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🧑‍🌾 Booze or Big Ag: What’s Behind Iowa’s Cancer Crisis?

“What needs to be looked at are things that are probable or possible carcinogens that have increased beginning about 1990, because of the well-recognized latency of environmental cancers." — James Merchant


A new report blaming Iowa's alarming cancer rates on alcohol consumption drew from experts who argue that the state's “unrivaled” use of pesticides, fertilizers and animal manure in its massive agricultural industry is the more likely culprit.


Steven Ahle
Steven Ahle
September 11, 2023
Everyone Is Defying Gov Grisham On Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban.

NM Gov Grisham must feel like the painter who started on the outside of a room and ended up stranded in the middle till the paint dries. She does not have a single person defending her unconstitutional power grab. She is no stranger to corruption. After she locked down the state she had a jewelry store open just for her and later was caught using state money to buy her groceries and booze. The voters in New Mexico must be real nimrods.

Gun owners took to the streets to express their displeasure with the gun ban. Many of them came armed, but they had no fear because the Albuquerque police and the DA had already stated that they would not enforce any policy that defies the Constitution. She even went as far as stating that the oath of office she took to uphold the Constitution does not bind her to actually do what she swore she would do.

On Sunday afternoon, dozens of gun rights activists gathered in Old Town Albuquerque to bash Grisham and call for her resignation from office. Let’s face it. Anyone who steals your tax dollars to pay for her food and booze is not likely to worry about defying the US and New Mexico Constitutions. She believes she is the law unto herself and there is nothing the peons can do about it. many people are now saying that she does not have the brains God gave to a pissy ant. I disagree. That is exactly what I think she has.

From The Blaze

Protesters proudly displayed American, Gadsden, and “Come and Take It” flags. A man was holding a sign addressed to Grisham that read: “Our founding fathers warned us about you.” A woman was holding a sign that stated: “Gun rights are women’s rights.”

A woman identifying as an indigenous person told the crowd, “The law doesn’t protect us!”


The BAR Code and the Beast
By Anna Von Reitz

We have grown up with Bar Codes attached to everything. Even fruits and vegetables have tiny little stick-on labels and on those stick-on labels we see what? Bar Codes.

We assume that they are called Bar Codes because they appear to be a series of lines, or in the common parlance, bars, that create an optical code that computers recognize as a particular thing --- Land O Lakes Butter, Old Hickory Smoked Turkey, Pall Mall Cigarettes.... and so on and on.

Whatever you buy -- at least in the world of commerce --- has a Bar Code which helps businesses automate sales transactions and track inventories, which is why so many businesses use Bar Codes. It also helps BATF track sales of controlled substances.

And when you use a credit or debit card to make purchases, this system tracks that purchase straight back to you, which means that Bar Codes combined with Bank Cards are part of a covert surveillance system that tracks all your buying choices and activities.

This is not surveillance on a generalized basis. This is specific surveillance of you and what brands you choose and what you spend money on individually.

Don't you consider that an invasion of privacy?

By tracking your purchases Big Brother can refine their marketing and pitch their products to you more effectively. By tracking your purchases Big Brother can access your preferences in entertainment, booze, underwear, anything at all. And they can use this information to infer things about you. Did you buy a pregnancy test? An eczema cream?

The Bar Codes are issued by a corporation that is directly affiliated with another corporation that is owned and operated by the British Crown, so now we see another meaning of "Bar Code".

It's not just a friendly, helpful convenience greasing the wheels of commerce. It's an insidious means for the Bar Association Handlers to keep track and monitor absolutely everything you spend money on.

So how does this all lead into "the Mark of the Beast" --- well, BEAST is an abbreviation for a Belgian-based computer system that attempts to define and catalogue and track every possible resource on Earth, for the purpose of monitoring and controlling everything.

Under the BEAST system, the old credit card system is replaced by a permanent RFID chip. The chip would be implanted at birth and used to track an individual throughout their life -- just like a cow is currently tracked and traded --- and would also be the means by which that individual could buy and sell: they simply wave their hand over a scanner and the sale is either approved or disapproved.

