The AZMYtrp indole ring hydrogen is bonded with the anticancer drug hydroxyl group and stabilized DOX-DOX-bis-nanocarriers complexes. The formation of new sp3 regions and π-π interactions with the carbon-doped [60]BN decreased the bandgap (0.64 eV) and stabilized the B25N25C10AZMYtyrAZMYtyr-DOX-BCHA complex.Local administration of chemotherapeutic drugs to a tumor site in the oral cavity can provide high drug concentrations in the tumor area and reduce systemic side effects. In this work, catechol (Cat)-modified chitosan/hyaluronic acid (HA) nanoparticles (NPs), hereinafter referred to as Cat-NPs, were developed as a new carrier to deliver doxorubicin (DOX) to oral cancer cells. The Cat moiety of the NPs allowed the excellent adhesion of the carrier to the oral mucosa and sustained local delivery of DOX into the oral cavity. Cat-NPs were generated from Cat-functionalized succinyl chitosan and Cat-bearing HA via ionic gelation. Negatively charged and spherical Cat-NPs measuring approximately 160 nm in size were obtained. The modified NPs demonstrated superior mucoadhesive capability on ex vivo porcine oral mucosal tissues compared with the unmodified NPs. DOX could be loaded onto the modified NPs with a high loading capacity of 250 μg/mg, and sustained-release characteristics were observed. The DOX-loaded Cat-NPs (DOX-NPs) inhibited the growth of the HN22 oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line with a low IC50. Moreover, the DOX-NPs were taken up, accumulated, and induced apoptosis in cells more extensively compared with free DOX. These findings reflect the potential use of the synthesized Cat-NPs as a new carrier for the local delivery of DOX to oral cancer cells. Further in vivo studies should be carried out to confirm the clinical applications of these NPs.The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically transformed the U.S. healthcare landscape. Within psychiatry, a sudden relaxing of insurance and regulatory barriers during the month of March 2020 enabled clinicians practicing in a wide range of settings to quickly adopt virtual care in order to provide critical ongoing mental health supports to both existing and new patients struggling with the pandemic's impact. In this article, we briefly review the extensive literature supporting the effectiveness of telepsychiatry relative to in-person mental health care, and describe how payment and regulatory challenges were the primary barriers preventing more widespread adoption of this treatment modality prior to COVID-19. We then review key changes that were implemented at the federal, state, professional, and insurance levels over a one-month period that helped usher in an unprecedented transformation in psychiatric care delivery, from mostly in-person to mostly virtual. Early quality improvement data regarding virtual visit volumes and clinical insights from our outpatient psychiatry department located within a large, urban, tertiary care academic medical center reflect both the opportunities and challenges of virtual care for patients and providers. Notable benefits have included robust clinical volumes despite social distancing mandates, reduced logistical barrieres to care for many patients, and decreased no-show rates. Finally, we provide clinical suggestions for optimizing telepsychiatry based on our experience, make a call for advocacy to continue the reduced insurance and regulatory restrictions affecting telepsychiatry even once this public health crisis has passed, and pose research questions that can help guide optimal utilization of telepsychiatry as mainstay or adjunct of outpatient psychiatric treatment now and in the future.Cortical neurons are silent most of the time sparse activity enables low-energy computation in the brain, and promises to do the same in neuromorphic hardware. Beyond power efficiency, sparse codes have favourable properties for associative learning, as they can store more information than local codes but are easier to read out than dense codes. Auto-encoders with a sparse constraint can learn sparse codes, and so can single-layer networks that combine recurrent inhibition with unsupervised Hebbian learning. But the latter usually require fast homeostatic plasticity, which could lead to catastrophic forgetting in embodied agents that learn continuously. Here we set out to explore whether plasticity at recurrent inhibitory synapses could take up that role instead, regulating both the population sparseness and the firing rates of individual neurons. We put the idea to the test in a network that employs compartmentalised inputs to solve the task rate-based dendritic compartments integrate the feedforward input, while spiking integrate-and-fire somas compete through recurrent inhibition. A somato-dendritic learning rule allows somatic inhibition to modulate nonlinear Hebbian learning in the dendrites. Trained on MNIST digits and natural images, the network discovers independent components that form a sparse encoding of the input and support linear decoding. These findings confirm that intrinsic homeostatic plasticity is not strictly required for regulating sparseness inhibitory synaptic plasticity can have the same effect. Our work illustrates the usefulness of compartmentalised inputs, and makes the case for moving beyond point neuron models in artificial spiking neural networks.Speech unfolds at different time scales. Therefore, neuronal mechanisms involved in speech processing should likewise operate at different (corresponding) time scales. The present study aimed to identify speech units relevant for selecting speech streams in a multi-talker situation. Functional connectivity was extracted from the continuous EEG while young adults detected targets within one stream in the presence of a different, task-irrelevant stream. In two separate groups, either the attended or the ignored stream was manipulated so that it contained intact, word-wise scrambled, syllable-wise scrambled, or spectrally scrambled speech. We found functional brain networks that were sensitive to the difference between the situations when speech was meaningful at sentence vs. at word level, but not between when speech was meaningful at word vs. only valid at syllable level, irrespective of whether the speech units were manipulated in the attended or the ignored stream. These functional brain networks operated in the delta and theta bands corresponding to integrating information from longer time windows.