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What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a Lake of Fire: Book of Revelations 20:15, a bottomless pit: Book of Revelations 20:1, a horrible tempest: Psalm 11:6, a place of everlasting burnings: isaiah 33:14, a furnace of fire & where people cry for mercy: Matthew 13:42, a devouring fire: isaiah 33:14, a place of torments: Luke 16:23 & where people pray: Luke 16:24, a place of everlasting punishment: Matthew 25:46. What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a place where people wail: Book of Revelations 16:11, a place where people blaspheme (speak irreverently about & the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for inviolable Holy God): Book of Revelations 20:15, a place of NO-EVER-NEVER ANY forgiveness: Matthew 12:32, a place of filthiness: Book of Revelations 22:11.

for the 1 that no allows youtube link's - (A warning 2 ALL humanity) - A Holy advocacy (verbal) sharing by-from: Isaiah Saldivar via ATHEIST 2 (Holy) REVIVALIST (4 Holy Trinity; God bless in Jesus, stay safe, smile; A Holy advocacy (verbal) sharing by-from: Isaiah Saldivar via ATHEIST 2 (Holy) REVIVALIST (4 Holy Trinity; God bless in Jesus, stay safe, smile - not playing right on Paler DOR com so just copy & back, back space, remove DOT & tight up & copy-paste in2 new window: youtube DOT com/shorts/tGDji2RhsjU or just simple click on the YouTube weblink of U can-R able 2 -

Gods WrathFull Video: to Support the Ministry:🤝 Monthly Partner (Monthly partners re...


Doubt and My Word Cannot Peacefully Coexist – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Lord, precious Holy Spirit, you came today, unbidden. Even as I began to sing, you poured out on me. Even as I cried, even as I groaned, your presence, was here, Lord. Your presence. I am undone. You are calling me, Lord, out of this land where I have been to a land I do not know. O Lord, let me run to you.

Thank you, Lord, for the revelation about the healing of my eyes. From, “Well I guess it’s back,” to ”Get thee behind me Satan!” I remember the verse you gave me in the beginning. “Oh Lord, my healing God, I cried out to you for a miracle, and you healed me.” Psalm 30:2-3 TPT. And then I hear, “Did God really say…” Just like Eve. It almost made me laugh, Lord. That old devil was trying his best to get me to doubt what YOU had told me about the healing of my eyes, and he hasn’t even changed his methods. Thank you, Lord, that in this I SHALL NOT DOUBT.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious, precious one. Did you get that? You are DOUBLY precious to me. More than all the grains of sand on every ocean shore. Now that is a lot, no matter how you look at it. I have blessed you this morning with My presence. Holy Spirit touched what was in your heart for Me and magnified it. And even as He poured His love out on you, it grew. It covered you, embracing you, permeating you. And as Holy Spirit began to pray through you, you felt that groaning tighten in your stomach. It was coming from the depths of you, LaWanda, from your core, your spirit. That place where He resides.

He cried out to the Father for you. Releasing that which does not belong there, LaWanda. It is gone. IT IS GONE!!! You need not know the details. Just know in this moment that you have released by the power of the Holy Spirit something that did not serve you, that did not serve MY purposes for you. AND, I have revealed to you the plot of Satan to steal your healing. There is no room for doubt here, dear one. Doubt and My word cannot peacefully coexist. Hear Me now, LaWanda.

DOUBT AND MY WORD CANNOT PEACEFULLY COEXIST! One or the other will prevail. Which one depends upon the one you focus on. If you focus on your doubt, you will begin to believe it and believing it, you will bring it forth. On the other hand, if you focus on My word, especially those words given to you specifically, you will begin to believe them and you will solidify the TRUTH of them within you and bring them forth. You will allow Me to set them like concrete in the hidden places of your heart and I WILL complete it. I can do nothing else for I honor My word even above My name. My word cannot return to Me void.

Just think of this one verse that I gave you so long ago: “So shall My word be that goeth forth from My mouth: it shall not return unto me void but shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” My word cannot – it is not possible for it to - go out and NOT do what I say it will do. It cannot return to Me void or unfulfilled but FIRST… you must speak it. YOU must send it forth with YOUR voice. If you just believe one word from Me, believe this one. If you just know one word from Me in the depths of your being, let it be this one. Let Me delight in setting this TRUTH deep within you. And remember, it is not just “sitting there.” It is SET like stone and cannot be removed.

You are My precious child. I delight in you – in who you are. You are My beloved. Now…who are you going to believe…him or Me?

