
We have talked about self-care and personal development on this campaign and how important it is to the future of our country.

When we think of self-care and personal development, we think in terms of exercise, eating well, getting adequate rest and learning. Those are all very important. Don’t ignore those efforts.

But there is another aspect to self-care that often gets overlooked: learning to manage our emotions and taking care of our mental health. This is the most important part of self-care because it will help you get through the hard times when you have a bad day or feel like giving up. Learning how to take care of your mental health will help you be a better friend, partner, and parent because you will be able to control your emotions instead of letting them control you.

✍️ Take Action! Learn more about our constitution. Sign up here for our Constitution Alive! course starting January 9, 2023, at 7:00 pm: https://bit.ly/3BRkgfn

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📧 cheryl@thefifthprinciple.coop

How can you increase the power of faith in your life? Read Cheryl's inspiring journey to Faith: The Power Within. Order it here: https://www.thefifthprinciple.coop/faith.html
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