I remember that! That was wild. #WoodyHarrelson #hero #activist #intelligent #smart #funny #covid #masks #mandates #insanity #boughtOffMedia #CBCnews #CTVnews #GlobalNews #YouTube
I remember that! That was wild. #WoodyHarrelson #hero #activist #intelligent #smart #funny #covid #masks #mandates #insanity #boughtOffMedia #CBCnews #CTVnews #GlobalNews #YouTube
Main stream media in Australia proves that it is as dumb as the main stream news departments in Canada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGSM9cPvgwc #news #mainstream #Canada #fools #idiots #government #buttSniffers #dogs #propagandists #CTVnews #CBCnews #GlobalNews
The bird flu hoax, they are doing it again to us!
The man who died from bird flu DID NOT DIE FROM BIRD FLU, he had several other major health problems killing him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WGy30RvdYY
#Canada #vaccinepassports #vaccine #VaccineSideEffects #covid19 #masks #medicalpassports #masksareuseless #viruses #bacteria #NDP #LiberalParty #evil #propaganda #terror #control #liars #lies #propaganda #governmentpropaganda #cbcnews #ctvnews #globalnews #nationalpost #fascists #fascistparties #canadahasfallen #sos #covidians #death #mRNA #poisonjab #mandates #mandate #biotherapy #coercion #NurembergLaw #SADS #suddenadultdeathsyndrome
I remember that! That was wild. #WoodyHarrelson #hero #activist #intelligent #smart #funny #covid #masks #mandates #insanity #boughtOffMedia #CBCnews #CTVnews #GlobalNews #YouTube
Main stream media in Australia proves that it is as dumb as the main stream news departments in Canada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGSM9cPvgwc #news #mainstream #Canada #fools #idiots #government #buttSniffers #dogs #propagandists #CTVnews #CBCnews #GlobalNews
The bird flu hoax, they are doing it again to us!
The man who died from bird flu DID NOT DIE FROM BIRD FLU, he had several other major health problems killing him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WGy30RvdYY
#Canada #vaccinepassports #vaccine #VaccineSideEffects #covid19 #masks #medicalpassports #masksareuseless #viruses #bacteria #NDP #LiberalParty #evil #propaganda #terror #control #liars #lies #propaganda #governmentpropaganda #cbcnews #ctvnews #globalnews #nationalpost #fascists #fascistparties #canadahasfallen #sos #covidians #death #mRNA #poisonjab #mandates #mandate #biotherapy #coercion #NurembergLaw #SADS #suddenadultdeathsyndrome
"Michael Malice - Don’t Trust the Media"
#CBCnews #CTVnews #GlobalNews #NotTrustworthy #MajorIssues
Listen to this video at 9 minutes in and 40 seconds. This is why Israel will be destroyed soon. It explains it all.
#consequences #Israel #Canada #CBCnews #GodlyAnger