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The Treaty of Utrecht, Bar Association, Global Warming, Pandemic and Bank Frauds

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

When we go back and search for a point source for all this burgeoning corporate crime, all roads lead back to the Treaties of Utrecht, and specifically to the British Queen Anne and the arrangement that the Utrecht Treaty series created during her reign at the start of the 1700s.

These treaty provisions ultimately led to the merger of the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, provided for the British Monarch to directly profit from all commercial activities, and made the entirety of all commercial endeavors subject to the Pope in his long-held role as Roman Pontiff and Secular Leader of the then-Holy Roman Empire, and now as the Principal subcontracting with the City of Rome Municipal Corporation apparatus.

In practical terms worked out over the last two centuries, the British Crown and their affiliates in other European countries gave a percentage of profits to the Monarch, the Monarch gave 60% of these receipts to the Pontiff, and the Pontiff administered the whole system via comptroller corporations using interlocking trust directorates and a unique bilateral legal system that allows for commerce to occur both on the sea and in the air jurisdiction.

The Office of the Pontiff and later the Institutes of the Economy became the direct recipients in the 1920's and from then on paid the British Crown their 40% of the take through an international network of banks that siphoned receipts from the clearinghouse operations and other registration, securitization, and entitlement platforms that fed physical assets into an off-ledger bank asset system and credit derived from the physical assets into a separate on-ledger converted bank asset ledger and derivative escrow account system.

The British Crown then also provided kickbacks to Canadian and British Territorials (Tories) operating in The United States.

At each step, the living man was defrauded and deprived of his assets, stripped of his rights, impersonated, coerced, and controlled.

The colluding banks that helped create and implement this complex, multi-generational fraud scheme are also criminal asset-stripping organizations by definition.

The most venerable among these banks, the Bank of England, Bank of Scotland, Bank of America all certainly knew and participated in these phony commercial "wars" for profit and profited from the asset-stripping, bookkeeping, accounting and impersonation fraud schemes at an executive level.

Later comers like Chase and JP Morgan, the foreign private banks operating "as" the Federal Reserve, and later, as the Federal Reserve System, the so-called investment bank-securities launderers like Wells Fargo and Goldman-Sachs, all knew their corner of the fraud scheme, while the European members of the Octagon Group, USB, Bank of Switzerland, Deutsche Bank and affiliates handled the escrow and derivative account overflow.

All these banks have been connected in one monolithic, idolatrous, interlocking trust directorate and have been set up in an interdependent manner so that if one falls, they all fall.

This entire criminal scheme has created a monolithic currency based commercial bank system operated entirely on commercial paper instruments: notes, certificates, coupons, stocks, bonds, checks, dividends, debentures, etc, with all the underlying physical assets being hidden in off-ledger accounts, and the "surplus credit" generated by the "reserve fractional banking system" being hidden in undisclosed escrow accounts, laundered through investment and derivative accounts, and all being traded on private trading platforms.

This is how we wound up with the famous "60/40 Split" of the profits, this is how we have Municipal Corporations in charge of Commercial Corporations, this is how we have private insurance for public entities, this is how the bottomry bonds scandal paid off for the British Monarchy, and this is how the regulation of interstate commerce was parlayed into an control mechanism used to usurp upon the lawful governments of the living people. This is how we ended up with quintillions in purported debt, missing seigniorage from all of this, crooked bookkeeping systems hiding all the credit and physical assets and escrow accounts owed to the living people, Executors de Son Tort managing all our assets "for" us, and the biggest Confidence Racket in human history bulging at the seams with profit, but still poor-mouthing and trying to justify more Draconian taxes to be extracted under color of law from the actual owners of it all.

The one man who makes the most money off the entire system, the Pope, is the one responsible under Ecclesiastical Law for bringing an end to this nightmare in which fictions have been allowed to prey upon the living people, and an end to the criminality which The Treaty of Utrecht series has fostered.

Recent meddling and attempts to redefine the Offices of the Pope are simply attempts to avoid responsibility for this mess. It reminds us of a man sewing a feather on his cap and trying to pretend it's a new cap. We hold the Principals responsible for what they've done and failed to do.

It is time to recognize that the Bar Associations, registered as theater and entertainment companies, have been key components used to implement this worldwide fraud scheme. As all big confidence rackets require theatrical components and play acting and illusions, it does not take much examination to determine that the Bar Associations have been providing the illusion, or as they put it in their Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, "the appearance of Justice" in what also appear to be courtrooms -- but are in fact stages for the Bar's theatrical productions, used for the purpose of commercial debt collection.

People are less violent when deluded by the appearance of justice, just as rape disguised as a medical procedure is more socially acceptable.

When tracing the history of the Bar Associations and their members, we found that they first appeared in Rome in the 2nd Century BC, acting as both priests of Cybele and tax collectors for Caesar. These characters wore black robes and white wigs, a practice still in evidence in Britain.

Cybele is the Asia Minor name for the ancient goddess otherwise known as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Semiramis, Isis, Sybil (Greek) and, tellingly, Columbia, as in District of Columbia, and whose rites are still celebrated by the Temple in the Inner City of London, and the various Grand Lodges of the Freemasons, and as idolized by the so-called "Statue of Liberty" gifted to the clueless Americans by the Grand Lodge of Paris.

In view of their role in deceiving the entire world and serving as the Causative Agents of so much theft, graft, murder and chicanery, we wish for the Bar Associations to be outlawed and de-legalized, and for all property interests -- meaning intellectual property interests as well -- belonging to the Bar Associations and their Members to be forfeit in the Public Interest as property belonging to a government-affiliated Crime Syndicate.

The Bar Members have been instrumental in promoting worldwide fraud and confiscation of property under color of law for centuries; they deserve no mercy from the Public thus offended and abused.

