
Analyze Bitcoin price after each Halving period
After each Bitcoin Halving cycle, its price typically undergoes a significant increase. Specifically:

First Halving (November 2012): Bitcoin reduced its block reward from 50 BTC to 25 BTC. Its price surged afterward, from around $12 to over $1000.

Second Halving (July 2016): Bitcoin decreased its block reward from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC. Its price also saw a significant surge, from about $650 to nearly $20,000.

Third Halving (May 2020): Bitcoin reduced its block reward from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. Following this halving, Bitcoin's price initially stabilized before beginning a gradual increase. Over the subsequent months, Bitcoin's price surged, reaching new highs by late 2020 and continuing its upward trajectory into 2021.

In summary, Bitcoin's Halving events typically trigger price increases, although this isn't guaranteed and can be influenced by various factors.
Source : https://goonus.io/bitcoin-halving/

Bitcoin Halving là gì? Đếm ngược sự kiện Bitcoin Halving 2024✔️Lịch sử Halving Bitcoin có làm tăng giá BTC không? Dự đoán giá Bitcoin sau Halving 2024.



Predict the future price of bitcoin from 2024 to 2030
In general, the price of bitcoin tends to increase in the future, so everyone should invest
Source: https://goonus.io/markets/BTC_USD

15.03.24 - Giá 1 Bitcoin = 67,787.36 USD✔️ Vốn hoá thị trường BTC=1.34t USD ✔️Giá Bitcoin mới nhất✔️Biểu đồ BTC hôm nay✔️Công cụ đổi BTC/USD



Cardano: The Future of Blockchain Technology?
Innovative Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Consensus Mechanism:
Cardano implements Ouroboros, a PoS protocol renowned for its superior security and scalability compared to the energy-intensive PoW consensus mechanism used by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This approach not only enhances security but also makes Cardano more environmentally friendly, addressing growing concerns about the ecological impact of cryptocurrency mining.

Scalability with Hydra:
Addressing the challenge of scalability head-on, Cardano integrates Hydra, a cutting-edge sharding solution. Hydra enables Cardano to process transactions concurrently, ensuring high throughput without compromising security or efficiency. This scalable architecture paves the way for widespread adoption and efficient network operation.

Robust Smart Contract Support:
Cardano offers comprehensive support for smart contracts through Plutus, a specialized language tailored for creating secure and dependable smart contracts. Built on formal methods, Plutus facilitates rigorous verification and validation of smart contracts, minimizing the risk of errors and vulnerabilities. This emphasis on security and reliability instills confidence in developers and users alike.

Exceptional Development Team:
Led by industry luminary Charles Hoskinson, Cardano boasts a seasoned and esteemed development team with extensive experience in blockchain technology. Hoskinson's leadership, coupled with the collective expertise of the team, underscores Cardano's commitment to excellence and innovation, driving the project forward with purpose and vision.

Diverse and Growing Ecosystem:
Cardano is rapidly cultivating a thriving ecosystem encompassing a diverse array of decentralized applications (dApps) and enterprises leveraging its platform. Spanning industries such as finance, identity verification, and supply chain management, this burgeoning ecosystem underscores Cardano's versatility and potential to disrupt multiple sectors. The proliferation of projects within the ecosystem underscores its dynamism and the growing interest from developers and businesses alike.

In summary, Cardano emerges as a compelling blockchain platform poised to redefine industry standards. With its emphasis on scalability, security, and sustainability, Cardano is primed for sustained growth and widespread adoption. While challenges persist, the project's robust technical foundation, seasoned leadership, and vibrant community signal its potential to drive significant advancements in blockchain technology and shape the future landscape of decentralized innovation.
Source : https://medium.com/@nam_75040/cardano-the-future-of-blockchain-technology-bc8a42b0073e

Cardano is a decentralized blockchain platform that has been gaining significant attention in the cryptocurrency space. It is often touted…



The consensus layer

The consensus layer ensures that nodes in the Cardano network agree on the state of the ledger. This layer employs the Ouroboros protocol, a Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism renowned for its security and scalability. Ouroboros enables Cardano to be more efficient and energy-efficient than PoW blockchains such as Bitcoin.

Ledger layer

The ledger layer stores all transactions that have taken place on the Cardano network. The ledger employs the extensible UTXO (EUTXO) accounting mechanism, enhancing the blockchain's scalability and efficiency.

Network layer

The network layer allows Cardano nodes to communicate with one another. This layer transmits transactions, blocks, and other data between nodes.
Source : https://trusttcrypto.blogspot.com/2024/03/cardano-hoat-ong-nhu-nao.html

Cardano là một nền tảng blockchain được thiết kế để cung cấp khả năng mở rộng, bảo mật và tính bền vững cao hơn so với các blockchain khác....



Basic Information About ADA Coin
ADA Coin is the official digital currency of the Cardano network, a decentralized blockchain platform founded by Charles Hoskinson, the co-founder of Ethereum. Here's some basic facts regarding ADA Coin:
Abbreviation: Cardano is a blockchain platform.

Total supply is 45,000,000,000 ADA.
Circulating Supply: 36,642,477,256.53 ADA (updated on November 14, 2023)
Value: 0.6033036 USDT (updated November 14, 2023)
Market capitalization is 21.35 billion USD (updated on November 14, 2023).
24 hour volatility: 0.98%. (updated November 14, 2023)
Uses for ADA Coin:
Payments: You can use ADA to pay for goods and services on the Cardano network.
Staking: Users can stake ADA to help safeguard the network and get rewards.
Governance: The ADA is used to vote on proposed modifications to the Cardano network.
Source : https://trustcrypto.weebly.com/blog/nhung-thong-tin-co-ban-ve-ada-coin

ADA Coin là tiền tệ kỹ thuật số chính thức của mạng Cardano , một nền tảng blockchain phi tập trung được tạo ra bởi Charles Hoskinson, đồng sáng lập Ethereum....
