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International Public Notice: Dear Derek Johnson, Again
By Anna Von Reitz

The Armed Forces of this country have always depended upon volunteers, who largely bear the expense of their commission and equipment individually or by self-enactment of a tax at the level of the state as members of a state militia.

We don't do "National Guards" and send them to places like Afghanistan.

Ours is a different form of Armed Force than the paid-for military of the District Government, of which you are so fond. It is the difference between a militia of the people and hired guns fielded by the foreign British-affiliated Territorial District Government.

The Districts created by George Washington answered directly to the commander-in-chief not Congress and were part of the organizational structure of the Territorial Government as is the Office of the Commander-in-Chief itself. All that is private, not public, incorporated not unincorporated.

In order for these Districts to be created by the President, Congress had to give the President - power outside of the Constitution, as declared by Washington himself – these were not "emergency powers" per se; they were private non-delegated powers such as a corporation can exercise within its own operation or to fulfill its own functions.

The so-called "Executive Jurisdiction" exercised by the same Office of Commander-in-Chief and recognized by the U.S. (Territorial) Congressional Act of 1845 is exactly the same kind of private prerogative of an incorporated entity granting a scope of action to its President that the office did not originally explicitly enjoy.

It's all private "law" internal to the corporation, not the public.

Martial law can be used as soon as the military is called upon to put down an insurrection or fight a war or engage in physical occupation; in this case, the for-hire British-affiliated and incorporated District Territorial Forces, e.g., U.S. Army have been occupying our country illegally since the 1860's.

The reason that this is illegal is that the "Civil War" was not actually a war. It was a Mercenary Conflict. And it was not an insurrection, either, as the parties engaged in this conflict did not have the standing to promote a political action.

Put in another way, General Washington created District States, not state districts; and the military occupied, for example, the Pennsylvania District (Territorial District) until the insurgents went home, and disbanded when the rebellion ended.

"The courts residing in these Territorial "District States", then are not Constitutional courts in which the judicial power conferred by the Constitution on the general government [of the Federal Republic] can be vested.

They are incapable of receiving it [thanks to the strictly limited nature of their venues].

"They are legislative courts, created in virtue of the general right of sovereignty which exist in the government, or in virtue of that clause, which enables Congress to make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory belonging to the united States."

"The jurisdiction with which they are invested is not part of that judicial power which is conferred in the third article of the Constitution, but is conferred by Congress in the execution of those general powers which that body possesses over the

territories of the United States."

This is known as "territorial law" and is consistent with the exercise of powers delegated under the Northwest Ordinance, which permits the foreign British-affiliated District Forces, e.g. U.S. Army, to enter new territories and establish a temporary territorial government within the new state's presumptive borders.

This form of law has been unnaturally prolonged in use throughout the Western States and those States formed during the so-called Civil War for want of the actual State Assemblies being in Session: there was nobody "home" to finish the process mandated by the Northwest Ordinance, so these States remained Territorial District States only until October 1st 2020, when the Assemblies of the pre-Civil War States unanimously enrolled and welcomed all the Territorial District States as fully empowered States of the Union.

So let us consider this situation in terms of public Martial Law which is the Military Law of the Lawful Government of the States in time of war or insurrection or occupation, versus "Law Martial" which is Territorial law -- private law of District States and District Corporations engaged in Mercenary Conflicts.

First, a statement of Martial Law which does not apply to forces deployed under Law Martial; that is, the following would apply if the battlefield were occupied by the lawful forces of the States, but as we've seen the forces deployed as, for example, the U.S. Army, were instead forces of the District States --- the Territorial States, operating under our delegated powers.

Martial Law - Military jurisdiction - Military necessity – Retaliation:

"Article 1. A place, district, or country occupied by an enemy stands, in consequence of the occupation,
under the Martial Law of the invading or occupying army, whether any proclamation declaring Martial
Law, or any public warning to the inhabitants, has been issued or not."

The forces occupying our country have no recourse to Martial Law, only Law Martial, so have no "Martial Law of the invading or occupying army".

"Martial Law is the immediate and direct effect and consequence of occupation or conquest. The presence of a hostile army proclaims its Martial Law."

Again, the only "law" possessed by the Territorial U.S. Army was Law Martial, not Martial Law, and the only means they had to invoke a court was as a Territorial Court --- a District State Court, not a State Court.

"Art. 2. Martial Law does not cease during the hostile occupation, except by special proclamation,
ordered by the commander in chief; or by special mention in the treaty of peace concluding the war,
when the occupation of a place or territory continues beyond the conclusion of peace as one of the
conditions of the same."

By what right does an Army employed under contract by a peaceful civilian government and being paid by that government, become "hostile" to it?

So here we have the two conditions under Martial Law, not Law Martial, describing how occupations end -- (1) special proclamation by the Commander-in-Chief; (2) peace treaty.

Neither a Congressional Declaration of War nor any formal peace treaty ever ended the so-called American Civil War.

So there was no actual "War" by parties competent to engage in war via any Congressional Declaration of War, nor any peace process ending it; there were, however, three Peace Proclamations issued in Public by President Andrew Johnson, that did not have the effect of ending the illegal occupation of our country by the Territorial U.S. Army.

We are left with one of three possibilities: (1) Johnson did not have the proper Office and was not acting as Commander-in-Chief when he made the peace proclamations--- a situation similar to Joe Biden being "President", but not being the Commander-in-Chief; (2) Johnson's peace proclamations were a deliberate ruse by mercenary interests to confuse and defraud and disarm the public; (3) Martial Law (of the States) was being aped, but Law Martial (of the Territories) was being applied.

Art. 3. Martial Law in a hostile country consists in the suspension, by the occupying military authority,
of the criminal and civil law, and of the domestic administration and government in the occupied place or territory, and in the substitution of military rule and force for the same, as well as in the dictation of
general laws, as far as military necessity requires this suspension, substitution, or dictation.

This is the source of the repeated claim that, quote, unquote, "The Constitutions have been suspended." Once again, we are seeing the "appeal" to Martial Law, when Martial Law was never available to Territorial Forces. Lincoln knew this. Grant knew this. No doubt you know this, too, Derek, if you stop and think about it.

Everyone also knows that any "military necessity" occasioned by the hostilities that ended in April of 1865 did not extend much beyond that, and could not be reasonably justified by any such tongue-in-cheek misrepresentations of "war" such as a "War on Poverty" or a "War on Drugs" for 164 years afterward.

