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It's NOT biblical & even the Catholic church admits that the pagan's performed this sacrament but argue that their sacrament is proper cuz the shape of their wafer differs. Point: by making bread & calling it Jesus (body), 1 - ANY is literally also technically breaking the 2nd commandment (Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them).

Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - NONE should perform church sacrament's known as the eucharist, holy communion or lord's supper; this long held tradition of the Christendom is based on the an almost identical pagan sacrament of the Roman SUN (god) worshipper's, adopted by the early Catholic church.

Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - Most - majority of the traditional holiday's & ritual's of the Christendom R of pagan origin & have literally - honestly - truthfully NO scriptural basis 4 their observance. The Catholic church added these (over past historically-2 date like weed's amidst a garden like evil & unholy human adult's ie: those prior 2 the past Flood via Noah & even then like amidst Book of Revelations & Deuteronomy: 1 must NOT add 2 or take away from - of Holy Bible via Revelation 22:19 & separately Deuteronomy 4:2). The Vatican (top-down USA-global churches leading us all masses like sheep 2 eventual Coming slaughter) think their infallibility (incapable of error : unerring. an infallible memory. : not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint Holy Trinity), THEY ALL R unholy wrong even un2 this day in age (year) AD.


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It's NOT biblical & even the Catholic church admits that the pagan's performed this sacrament but argue that their sacrament is proper cuz the shape of their wafer differs. Point: by making bread & calling it Jesus (body), 1 - ANY is literally also technically breaking the 2nd commandment (Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them).

Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - NONE should perform church sacrament's known as the eucharist, holy communion or lord's supper; this long held tradition of the Christendom is based on the an almost identical pagan sacrament of the Roman SUN (god) worshipper's, adopted by the early Catholic church.

Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - Most - majority of the traditional holiday's & ritual's of the Christendom R of pagan origin & have literally - honestly - truthfully NO scriptural basis 4 their observance. The Catholic church added these (over past historically-2 date like weed's amidst a garden like evil & unholy human adult's ie: those prior 2 the past Flood via Noah & even then like amidst Book of Revelations & Deuteronomy: 1 must NOT add 2 or take away from - of Holy Bible via Revelation 22:19 & separately Deuteronomy 4:2). The Vatican (top-down USA-global churches leading us all masses like sheep 2 eventual Coming slaughter) think their infallibility (incapable of error : unerring. an infallible memory. : not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint Holy Trinity), THEY ALL R unholy wrong even un2 this day in age (year) AD.

Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - the Catholic church believes that salvation is based on following the ritual's & tradition's of THEIR SELF deemed church, NOT the Holy Bible & thus use Holy Bible, misc else as a way - means 2 further past historically-2 date SELF deem THEIR way of human control, power & even $ money over the all connected whole NECLEUS species USA-global adult & child innocent masses! The protestant & non denominational churches AREN'T much better cuz THEY observe many vast & various of the same pagan tradition's & tend 2 erroneously (incorrectly, misc) believe that all 1 needs is faith alone (?, maybe 2 THEM via Holy Bible's Hebrews 11:1, using it - Holy Bible as a mere TOOL, & not meant as a Holy book 2 B literally taken seriously).

They continue 2 mandate (they & ALL non voluntarily - non optionally) observe all these man made pagan holiday's cuz they R so called established tradition's, (loved?!) by the world (the fellow human clueless, misc of humanity itself). 2 observe these (pagan ie: 12/25 Roman SUN god's deem day & even Easter) holiday's & make them each individually part of the Catholic faith isn't harmless or irrelevant cuz they R lies & the Holy Bible NEVER teaches us 2 observe them.