And you would be controlled and told, yes, you are authorized to buy 25 feet of half inch rope, or no, you are not authorized to buy this item.

Most of us would rather die right now rather than be subjected to such a system, but you see, they don't just smack you in the face with the reality of what they are proposing. Instead, they introduce these "programs" --- as in "computer programs" --- slowly, bit by bit.

They introduced the Bar Codes and Credit Cards decades ago. You are used to these tools and not afraid of them. You have, in the parlance of commerce, "accepted" them. Having accepted that much, the Perpetrators believe that you will just go along with having RFID chips inserted in your flesh. After all, it's just a little pin prick.

And if they do it to us while we are babies, we won't even remember that it was done.

We will all be enslaved and surveilled and monitored and "disciplined" according to the whims of the madmen and crazy women who fancy themselves to be on the side of "Lucifer"--- the by-definition "Anti-Christ".

Or so they have planned.

Let's look a little deeper. Christ is supposed to personify the risen Yeshuah. Lucifer is supposed to personify the risen Satan. Christ is physically associated with the energy of the spinal fluid and Lucifer is associated with the death of our pituitary gland. Fluoride just happens to calcify and kill our pituitary gland.

How very interesting.

And where do we see the first large-scale addition to Fluoride to municipal drinking water? Nazi Germany. But where and when was it first tested for "efficacy"? In The United States, by the Wellcome pharmaceutical laboratories, again.

It all goes back to the triumvirate of Lord Pirbright-Cecil Rhodes-Henry Wellcome, the same people who brought us concentration camps, non-consensual medical experimentation, and biowarfare brought us fluoridation of our drinking water.

While this practice is touted as preventing tooth decay, it also disrupts the adrenal system of the victims, calcifies our pituitary gland, inhibits absorption of nutrients, and most glaringly, is a known neurotoxin.

But, but, but, you are sputtering, our government wouldn't do that to us!

No, your government wouldn't and hasn't and doesn't, but what you are dealing with are Subcontractors of Subcontractors of Subcontractors of your government.

The people dumping Fluoride into your drinking water are, for the most part, clueless as posts in a fence --- and serving the same function.

It's up to you to take the reins and join your State Assembly and see to it that this nightmare of ignorance and planned lack of accountability ends.

Go to:

Choose the issues and the functions where you can contribute the most toward saving your country and your own freedom.


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


🧑‍🌾 Booze or Big Ag: What’s Behind Iowa’s Cancer Crisis?

“What needs to be looked at are things that are probable or possible carcinogens that have increased beginning about 1990, because of the well-recognized latency of environmental cancers." — James Merchant


A new report blaming Iowa's alarming cancer rates on alcohol consumption drew from experts who argue that the state's “unrivaled” use of pesticides, fertilizers and animal manure in its massive agricultural industry is the more likely culprit.


Steven Ahle
Steven Ahle
September 11, 2023
Everyone Is Defying Gov Grisham On Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban.

NM Gov Grisham must feel like the painter who started on the outside of a room and ended up stranded in the middle till the paint dries. She does not have a single person defending her unconstitutional power grab. She is no stranger to corruption. After she locked down the state she had a jewelry store open just for her and later was caught using state money to buy her groceries and booze. The voters in New Mexico must be real nimrods.

Gun owners took to the streets to express their displeasure with the gun ban. Many of them came armed, but they had no fear because the Albuquerque police and the DA had already stated that they would not enforce any policy that defies the Constitution. She even went as far as stating that the oath of office she took to uphold the Constitution does not bind her to actually do what she swore she would do.

On Sunday afternoon, dozens of gun rights activists gathered in Old Town Albuquerque to bash Grisham and call for her resignation from office. Let’s face it. Anyone who steals your tax dollars to pay for her food and booze is not likely to worry about defying the US and New Mexico Constitutions. She believes she is the law unto herself and there is nothing the peons can do about it. many people are now saying that she does not have the brains God gave to a pissy ant. I disagree. That is exactly what I think she has.

