Conclusively_Proven! Edward Solomon is a Brilliant mathematician. Ask Lady Draza. I have linked you to his presentation, but don't do what I did and watch it in entirety. Just watch the last 20 seconds. The rest of the hour and 8 minutes is mathematical simplicity and wizardry and details what was done with the Maricopa election day and mail in votes. The Outcome... The 2020 election was not Rigged... It was Totally Faked! I kid you not! I, as a viewer, am no less astounded than the mathematician. The Cheaters did not even add Noise to their Cheats. The results Conclusively Prove the Election was Faked. The same results would have occurred IF NO ONE HAD EVEN VOTED OR MAILED THEIR VOTES IN. I have never shouted in my Blog before, but this Result deserves a Resounding Shout-Out. Without any doubt now, the Mathematical Proof is Absolute. Now, does that mean Trump can go back to the Oval Office tomorrow? In my mind and every Mathematical Scientist on this planet, the answer is a Resounding YES! But remember, our opponents are currently wrestling with the truth of 2+2=4, so this may take a while, but the hard work exposing the Cheat is behind us. President Trump is indeed, the President of the United States of America.

This video will demonstrate how to measure the difference between a fair and an unfair election, where an unfair election is an election where the result is predetermined algorithmically. At the very ...

Kadesh-barnea. Will there come a day when the Lord will ask us to rise and conquer the enemy? It happened to the Hebrew nation at Kadesh, and they refused. Trump asked us to attend the protest and encourage our leaders to decertify the election. A million warriors attended, but Pence refused, Babbitt was murdered, and the uprising collapsed. Capitol protesters are methodically hunted down to this day by the FBI and removed. The Rebellion was squashed. America "toed the line", did not cross over, and oppression by our conquerors increases each moment. The Hebrews were not given a second chance for 40 years, until the generation of the faithless were dead. I did not attend Jan 6th. I stayed at home secure in my faith that our Leaders, our Courts, our Military, and our standing Patriots would force The Day. Will God give us another chance? Will God command a leader again, or will we spend 40 years in the desert of oppression? I can only pray and prepare and wait for the Shofar to call us to arms, and this time To Attend.

Wrist_Slap. Many people refuse to take precautions after drinking. Some even attempt to drive, and a smaller percentage are involved in a vehicular homicide, which can carry a lifetime imprisonment and $50K in fines. Deaths like these are easily prevented by the perpetrator, but the drug diminishes the power to reason clearly. So, here we are with the Actor and Producer of a Movie killing an innocent employee. Just like the drunk driver, Alec Baldwin may not have wanted to kill Halyna, but allegations are made of safety and protocol violations and a "Rush, Rush, Rush" mentality. There are previous charges against Baldwin having reduced judgment and violent actions. In a one-tiered legal system, I would say the odds are high for a charge of Negligent Homicide, carrying up to 15 years in jail. But good Old Alec is a Radical leftist Hollywood darling whom hates Trump. Odds are, he will get off in this new America with a slap on the wrist.

A Hollywood celebrity faces serious charges after fatally opening fire on Halyna Hutchins, a lawyer...

Hello World. Simple Truths. Jesus is Lord. Trump Is President. 2020 Election Fraud Happened. Vaccinations don't work. A Man Cannot Become a Woman. CRT is Crap. Biden is a Puppet. McConnell is a RINO Traitor. Pelosi is EVIL. Fauchi has a Demon Spirit. We Are In A War for Survival. I Am A Christian Patriot and I love Trump's America.