8 hrs ago

ENGINEERED HOLODOMOR: UK farmers are being PAID to destroy food crops


#chaos #foodsupply #farmers

In the spirit of the Soviet Union’s Holodomor of 1932, the UK government has implemented a scheme that pays farmers NOT to grow food. This preposterous move has riled up controversy and disturbed farmers across the UK, hearkening to the days when government’s intentionally starved populations for their own political and territorial gain. Today’s UK […]


12 hrs ago

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Taro Root


Eat whole foods whenever possible, as processed ones have loads of toxic ingredients


You are probably familiar with many of the no-no ingredients in processed foods that are to be avoided at all costs (i.e., synthetic dyes and preservatives), but what about the “invisible” additives that are hiding in foods unlabeled? Known as “processing aids,” these hidden additives are not labeled because technically they are not part of […]



The health benefits of lettuce


Study: Compound in orange peels can protect against atherosclerosis


Orange peels, despite being edible and highly nutritious, are usually discarded without a second thought. But a recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry is urging people to reconsider and take advantage of a beneficial property of orange peels. According to the study, orange peels contain an active compound that can help keep […]