Yet this is precisely what we see -- a succession of British-Territorial affiliated corporation Presidents acting as "Commander in Chief" making such declarations of "war" every two years and operating under "Executive Orders" that have nothing whatsoever to do with any authorities or delegations of power conferred by the people of this country.

In other words, our employees have all been operating under Territorial Law--- Law Martial, not Martial Law; they've been running a Territorial "Congress" in place of the actual Continental Congress of the States or The United States Congress of the Federal Republic, and they've been occupying this country illegally under Law Martial and under color of law for over 160 years, simply by this ridiculous sleight of hand --- the Lieber Code, making constant reference to "Martial Law" when there was no "Martial Law" available to U.S. Territorial Forces.

It's like talking about marital obligations in a whore house. If you don't know where you are and who you are talking to, it can appear to apply and make sense, but the moment you come to your senses you realize that none of it applies to the situation in front of you.

"The commander of the forces may proclaim that the administration of all civil and penal law shall continue
either wholly or in part, as in times of peace, unless otherwise ordered by the military authority."

Self-evidently, the "President" of the "USA, Inc." has no authority to write his own contract; also self-evidently, the Territorial USA, Inc. forces have no authority to conduct undeclared war "for" us and the "military authority" referenced in the paragraph above can only have been the British Monarch, except that the British Monarch wasn't actually ever operating as the King or Queen of England, and therefore had no "sovereign right" to conduct a lawful war of conquest nor any lawful right to occupy our country.

It's a British Territorial fraud against America, wrapped inside a British National fraud against the Brits. None of it has been true or correct since 1707.

What other possible option is left? The Pope declaring a Holy War? There is no evidence of that.

The Roman Pontiff declaring a Municipal War?

There is the agreement affiliating the Vatican forces represented as the Federal (Municipal) Civil Service with the Confederate States of America --- but as above, so below. The Office of the Roman Pontiff attached to the Holy See was also a Territorial Office, which it had to be, in order to take part in an undeclared Mercenary Conflict.

What all this adds up to, Derek, is a thoroughly illegal, immoral, and secretive occupation of our country by foreign mercenary interests that were supposed to be exercising our delegated powers in our defense, not acting as lackies for the British Monarch and the "Roman Pontiff" and being engaged in wars for profit, instead.

This is gross criminal abuse of our flag, our resources, and our people at the hands of criminals acting in violation of their service contracts --- conducting wars for profit to the tune of Yankee Doodle.

Both the facts and our direct experience indicate that the USA, Inc. secretly usurped against our lawful American Government and that the Territorial U.S. Army has illegally occupied our country ever since the so-called Civil War.

What is further indicated is that the USA, Inc., has thoroughly dishonored our Title IV Flag entrusted to its use when exercising our delegated powers, and that both the HRE and the British Monarch acting as Principals have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Service Contracts, that is, The Constitution of the United States (1790) and The Constitution of the United States of America (1789).

So, Donald Trump, appearing to be an American "Commander in Chief" when he is instead the District Territorial "Commander in Chief" is at the very least disingenuous and his actions and his inactions must be judged accurately for what they are.

The only quasi-public notice of this circumstance otherwise given to the people of this country and the world, is the constant prating of the Tories, that is, British Territorials, about their "democracy" -- the mere mention of which should jerk Americans on their feet, realizing that our country has never been a democracy and therefore wanting to know WTH is going on here?

This circumstance may be difficult to wrap your head around, considering the great duration of the fraud, but there is no statute of limitation for the crime of fraud and no excuse for continuing it.

The Lieber Code, and that means the Hague Conventions also, are predicated on the fraudulent misrepresentation of a commercial Mercenary Conflict as a War, and the knowing substitution of Territorial Law Martial for Martial Law.

Those who have done this have done this to profit themselves unjustly and have scourged and beaten, harassed, enslaved, and robbed their employers, in violation of the Laws of Earth and Sea and Heaven above; let them be so judged by history that their fraud is remembered along with the exact mechanisms and misunderstandings they used to procure these end results, so that this kind of travesty can never again succeed and these injustices never again have the ability to breed.

This country belongs to the people who live here, not those who "reside" here. Remember that, Derek. Remember that the Title IV Flag was loaned to the British Territorial Government for use when exercising our delegated powers -- not for when it was raping and pillaging and engaging in war for profit. Remember that we, Americans, are not part of any democracy.

Issued by:

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: Overview for Non-Lawyers

By Anna Von Reitz

1. Realize that there are different jurisdictions of law -- (1) land and soil; (2) coast (maritime) and high seas; (3) air -- commerce and ecumenical law.

2. Realize that living people live on the soil that stands upon the land, breathe the air, and have both fresh and sea water in their veins, so that a living man rules and inhabits all these jurisdictions and has "general jurisdiction" in all three primary jurisdictions of law.

3. Realize that by a purposeful and self-interested process of misrepresentation and registration, your natural political status as a free man or woman has been hijacked, your identity has been stolen, and your "presumed" status has been denigrated to that of an indentured servant or a slave, such that you no longer have access to the guarantees and protections of any Constitution, and no longer have access to the law of the land and soil.

4. As a further direct result, your Good Name has been copyrighted by the British Crown Corp, your property assets have been dumped into a public trust, and you don't actually own anything. You are considered either an indentured servant and Ward of the Crown, or, alternatively, a Roman slave. (The recent attempt to create a class of "Transhumans" below the level of a slave has largely failed.)

5. So, your identity has been stolen, your political status debased, your property has been unlawfully converted and seized upon and used for collateral backing Crown interests and all sorts of payola rightfully belonging to you has been distributed to political cronies of the persons responsible for this state of affairs; your actual assets have been mortgaged to high heaven and your very life and soul have been traded on black markets as part of various insurance schemes.

6. The False Claim of a "public" ownership interest in you and your assets, was made by a private, for-profit government Subcontractor, the British Crown Corporation, and has been alleged based on your purported waiver of your natural estate via "voluntary" (but undisclosed) registration of your birth (berth) and your equally purported preferred adoption of indentured servitude as a member of the British Territorial Merchant Marine Service -- a Person named after you and using the same exact name, spelled and styled the same way, but operating under the Law of the Sea. This Merchant Mariner, however, ran into a spot of bad luck and has been "missing, presumed dead" for quite a number of years, which has resulted in the creation of a Municipal ESTATE trust named after you.

7. In fact, you were a baby too young to contract with anyone about anything when all of this transpired and your Mother was given no disclosure about it, with the result that the "registration contract" is unconscionable and void upon discovery and objection. This also dissolves any "derivative" contract obligating your ESTATE to Municipal service and law. However, before you can object to this repugnant and merely "presumed" citizenship contract, you have to become aware of it and exercise your options.