We are now in the presence of two major fraud schemes and multiple lesser incursions promoted in self-interest by the same Municipal Corporations under the control of the same Principals.

The two current major fraud schemes are: the so-called Global Pandemic, and the various programs and actions predicated on the existence of Human-Caused Global Warming, both of which are pernicious commercial fraud schemes motivated by cost-avoidance and long term commercial interest in the case of the Global Pandemic, and tax profiteering in the matter of Human-Caused Global Warming.

The Global Pandemic involves the weaponization of the Common Cold Virus presented in the form of a pseudo-vaccine, which instead of dead virus used to trigger a mild immune response, delivers poisons and genetic code alterations, nanotechnology, and weaponized parasites.

This convenient redefinition of the meaning of the word "vaccine" is just another example of the criminality, dishonesty, and self-service common to these incorporated entities plaguing mankind.

We traced this action back to 1965 and patents self-evident in the records of the British Patent Office. From Britain this weaponization program passed to the University of North Carolina, Fort Detrick, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in The United States, where Dr. Anthony Fauci sought to evade a moratorium on biowarfare research by offshoring this weaponization program to Chinese business affiliates in Wuhan, China.

The so-called "Death Jab" touted as an approved product authorized for Emergency Use has instead been used to kill millions of elders, children, and young people. Both ends of the age spectrum suffer most. This has been planned to avoid end of life medical care costs, to collect insurance investments, and to promote a misogynist and delusional drive to reduce the human population.

The pseudo-vaccine has also been used to promote the development of cancer by crippling the Cancer Suppressor Gene, and to create numerous other profitable maladies which the commercial corporations involved in health care will exploit for profit for decades to come.

Last, but most tellingly, the pseudo-vaccines have been used to alter the human genome, by distributing a scrap of patented, genetically engineered Messenger Ribonucleic Acid, mRNA, that acts as a template to produce a foreign protein similar to snake venom. This neurotoxin is thus permanently introduced into the human body where it causes continuous harm.

This scrap of mRNA also provides the basis for ownership claims by the patent holders who assert that the victims of this scheme now belong to them as chattel property, and are now to be treated as Genetically Modified Organisms also known as "GMOs", as a result of having received this scrap of patented mRNA.

We note that the patent holders delivered this "gift" under conditions of deceit and coercion, and they deployed it under color of law and threat of death. It was a self-interested donation and most recipients didn't pay for it. Furthermore, there was no disclosure and considerable deceit involved in all aspects of this coercive "deployment" of a harmful commercial product against the Public Interest.

This entire circumstance is more proof of a long tendency of the British-operated US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to allow the issuance of criminal patents, allowing criminals to profit from crime and thereby encouraging, funding, and promoting more criminal activity and inventions used to harm the General Public, often on a worldwide basis.

We wish for the weaponized coronavirus to be recognized as a criminal implement and for all commercial profit and claims of ownership arising from it to be confiscated and delivered to the lawful government for the long term care of the people harmed and research aiming to block the ill-effects of these injections.

We wish for all ownership claims and unlawful conversion claims seeking to redefine living people as "persons" --meaning corporations-- and as Genetically Modified Organisms, to be disallowed.

We wish for SERCO, the organization that approved the patents facilitating and rewarding all this criminality, to be dissolved --- permanently liquidated for cause -- and for its responsibilities as Paymaster for the U.S. Military to be returned to a new Paymaster subject to our control and approval. We also wish for SERCO's role as Administrator over the United States Patent and Trademark Office to be returned to us and to our administration.

We wish for discipline of the corporations in general and discouragement of the self-centric viewpoint which has encouraged these corporations to undertake these vast criminal enterprises, a viewpoint which is foreign to the Ecclesiastical Law and antithetic to the Public Good, and even serves to undermine rational problem-solving within both public and private spheres of interest.

The promotion of Human-Caused Global Warming is a good example of the harm and irrationality that results from such institutionalized self-interest.

We know that a single volcano has historically released more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in a single week than mankind has contributed throughout the course of its existence.

We know that, on average, there are about two hundred active volcanoes spewing vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at any given time.

The amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes renders any portion contributed by mankind to be infinitesimally trivial.

Therefore, we conclude that Human-Caused Global Warming prompted by a build-up of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, caused by human activities, is more pure bunk and misplaced guilt-mongering.

What has in fact happened is that industrial pollution, ill-conceived water control projects, warfare, and similar activities engaged in by corporations and corporate governments have led to the overall degradation of the environment on a global scale, and those profiting from these activities don't want to pay for cleaning up their own mess.

These endlessly criminal corporations want the General Public to pay for the damage that they, the offending corporations, have caused, and their managers and Principals have been intent on finding a new excuse for additional taxation.

We wish for all talks, conventions, regulations, treaties and agreements based on these discredited and unscientific claims of Human-Caused Global Warming to be removed and for those engaged in promoting these false ideas and conveyances of guilt to desist from their activities.

Similarly, these corporations have learned to steer the Jet Stream to new courses in the upper Stratosphere and therefore cause rain and other specific weather phenomena such as violent storms, drought, floods, and so on. There have been endless violations of the ENMOD Treaties as a result, and nobody has identified the source of the problem in public, because it is against the commercial interests of the corporations responsible, that is, until the European Union finally started to speak up:

We call for the de-weaponization of all applications and forms of geoengineering as a starting point for international discussion of possible good uses of this technology--- and its regulation.

Similar malfeasance by unbridled corporate interests acting against the Public Good has resulted in the aerosol spraying of industrial wastes including incendiary metal Halide compounds, Barium, Strontium, and other components of Coal-Derived Fly Ash, a practice begun in the 1980's under additional self-interested and thoroughly politicized "scientific" theories.