From The Blaze

Protesters proudly displayed American, Gadsden, and “Come and Take It” flags. A man was holding a sign addressed to Grisham that read: “Our founding fathers warned us about you.” A woman was holding a sign that stated: “Gun rights are women’s rights.”

A woman identifying as an indigenous person told the crowd, “The law doesn’t protect us!”


The BAR Code and the Beast
By Anna Von Reitz

We have grown up with Bar Codes attached to everything. Even fruits and vegetables have tiny little stick-on labels and on those stick-on labels we see what? Bar Codes.

We assume that they are called Bar Codes because they appear to be a series of lines, or in the common parlance, bars, that create an optical code that computers recognize as a particular thing --- Land O Lakes Butter, Old Hickory Smoked Turkey, Pall Mall Cigarettes.... and so on and on.

Whatever you buy -- at least in the world of commerce --- has a Bar Code which helps businesses automate sales transactions and track inventories, which is why so many businesses use Bar Codes. It also helps BATF track sales of controlled substances.

And when you use a credit or debit card to make purchases, this system tracks that purchase straight back to you, which means that Bar Codes combined with Bank Cards are part of a covert surveillance system that tracks all your buying choices and activities.

This is not surveillance on a generalized basis. This is specific surveillance of you and what brands you choose and what you spend money on individually.

Don't you consider that an invasion of privacy?

By tracking your purchases Big Brother can refine their marketing and pitch their products to you more effectively. By tracking your purchases Big Brother can access your preferences in entertainment, booze, underwear, anything at all. And they can use this information to infer things about you. Did you buy a pregnancy test? An eczema cream?

The Bar Codes are issued by a corporation that is directly affiliated with another corporation that is owned and operated by the British Crown, so now we see another meaning of "Bar Code".

It's not just a friendly, helpful convenience greasing the wheels of commerce. It's an insidious means for the Bar Association Handlers to keep track and monitor absolutely everything you spend money on.

So how does this all lead into "the Mark of the Beast" --- well, BEAST is an abbreviation for a Belgian-based computer system that attempts to define and catalogue and track every possible resource on Earth, for the purpose of monitoring and controlling everything.

Under the BEAST system, the old credit card system is replaced by a permanent RFID chip. The chip would be implanted at birth and used to track an individual throughout their life -- just like a cow is currently tracked and traded --- and would also be the means by which that individual could buy and sell: they simply wave their hand over a scanner and the sale is either approved or disapproved.

And you would be controlled and told, yes, you are authorized to buy 25 feet of half inch rope, or no, you are not authorized to buy this item.

Most of us would rather die right now rather than be subjected to such a system, but you see, they don't just smack you in the face with the reality of what they are proposing. Instead, they introduce these "programs" --- as in "computer programs" --- slowly, bit by bit.

They introduced the Bar Codes and Credit Cards decades ago. You are used to these tools and not afraid of them. You have, in the parlance of commerce, "accepted" them. Having accepted that much, the Perpetrators believe that you will just go along with having RFID chips inserted in your flesh. After all, it's just a little pin prick.

And if they do it to us while we are babies, we won't even remember that it was done.

We will all be enslaved and surveilled and monitored and "disciplined" according to the whims of the madmen and crazy women who fancy themselves to be on the side of "Lucifer"--- the by-definition "Anti-Christ".

Or so they have planned.

Let's look a little deeper. Christ is supposed to personify the risen Yeshuah. Lucifer is supposed to personify the risen Satan. Christ is physically associated with the energy of the spinal fluid and Lucifer is associated with the death of our pituitary gland. Fluoride just happens to calcify and kill our pituitary gland.

How very interesting.

And where do we see the first large-scale addition to Fluoride to municipal drinking water? Nazi Germany. But where and when was it first tested for "efficacy"? In The United States, by the Wellcome pharmaceutical laboratories, again.

