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The healthiest kinds of salt contain more nutrients and less sodium

Salt, or sodium chloride, is a mineral compound that is required to survive. It is an essential nutrient your body needs for various physiological processes, including aiding the balance and stability of electrolytes and fluids, carrying and absorbing nutrients into cells, maintaining cell plasma volume, regulating acid-base balance and supporting a healthy nervous system. Most […]


The healthiest kinds of salt contain nutrients and less sodium

Salt, or sodium chloride, is a mineral compound that is required to survive. It is an essential nutrient your body needs for various physiological processes, including aiding the balance and stability of electrolytes and fluids, carrying and absorbing nutrients into cells, maintaining cell plasma volume, regulating acid-base balance and supporting a healthy nervous system. Most […]


Not all salts are equal: 20 Ways to use Himalayan salt – the purest salt on Earth

Himalayan salt is hand-extracted from the Khewra Salt Mines located in the Himalayas mountain ranges that fall in Punjab, a province in Pakistan. It is believed to have been formed millions of years ago from the evaporation of ancient bodies of water, and is said to be the purest salt on Earth. Mined Himalayan salt […]


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The healthiest kinds of salt contain more nutrients and less sodium

Salt, or sodium chloride, is a mineral compound that is required to survive. It is an essential nutrient your body needs for various physiological processes, including aiding the balance and stability of electrolytes and fluids, carrying and absorbing nutrients into cells, maintaining cell plasma volume, regulating acid-base balance and supporting a healthy nervous system. Most […]


The healthiest kinds of salt contain nutrients and less sodium

Salt, or sodium chloride, is a mineral compound that is required to survive. It is an essential nutrient your body needs for various physiological processes, including aiding the balance and stability of electrolytes and fluids, carrying and absorbing nutrients into cells, maintaining cell plasma volume, regulating acid-base balance and supporting a healthy nervous system. Most […]


Not all salts are equal: 20 Ways to use Himalayan salt – the purest salt on Earth

Himalayan salt is hand-extracted from the Khewra Salt Mines located in the Himalayas mountain ranges that fall in Punjab, a province in Pakistan. It is believed to have been formed millions of years ago from the evaporation of ancient bodies of water, and is said to be the purest salt on Earth. Mined Himalayan salt […]


Ah, Gosh, the Payload Finally Revealed
By Anna Von Reitz

Here you go:

All this while, I have been patiently waiting while the doctors and geeks and lab techs did the sort-and-analyze process.

What have I been waiting for?

News of what the actual "payload" was.

This is it.

Early on, the mechanism to inject the payload into the cell was revealed.

But that's like explaining how a boxcar connects to a train. It doesn't tell you what's in the boxcar.

So I waited.

It became clear that the contents of the boxcar included some bizarre things: self-assembling nano-transceivers that continue to send and receive messages even after the victim is dead, poisonous spike protein transcriptase codes, incendiary metallic salts, exotic parasitic heart worm eggs, formaldehyde, polyethylene glycol, all sorts of noxious goodies.

Things that nobody in their right mind would ever voluntarily put in their bodies.

But still, I waited.

What do I mean by a GMO payload?

I mean something that permanently alters your natural genetic code, and forces your cells to manufacture a chemical that will certainly and reliably kill you: the bomb in their boxcar.

Here it is, after all these months.

This is the GMO payload.

It's time to gather together, make up our minds, and begin the process of retribution.


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:


15 Different ways to use Epsom salt on your homestead

Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is a common household item with a wide range of uses. Though it’s not used for cooking, Epsom salt can still be used in the kitchen to get rid of oven grease, scrub grime off of pans and remove grout stains. Despite its name, Epsom salt is not the same as table salt, which is […]