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3 hrs ago

Breaking! Trump To Become First GOP Presidential Candidate To Ever Speak At Libertarian National Convention

45th President truly aims to be a leader for ALL Americans, not just his base

& if ANY of U 8 billion + of 195 countries USA-globally can't get away ie: vacation, TRY Pluto TV's Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category & classical music under Music Videos category, enjoy smile. FREE in USA but global need a 3rd party APP 2 download, see on web.

& again via Pluto TV, Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category & classical music channel under Music Videos category all free in USA-America but global CAN view but need a (?) 3rd party APP download, web keyword search how 2 do that, goo luck & enjoy, smile.



Politicians from both sides of the aisle have finally found legislation they could agree on but is it really a good thing if they are unified in taking away or limiting Americans access to information. On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes and a panel of experts (Angela McCardle, Chair, Libertarian National Committee; Larry Ward, President Political Media Inc; James Rehwald, Political Commentator, Comedian) are going to look at the house vote to ban TikTok and if it is really a Trojan horse being used by Congress to destroy the Right to Free Speech.


Republicans are facing another political headache in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, this time involving in vitro fertilization procedures, that could spell disaster for the party heading into the 2024 election. The latest hurdle comes out of Alabama after the state Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are legally children and the destruction of embryos constitutes a crime under the state’s “wrongful death of a minor” law. In response to the significant backlash, lawmakers in both chambers of the Alabama legislature have filed bills to clarify the state law related to embryos created via IVF. In this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes debate with her panel (Steve Abramowicz, Host, Mill Creek View; Desi K Robinson, Health Professor, Doula, Media Analyst) about the ruling and the morality of deciding when does life begin?


15 states vote on Super Tuesday but with overwhelming wins In Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, and Michigan... is Donald Trump now guaranteed to be the Republican Presidential nominee? On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes discusses with her panel (Dr. Linda Lee Tarver, Election integrity expert; Robert Patillo, Political commentator) the current state of the Presidential race as well as what the stepping down of National committee chairman Ronna McDaniels means for the party and the candidates in the 2024 election cycle. Plus, while Donald Trump is spending time courting the black vote, Joe Biden is hemorrhaging minority voters. We ask our panel how this shift is happening between the parties.


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Politicians from both sides of the aisle have finally found legislation they could agree on but is it really a good thing if they are unified in taking away or limiting Americans access to information. On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes and a panel of experts (Angela McCardle, Chair, Libertarian National Committee; Larry Ward, President Political Media Inc; James Rehwald, Political Commentator, Comedian) are going to look at the house vote to ban TikTok and if it is really a Trojan horse being used by Congress to destroy the Right to Free Speech.


Republicans are facing another political headache in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, this time involving in vitro fertilization procedures, that could spell disaster for the party heading into the 2024 election. The latest hurdle comes out of Alabama after the state Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are legally children and the destruction of embryos constitutes a crime under the state’s “wrongful death of a minor” law. In response to the significant backlash, lawmakers in both chambers of the Alabama legislature have filed bills to clarify the state law related to embryos created via IVF. In this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes debate with her panel (Steve Abramowicz, Host, Mill Creek View; Desi K Robinson, Health Professor, Doula, Media Analyst) about the ruling and the morality of deciding when does life begin?


15 states vote on Super Tuesday but with overwhelming wins In Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, and Michigan... is Donald Trump now guaranteed to be the Republican Presidential nominee? On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes discusses with her panel (Dr. Linda Lee Tarver, Election integrity expert; Robert Patillo, Political commentator) the current state of the Presidential race as well as what the stepping down of National committee chairman Ronna McDaniels means for the party and the candidates in the 2024 election cycle. Plus, while Donald Trump is spending time courting the black vote, Joe Biden is hemorrhaging minority voters. We ask our panel how this shift is happening between the parties.

Big steps forward - with bills passing on sound money, privacy, the right to keep and bear arms, CBDCs and more.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: March 1, 2024

Abigail Adams was a fierce advocate for independence, warned that power always grows, repeatedly pushed for the advancement of women, was an early opponent of slavery, a strong supporter of education - and an arms manufacturer too.

Path to Liberty: February 28, 2024


3 hrs ago

Breaking! Trump To Become First GOP Presidential Candidate To Ever Speak At Libertarian National Convention

45th President truly aims to be a leader for ALL Americans, not just his base

& if ANY of U 8 billion + of 195 countries USA-globally can't get away ie: vacation, TRY Pluto TV's Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category & classical music under Music Videos category, enjoy smile. FREE in USA but global need a 3rd party APP 2 download, see on web.

& again via Pluto TV, Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category & classical music channel under Music Videos category all free in USA-America but global CAN view but need a (?) 3rd party APP download, web keyword search how 2 do that, goo luck & enjoy, smile.


Imagine a future where the security of our elections is upheld with the highest regard. That's the America we strive for.
Recently, Democrats have taken steps to allow non-citizens to vote in our elections. This issue strikes at the very heart of our democracy. That's why we are conducting a FLASH POLL to capture your views: SHOULD NON-CITIZENS BE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN US ELECTIONS?
We count on your perspective to navigate this challenge. Your response is a vital measure of our collective stance.
Please, take a moment to cast your vote and confirm where you stand on this critical issue.
This isn't just about a single issue; it’s about safeguarding the entire fabric of our electoral process. We must remain vigilant.
Your participation keeps our movement grounded in the values that matter most to American Patriots in places like your community.
Stand with us in this political battle by casting your vote today. Your input directly influences our campaign strategy.
Jason Simmons
Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party


Don't let this go unchecked: Over 1 million opponents are targeting Justice Clarence Thomas.
They've made their intentions clear, and now we must make a stand to safeguard our values and the integrity of the Supreme Court.
This isn't just about one man; it's about protecting the principle of fair justice in our nation.
Your support is crucial—add your name to our petition now!
Every signature strengthens our defense of Justice Thomas against this unwarranted attack.
We're counting on your immediate action. Confirm your support by signing today.
Let your voice resonate—Justice Thomas needs us united!
Your Personal Link:
Carley Martinette
Digital Director, NCGOP