Samhain/Halloween blessings to one and all!

My dear friends, Witches are not green with warts, cooking up children and that ridiculous nonsense related to evil. Witches are men and women from all walks of life, who are connected to the natural cycles, the medicine of the Earth, are dedicated to healing and practicing ceremonies that reconnect us to each other, to the planet, to the Cosmos and to Great Mother/Father God/Dess. And Halloween is not about getting candy, and scarying people, but about honoring our Ancestors. This pictures shows how we Witches respect those that have gone before us. Their Spirits are wise with experience, and we need to thank them for having walked the Earth before we did. They prepared us for our own Earthwalk...and if we listen during Halloween/Samhain, we can hear them guiding us. This is a Sacred season, not only Sacred HolyDay, so i wish you all a blessed Halloween regardless of the path you walk.

In love,
Silvia Pancaro

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