The addition of similar poisonous industrial byproducts from the aluminum manufacturing process, Fluorine and Chlorine, to the drinking water that millions of people rely on, and the use of radioactive waste from the nuclear power industry to pack artillery shells that were exploded all over the Middle East, are other examples of this same abuse by corporations seeking to avoid the cost of their own environmental clean up, foisting their noxious waste byproducts off on the Public, while committing crimes against humanity and environmental crimes as well.

Via kickbacks disguised as grant programs and university endowments and professional advancements and bonuses, these out-of-control corporations use their influence to promote obvious self-interested lies, and use their unlawful regulation of our airwaves to promote propaganda supporting all this bunk.

In such a polluted information environment it is impossible for people to make good decisions or solve problems.

The entire population being ravaged by these venal corporations is put at a profound disadvantage because these corporations have gained surreptitious control of the functions of government via usurpation, taxation, misrepresentation, impersonation, and fraud in breach of trust.

We wish for these Legal Fictions to be liquidated or forfeited in the case of defense corporations and utilities, and for their personnel to be released and either sent home or placed under our new management as the case may be.

The finding that they have been engaged in unlawful activities is unavoidable and the harm to individuals and the General Public overall has been exhaustively demonstrated by nearly continuous Mercenary Conflicts misrepresented as Wars, commodity rigging schemes across all sectors, but especially credit and precious metals rigging, institutionalized insurance and securitization fraud schemes, unlawful and unconscionable conversions, securitizations, and registrations, false claims in commerce, pollution of the environments we live in, politicization of science, undisclosed profiteering and deprivation of rights under color of law, impersonation, desecration of marriage as a licensed Joint Venture partnership or commercial corporation merger, illegal and unlawful confiscation of assets, deliberate semantic deceit and misrepresentation, mortgage fraud, title fraud, bankruptcy fraud, public trust fraud, fraudulent hypothecation of debt, criminal tampering with the human genome to create internal production of neurotoxins and disable the Cancer Suppressor Gene and also used to promote ownership claims-- that is, enslavement, based on criminal patents and also to promote redefinition of the victims as Genetically Modified Organisms that are stripped of their Human Rights to say nothing of denying their Natural and Unalienable Rights, biological pollution using nanotech, hydrosols, graphene oxide, polyethylene glycol, etc., and deployment of biological parasites such as heartworms and genetically altered freshwater hydras, to cause inflammatory chronic diseases, blood clotting dysfunction, and myocarditis.

This is a short list compared to the examples already provided, but is in itself more than competent to establish the unlawful and illegal activities that these Municipal and Commercial Corporations have engaged in, promoted, and allowed.

We further find that these corporations have indulged in gross idolatry and misrepresentation via the practice of impersonation and undisclosed unlawful conversion, enfranchisement, and promotion of persons to substitute for the living men and women of this planet.

This realm of Satan, amounting to a kingdom of lies -- that is, fictions -- in our midst, must be overcome and undone as expeditiously as possible, and the offending Municipal and Commercial Corporations must be dealt with and punished under the same law and authority that has allowed them to exist. As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.

This summation of earlier topics draws together the information in context, so as to provide an integrated understanding of the evils under consideration and the way that they combine their operations for mutual benefit.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Robert Lea - See Jupiter's volcanic moon Io glow red-hot in incredible images from NASA's Juno probe:

#Juno #JunoCAM #JIRAM #Infrared #Io #Volcanoes #NASA #PlanetaryScience #Astronomy

The Juno mission was making its 51st flyby of the gas giant planet and its moons when it viewed the 'tortured moon' Io in stunning detail.

NASA-JPL - NASA’s Juno Mission Getting Closer to Jupiter’s Moon Io:

#Jupiter #Io #Volcanoes #Volcanism #Juno #NASA #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #Astronomy


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The Treaty of Utrecht, Bar Association, Global Warming, Pandemic and Bank Frauds

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

When we go back and search for a point source for all this burgeoning corporate crime, all roads lead back to the Treaties of Utrecht, and specifically to the British Queen Anne and the arrangement that the Utrecht Treaty series created during her reign at the start of the 1700s.

These treaty provisions ultimately led to the merger of the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, provided for the British Monarch to directly profit from all commercial activities, and made the entirety of all commercial endeavors subject to the Pope in his long-held role as Roman Pontiff and Secular Leader of the then-Holy Roman Empire, and now as the Principal subcontracting with the City of Rome Municipal Corporation apparatus.

In practical terms worked out over the last two centuries, the British Crown and their affiliates in other European countries gave a percentage of profits to the Monarch, the Monarch gave 60% of these receipts to the Pontiff, and the Pontiff administered the whole system via comptroller corporations using interlocking trust directorates and a unique bilateral legal system that allows for commerce to occur both on the sea and in the air jurisdiction.

The Office of the Pontiff and later the Institutes of the Economy became the direct recipients in the 1920's and from then on paid the British Crown their 40% of the take through an international network of banks that siphoned receipts from the clearinghouse operations and other registration, securitization, and entitlement platforms that fed physical assets into an off-ledger bank asset system and credit derived from the physical assets into a separate on-ledger converted bank asset ledger and derivative escrow account system.

The British Crown then also provided kickbacks to Canadian and British Territorials (Tories) operating in The United States.

At each step, the living man was defrauded and deprived of his assets, stripped of his rights, impersonated, coerced, and controlled.

The colluding banks that helped create and implement this complex, multi-generational fraud scheme are also criminal asset-stripping organizations by definition.

The most venerable among these banks, the Bank of England, Bank of Scotland, Bank of America all certainly knew and participated in these phony commercial "wars" for profit and profited from the asset-stripping, bookkeeping, accounting and impersonation fraud schemes at an executive level.

