
Hello Sovren!

It's my first day here. My #truthsocial circle is sharing #benswann #pizzagate video. Ben, you're a great journalist. I'm happy to discover Sovren and join the community to follow your work.

As a first post to introduce myself, I share that I'm a piano teacher in Los Angeles. It's not as free as other states but I love that there are a lot of freedom fighters here.

Support #smallbusiness The health of family and small businesses in your community is an indicator of the health of the American Dream where you live.


I loved being part of the Charles Music family straight after graduating from music school. It was a place where I can be an independent business woman building an old-fashioned career with a modern sensibility. #americandream #piano #music #teacher

Another mom & pop family business closes it’s doors this month. Saying that it’s sad is an understatement. The music store had been around since the early 50’s. People that took… by jnetsworld
