
Wearing masks are being looked into. At this point,
after two breaths, the carbon dioxide alarm will go off as the normal carbon dioxide levels you breathe in go from .04% to 100 times more at 4% with a mask on. Complications we know about is fatigue, muscles deprived of air, brain cell death, and coma.
30 minutes in.
#Canada #vaccinepassports #vaccine #VaccineSideEffects #covid19 #masks #medicalpassports #masksareuseless #viruses #bacteria #NDP #LiberalParty #evil #propaganda #terror #control #liars #lies #propaganda #governmentpropaganda #cbcnews #ctvnews #globalnews #nationalpost #fascists #fascistparties #canadahasfallen #sos #covidians #death #mRNA #poisonjab #mandates #mandate #propaganda #biotherapy #coercion #NurembergLaw #SADS #suddenadultdeathsyndrome

The Kim Iversen Show LIVE | July 13, 2023 California Democrats blocked a bill to give child sex traffickers harsher penalties, The White House claims they can’t figure out who left cocaine in the most