Later comers like Chase and JP Morgan, the foreign private banks operating "as" the Federal Reserve, and later, as the Federal Reserve System, the so-called investment bank-securities launderers like Wells Fargo and Goldman-Sachs, all knew their corner of the fraud scheme, while the European members of the Octagon Group, USB, Bank of Switzerland, Deutsche Bank and affiliates handled the escrow and derivative account overflow.

All these banks have been connected in one monolithic, idolatrous, interlocking trust directorate and have been set up in an interdependent manner so that if one falls, they all fall.

This entire criminal scheme has created a monolithic currency based commercial bank system operated entirely on commercial paper instruments: notes, certificates, coupons, stocks, bonds, checks, dividends, debentures, etc, with all the underlying physical assets being hidden in off-ledger accounts, and the "surplus credit" generated by the "reserve fractional banking system" being hidden in undisclosed escrow accounts, laundered through investment and derivative accounts, and all being traded on private trading platforms.

This is how we wound up with the famous "60/40 Split" of the profits, this is how we have Municipal Corporations in charge of Commercial Corporations, this is how we have private insurance for public entities, this is how the bottomry bonds scandal paid off for the British Monarchy, and this is how the regulation of interstate commerce was parlayed into an control mechanism used to usurp upon the lawful governments of the living people. This is how we ended up with quintillions in purported debt, missing seigniorage from all of this, crooked bookkeeping systems hiding all the credit and physical assets and escrow accounts owed to the living people, Executors de Son Tort managing all our assets "for" us, and the biggest Confidence Racket in human history bulging at the seams with profit, but still poor-mouthing and trying to justify more Draconian taxes to be extracted under color of law from the actual owners of it all.

The one man who makes the most money off the entire system, the Pope, is the one responsible under Ecclesiastical Law for bringing an end to this nightmare in which fictions have been allowed to prey upon the living people, and an end to the criminality which The Treaty of Utrecht series has fostered.

Recent meddling and attempts to redefine the Offices of the Pope are simply attempts to avoid responsibility for this mess. It reminds us of a man sewing a feather on his cap and trying to pretend it's a new cap. We hold the Principals responsible for what they've done and failed to do.

It is time to recognize that the Bar Associations, registered as theater and entertainment companies, have been key components used to implement this worldwide fraud scheme. As all big confidence rackets require theatrical components and play acting and illusions, it does not take much examination to determine that the Bar Associations have been providing the illusion, or as they put it in their Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, "the appearance of Justice" in what also appear to be courtrooms -- but are in fact stages for the Bar's theatrical productions, used for the purpose of commercial debt collection.

People are less violent when deluded by the appearance of justice, just as rape disguised as a medical procedure is more socially acceptable.

When tracing the history of the Bar Associations and their members, we found that they first appeared in Rome in the 2nd Century BC, acting as both priests of Cybele and tax collectors for Caesar. These characters wore black robes and white wigs, a practice still in evidence in Britain.

Cybele is the Asia Minor name for the ancient goddess otherwise known as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Semiramis, Isis, Sybil (Greek) and, tellingly, Columbia, as in District of Columbia, and whose rites are still celebrated by the Temple in the Inner City of London, and the various Grand Lodges of the Freemasons, and as idolized by the so-called "Statue of Liberty" gifted to the clueless Americans by the Grand Lodge of Paris.

In view of their role in deceiving the entire world and serving as the Causative Agents of so much theft, graft, murder and chicanery, we wish for the Bar Associations to be outlawed and de-legalized, and for all property interests -- meaning intellectual property interests as well -- belonging to the Bar Associations and their Members to be forfeit in the Public Interest as property belonging to a government-affiliated Crime Syndicate.

The Bar Members have been instrumental in promoting worldwide fraud and confiscation of property under color of law for centuries; they deserve no mercy from the Public thus offended and abused.

We are now in the presence of two major fraud schemes and multiple lesser incursions promoted in self-interest by the same Municipal Corporations under the control of the same Principals.

The two current major fraud schemes are: the so-called Global Pandemic, and the various programs and actions predicated on the existence of Human-Caused Global Warming, both of which are pernicious commercial fraud schemes motivated by cost-avoidance and long term commercial interest in the case of the Global Pandemic, and tax profiteering in the matter of Human-Caused Global Warming.

The Global Pandemic involves the weaponization of the Common Cold Virus presented in the form of a pseudo-vaccine, which instead of dead virus used to trigger a mild immune response, delivers poisons and genetic code alterations, nanotechnology, and weaponized parasites.

This convenient redefinition of the meaning of the word "vaccine" is just another example of the criminality, dishonesty, and self-service common to these incorporated entities plaguing mankind.

We traced this action back to 1965 and patents self-evident in the records of the British Patent Office. From Britain this weaponization program passed to the University of North Carolina, Fort Detrick, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in The United States, where Dr. Anthony Fauci sought to evade a moratorium on biowarfare research by offshoring this weaponization program to Chinese business affiliates in Wuhan, China.

The so-called "Death Jab" touted as an approved product authorized for Emergency Use has instead been used to kill millions of elders, children, and young people. Both ends of the age spectrum suffer most. This has been planned to avoid end of life medical care costs, to collect insurance investments, and to promote a misogynist and delusional drive to reduce the human population.

The pseudo-vaccine has also been used to promote the development of cancer by crippling the Cancer Suppressor Gene, and to create numerous other profitable maladies which the commercial corporations involved in health care will exploit for profit for decades to come.

Last, but most tellingly, the pseudo-vaccines have been used to alter the human genome, by distributing a scrap of patented, genetically engineered Messenger Ribonucleic Acid, mRNA, that acts as a template to produce a foreign protein similar to snake venom. This neurotoxin is thus permanently introduced into the human body where it causes continuous harm.