It all goes back to the triumvirate of Lord Pirbright-Cecil Rhodes-Henry Wellcome, the same people who brought us concentration camps, non-consensual medical experimentation, and biowarfare brought us fluoridation of our drinking water.

While this practice is touted as preventing tooth decay, it also disrupts the adrenal system of the victims, calcifies our pituitary gland, inhibits absorption of nutrients, and most glaringly, is a known neurotoxin.

But, but, but, you are sputtering, our government wouldn't do that to us!

No, your government wouldn't and hasn't and doesn't, but what you are dealing with are Subcontractors of Subcontractors of Subcontractors of your government.

The people dumping Fluoride into your drinking water are, for the most part, clueless as posts in a fence --- and serving the same function.

It's up to you to take the reins and join your State Assembly and see to it that this nightmare of ignorance and planned lack of accountability ends.

Go to:

Choose the issues and the functions where you can contribute the most toward saving your country and your own freedom.


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:


In a cashless society, would churches no longer have collection plates? How would I pay the babysitter or the neighbor kid to mow the lawn? What about yard sales? And cash tips for workers in food services? What about kids wanting to buy candy or ice cream after school? No more coins to play Arcade Games? Are we expected to trust our kids with their own credit cards which they could lose or abuse? And, OMG! Will there no longer be Piggy Banks? What about Christmas tips for your postman and other service people? Or The Salvation Army Christmas Bell-Ringers? What about Farmers Markets and Crafts Fairs? And will nobody have a secret stash of cash “in case of emergency” under the mattress, in a sock or under a floorboard any more? And how about Birthday Cards with cash from Granny? And weed dealers? Will they accept plastic? And how will panhandlers or the homeless survive? What about all the people who can’t afford $100 to open a bank account, or just don’t want or need one?

Going cashless discriminates against poor people, in so many ways. I think it sends a heartless message to the downtrodden. Basically those pushing digital cash are hoping to do away with people who do not have a bank account. They are waging war on the less fortunate, making it close to impossible for them to survive. Is that not, perhaps, “malicious intent”?

In many instances cash is quicker, cheaper (no bank fees) and anonymous. I just read that the government of some country in the EU will be investigating any purchases over a hundred Euros, FFS!

A friend just got a notice from her bank saying they’d be changing their policies. From now on, they can refuse to pay a charge if they feel the seller was “engaged in illicit activities”! They could stop ANY payment to just about ANYONE with THAT excuse!

Do we really want the government monitoring our every move and deciding if an expense is “valid”? Valid according to whom?

Remember the Canadian Trucker Convoy? People had their bank accounts FROZEN because they made a donation or BOUGHT A TEESHIRT!

I saw a video of someone paying for gas with a CHIP EMBEDDED ON THE BACK OF HIS HAND! And he was CHUFFED about it! We’ve gone so wrong!

Is that not the “Mark of the Beast”? I’m no Biblical scholar, but it seems like it to me!

They want to have it all together in one place, all the easier for surveillance purposes. They want to embed the chips in everyone, so they can monitor our every movement, have our j@b status on there, our medical history, any prescriptions, our age, weight, our bodily temperature — who knows what else?

If the psychopaths get their way, every human on earth will be entered into a database where constant monitoring will be the norm! From there they could monitor everything we buy and consume - including our junk food, cigarette or alcohol consumption, and they would be able to stop payment on any item they deemed harmful or unnecessary for one’s survival!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating for consuming massive quantities of things that are bad for you. But just like with the j@bs, I want to be able to MAKE MY OWN CHOICE! Isn’t that what “FREEDOM” is all about?

And here’s another thing to consider. When they outlawed booze. What happened? Did people stop drinking? Oh, HELL no! Prohibition created a whole new, very lucrative Black Market industry. Same with abortions. Women didn’t stop getting them! They just found doctors who would perform them, legal or not.

And so it will go if they outlaw cash. It will still be around, for those illicit purchases, but the banks and the governments won’t see a penny of that money. Instead, law enforcement officers (paid with taxpayer funds) would have to be hired to try to apprehend the new class of “cash criminals”.

