Kadesh-barnea. Will there come a day when the Lord will ask us to rise and conquer the enemy? It happened to the Hebrew nation at Kadesh, and they refused. Trump asked us to attend the protest and encourage our leaders to decertify the election. A million warriors attended, but Pence refused, Babbitt was murdered, and the uprising collapsed. Capitol protesters are methodically hunted down to this day by the FBI and removed. The Rebellion was squashed. America "toed the line", did not cross over, and oppression by our conquerors increases each moment. The Hebrews were not given a second chance for 40 years, until the generation of the faithless were dead. I did not attend Jan 6th. I stayed at home secure in my faith that our Leaders, our Courts, our Military, and our standing Patriots would force The Day. Will God give us another chance? Will God command a leader again, or will we spend 40 years in the desert of oppression? I can only pray and prepare and wait for the Shofar to call us to arms, and this time To Attend.