, officers from the Boston Fire Department (BFD) and the Boston Police Department (BPD) responded to a distress call at the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing complex on the morning of June 17. While the officers were initially […]