8. As with most actions at Law, proper response requires both a positive action and a negative action, so as to repel all comers with equal strength and force. (1) With one hand you extend and assert your "reversionary trust interest" in your "birthright estate" --- that is, the natural estate of a living man in his native country. (2) You declare your proper political status, claim your assets, record this, and publish it. (3) You serve Notice to the Admiralty, Foreign Office, Secretary of State (if you have one), and whatever other offices are naturally engaged in the proper identification of people, their nationality, political status, and functions. All this foregoing is positive action on your part to re-establish your existence and claim to your own property.

Next comes the "negative" part in which you report these improper processes and presumptions as crimes to the Public Safety Officers; (4) this is done via "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit" signed, sealed with your thumbprint, and Witnessed either by a Public Notary or two independent living Witnesses who also sign the Testimony and provide their names and addresses. Then you write letters to the Governor or similar Officer in charge of the "District" and/or Municipal Government where you live, copying this to the Chief Justice or other highest ranking member of the Court serving your area, and present (5) a Medical Doctor's affirmation that you are alive and well; (6) copy of your published Declaration; (7) "First Notice Letter to Remove and Return" your Good Name and copyright, and all other material assets belonging to you from the Public Trust(s) in which they have been deposited. Mark this: "Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents". Send this by overnight Express Mail.

(9) You won't hear anything back from them, because this would require an admission of guilt; after thirty days plus three days mailing time, you can issue a (8) "Second Notice Letter to Remove and Return". In this letter, you inform them that they have exercised a role as a Public Usufruct in creating a foreign estate named after you and also creating a Municipal trust corporation named after you, and they are obligated to hold you harmless for any damages, bills, or other possible injury to you, coming about as a result of the existence of these foreign corporate entities named after you. Send a copy of the first Letter to Remove and Return along with this. Send with "Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals" and wait as before.

(10) After another 33 days, it's time to finish this business off with a (9) "Third Notice Letter to Remove and Return". In this letter you tell them that you have not heard back from them and you are exercising your right to create your own remedy, which will be to create and monetize commercial, non-commercial, and agricultural liens against your assets in their possession, plus damages. If they do not voluntarily reply and relinquish your purloined assets back to you, in ten days plus three days mailing time, their acquiescence and agreement will be established on the Public Record. Remind them that if they do not take action they will continue to owe you Due Diligence to hold you harmless from any claims resulting from their creation of public trusts or any other corporation named after you. Send copies of the first two letters, Notice to Agents.... send via Express Mail and time them out.

(11) No matter what they do from this time forward, they have no valid basis for complaint. They continue to bear the Usufructuary responsibility to hold you harmless and you are free to exercise your general jurisdiction.

(12) If you did not already have a Fiduciary in the field taking your part, you would have to do a lot of additional work creating public and private trusts in all three jurisdictions and creating commercial, non-UCC, and agricultural liens against them and their Principals, but our Fiduciary already did that for those with hands and feet, in whom the blood flows and the flesh lives, so all living men and women are safe to return to the land and soil of their native country and reclaim their public and private assets.

(13) The Perpetrators had closed down the Land Recording Offices in most of the world so that people seeking to rebut their False Claims would have nowhere to go to record and publish their declarations and counterclaims to recoup their reversionary trust interest in their birthright estate. In response, we stripped down the declaration essentials to a single page with two Witnesses and opened up the International Land Recording and Publishing System (ILRPS), so that anyone from anywhere can re-establish their identity and political status and publish it worldwide.

(14) Having regained the natural general jurisdiction you are heir to, and being enabled to operate this superior concurrent general jurisdiction in tandem with any other government operating in any single jurisdiction, you are now set and ready to join with other men and women who have similarly objected to these False Claims of citizenship (means that you owe service to the government as a volunteer or employee thereof) and/or corporate enfranchisement.

(15) With everyone papered up, it's time to stand up your County or State or other traditional political subdivision equivalent, and "peaceably assemble". Always remember that this is about restoring your lawful government, not fighting against any other government. Having reclaimed your own birthright political status, you are owed the protections of the Constitutions again. In Britain, the living people are owed a Constitutional Monarchy administered by a Protestant King or Queen. In America, the living people are owed a republican form of government throughout the States. Each country has a slightly different story and organizational framework to build upon, but all State and County level governments share similar functions:

The County is the seat of the local soil jurisdiction government and is the most powerful and closest government to the people. It's jurisdiction is National in nature and its Court is supreme when it comes to the affairs, interests. and laws of the living people.

The State is the seat of the international land jurisdiction government and also holds the international empowerments of the State at sea in America, apart from those powers delegated to the British King as Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. (And no, contrary to the fecund imaginations of Bar Attorneys, our Mother's "birth canals" are not considered "navigable inland waterways" within the meaning and intent of these treaty provisions.)

In each country the organizational structure and names are different, but the fundamentals are the same --- there is a traditional soil jurisdiction government representing the interests and enforcing the laws of the nation, and a traditional land jurisdiction government representing the interests of the people in international jurisdiction.

These two levels of government, land and soil, are fundamental and the "ground" upon which all other rights and layers of government depend; without ground to stand upon, one lacks "standing" in Law, and as a result, a victim of human trafficking shanghaied to live at sea and under the jurisdiction of the sea, is unable to represent their own interests.

This is, in part, why it is so fundamentally important to "return home" and occupy the otherwise vacated jurisdiction of the land and soil. This is the realm from which your political status and nationality derive, and upon which your rights and guarantees depend.

At each level, the governments established on the land and soil provide essential services to the living people (soil) and Lawful Persons (land) that are part of their population. Please note that we are not "residents" in our own country. That term is reserved for "aliens" who are not permanently part of our nation or population.

Those services include: (1) a General Assembly competent to hold elections and debate issues and take issues on behalf of the population within that County or State or Principality; (2) an International Business Assembly competent to make decisions for the State in the best interests of the people who live in that County or State; this is traditionally done via Fiduciary Deputies who must act as Prudent Men in the conduct of public business; (3) a Militia at both State and County level, for the protection and assistance of the people in time of war, famine, or natural disaster; (4) a Court system appropriate for the needs of the people -- a County Court run under traditional Common Law, and a State Court operated under International Law -- with one court to address land jurisdiction issues for Lawful Persons, and another court to address maritime and admiralty issues for Legal Persons.