This scrap of mRNA also provides the basis for ownership claims by the patent holders who assert that the victims of this scheme now belong to them as chattel property, and are now to be treated as Genetically Modified Organisms also known as "GMOs", as a result of having received this scrap of patented mRNA.

We note that the patent holders delivered this "gift" under conditions of deceit and coercion, and they deployed it under color of law and threat of death. It was a self-interested donation and most recipients didn't pay for it. Furthermore, there was no disclosure and considerable deceit involved in all aspects of this coercive "deployment" of a harmful commercial product against the Public Interest.

This entire circumstance is more proof of a long tendency of the British-operated US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to allow the issuance of criminal patents, allowing criminals to profit from crime and thereby encouraging, funding, and promoting more criminal activity and inventions used to harm the General Public, often on a worldwide basis.

We wish for the weaponized coronavirus to be recognized as a criminal implement and for all commercial profit and claims of ownership arising from it to be confiscated and delivered to the lawful government for the long term care of the people harmed and research aiming to block the ill-effects of these injections.

We wish for all ownership claims and unlawful conversion claims seeking to redefine living people as "persons" --meaning corporations-- and as Genetically Modified Organisms, to be disallowed.

We wish for SERCO, the organization that approved the patents facilitating and rewarding all this criminality, to be dissolved --- permanently liquidated for cause -- and for its responsibilities as Paymaster for the U.S. Military to be returned to a new Paymaster subject to our control and approval. We also wish for SERCO's role as Administrator over the United States Patent and Trademark Office to be returned to us and to our administration.

We wish for discipline of the corporations in general and discouragement of the self-centric viewpoint which has encouraged these corporations to undertake these vast criminal enterprises, a viewpoint which is foreign to the Ecclesiastical Law and antithetic to the Public Good, and even serves to undermine rational problem-solving within both public and private spheres of interest.

The promotion of Human-Caused Global Warming is a good example of the harm and irrationality that results from such institutionalized self-interest.

We know that a single volcano has historically released more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in a single week than mankind has contributed throughout the course of its existence.

We know that, on average, there are about two hundred active volcanoes spewing vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at any given time.

The amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes renders any portion contributed by mankind to be infinitesimally trivial.

Therefore, we conclude that Human-Caused Global Warming prompted by a build-up of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, caused by human activities, is more pure bunk and misplaced guilt-mongering.

What has in fact happened is that industrial pollution, ill-conceived water control projects, warfare, and similar activities engaged in by corporations and corporate governments have led to the overall degradation of the environment on a global scale, and those profiting from these activities don't want to pay for cleaning up their own mess.

These endlessly criminal corporations want the General Public to pay for the damage that they, the offending corporations, have caused, and their managers and Principals have been intent on finding a new excuse for additional taxation.

We wish for all talks, conventions, regulations, treaties and agreements based on these discredited and unscientific claims of Human-Caused Global Warming to be removed and for those engaged in promoting these false ideas and conveyances of guilt to desist from their activities.

Similarly, these corporations have learned to steer the Jet Stream to new courses in the upper Stratosphere and therefore cause rain and other specific weather phenomena such as violent storms, drought, floods, and so on. There have been endless violations of the ENMOD Treaties as a result, and nobody has identified the source of the problem in public, because it is against the commercial interests of the corporations responsible, that is, until the European Union finally started to speak up:

We call for the de-weaponization of all applications and forms of geoengineering as a starting point for international discussion of possible good uses of this technology--- and its regulation.

Similar malfeasance by unbridled corporate interests acting against the Public Good has resulted in the aerosol spraying of industrial wastes including incendiary metal Halide compounds, Barium, Strontium, and other components of Coal-Derived Fly Ash, a practice begun in the 1980's under additional self-interested and thoroughly politicized "scientific" theories.

The addition of similar poisonous industrial byproducts from the aluminum manufacturing process, Fluorine and Chlorine, to the drinking water that millions of people rely on, and the use of radioactive waste from the nuclear power industry to pack artillery shells that were exploded all over the Middle East, are other examples of this same abuse by corporations seeking to avoid the cost of their own environmental clean up, foisting their noxious waste byproducts off on the Public, while committing crimes against humanity and environmental crimes as well.

Via kickbacks disguised as grant programs and university endowments and professional advancements and bonuses, these out-of-control corporations use their influence to promote obvious self-interested lies, and use their unlawful regulation of our airwaves to promote propaganda supporting all this bunk.

In such a polluted information environment it is impossible for people to make good decisions or solve problems.

The entire population being ravaged by these venal corporations is put at a profound disadvantage because these corporations have gained surreptitious control of the functions of government via usurpation, taxation, misrepresentation, impersonation, and fraud in breach of trust.

We wish for these Legal Fictions to be liquidated or forfeited in the case of defense corporations and utilities, and for their personnel to be released and either sent home or placed under our new management as the case may be.

The finding that they have been engaged in unlawful activities is unavoidable and the harm to individuals and the General Public overall has been exhaustively demonstrated by nearly continuous Mercenary Conflicts misrepresented as Wars, commodity rigging schemes across all sectors, but especially credit and precious metals rigging, institutionalized insurance and securitization fraud schemes, unlawful and unconscionable conversions, securitizations, and registrations, false claims in commerce, pollution of the environments we live in, politicization of science, undisclosed profiteering and deprivation of rights under color of law, impersonation, desecration of marriage as a licensed Joint Venture partnership or commercial corporation merger, illegal and unlawful confiscation of assets, deliberate semantic deceit and misrepresentation, mortgage fraud, title fraud, bankruptcy fraud, public trust fraud, fraudulent hypothecation of debt, criminal tampering with the human genome to create internal production of neurotoxins and disable the Cancer Suppressor Gene and also used to promote ownership claims-- that is, enslavement, based on criminal patents and also to promote redefinition of the victims as Genetically Modified Organisms that are stripped of their Human Rights to say nothing of denying their Natural and Unalienable Rights, biological pollution using nanotech, hydrosols, graphene oxide, polyethylene glycol, etc., and deployment of biological parasites such as heartworms and genetically altered freshwater hydras, to cause inflammatory chronic diseases, blood clotting dysfunction, and myocarditis.

