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& know whether ANY care or not, I NO fret (tripp, worry about) (?) - what have U out there exhibited as & cuz of Holy Bible's Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith is) - Luke 17:21-22 (kingdom of God is embedded internally with in me - as however generally saying-speaking ANY 1 right-proper in-of Jesus) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul) & as overall such, I KNOW via Holy Trinity what this ALL is-(past) been & worse Coming via Holy Trinity's Holy intel info of Holy Bible so nevertheless, I fret NOT but stay-remain SELF denied Holy Warrior 4 Jesus Holy Trinity despite worse Coming. Check my various other social media profile's & go back as far as U want B sides various web keyword News research search U can do, DON'T deny what's past been-is now & Coming!

Sigh huh, past historically-tick tock 'Time' 2 date USA-globally, evil-unholy, dust & ash bleedable, weed of garden, CAN B touched-handled-ceased, THEM-THEY of Power (fill in blank's, name THEM) almost have what THEY want-need-demand, ABSOLUTE CONTROL! THEY (ie: have done-did via Jeremy Lee Renner's 'CAN'T B UNDONE' & R gonna STILL continue doing) & it WON'T stop there! The $, etc price of USA-global God given-allowed-privilege of freedom is HIGH, it always has been & it's a price I'm (dying tired frail old man, straight-hetrosexual, celibate, alpha male) SELF denyingly (& Holy Trinity WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM) via Luke 17:21-22 ie: kingdom of God is embedded internally within FEW, NOT ALL, willing 2 pay (do or die trying, 'WHATEVER it takes' cuz I 'GET'-realize what's solely alone at stake = angering-pissing off God BUT me NO lone wolf-ing) & if I'm R-the ONLY 1 (& above), then so B it! via my WHEN IN temporary human, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24) LIFE assigned Heaven Life Record!

BUT, DON'T U-ANY 1 USA-globally lime light ME, misc ONLY do or die trying via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, as HE will do Coming via Holy Bible THAT of Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM! It's-NOTHING is about me - I'm NO body NOR any 1 important nor special & though via Luke 17:21-22 (Kingdom of God is inside U, NOT churches) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR eternal Soul), I'm just merely a dying tried frail old man amidst U all USA-global connected 8 billion plus whole NECELUS species-humanity, temporarily here 4 a Time, 2 do a job given 2 me from-via Holy Trinity as tomorrow isn't promised 2 no 1, I 2 shall & will eventually pass-die (though I already have a long time Final Will done & minimal thing's in place 4 my Coming end of life) & witness myself on my knees B4 Jesus 4 my momentary pre judgment day processing review via my WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record as will ALL individually!


Government is waging a war on liberty. And it always has.

Benjamin Franklin understood this, even if most people don’t today: “As all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed.”

Benjamin Franklin understood what most people seem to miss today, that government is an enemy of #liberty @mmaharrey10th

“all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed”


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Government is waging a war on liberty. And it always has.

Benjamin Franklin understood this, even if most people don’t today: “As all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed.”

Benjamin Franklin understood what most people seem to miss today, that government is an enemy of #liberty @mmaharrey10th

“all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed”


& know whether ANY care or not, I NO fret (tripp, worry about) (?) - what have U out there exhibited as & cuz of Holy Bible's Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith is) - Luke 17:21-22 (kingdom of God is embedded internally with in me - as however generally saying-speaking ANY 1 right-proper in-of Jesus) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul) & as overall such, I KNOW via Holy Trinity what this ALL is-(past) been & worse Coming via Holy Trinity's Holy intel info of Holy Bible so nevertheless, I fret NOT but stay-remain SELF denied Holy Warrior 4 Jesus Holy Trinity despite worse Coming. Check my various other social media profile's & go back as far as U want B sides various web keyword News research search U can do, DON'T deny what's past been-is now & Coming!