A similar bifurcation exists with respect to the global commercial venues, with some corporations being under the Merchant Law on land, and others operating under Maritime Commerce at sea.

As a result of the insurmountable debts accrued by the Maritime Corporations it is highly recommended that those who have corporations in the current system should lawfully convert them to land-based Merchant Corporations instead.

That wraps up a decent overview of what's happened, why it needs to be addressed, and what's to be done about it.

The same applies for lawyers in their own capacity as living men and women, except that as they may function as attorneys and are coerced to subject themselves to the British "American" Bar Association as a result, they suffer intrinsic loss of both rights and property as a consequence of that relationship and as a result of accepting the foreign title of "Esquire".

Members of the military are similarly harmed but on a more temporary basis as their obligations to the current corporate employer are more immediately reversible upon the end of their "Tour of Duty" (aka, indentured servitude) and also because the enlistment contracts they signed were not fully disclosed concerning the mercenary nature of the work they were undertaking.

Remedies for these outrages are long overdue in terms of providing easy and official and published meaning advertised ways -- for Americans and others to refuse and/or correct these impositions of foreign citizenship obligations by deceit and coercion.

A very serious breach of public trust has occurred and the military is responsible for keeping its oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: To Derek Johnson
By Anna Von Reitz

Lately, we have been hearing a lot from a young man named Derek Johnson who has, quite rightly, been citing chapter and verse from the military regulations concerning the "Continuance of Government" protocols being exercised by Donald J. Trump.

He has also been making a case for the right of the military to take action in the event of a political catastrophe. Again, good enough, so far as it goes, however.... Our militia in 1775 is a far different animal and apart from the for-hire mercenary forces of 2024.

We have an American Government in place and the military, both the American Militia and the for-hire U.S. Military, is supposed to be taking its orders --- not from its own British Territorial Congress or worse, the Municipal Congress -- but from our American Government and our States of the Union.

To date, they are still operating as a foreign mercenary force under the guidance of a foreign corporation's "President".

Their excuse is that we haven't been in Session in so long that they don't know who we are, but it's not hard to figure out. Anyone who can sort through ten tons of military code and procedure can figure out which government the military owes allegiance to.

Derek Johnson points to the fact that the military existed and took action in 1775, even prior to The Declaration of Independence, and he makes the argument that the military is the actual owner of this country, but, again, he's just a little off base about some basics.

The people of this country own it, and "people" means "militia".

Whether you say "of the people, for the people, by the people" or you say "of the militia, for the militia, by the militia" --- it means exactly the same thing.

Our militia hasn't been in action since The War of 1812, and it's a good thing that we have been at peace. We are peaceable people, slow to anger, patient and long-suffering, but we have a well-deserved reputation for standing to the last man and fighting when we fight.

The Greeks at Thermopylae ain't got nothing on the Americans at Fort McHenry.

So let's review this again.

The entity fighting in 1775 was the American Militia, not a For-Hire British Territorial Force being paid by a foreign Corporation to illegally occupy this country.

Like many Americans, including Americans in the Armed Forces, Derek Johnson is confused. He thinks that the military he is familiar with is the military of this country, but it's not.

The Union Army in 1860 was already a Mercenary Force and there has been no change in the nature or status of any U.S. Military since then.

So, once again, we have a confusion between apples and oranges, the American Militia being confused with the U.S. Army. They are completely different things with different aims and political allegiances.

The U.S. Army is a British Territorial Force under contract to defend this country for pay. It's a private mercenary force operated by a foreign corporation that we can describe generally as the U.S.A. Inc.

Our American Militia is a completely different thing; it operates without pay and has roughly 257 million members. Of those, roughly 40 million are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. And we are all prickly as hell right now, because of the circus the for-hire military and their politicians have created:

1. Imposing the disastrous "Federal Reserve" system on the people of this country for the last century and a half; no, it didn't begin in 1913-- it got its fangs in during the Lincoln Administration like everything else.

2. Imposing British Maritime and Admiralty Courts on the people of this country for the past century and a half and operating them to illegally and immorally impersonate Americans, commit barratry against them, and illegally tax and confiscate American assets.

3. Carrying on a program of war-for-profit against the rest of the world as well as this country for a century and a half; conscripting our children as mercenaries and lying to them about the nature of their "service".

4. Creating a completely monopolized financial world based on purloined assets, human enslavement and blood money, half funded on lies and the rest funded on securitizing living flesh and performance contracts.

5. And after the "U.S. military" was found to be responsible for all the above, what did the U.S. Army do? It called on its illegally conscripted "Uniformed Officers" -- the Medical Doctors -- to kill millions of unarmed civilians worldwide using a phony pandemic and non-existent "emergency powers" to shove experimental mRNA injections into everyone's arms--- including the members of the U.S. Military itself.

So long as Derek Johnson is such an expert in U.S. Military affairs, perhaps he could tell us what this unimaginable Cluster was all about? Some kind of suicidal rampage like an estranged husband killing his wife and then killing himself? A total failure of "military intelligence"?

Or perhaps, "If we can't rob the Americans, ain't nobody going to rob the Americans!"

How about the American Militia just stands up and shows you all just how stupid this really is?

You are fighting against your own people, doing the bidding of foreign interests, and are too wrapped up in red tape to get the message straight, Derek.

It's not the for-hire military that won this country by force of arms. It's not the for-hire military that has done anything worthwhile for this country at all. The for-hire military has been asset-stripping this country for the last century and a half, and waging constant mercenary war against us and against other nations "in our names".

Get it all the way straight, Derek Johnson, or not at all. There are no "Executive Orders" nor any "Emergency Powers" granted by the people of this country to any foreign corporation's "President".

The for-hire military has breached our trust, lied to us, lied about us, and been a parasite in our flesh for the past 160 years.

It's the American Militia that went to the field in 1775, not the U.S. Army.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652



The U.S. is well-known for funding and training militia groups around the globe to fight its foreign enemies. But what happens when it all backfires and formerly allied militia groups now start resisting American hegemony in their respective countries. Manila Chan breaks it all down on this episode of Modus Operandi with Netfa Freeman, Organizer with Pan-African Community Action, as well as with Saber Nasseri, Head of the Afghan American Relations Office, to discuss.