This is a short list compared to the examples already provided, but is in itself more than competent to establish the unlawful and illegal activities that these Municipal and Commercial Corporations have engaged in, promoted, and allowed.

We further find that these corporations have indulged in gross idolatry and misrepresentation via the practice of impersonation and undisclosed unlawful conversion, enfranchisement, and promotion of persons to substitute for the living men and women of this planet.

This realm of Satan, amounting to a kingdom of lies -- that is, fictions -- in our midst, must be overcome and undone as expeditiously as possible, and the offending Municipal and Commercial Corporations must be dealt with and punished under the same law and authority that has allowed them to exist. As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.

This summation of earlier topics draws together the information in context, so as to provide an integrated understanding of the evils under consideration and the way that they combine their operations for mutual benefit.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Robert Lea - See Jupiter's volcanic moon Io glow red-hot in incredible images from NASA's Juno probe:

#Juno #JunoCAM #JIRAM #Infrared #Io #Volcanoes #NASA #PlanetaryScience #Astronomy

The Juno mission was making its 51st flyby of the gas giant planet and its moons when it viewed the 'tortured moon' Io in stunning detail.

NASA-JPL - NASA’s Juno Mission Getting Closer to Jupiter’s Moon Io:

#Jupiter #Io #Volcanoes #Volcanism #Juno #NASA #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #Astronomy


The Climate Change and Other Criminal Hoaxes
By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

Given the history and behavior of the two Municipal Corporation Subcontractors housed in the District of Columbia, we should not be surprised that these same organizations, like the Nazi Eugenicists, have wrapped political agendas and personal prejudices up in pseudo-science and fed it to the public.

It is well-known to geologists in general and to volcanologists in particular, that a single large volcano belching gases during an eruption, is able to release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the entire human race has contributed during the entire course of its existence.

With over 200 active volcanoes, on average, spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every day of every year, it is a no-brainer to come to the correct and truly scientific conclusion: carbon dioxide emissions contributed by people and their puny activities are totally insignificant.

Furthermore, if the volcanoes want to belch carbon dioxide, there isn't anything we can do about it.

There is absolutely no sane reason for the Green Agenda, no reason for cow diapers, and more to the point, no reason for "Carbon Taxes" either.

Yes, this is another self-evident attempt on the part of these same guilty Municipal Corporations to come up with a rationale to pick our pockets on a global basis, nothing more or less.

It's also an attempt to justify and create more coercive regulatory powers and authorities for themselves --- authorities which do not exist and cannot be allowed to exist, in view of their track record.

So much for the Green Agenda. It's not about green grass. It's about green paper.

The Perpetrators continue to think and talk and act as if this is not completely obvious to everyone else, which calls their competence --- scientific and otherwise, into question.

The recent genocide via phony vaccination is another pseudo-science hoax based on the idea that the Earth is over-populated and unable to sustain life if the homo sapien population is not reduced.

Once again, we find different forms of insurance fraud at work --- self-interested Municipal Corporations collecting death benefits and annuities and insurance policies that are all based on phony public interest claims and crimes of personage.

We have obtained plenty of credible evidence that in the past, the Earth supported much larger populations than we currently have ---and that information has been available to the Holy See, too, throughout this criminal rampage.

The motivation for the genocide appears to be multiplicit -- to garner the insurance pay-offs, to unlawfully and secretly convert human beings into Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) that can be owned as "products" by the patentholders of the mRNA scrap now polluting the human genome, and assertion of new unauthorized regulatory powers for the Perpetrators and WHO, INC., none of whom should be trusted to do anything, least of all, allowed to dictate medical practices.

We are not cattle. We do not need any assistance in this area of our existence and do not grant any government or agency any authority to say one word about our health, public or private. Not even our States of the Union have any authority to horn in on that private arena, so no for-hire Subcontractor does either.

It should not be our responsibility to constantly respond to offers made by our Subcontractors to increase their services and expand their own powers at our expense; if we wanted their services in these areas, we would have said so and we would have made provisions for it in our written contracts. The fact that we did not allow our Federal Subcontractors to interfere in our private lives should be more than a clue for them to mind their limits, which are also set and present in the written contracts.

Most particularly, the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, which are self-interested commercial corporations in the business of providing government services, have no excuse for attempting to force-sell their services nor any reason to assume regulatory powers related to health or medicine.

The Municipal Subcontractors have regulatory power over three things: alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. The only other thing they control -- somewhat -- is interstate commerce, and the intent of that empowerment is to encourage the free flow of trade and commercial activity across state borders, not to impose restrictions upon it and not to interfere with any private activity of living people.

The idea of Public Health is a relatively recent concept originating in the 19th century, mostly arising in the Third World and Urban Slums, and as a result of cholera and typhus and various other kinds of epidemics that the people and their lawful governments fought cooperatively and successfully.

The reality of worldwide epidemics is nothing new and does not justify the assumption of any new regulatory powers for governments --- least of all, any new empowerments for the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors and their Agencies, which are already operating in Breach of Trust and Service Contract.

A consortium of self-interested Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, including DOD, INC., and the infamous Gates Foundation, and all the hand-maiden franchises owned and operated by the DOD, INC. --- NIH, CDC, FDA, DOJ, FBI, etc. plus other collaborators of the same kind, the UN, WHO, etc. --- saw an opportunity to employ their stockpile of already outlawed biological weapons for their commercial and regulatory enhancement--- and personal financial gain.