The government wants digital cash so they can collect taxes from every fiscally strapped one of us. I’m sure the wealthy will still be able to avoid paying THEIR fair share, but us poor shlubs who get paid under the table or earn very little, will be hunted down and taxed way more than we can afford.

Why do you think they hired 87,000 more IRS workers? You didn’t think they were going to go after Musk and Bezos, did you?

And one other thing - does EVERYTHING we do HAVE to involve plastic? Can’t we at least be developing HEMP plastic?

Nowhere good, I guarantee. That’s why we need to nip this power grab in the bud. We cannot afford to lose this one!

Cashless is so wrong in so many ways!



Update: U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen rules out a bailout of collapsed Silicon Valley Bank.

Silicon Valley Bank is yet another example of corruption in the banking sector. I’ve read that SVB is the second largest banking failure in US history.

A woke and ‘green’ bank, SVB was devoted to ‘DIE,’ or Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity.

Maybe the latter in particular contributed to their collapse, but before it did go bust executives running the sorry show made sure they cashed out of their stock and rewarded all the top executives with generous bonuses. The taxpayers will pick up the rest of the tab via FDIC insurance.

A lot about this bank collapse sounds familiar. Jim Cramer recommended the stock ahead of its demise—just like he did with Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. Of course, Cramer should be put on the ignore list after he pounded the table and insisted on forced Covid vaccinations for everyone in America. The man sided with tyranny. Don’t side with him—ever again.

Then there is the billionaire class that always seems to come out on top. Peter Thiel’s fund withdrew most of its money out of SVB just in time. Perhaps Thiel possessed better inside information due to his Palantir ball or something, or it could be that he is smart and always knows when it’s time to ‘get out.’ My point is the insiders always have the advantage. Regular investors become bag holders.

We need a criminal investigation into SVC, but most likely they will be bailed out before the collapse of more financial institutions is triggered. We know Wells Fargo has problems, almost on a continuous basis. Apparently, deposits were disappearing and many customers complained of incorrect balances. WF is a criminal organization that has already paid large fines in the past—just like Pfizer.

I’m hardly one to dispense financial advice, but be careful with banks—especially the large ones. I once went ‘all in’ on silver and I was convinced that I would make a fortune. Instead, JPM crushed silver through illegal shorting and manipulation. They paid a fine, but the damage was done. Starting on May 1, 2011, their traders illegally colluded and shorted silver—and in a year or two the shiny metal collapsed down to $13. It forced me to realize just how much power and influence the big banks possessed. The average Joe stands no chance against them. That’s why I would not keep an inordinate amount of money in any bank—especially during these unstable times. One could wake up and find their banks declaring bankruptcy and their money gone.

The ultimate blame belongs to the Federal Reserve. It was set up with the promise of ending booms and busts. Instead, they intentionally brought about continuous booms and busts. The Roaring 20s and easy credit. Then the Great Depression was made longer by FDR’s bad policies that benefited big banks who wanted to buy up infrastructure for pennies on the dollar. Then we had the post-WWII boom, the inflation bubble caused by the Vietnam War, and LBJ’s ‘Great Society’ spending. We experienced very high-interest rates under Jimmy Carter. Fed Chairman Paul Volcker stepped in and raised them to ridiculous highs in order to counter inflation as well as crush the gold and silver ‘bubble.’ Then we got the housing bubble, the Internet bubble, the post-9-11 stock market crash, and the 2008 bank crash due to their criminal manipulation of housing derivatives. After that, we got the ‘everything bubble,’ which may be crashing right now. Will SVB trigger more failure? Maybe not right away, but the dollar is fundamentally flawed and it won’t take much for another Great Depression. Perhaps the BRICS countries will trigger it. Or maybe WWIII.

We live in perilous times. We could see some ’titanic’ economic destruction. I still favor “real money:” gold and silver, but it wouldn’t hurt to stock up on storable food, ammo, and easily-traded items such as packs of cigarettes, toilet paper, medicine, and/or small bottles of booze.

— Ben Garrison