On March 23, 1775 - less than a month before Lexington and Concord and the "shot heard round the world," Patrick Henry offered a set of resolutions before the Second Virginia Convention to establish a provincial militia and put Virginia in a posture of defense. In a speech during the debate, Henry delivered what history has come to recognize as the spirit of American Independence. “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Path to Liberty: March 23, 2022


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The U.S. is well-known for funding and training militia groups around the globe to fight its foreign enemies. But what happens when it all backfires and formerly allied militia groups now start resisting American hegemony in their respective countries. Manila Chan breaks it all down on this episode of Modus Operandi with Netfa Freeman, Organizer with Pan-African Community Action, as well as with Saber Nasseri, Head of the Afghan American Relations Office, to discuss.

On March 23, 1775 - less than a month before Lexington and Concord and the "shot heard round the world," Patrick Henry offered a set of resolutions before the Second Virginia Convention to establish a provincial militia and put Virginia in a posture of defense. In a speech during the debate, Henry delivered what history has come to recognize as the spirit of American Independence. “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Path to Liberty: March 23, 2022


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International Public Notice: Dear Derek Johnson, Again
By Anna Von Reitz

The Armed Forces of this country have always depended upon volunteers, who largely bear the expense of their commission and equipment individually or by self-enactment of a tax at the level of the state as members of a state militia.

We don't do "National Guards" and send them to places like Afghanistan.

Ours is a different form of Armed Force than the paid-for military of the District Government, of which you are so fond. It is the difference between a militia of the people and hired guns fielded by the foreign British-affiliated Territorial District Government.

The Districts created by George Washington answered directly to the commander-in-chief not Congress and were part of the organizational structure of the Territorial Government as is the Office of the Commander-in-Chief itself. All that is private, not public, incorporated not unincorporated.

In order for these Districts to be created by the President, Congress had to give the President - power outside of the Constitution, as declared by Washington himself – these were not "emergency powers" per se; they were private non-delegated powers such as a corporation can exercise within its own operation or to fulfill its own functions.

The so-called "Executive Jurisdiction" exercised by the same Office of Commander-in-Chief and recognized by the U.S. (Territorial) Congressional Act of 1845 is exactly the same kind of private prerogative of an incorporated entity granting a scope of action to its President that the office did not originally explicitly enjoy.

It's all private "law" internal to the corporation, not the public.

Martial law can be used as soon as the military is called upon to put down an insurrection or fight a war or engage in physical occupation; in this case, the for-hire British-affiliated and incorporated District Territorial Forces, e.g., U.S. Army have been occupying our country illegally since the 1860's.

The reason that this is illegal is that the "Civil War" was not actually a war. It was a Mercenary Conflict. And it was not an insurrection, either, as the parties engaged in this conflict did not have the standing to promote a political action.

Put in another way, General Washington created District States, not state districts; and the military occupied, for example, the Pennsylvania District (Territorial District) until the insurgents went home, and disbanded when the rebellion ended.

"The courts residing in these Territorial "District States", then are not Constitutional courts in which the judicial power conferred by the Constitution on the general government [of the Federal Republic] can be vested.

They are incapable of receiving it [thanks to the strictly limited nature of their venues].

"They are legislative courts, created in virtue of the general right of sovereignty which exist in the government, or in virtue of that clause, which enables Congress to make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory belonging to the united States."

"The jurisdiction with which they are invested is not part of that judicial power which is conferred in the third article of the Constitution, but is conferred by Congress in the execution of those general powers which that body possesses over the

territories of the United States."

This is known as "territorial law" and is consistent with the exercise of powers delegated under the Northwest Ordinance, which permits the foreign British-affiliated District Forces, e.g. U.S. Army, to enter new territories and establish a temporary territorial government within the new state's presumptive borders.

This form of law has been unnaturally prolonged in use throughout the Western States and those States formed during the so-called Civil War for want of the actual State Assemblies being in Session: there was nobody "home" to finish the process mandated by the Northwest Ordinance, so these States remained Territorial District States only until October 1st 2020, when the Assemblies of the pre-Civil War States unanimously enrolled and welcomed all the Territorial District States as fully empowered States of the Union.

So let us consider this situation in terms of public Martial Law which is the Military Law of the Lawful Government of the States in time of war or insurrection or occupation, versus "Law Martial" which is Territorial law -- private law of District States and District Corporations engaged in Mercenary Conflicts.

First, a statement of Martial Law which does not apply to forces deployed under Law Martial; that is, the following would apply if the battlefield were occupied by the lawful forces of the States, but as we've seen the forces deployed as, for example, the U.S. Army, were instead forces of the District States --- the Territorial States, operating under our delegated powers.

Martial Law - Military jurisdiction - Military necessity – Retaliation:

"Article 1. A place, district, or country occupied by an enemy stands, in consequence of the occupation,
under the Martial Law of the invading or occupying army, whether any proclamation declaring Martial
Law, or any public warning to the inhabitants, has been issued or not."

The forces occupying our country have no recourse to Martial Law, only Law Martial, so have no "Martial Law of the invading or occupying army".

"Martial Law is the immediate and direct effect and consequence of occupation or conquest. The presence of a hostile army proclaims its Martial Law."

Again, the only "law" possessed by the Territorial U.S. Army was Law Martial, not Martial Law, and the only means they had to invoke a court was as a Territorial Court --- a District State Court, not a State Court.

"Art. 2. Martial Law does not cease during the hostile occupation, except by special proclamation,
ordered by the commander in chief; or by special mention in the treaty of peace concluding the war,
when the occupation of a place or territory continues beyond the conclusion of peace as one of the
conditions of the same."

By what right does an Army employed under contract by a peaceful civilian government and being paid by that government, become "hostile" to it?

So here we have the two conditions under Martial Law, not Law Martial, describing how occupations end -- (1) special proclamation by the Commander-in-Chief; (2) peace treaty.

Neither a Congressional Declaration of War nor any formal peace treaty ever ended the so-called American Civil War.

So there was no actual "War" by parties competent to engage in war via any Congressional Declaration of War, nor any peace process ending it; there were, however, three Peace Proclamations issued in Public by President Andrew Johnson, that did not have the effect of ending the illegal occupation of our country by the Territorial U.S. Army.

We are left with one of three possibilities: (1) Johnson did not have the proper Office and was not acting as Commander-in-Chief when he made the peace proclamations--- a situation similar to Joe Biden being "President", but not being the Commander-in-Chief; (2) Johnson's peace proclamations were a deliberate ruse by mercenary interests to confuse and defraud and disarm the public; (3) Martial Law (of the States) was being aped, but Law Martial (of the Territories) was being applied.

Art. 3. Martial Law in a hostile country consists in the suspension, by the occupying military authority,
of the criminal and civil law, and of the domestic administration and government in the occupied place or territory, and in the substitution of military rule and force for the same, as well as in the dictation of
general laws, as far as military necessity requires this suspension, substitution, or dictation.