That is all that underlies the purported Pandemic: reckless commercial self-interest illegally and unlawfully and immorally imposed on entire countries and billions of people under color of law and all via pretended authority.

Not a single new proven-to-exist infectious disease has ever been in sight, but a "gene therapy" and illegal RF tracking and monitoring nanotechnology and experimental pathogens disguised and all misnamed and misrepresented as a "vaccination" -- that is in plain sight.

So is the preparatory legislation passed in the late 1980's by the Territorial Congress holding their own pharmaceutical corporation franchises harmless and free from liability for anything they might put in a vaccine and for any damage caused by these vaccine products. This legislation demonstrates premeditation of the crime on the part of the members of the Territorial Congress acting as the Board of Directors for the British Crown- operated Municipal Corporation Subcontractor.

The spectacle of these unaccountable commercial corporation officials pretending to be members of our government holding their own franchises not liable for crimes and omissions should be enough proof that things have gone too far.

Will they wave their hands and hold themselves unaccountable for murder, maiming, and dereliction of duty, too? Reckless endangerment? Fraud?

We heard the words "safe and effective" repeated so many times on our abused Public Air Waves, and yet none of these worthless public employees ever stated what their new product was safe and effective for? It was very early proven not to prevent infection or the transfer of infection -- the traditional and only purpose of a vaccine.

We find it to be safe for them, because they could maim and kill with the point of a needle instead of a gun.

We find it effective, in that they have succeeded in murdering a quarter million Americans and only God knows how many other people worldwide, per month, and maiming and disabling probably ten times as many people --- and these effects will continue on indefinitely into the future, earning big profits for their medical sector franchises--- to say nothing of the billions of dollars in immediate sales and profits and ever other possible permutation of fraud and self-interest, up to, including but not limited to, the sale of "Pandemic Bonds".

We have seen it all before. We have no need to see more.

It was also effective for polluting the human genome and providing the Perpetrators the oppotunity to take advantage of pre-planned Supreme Court decisions allowing them to claim that their victims were redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms, and made subject to ownership claims by the Patent Holders having an interest in the artificially engineered mRNA that the victims accepted under conditions of deceit, non-disclosure, and color of law.

We interpret the situation quite differently. These organizations and individuals have polluted the genome of mankind and tried to overwrite our Creator's ownership. They are criminals of the highest order in all jurisdictions --- air, land, and sea. .

We find these Municipal Corporations to be operating in an absolutely criminal and unlawful fashion, in Breach of Trust and Service Contract.

We wish for their total forfeiture, the arrest and punishment of their corporate officers, and the return of all unjust enrichment, all corporate profits and assets, for the benefit of the victims of their crimes.

We wish for the immediate payment of $234,000 trillion dollars in gold to our accounts in The Global Family International Trade Bank which we chartered for this purpose. This amount is due and owing for the destruction of nearly a quarter million American lives from December 2022 to January 2023. This amount was due and owing as of March 6th 2023 and the Perpetrators have received Public Notices. If they cannot pay for their crimes, their corporations, including but not limited to their artificial persons, stand condemned, forfeit and foreclosed in the Jurisdiction of the Sea.

We wish for the immediate recognition of their crimes on the land and against the Law of the Land and against the American People, their Employers, and as a result of their crimes against Mankind and against their Employers, they stand condemned, forfeit and foreclosed in the Jurisdiction of the Land.

We wish for the immediate recognition of their crimes in the Jurisdiction of the Air, their multiple violations of Eternal, Universal, Natural, Ecclesiastical and Canon Law, their attempts to ruin Creation with their self-serving commercial profit schemes and their ignorant meddling against Nature, their misrepresentations against science and reason, their attempts to legalize and self-permit their unlawful actions, their lies, their premeditated crimes against God and Man, for which they stand condemned, forfeit and foreclosed in the Jurisdiction of the Air.

We have not directed, requested, required, desired, nor intended any of the actions that these criminal Municipal Corporations, their Boards of Directors, their Presidents, their Franchises, their Agencies or their Courts have taken. They have not represented their Employers, the American People, and have not acted under our direction. They have represented and taken their orders from other Principals, while deceitfully pretending to serve us in good faith.

We wish for the entire world to know this and take action accordingly.

We wish for the entire world to know that this same situation, and this same fraud scheme to undermine the national governments using Territorial Mercenary forces to illegally and deceitfully occupy friendly nations, has been applied by these same colluding Municipal Corporations throughout the world.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 19th 2023


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here:


Death and Ignorance
By Anna Von Reitz

Additional information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court, in regard to our claims of March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

Death and Ignorance

Only scientifically ignorant people ever believed in "human caused global warming" --- and they were misled by government scientists who were paid to lie about basic, known, scientific truths.

Stop a moment and take that in.

Basic truths, like the Carbon Cycle, (which every little school child in America used to be taught until Jimmy Carter's "Federal Department of Education" got involved in illegally dictating what our local "public" schools adopted as curriculum) were ignored for two decades by the Mainstream Media and Universities and politicians and National Laboratories.

Or, what about the once equally well-known information about how much ash, carbon dioxide, and other gases a single volcano produces. "The Final Poo-Poo" Article I reposted this past week gives a more than adequate explanation of exactly why a single volcano can (and regularly does) dwarf all and any effect on "carbon dioxide emissions" that humans have.

With an average of 200 active volcanoes spewing carbon dioxide (and a lot more) into the air on any given day, it's a no-brainer to correlate increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to their increased activity, not ours.

