
I'm sorry this is so long. But I write these just as much for my benefit as anyone else's. They allow me to establish a milestone of thought from which to move forward as I learn more and digest what I've learned.

Hopefully, we're all getting closer to figuring out what has happened to the world and how we've gotten here. I know I am. I haven't asked the question, why, in a long time (see below). But I still have a way to go.

I read an article a couple of weeks ago whose headline was, "It all makes sense when you accept the fact that they are trying to kill us". Of course, the article pertained strictly to COVID, the gene serums (I'm still looking for proof that they didn't essentially exist before most had even heard of COVID but I sure see a lot of evidence to support that they did) and the Mandates. It wasn't really news to me at the time. I had already concluded that the only thing that made sense to me was that very powerful people have concluded that there are too many people on planet earth, that interplanetary travel is not the answer (it's a good thing Christopher Columbus didn't have the same mentality) and that it is the responsibility of the elite intelligentsia (that's not us folks) to do whatever it takes to reset the world to be what they want it to be. So, what exactly do they want it to be?

Surely, massive reductions in population is part of it. But I doubt that is the end state they seek. And why do I have such doubt? Because, massive reduction in population fails to explain all the things we're seeing. Like destroying American sovereignty, destroying the American military,  destroying the supply chain, destroying the relationships between children and their parents, destroying Judeo-Christian tradition and countless other tactics. I doubt also because of the extent to which the elite intelligentsia is pushing the transhumanism that is the inevitable result of having artificial intelligence (AI) in the wrong hands. I'm not going to educate you on transhumanism. That, in itself, is a huge and complex topic and, frankly, beyond my pay grade. But suffice to say, transhumanism is the hybridization of human beings to be part human (i.e.  the host of the second part) and part computer peripheral device. Transhumanism is considered a religion and has been around for decades. Transhumanism, by definition, destroys the free will that our Creator instilled in us to be replaced by computer-like entities operated by people whose job it is to control what we do. While until recently it was considered the stuff of tin foil hat geek's, with the incredible advance of human-computer interface (HCI), some think it is at our doorstep. I read recently that it will be a factor in the 2024 election.

When you consider all of these things, it becomes pretty obvious that simply reducing population can't be the end state. It has to go way beyond that.

I recently had the opportunity to speak to RI state office holder. During the conversation, I tried to warn him that the mentality that most people who love America have adopted is destined to lead to complete failure. I tried to convey the following simple reality. I assumed he already knew that we are embroiled in a spiritual war. Based on his comments, however, that may have been a bad assumption. I told him that we cannot defeat an enemy that we have not defined. I told him that we have not defined an enemy until we have identified his definition of success (including the means by which that success will be achieved). In military terms, only a fool would intentionally devise strategies and tactics absent consideration of not just the enemy's objectives but also the means (weapons and the mindset guiding their use) that must be countered. I advised this politician that labels (socialist,, progressive, Marxist, Communist, Satanist) don't matter if one never takes the time to inculcate what each of these terms means in every aspect of their planning.

Sadly, this politician is not alone in his thinking or, more correctly, his absence of thought. We all fall into the trap of failing to spend enough time considering what it really  means to be a progressive, a Communist or, ultimately, a Satanist. How do I know this? Because of the incessant asking of the question, why, by just about everyone I meet. Why did they do this? Why did they do that?  While people who ask why think they are expressing what is illogical to them, what they are actually saying is that they have no clue who the enemy is. And as I say above, until you've defined the enemy, you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of defeating him. And you can't define the enemy until you've progressed to the point where you stop asking why he does what he does.

Now let's get to a more practical discussion of what all the above means. For example, I'm reading about various national shutdowns that are planned. One was supposed to start on Nov. 8 and last thru tomorrow (Veteran's Day). But has anyone read anything about its progress? I haven't. If my conclusions are correct, that is probably a good thing. And this being said by someone who has been to countless rallies over the years, one just last week. If we've accepted the likelihood that the supply chain is intentionally being disrupted by the bad guys, why would we employ tactics that only serve to further disrupt the supply chain? If we accept the fact that a goal is to reduce population, why would members of the medical profession appeal to the enemy's sense of humanity when protesting "vaccine" Mandates? Yes, people are going to die due to woefully inadequate staffing caused by firings and walkouts. But didn't we just agree that their goal is to reduce population?  Duh!!! That's what they want, folks. In fact, I can't think of too many tactics by conservatives that won't give the bad guys exactly what they want. When are we going to learn?