This is the source of the repeated claim that, quote, unquote, "The Constitutions have been suspended." Once again, we are seeing the "appeal" to Martial Law, when Martial Law was never available to Territorial Forces. Lincoln knew this. Grant knew this. No doubt you know this, too, Derek, if you stop and think about it.

Everyone also knows that any "military necessity" occasioned by the hostilities that ended in April of 1865 did not extend much beyond that, and could not be reasonably justified by any such tongue-in-cheek misrepresentations of "war" such as a "War on Poverty" or a "War on Drugs" for 164 years afterward.

Yet this is precisely what we see -- a succession of British-Territorial affiliated corporation Presidents acting as "Commander in Chief" making such declarations of "war" every two years and operating under "Executive Orders" that have nothing whatsoever to do with any authorities or delegations of power conferred by the people of this country.

In other words, our employees have all been operating under Territorial Law--- Law Martial, not Martial Law; they've been running a Territorial "Congress" in place of the actual Continental Congress of the States or The United States Congress of the Federal Republic, and they've been occupying this country illegally under Law Martial and under color of law for over 160 years, simply by this ridiculous sleight of hand --- the Lieber Code, making constant reference to "Martial Law" when there was no "Martial Law" available to U.S. Territorial Forces.

It's like talking about marital obligations in a whore house. If you don't know where you are and who you are talking to, it can appear to apply and make sense, but the moment you come to your senses you realize that none of it applies to the situation in front of you.

"The commander of the forces may proclaim that the administration of all civil and penal law shall continue
either wholly or in part, as in times of peace, unless otherwise ordered by the military authority."

Self-evidently, the "President" of the "USA, Inc." has no authority to write his own contract; also self-evidently, the Territorial USA, Inc. forces have no authority to conduct undeclared war "for" us and the "military authority" referenced in the paragraph above can only have been the British Monarch, except that the British Monarch wasn't actually ever operating as the King or Queen of England, and therefore had no "sovereign right" to conduct a lawful war of conquest nor any lawful right to occupy our country.

It's a British Territorial fraud against America, wrapped inside a British National fraud against the Brits. None of it has been true or correct since 1707.

What other possible option is left? The Pope declaring a Holy War? There is no evidence of that.

The Roman Pontiff declaring a Municipal War?

There is the agreement affiliating the Vatican forces represented as the Federal (Municipal) Civil Service with the Confederate States of America --- but as above, so below. The Office of the Roman Pontiff attached to the Holy See was also a Territorial Office, which it had to be, in order to take part in an undeclared Mercenary Conflict.

What all this adds up to, Derek, is a thoroughly illegal, immoral, and secretive occupation of our country by foreign mercenary interests that were supposed to be exercising our delegated powers in our defense, not acting as lackies for the British Monarch and the "Roman Pontiff" and being engaged in wars for profit, instead.

This is gross criminal abuse of our flag, our resources, and our people at the hands of criminals acting in violation of their service contracts --- conducting wars for profit to the tune of Yankee Doodle.

Both the facts and our direct experience indicate that the USA, Inc. secretly usurped against our lawful American Government and that the Territorial U.S. Army has illegally occupied our country ever since the so-called Civil War.

What is further indicated is that the USA, Inc., has thoroughly dishonored our Title IV Flag entrusted to its use when exercising our delegated powers, and that both the HRE and the British Monarch acting as Principals have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Service Contracts, that is, The Constitution of the United States (1790) and The Constitution of the United States of America (1789).

So, Donald Trump, appearing to be an American "Commander in Chief" when he is instead the District Territorial "Commander in Chief" is at the very least disingenuous and his actions and his inactions must be judged accurately for what they are.

The only quasi-public notice of this circumstance otherwise given to the people of this country and the world, is the constant prating of the Tories, that is, British Territorials, about their "democracy" -- the mere mention of which should jerk Americans on their feet, realizing that our country has never been a democracy and therefore wanting to know WTH is going on here?

This circumstance may be difficult to wrap your head around, considering the great duration of the fraud, but there is no statute of limitation for the crime of fraud and no excuse for continuing it.

The Lieber Code, and that means the Hague Conventions also, are predicated on the fraudulent misrepresentation of a commercial Mercenary Conflict as a War, and the knowing substitution of Territorial Law Martial for Martial Law.

Those who have done this have done this to profit themselves unjustly and have scourged and beaten, harassed, enslaved, and robbed their employers, in violation of the Laws of Earth and Sea and Heaven above; let them be so judged by history that their fraud is remembered along with the exact mechanisms and misunderstandings they used to procure these end results, so that this kind of travesty can never again succeed and these injustices never again have the ability to breed.

This country belongs to the people who live here, not those who "reside" here. Remember that, Derek. Remember that the Title IV Flag was loaned to the British Territorial Government for use when exercising our delegated powers -- not for when it was raping and pillaging and engaging in war for profit. Remember that we, Americans, are not part of any democracy.

Issued by:

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: Overview for Non-Lawyers

By Anna Von Reitz

1. Realize that there are different jurisdictions of law -- (1) land and soil; (2) coast (maritime) and high seas; (3) air -- commerce and ecumenical law.

2. Realize that living people live on the soil that stands upon the land, breathe the air, and have both fresh and sea water in their veins, so that a living man rules and inhabits all these jurisdictions and has "general jurisdiction" in all three primary jurisdictions of law.

3. Realize that by a purposeful and self-interested process of misrepresentation and registration, your natural political status as a free man or woman has been hijacked, your identity has been stolen, and your "presumed" status has been denigrated to that of an indentured servant or a slave, such that you no longer have access to the guarantees and protections of any Constitution, and no longer have access to the law of the land and soil.

4. As a further direct result, your Good Name has been copyrighted by the British Crown Corp, your property assets have been dumped into a public trust, and you don't actually own anything. You are considered either an indentured servant and Ward of the Crown, or, alternatively, a Roman slave. (The recent attempt to create a class of "Transhumans" below the level of a slave has largely failed.)

5. So, your identity has been stolen, your political status debased, your property has been unlawfully converted and seized upon and used for collateral backing Crown interests and all sorts of payola rightfully belonging to you has been distributed to political cronies of the persons responsible for this state of affairs; your actual assets have been mortgaged to high heaven and your very life and soul have been traded on black markets as part of various insurance schemes.

