
The method by which the Liberal Party of Canada created threats and coercion to force the mRNA poison jab permanently into the bodies of Canadians... the Liberal Party violating the famous "Nuremberg Law". The idea was to keep the illicit money of tax payer dollars flowing into the pockets of pharmaceutical executives who funded the Liberal Party. If and when your family members died of mRNA poisoning, the Liberal Party wouldn't give a shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTPf5GNz1Is #Canada #novaccinepassport #vaccinepassport #vaccinepassports #vaccine #VaccinePassports #VaccineSideEffects #covid19 #novaccinemandate #vaccinemandate #democracy #dead #death #injury #harm #children #babies #baby #child #grave #graveyard #covid #coviddeaths #heartattack #heartattacks #suddendeath #adultsuddendeath #asds #lockdowns

Saskatchewan government vaccine advertisement "tapped into" fear, ad agency admits. Coersion has always been an unethical tool in advertising, especially for...
