
the event any of you have trouble sleeping some night, you might want to watch the following video of the COVID Summit that took place yesterday in Ocala, FL. All 7+ hours of it. The actual Summit starts at about the 40 minute mark so you'll want to bypass the front segment. The experts you will see - both medical and legal - are the cream of the crop. Their testimonies are often stunning. Did you know that there is not a single confirmed case of a person anywhere in the world contracting COVID for a 2nd time? Yes, there are proposed cases. But in every instance, false positive test results cannot be ruled out. This is because the PCR test is a joke. First, it does not distinguish, by itself, between COVID and the common flu. Second, COVID remains in the system long after all symptoms have cleared. One case is cited where an individual tested positive 7 times after all symptoms had cleared. Have you been frustrated by how responsible members of the Church have conceded the positive effectiveness of the "vaccine" as I have? Well, as it turns out, that is likely because their legal counsel has advised them to do so. Why? Because the trick that is played when someone applies for vax exemption on religious grounds is to claim that the real reason for the exemption request is doubts about the efficacy of the vax. Conceding the positive effects of the vax is an attempt to short circuit that tactic.

The first half, which I watched into the wee hours this morning, covers what the vax does to (not for) us. The second half is supposed to provide guidance on alternatives to the vax. I hope you benefit from this. You might want to share this with people you care about.


On November 9, 2021 in Ocala, Florida, top physicians gathered to discuss their updated Physicians' Declaration, as well as their call to stop authoritarian