“Oh Lord, my healing God, I cried out to you for a miracle, and you healed me. You brought me back from the brink of death, from the depths below. Now here I am, alive and well, fully restored.” Psalm 30:2-3 TPT (This was the promise God gave me for the healing of my eyes.)

“I will worship toward Your holy temple and praise Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.” Psalm 138:2 NKJV

“So shall My word be that goeth forth from My mouth: it shall not return unto me void but shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 NKJV

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What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a Lake of Fire: Book of Revelations 20:15, a bottomless pit: Book of Revelations 20:1, a horrible tempest: Psalm 11:6, a place of everlasting burnings: isaiah 33:14, a furnace of fire & where people cry for mercy: Matthew 13:42, a devouring fire: isaiah 33:14, a place of torments: Luke 16:23 & where people pray: Luke 16:24, a place of everlasting punishment: Matthew 25:46. What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a place where people wail: Book of Revelations 16:11, a place where people blaspheme (speak irreverently about & the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for inviolable Holy God): Book of Revelations 20:15, a place of NO-EVER-NEVER ANY forgiveness: Matthew 12:32, a place of filthiness: Book of Revelations 22:11.

for the 1 that no allows youtube link's - (A warning 2 ALL humanity) - A Holy advocacy (verbal) sharing by-from: Isaiah Saldivar via ATHEIST 2 (Holy) REVIVALIST (4 Holy Trinity; God bless in Jesus, stay safe, smile; A Holy advocacy (verbal) sharing by-from: Isaiah Saldivar via ATHEIST 2 (Holy) REVIVALIST (4 Holy Trinity; God bless in Jesus, stay safe, smile - not playing right on Paler DOR com so just copy & back, back space, remove DOT & tight up & copy-paste in2 new window: youtube DOT com/shorts/tGDji2RhsjU or just simple click on the YouTube weblink of U can-R able 2 -

Gods WrathFull Video: to Support the Ministry:🤝 Monthly Partner (Monthly partners re...


Doubt and My Word Cannot Peacefully Coexist – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Lord, precious Holy Spirit, you came today, unbidden. Even as I began to sing, you poured out on me. Even as I cried, even as I groaned, your presence, was here, Lord. Your presence. I am undone. You are calling me, Lord, out of this land where I have been to a land I do not know. O Lord, let me run to you.

Thank you, Lord, for the revelation about the healing of my eyes. From, “Well I guess it’s back,” to ”Get thee behind me Satan!” I remember the verse you gave me in the beginning. “Oh Lord, my healing God, I cried out to you for a miracle, and you healed me.” Psalm 30:2-3 TPT. And then I hear, “Did God really say…” Just like Eve. It almost made me laugh, Lord. That old devil was trying his best to get me to doubt what YOU had told me about the healing of my eyes, and he hasn’t even changed his methods. Thank you, Lord, that in this I SHALL NOT DOUBT.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious, precious one. Did you get that? You are DOUBLY precious to me. More than all the grains of sand on every ocean shore. Now that is a lot, no matter how you look at it. I have blessed you this morning with My presence. Holy Spirit touched what was in your heart for Me and magnified it. And even as He poured His love out on you, it grew. It covered you, embracing you, permeating you. And as Holy Spirit began to pray through you, you felt that groaning tighten in your stomach. It was coming from the depths of you, LaWanda, from your core, your spirit. That place where He resides.

He cried out to the Father for you. Releasing that which does not belong there, LaWanda. It is gone. IT IS GONE!!! You need not know the details. Just know in this moment that you have released by the power of the Holy Spirit something that did not serve you, that did not serve MY purposes for you. AND, I have revealed to you the plot of Satan to steal your healing. There is no room for doubt here, dear one. Doubt and My word cannot peacefully coexist. Hear Me now, LaWanda.

DOUBT AND MY WORD CANNOT PEACEFULLY COEXIST! One or the other will prevail. Which one depends upon the one you focus on. If you focus on your doubt, you will begin to believe it and believing it, you will bring it forth. On the other hand, if you focus on My word, especially those words given to you specifically, you will begin to believe them and you will solidify the TRUTH of them within you and bring them forth. You will allow Me to set them like concrete in the hidden places of your heart and I WILL complete it. I can do nothing else for I honor My word even above My name. My word cannot return to Me void.