Sigh huh, past historically-tick tock 'Time' 2 date USA-globally, evil-unholy, dust & ash bleedable, weed of garden, CAN B touched-handled-ceased, THEM-THEY of Power (fill in blank's, name THEM) almost have what THEY want-need-demand, ABSOLUTE CONTROL! THEY (ie: have done-did via Jeremy Lee Renner's 'CAN'T B UNDONE' & R gonna STILL continue doing) & it WON'T stop there! The $, etc price of USA-global God given-allowed-privilege of freedom is HIGH, it always has been & it's a price I'm (dying tired frail old man, straight-hetrosexual, celibate, alpha male) SELF denyingly (& Holy Trinity WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM) via Luke 17:21-22 ie: kingdom of God is embedded internally within FEW, NOT ALL, willing 2 pay (do or die trying, 'WHATEVER it takes' cuz I 'GET'-realize what's solely alone at stake = angering-pissing off God BUT me NO lone wolf-ing) & if I'm R-the ONLY 1 (& above), then so B it! via my WHEN IN temporary human, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24) LIFE assigned Heaven Life Record!

BUT, DON'T U-ANY 1 USA-globally lime light ME, misc ONLY do or die trying via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, as HE will do Coming via Holy Bible THAT of Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM! It's-NOTHING is about me - I'm NO body NOR any 1 important nor special & though via Luke 17:21-22 (Kingdom of God is inside U, NOT churches) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR eternal Soul), I'm just merely a dying tried frail old man amidst U all USA-global connected 8 billion plus whole NECELUS species-humanity, temporarily here 4 a Time, 2 do a job given 2 me from-via Holy Trinity as tomorrow isn't promised 2 no 1, I 2 shall & will eventually pass-die (though I already have a long time Final Will done & minimal thing's in place 4 my Coming end of life) & witness myself on my knees B4 Jesus 4 my momentary pre judgment day processing review via my WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record as will ALL individually!

12 hrs ago

Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Finances? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my finances? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

Jesus and I are in a field and I see sunflowers. Jesus is holding a bubble wand and starts blowing it and the bubbles start flowing into the air. I see Jesus relaxed and smiling and enjoying His time. Suddenly, I see myself as a little girl and Jesus is carrying me and holding me while we stand in the field. He reassuringly pats my back, as if I am concerned.

Jesus: Cathy, My beloved, do not worry. Look at the field around you. It is mostly empty, but the grass is green and growing. The whole land has room and potential for growth to occur. You both are still at the beginning of your marriage. I know there are financial concerns and debts, but just like the field, green and ready to receive the harvest, so is your financial state. There is still time and potential for financial blessings. You just have to trust My timings and ways. I have a plan and I see all your plans. Surrender them to Me and enjoy and relax in the process. Take it easy and enjoy. I have blessed you enough, financially, to provide for your needs and debts, along with some room for enjoyment. Receive it. Do not look at the tasks. Do not let your present moments of enjoyment be robbed because of debt. From this debt, you have a home, along with other things. So, continue to look at it with appreciation and not burden. Enjoy what I have given. And in My ways and time, you will see gradually My blessings pour out. You will not be in need. There is no poverty, there are blessings because I see your hearts.

Guard your hearts, for the enemy will try to distract you with materialistic things or discontentment, but refuse. Keep your hearts connected to Me. I am Your true source of provision. Learn to be content in little and much. For that is the power and secret of godliness, to be content in all situations. For you are not of this world, you are just living in it for a moment, until eternity’s call. Keep your eyes and hearts on Me and My kingdom and I will bring forth blessings. And even in trials, do not let your hearts be burdened or troubled. For I will bring peace, contentment, and provision in its time. In the meantime, know that I am preparing your hearts and refining you both. Receive My blessings, be grateful, be content, and I will work in your lives.

Cathy: Amen, Lord we receive. Continue to keep our hearts free from greed. We want to rely on You for our source of provision and be faithful and generous in what You have blessed us with. Thank You, Lord, for Your provision. We cast our concerns unto You, and receive Your peace and joy.

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Sigh huh SO YEAH, I guess I'm AM calling out & in2 question ALL of YAW fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself ie: government-entertainment industry etc else fill in blanks as with even Luke 12:51 Jesus came 2 DIVIDE as Luke 17:21-22 Kingdom of God is inside U & ALL around U with accompanying Hebrews 11:1 WHAT faith is though noting Luke 9:24 NONE SELF individually SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath coming in & outta YO mouth-nose NOR eternal power Mist Soul source temporarily powering YO dust & ash corpse 4 a tick tock 'Time' daily flies.