6. The False Claim of a "public" ownership interest in you and your assets, was made by a private, for-profit government Subcontractor, the British Crown Corporation, and has been alleged based on your purported waiver of your natural estate via "voluntary" (but undisclosed) registration of your birth (berth) and your equally purported preferred adoption of indentured servitude as a member of the British Territorial Merchant Marine Service -- a Person named after you and using the same exact name, spelled and styled the same way, but operating under the Law of the Sea. This Merchant Mariner, however, ran into a spot of bad luck and has been "missing, presumed dead" for quite a number of years, which has resulted in the creation of a Municipal ESTATE trust named after you.

7. In fact, you were a baby too young to contract with anyone about anything when all of this transpired and your Mother was given no disclosure about it, with the result that the "registration contract" is unconscionable and void upon discovery and objection. This also dissolves any "derivative" contract obligating your ESTATE to Municipal service and law. However, before you can object to this repugnant and merely "presumed" citizenship contract, you have to become aware of it and exercise your options.

8. As with most actions at Law, proper response requires both a positive action and a negative action, so as to repel all comers with equal strength and force. (1) With one hand you extend and assert your "reversionary trust interest" in your "birthright estate" --- that is, the natural estate of a living man in his native country. (2) You declare your proper political status, claim your assets, record this, and publish it. (3) You serve Notice to the Admiralty, Foreign Office, Secretary of State (if you have one), and whatever other offices are naturally engaged in the proper identification of people, their nationality, political status, and functions. All this foregoing is positive action on your part to re-establish your existence and claim to your own property.

Next comes the "negative" part in which you report these improper processes and presumptions as crimes to the Public Safety Officers; (4) this is done via "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit" signed, sealed with your thumbprint, and Witnessed either by a Public Notary or two independent living Witnesses who also sign the Testimony and provide their names and addresses. Then you write letters to the Governor or similar Officer in charge of the "District" and/or Municipal Government where you live, copying this to the Chief Justice or other highest ranking member of the Court serving your area, and present (5) a Medical Doctor's affirmation that you are alive and well; (6) copy of your published Declaration; (7) "First Notice Letter to Remove and Return" your Good Name and copyright, and all other material assets belonging to you from the Public Trust(s) in which they have been deposited. Mark this: "Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents". Send this by overnight Express Mail.

(9) You won't hear anything back from them, because this would require an admission of guilt; after thirty days plus three days mailing time, you can issue a (8) "Second Notice Letter to Remove and Return". In this letter, you inform them that they have exercised a role as a Public Usufruct in creating a foreign estate named after you and also creating a Municipal trust corporation named after you, and they are obligated to hold you harmless for any damages, bills, or other possible injury to you, coming about as a result of the existence of these foreign corporate entities named after you. Send a copy of the first Letter to Remove and Return along with this. Send with "Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals" and wait as before.

(10) After another 33 days, it's time to finish this business off with a (9) "Third Notice Letter to Remove and Return". In this letter you tell them that you have not heard back from them and you are exercising your right to create your own remedy, which will be to create and monetize commercial, non-commercial, and agricultural liens against your assets in their possession, plus damages. If they do not voluntarily reply and relinquish your purloined assets back to you, in ten days plus three days mailing time, their acquiescence and agreement will be established on the Public Record. Remind them that if they do not take action they will continue to owe you Due Diligence to hold you harmless from any claims resulting from their creation of public trusts or any other corporation named after you. Send copies of the first two letters, Notice to Agents.... send via Express Mail and time them out.

(11) No matter what they do from this time forward, they have no valid basis for complaint. They continue to bear the Usufructuary responsibility to hold you harmless and you are free to exercise your general jurisdiction.

(12) If you did not already have a Fiduciary in the field taking your part, you would have to do a lot of additional work creating public and private trusts in all three jurisdictions and creating commercial, non-UCC, and agricultural liens against them and their Principals, but our Fiduciary already did that for those with hands and feet, in whom the blood flows and the flesh lives, so all living men and women are safe to return to the land and soil of their native country and reclaim their public and private assets.

(13) The Perpetrators had closed down the Land Recording Offices in most of the world so that people seeking to rebut their False Claims would have nowhere to go to record and publish their declarations and counterclaims to recoup their reversionary trust interest in their birthright estate. In response, we stripped down the declaration essentials to a single page with two Witnesses and opened up the International Land Recording and Publishing System (ILRPS), so that anyone from anywhere can re-establish their identity and political status and publish it worldwide.

(14) Having regained the natural general jurisdiction you are heir to, and being enabled to operate this superior concurrent general jurisdiction in tandem with any other government operating in any single jurisdiction, you are now set and ready to join with other men and women who have similarly objected to these False Claims of citizenship (means that you owe service to the government as a volunteer or employee thereof) and/or corporate enfranchisement.

(15) With everyone papered up, it's time to stand up your County or State or other traditional political subdivision equivalent, and "peaceably assemble". Always remember that this is about restoring your lawful government, not fighting against any other government. Having reclaimed your own birthright political status, you are owed the protections of the Constitutions again. In Britain, the living people are owed a Constitutional Monarchy administered by a Protestant King or Queen. In America, the living people are owed a republican form of government throughout the States. Each country has a slightly different story and organizational framework to build upon, but all State and County level governments share similar functions:

The County is the seat of the local soil jurisdiction government and is the most powerful and closest government to the people. It's jurisdiction is National in nature and its Court is supreme when it comes to the affairs, interests. and laws of the living people.

The State is the seat of the international land jurisdiction government and also holds the international empowerments of the State at sea in America, apart from those powers delegated to the British King as Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. (And no, contrary to the fecund imaginations of Bar Attorneys, our Mother's "birth canals" are not considered "navigable inland waterways" within the meaning and intent of these treaty provisions.)

In each country the organizational structure and names are different, but the fundamentals are the same --- there is a traditional soil jurisdiction government representing the interests and enforcing the laws of the nation, and a traditional land jurisdiction government representing the interests of the people in international jurisdiction.

These two levels of government, land and soil, are fundamental and the "ground" upon which all other rights and layers of government depend; without ground to stand upon, one lacks "standing" in Law, and as a result, a victim of human trafficking shanghaied to live at sea and under the jurisdiction of the sea, is unable to represent their own interests.

This is, in part, why it is so fundamentally important to "return home" and occupy the otherwise vacated jurisdiction of the land and soil. This is the realm from which your political status and nationality derive, and upon which your rights and guarantees depend.

At each level, the governments established on the land and soil provide essential services to the living people (soil) and Lawful Persons (land) that are part of their population. Please note that we are not "residents" in our own country. That term is reserved for "aliens" who are not permanently part of our nation or population.