Just think of this one verse that I gave you so long ago: “So shall My word be that goeth forth from My mouth: it shall not return unto me void but shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” My word cannot – it is not possible for it to - go out and NOT do what I say it will do. It cannot return to Me void or unfulfilled but FIRST… you must speak it. YOU must send it forth with YOUR voice. If you just believe one word from Me, believe this one. If you just know one word from Me in the depths of your being, let it be this one. Let Me delight in setting this TRUTH deep within you. And remember, it is not just “sitting there.” It is SET like stone and cannot be removed.

You are My precious child. I delight in you – in who you are. You are My beloved. Now…who are you going to believe…him or Me?

“Oh Lord, my healing God, I cried out to you for a miracle, and you healed me. You brought me back from the brink of death, from the depths below. Now here I am, alive and well, fully restored.” Psalm 30:2-3 TPT (This was the promise God gave me for the healing of my eyes.)

“I will worship toward Your holy temple and praise Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.” Psalm 138:2 NKJV

“So shall My word be that goeth forth from My mouth: it shall not return unto me void but shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 NKJV

Is My Spiritual Foundation Strong Enough to Withstand the Storms of Life?
Your Extraordinary Life Free Video Event - July 2-11, 2024
Learn more and register here:

Plus: 10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024!
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

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(A warning 2 ALL humanity) - A Holy advocacy (verbal) sharing by-from: Isaiah Saldivar via ATHEIST 2 (Holy) REVIVALIST (4 Holy Trinity; God bless in Jesus, stay safe, smile -

Gods WrathFull Video: to Support the Ministry:🤝 Monthly Partner (Monthly partners re...


Binding and Loosing is Necessary…and Already Done Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – ♪♪ “So I’ll throw up my hands and praise you again and again. All that I have is a “Hallelujah”. I know it’s not much but I’ve got nothing else fit for a King, except for a heart singing, “Hallelujah.” I got just one response. I’ve got nothing new. With my arms stretched out, I will worship you.”♪♪

O Jesus, precious Lord, this is where I am this morning. Hallelujah seems the best, most appropriate thing, the only thing I can offer you. Your grace so tenderly poured out on me leaves me otherwise speechless. O Hallelujah to my King, my precious, precious Jesus. Thank you, Lord, and I say it again – Hallelujah!

I see you, Lord, talking to the disciples as the time of your death approaches and seeing their blank stares, their not understanding, their not realizing what you are saying is hard to comprehend because you can’t take our knowing what happened out of the equation. I know, Lord, that we would have been no different. But it is hard to even comprehend what YOU were thinking and feeling as you saw these dear ones who had been with you for three years not having a clue. And knowing that the end was near must have been that much more heartbreaking for you. Lord, I thank you for allowing us to see a picture of your humanness that is portrayed in The Chosen. I thank the Father for allowing you to experience a life here on earth with all its pain and agony so that we can experience a life one day with you in heaven. But, Lord, it is so much more than that. Life here with you – NOW. And ABUNDANT life at that! O Jesus, my gratitude to you for your great sacrifice overflows, Lord. All so that we might LIVE!! So I’ll throw up my hands and praise you again and again, Lord. I’ve nothing else fit for a King. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, my precious one, the one whose picture I have tattooed on the palm of each of My hands. I love it when you praise Me. Your recent realization that listening to a praise song is not praising Me is Holy Spirit given. Listening is background music unless you are soaking in it to worship Me. Praising Me takes effort on your part. It takes intention. Listening to praise music lifts you up but offering praise to Me with your mouth is a gift you give to Me that I will receive from no one else in quite the same way. Bring me your sacrifice of praise, dear one, and I WILL receive it. I am waiting for it even now.

You have asked about binding and loosing and in your praying you have already discovered the answer. Even as you pray the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come, They will be done” and you have been saying, ”as it already is in heaven.” You have been doing that because Holy Spirit put it within you some time ago. What you bind on earth is ALREADY bound in heaven. Is not sickness already bound in heaven? But you are called to bind it HERE. What you loose on earth is ALREADY loosed in heaven. Is not my peace already loosed in heaven? But again, you are called to loose it HERE. You are praying correctly, LaWanda, and in fact you are prophesying to the future of those you are praying for – yourself or someone else – because it is already done in heaven, waiting to be called forth by your speaking. Your speaking it as “already done” creates faith in the one praying and the one prayed for. It creates the faith required to bring it forth.

So continue to bind and loose, dear one, for I am ready willing and able to release from the heavenlies ALL that you are calling forth to be done. All that is already here waiting.
“Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed) a picture of you on the palm of each of My hands.” Isaiah 49:16 AMP
“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be[a] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[b] loosed in heaven. Matthew 18:18 NIV
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