So, what do you do with an enemy that has so outsmarted you and already gained such total power over you that virtually every tactic you throw at them is destined to blow up in your face and give them exactly what they want? I know I have my ideas. But clearly we, as people trying to save the America we love, have not gotten there yet in sufficient numbers. Hint: the only way to stop this catastrophe is to physically remove enough of the power brokers to destroy the leadership of the revolution that is taking place, peacefully of course. Perhaps this message might provide a useful nudge? Probably not.
I've spoken in the past, but not in a while, about the documented psychological phenomenon called normalcy bias. It's been said that the German Jews of the 1930s and the people who lived in Louisiana prior to Katrina suffered from this disorder.  Simply put, it is the inability to accept the very likely possibility that something bad is going to happen, when no personal experience can support its occurrence. No hurricane remotely like Katrina had ever occurred in Louisiana and, therefore, no such hurricane could ever occur there. Normalcy bias is alive and well throughout the world and it will likely play a defining role in the demise of humanity as we know and love it with all its imperfections. Once again, Marxists are claiming that they alone can create perfection because, this time, after countless failures, they'll get it right. Fat chance. It took God's grace and biblical guidance to help mortal man to create a world that is infinitely better than anything created by Stalin, Lenin, Pot, Mao, Chavez/Maduro, Castro, Allende and other lesser known dictators. And it will take God's grace, biblical guidance and a whole lot of mercy to save it. Pray for guidance like never before.  And then listen attentively and be prepared to act in ways that do not advance the neo-Marxist agenda.


Guest Post by Jim Kunstler Historians of the future, savoring ‘possum goulash around their campfires, will marvel that modern medicine squandered its authority, its credibility, and its sacred hono…



the event any of you have trouble sleeping some night, you might want to watch the following video of the COVID Summit that took place yesterday in Ocala, FL. All 7+ hours of it. The actual Summit starts at about the 40 minute mark so you'll want to bypass the front segment. The experts you will see - both medical and legal - are the cream of the crop. Their testimonies are often stunning. Did you know that there is not a single confirmed case of a person anywhere in the world contracting COVID for a 2nd time? Yes, there are proposed cases. But in every instance, false positive test results cannot be ruled out. This is because the PCR test is a joke. First, it does not distinguish, by itself, between COVID and the common flu. Second, COVID remains in the system long after all symptoms have cleared. One case is cited where an individual tested positive 7 times after all symptoms had cleared. Have you been frustrated by how responsible members of the Church have conceded the positive effectiveness of the "vaccine" as I have? Well, as it turns out, that is likely because their legal counsel has advised them to do so. Why? Because the trick that is played when someone applies for vax exemption on religious grounds is to claim that the real reason for the exemption request is doubts about the efficacy of the vax. Conceding the positive effects of the vax is an attempt to short circuit that tactic.

The first half, which I watched into the wee hours this morning, covers what the vax does to (not for) us. The second half is supposed to provide guidance on alternatives to the vax. I hope you benefit from this. You might want to share this with people you care about.


On November 9, 2021 in Ocala, Florida, top physicians gathered to discuss their updated Physicians' Declaration, as well as their call to stop authoritarian



Go to this website Sat., Nov. 6 at 10am EDT for the livestream of the Florida summit on COVID. If you look at this website now, you I will see the names of many of the doctors who have been warning us about the evils of the COVID plandemic.


NOTE: The summit will be live-streamed, return here at 10am ET Saturday to watch! Read this event preview Read more and view videos of prior summits at Global



I've been wondering when this process was going to begin. The music we grew up with and love is an intolerable obstacle to the Marxist goal to obliterate our memories of what pre-Marxist life was about. They cannot allow those lyrics to remain. Their job is going to be very difficult because such lyrics continue to be written even today. My advice?  Don't throw away those CDs.


The New York Times opinion section has run a column advocating for classic rock songs like Don McLean's "American Pie" to be reconsidered and maybe even "toppled" like historic Confederate statues, arguing that reevaluating beloved songs will help create a world that is "inclusive and more just."



For months I've been saying that, for the Great Reset to work, they have to achieve a nearly 100% injection rate. The following article provides the best explanation I've seen of why destruction of the control group - i.e., a 100% injection rate - is imperative.

There are two major side effects that have been observed so far. The first is the compromise of the autoimmune system. This can take years to fully manifest. The second is sterilization, especially among women. This does not take as long to manifest.

BTW, parents and grandparents, if you are looking forward to your days as grandparents or great grandparents, you may want to do some serious research before you have your kids or grandkids injected.


Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us, I don’t think I am the only person that has noticed it – There has been a sudden deluge of covid vaccination propaganda and vaccine passport propaganda …
