



Too many people have stopped paying attention to the news. They all mailed in their ballots. Hardly anyone I know has watched 2000 Mules. I feel like I live in an alternate reality.

It’s been a bumpy several months. They say if you are unhappy with how the world is, VOTE, and make your voice count. I found myself in tears yesterday. Why are they still… by jnetsworld




Because the world is upside down and you won't let it get to you. You take your vitamins, you exercise, and you take care of those in the world you love.

Online piano lessons.

I have openings for new students. If you've been thinking of piano lessons, I would love 2 B your teacher. Music refines discipline & sensitivity. Gets you unplugged from the sensory overloaded digital world & reconnects U to your acoustic self. #piano #lessons #music


Hello Sovren!

It's my first day here. My #truthsocial circle is sharing #benswann #pizzagate video. Ben, you're a great journalist. I'm happy to discover Sovren and join the community to follow your work.

As a first post to introduce myself, I share that I'm a piano teacher in Los Angeles. It's not as free as other states but I love that there are a lot of freedom fighters here.

Support #smallbusiness The health of family and small businesses in your community is an indicator of the health of the American Dream where you live.


I loved being part of the Charles Music family straight after graduating from music school. It was a place where I can be an independent business woman building an old-fashioned career with a modern sensibility. #americandream #piano #music #teacher

Another mom & pop family business closes it’s doors this month. Saying that it’s sad is an understatement. The music store had been around since the early 50’s. People that took… by jnetsworld