Yet, for two decades we've had to have this obnoxious (and stupid) public debate about carbon dioxide emissions and the thoroughly ridiculous idea of "human caused global warming" based on carbon dioxide emissions from our automobiles and people breathing and cows farting.

Only misinformed and scientifically ignorant people, and little children, ever believed in any of this hogwash.

The question remains -- why would our schools be dumbed down? Why would government scientists at laboratories and special think tanks lie their rumps off and keep this nonsense going?

The easy answer is that an ignorant population is easier to defraud and control.

And as for the "government scientists" --- the same government corporations that employ them also pay them kickbacks and grants to say whatever the Mama Corporation wants them to say.

Ask yourselves what happens when a foreign commercial corporation gets hold of the apparatus of government?

Well, then, whatever is good for the corporation's bottom line --- and the bottom lines of its corporate cronies --- is good, no matter what it costs you, their employers, the consumers of their goods and services.

Yes, you heard that theory correctly stated. That's what the members of the Territorial Congress tell themselves everyday. Whatever is good for their corporate bottom line is good for America, even if it kills and defrauds Americans, pollutes our country, and guts our natural resources.

That's why the only redress offered for the horrors of the phony pandemic lay buried in the Consumer Protection Act, under the control of the Federal Trade Commission.

A similar situation exists with regard to the idea that the Earth is overpopulated. There is absolutely no valid scientific evidence that it is, but people have been massacred and genocided just the same.

Finally, today, I have news of a crack appearing in the monolithic insanity that has been imposed upon the world by the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CORPORATION and the United States of America Corporation and the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, INC. aka DOD, INC.

The new CEO of Toyota says no more EV cars will be produced by Toyota.

So buy Toyota products. They are the only ones demonstrating scientific and economic competence.

Of all the really, truly crazy outcomes of the whole Big Lie surrounding human caused global warming, the development of electric cars stands as a monument to scientific and practical ignorance--- and gross political manipulation of "science".

Let's see.... we are going to decrease human-caused carbon emissions (which are totally insignificant anyway) by using electric cars to reduce our personal "carbon footprint" ---- albeit, we do this by INCREASING the load on giant electrical turbines that produce that electricity....and run off fossil fuel.

Who scores? The "public" utilities that get to charge you for your increased use of electricity and the oil companies that make larger, more efficient sales to the electric companies and the mining corporations that get to charge you for all the exotic (and highly poisonous and explosive) Rare Earth Minerals used to make electric car batteries.

Who loses? You do. And so does the environment.

By addressing a non-existent problem -- "human-caused global warming" --- the criminals out to make a buck have created real problems: increased electrical use and industrial pollution resulting from that increased use, vastly increased (and largely unregulated) lithium and cobalt mining, terrible new collision risks (electric cars tend to explode), and new waste management dilemmas (where and how can you safely dispose of giant dead, but still explosive, electric car batteries full of poisonous Rare Earth Minerals?)

At the same time that Toyota is facing facts and defending its own sanity, "the EU" --- another commercial corporation under the thumb of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, INC. --- is attempting to ban the combustion engine.

Good luck with that. Especially now that the partners in crime, the EU, INC. and DOD, INC. have ruined the Nordstream Pipelines and left the living people with no viable means of meeting their energy needs, staying warm, and feeding themselves.

End the EU, INC. and DOD, INC., both, and put an end to the illegal "custodial" military occupation of The United States, Japan, seventeen western European countries and the entire former Commonwealth. All our countries have been illegally occupied and we, Americans, have been bearing 96% of the cost of defending all those countries and occupying them. It's a lose-lose for everyone involved, except of course, the criminal Municipal Corporations that have foisted all this off on everyone and their British Territorial co-conspirators.

If the United Nations Organization was ever worth salt, then by all means, all the national delegations need to stand up in arms against this gross commercial criminality and the attendent illegal military occupations.

The entities responsible for causing all these problems are all organized as commercial corporations in the business of providing essential government services. They don't have contracts and we don't need these crooks bilking us and injuring us to profit themselves.

What needs to happen is for these run amok Municipal Corporations to be permanently liquidated and their assets returned to the control of actual national governments, not more corporations acting "as" governments.

Under Ecclesiastical Law, the Pope and the Roman Curia are responsible for the existence and operations of these Legal Fiction Entities they have created and which they own ---- and all of them are subject to immediate liquidation upon demand when they engage in "unlawful" activities detrimental to the substantive rights and interests of living people.

We demand the liquidation of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, INC., the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, INC., the MUNICIPALITY OF WASHINGTON, DC. and all associated incorporated affiliates, franchises, parent corporations, subsidiaries, and governing boards and trustee organizations.

All British Territorial -- that is, incorporated Mercenary Forces -- need to be withdrawn from The United States, the former Commonwealth countries, and the occupied nations of Western Europe and Japan --- without any arguments. They, their False Claims of "custodial interest", their military districts, and their military district courts all need to be shut down and the associated corporations liquidated with the assets being returned to the actual owners -- the people and national governments of the offended countries.

The American Armed Forces will be reconstituted immediately as a national defense force and returned to their natural status as an honorable national soldiery. Their only job will remain as stated in our venerable Constitutions --- to defend this country and our people and our borders --- and not to make a mockery of "defense" by using it as an excuse to invade other countries and to engage in racketeering at home and war-profiteering abroad.

The egregious lies told by these Municipal Corporation managers and employees to the American People and to people around the world, must be admitted -- whether these are scientific hoaxes, or False Flags, or false commercial claims that have led to impersonation and illegal and unlawful seizure of our assets, including our credit, and unlawful securitization of our living flesh.

We are not interested in hearing any fanciful stories. We wish for these Municipal Corporations to be liquidated, their employees dismissed except for those needed to provide a safe transition, and a peacable resolution that doesn't involve more death and ignorance.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