Those services include: (1) a General Assembly competent to hold elections and debate issues and take issues on behalf of the population within that County or State or Principality; (2) an International Business Assembly competent to make decisions for the State in the best interests of the people who live in that County or State; this is traditionally done via Fiduciary Deputies who must act as Prudent Men in the conduct of public business; (3) a Militia at both State and County level, for the protection and assistance of the people in time of war, famine, or natural disaster; (4) a Court system appropriate for the needs of the people -- a County Court run under traditional Common Law, and a State Court operated under International Law -- with one court to address land jurisdiction issues for Lawful Persons, and another court to address maritime and admiralty issues for Legal Persons.

A similar bifurcation exists with respect to the global commercial venues, with some corporations being under the Merchant Law on land, and others operating under Maritime Commerce at sea.

As a result of the insurmountable debts accrued by the Maritime Corporations it is highly recommended that those who have corporations in the current system should lawfully convert them to land-based Merchant Corporations instead.

That wraps up a decent overview of what's happened, why it needs to be addressed, and what's to be done about it.

The same applies for lawyers in their own capacity as living men and women, except that as they may function as attorneys and are coerced to subject themselves to the British "American" Bar Association as a result, they suffer intrinsic loss of both rights and property as a consequence of that relationship and as a result of accepting the foreign title of "Esquire".

Members of the military are similarly harmed but on a more temporary basis as their obligations to the current corporate employer are more immediately reversible upon the end of their "Tour of Duty" (aka, indentured servitude) and also because the enlistment contracts they signed were not fully disclosed concerning the mercenary nature of the work they were undertaking.

Remedies for these outrages are long overdue in terms of providing easy and official and published meaning advertised ways -- for Americans and others to refuse and/or correct these impositions of foreign citizenship obligations by deceit and coercion.

A very serious breach of public trust has occurred and the military is responsible for keeping its oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: To Derek Johnson
By Anna Von Reitz

Lately, we have been hearing a lot from a young man named Derek Johnson who has, quite rightly, been citing chapter and verse from the military regulations concerning the "Continuance of Government" protocols being exercised by Donald J. Trump.

He has also been making a case for the right of the military to take action in the event of a political catastrophe. Again, good enough, so far as it goes, however.... Our militia in 1775 is a far different animal and apart from the for-hire mercenary forces of 2024.

We have an American Government in place and the military, both the American Militia and the for-hire U.S. Military, is supposed to be taking its orders --- not from its own British Territorial Congress or worse, the Municipal Congress -- but from our American Government and our States of the Union.

To date, they are still operating as a foreign mercenary force under the guidance of a foreign corporation's "President".

Their excuse is that we haven't been in Session in so long that they don't know who we are, but it's not hard to figure out. Anyone who can sort through ten tons of military code and procedure can figure out which government the military owes allegiance to.

Derek Johnson points to the fact that the military existed and took action in 1775, even prior to The Declaration of Independence, and he makes the argument that the military is the actual owner of this country, but, again, he's just a little off base about some basics.

The people of this country own it, and "people" means "militia".

Whether you say "of the people, for the people, by the people" or you say "of the militia, for the militia, by the militia" --- it means exactly the same thing.

Our militia hasn't been in action since The War of 1812, and it's a good thing that we have been at peace. We are peaceable people, slow to anger, patient and long-suffering, but we have a well-deserved reputation for standing to the last man and fighting when we fight.

The Greeks at Thermopylae ain't got nothing on the Americans at Fort McHenry.

So let's review this again.

The entity fighting in 1775 was the American Militia, not a For-Hire British Territorial Force being paid by a foreign Corporation to illegally occupy this country.

Like many Americans, including Americans in the Armed Forces, Derek Johnson is confused. He thinks that the military he is familiar with is the military of this country, but it's not.

The Union Army in 1860 was already a Mercenary Force and there has been no change in the nature or status of any U.S. Military since then.

So, once again, we have a confusion between apples and oranges, the American Militia being confused with the U.S. Army. They are completely different things with different aims and political allegiances.

The U.S. Army is a British Territorial Force under contract to defend this country for pay. It's a private mercenary force operated by a foreign corporation that we can describe generally as the U.S.A. Inc.

Our American Militia is a completely different thing; it operates without pay and has roughly 257 million members. Of those, roughly 40 million are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. And we are all prickly as hell right now, because of the circus the for-hire military and their politicians have created:

1. Imposing the disastrous "Federal Reserve" system on the people of this country for the last century and a half; no, it didn't begin in 1913-- it got its fangs in during the Lincoln Administration like everything else.

2. Imposing British Maritime and Admiralty Courts on the people of this country for the past century and a half and operating them to illegally and immorally impersonate Americans, commit barratry against them, and illegally tax and confiscate American assets.

3. Carrying on a program of war-for-profit against the rest of the world as well as this country for a century and a half; conscripting our children as mercenaries and lying to them about the nature of their "service".

4. Creating a completely monopolized financial world based on purloined assets, human enslavement and blood money, half funded on lies and the rest funded on securitizing living flesh and performance contracts.

5. And after the "U.S. military" was found to be responsible for all the above, what did the U.S. Army do? It called on its illegally conscripted "Uniformed Officers" -- the Medical Doctors -- to kill millions of unarmed civilians worldwide using a phony pandemic and non-existent "emergency powers" to shove experimental mRNA injections into everyone's arms--- including the members of the U.S. Military itself.

So long as Derek Johnson is such an expert in U.S. Military affairs, perhaps he could tell us what this unimaginable Cluster was all about? Some kind of suicidal rampage like an estranged husband killing his wife and then killing himself? A total failure of "military intelligence"?

Or perhaps, "If we can't rob the Americans, ain't nobody going to rob the Americans!"

How about the American Militia just stands up and shows you all just how stupid this really is?

You are fighting against your own people, doing the bidding of foreign interests, and are too wrapped up in red tape to get the message straight, Derek.

It's not the for-hire military that won this country by force of arms. It's not the for-hire military that has done anything worthwhile for this country at all. The for-hire military has been asset-stripping this country for the last century and a half, and waging constant mercenary war against us and against other nations "in our names".

Get it all the way straight, Derek Johnson, or not at all. There are no "Executive Orders" nor any "Emergency Powers" granted by the people of this country to any foreign corporation's "President".

The for-hire military has breached our trust, lied to us, lied about us, and been a parasite in our flesh for the past 160 years.

It's the American Militia that went to the field in 1775, not the U.S. Army.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
