for the 1 that no allows youtube link's - (A warning 2 ALL humanity) - A Holy advocacy (verbal) sharing by-from: Isaiah Saldivar via ATHEIST 2 (Holy) REVIVALIST (4 Holy Trinity; God bless in Jesus, stay safe, smile; A Holy advocacy (verbal) sharing by-from: Isaiah Saldivar via ATHEIST 2 (Holy) REVIVALIST (4 Holy Trinity; God bless in Jesus, stay safe, smile - not playing right on Paler DOR com so just copy & back, back space, remove DOT & tight up & copy-paste in2 new window: youtube DOT com/shorts/tGDji2RhsjU or just simple click on the YouTube weblink of U can-R able 2 -

Gods WrathFull Video: to Support the Ministry:🤝 Monthly Partner (Monthly partners re...