

CrossFit Games Open 22.1 Masters Scaled (Ages 55+) (AMRAP - Reps)

I did, 6 Rounds 195 Reps

CrossFit Games Open 22.1 Masters Scaled (Ages 55+) (AMRAP - Reps) Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box jump-overs

F: Scaled wall walks, 10-lb. dumbbell, 20-in. box, may step up on box jump-overs

M: Scaled wall walks, 20-lb. dumbbell, 24-in. box, may step up on box jump-overs

Data: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/8359271699I did, 6 Rounds 195 RepsCrossFit Games Open 22.1 Masters Scaled (Ages 55+) (AMRAP - Reps)Complete ...



UPDATE 02-25-2022

Here’s my take on what’s happening in Ukraine/Russia. I’m just spitballing here. Like everybody else I have more questions than I do answers but I think this plays into Devolution.

First think about what Ukraine is – It’s the epicenter of corruption for the political establishment. Victor Pinchuk, George Soros, Ihor Kolomoisky… All funding “deep state” agendas worldwide, all based out of Ukraine. We know their ties to the Clinton foundation and liberal politics in America.

If Trump was going to truly drain the swamp, he would have to tackle the corruption in Ukraine. The oligarchs have funded their own militaries in previous color revolutions. Trump could wouldn’t be able to take them down without a fight. So if Trump is going to clean up Ukraine he would likely need boots on the ground to do it.

Enter Putin.

It’s no secret that Putin hates Soros as he banned him from Russia long ago, and it’s also no secret that Putin despised the “deep state” tactics of implementing color revolutions to overthrow pro-Russian leaders and install ones that would play ball with the “deep state”. It’s speculated by many that Putin could be working with Trump in the fight against the “deep state” and it’s hard to argue with. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

So think of the brilliance that might be taking place right now.

Boots on the ground were likely necessary to fully remove the problem in Ukraine, but Trump couldn’t invade Ukraine with US troops. Somebody else would have to do it. However, if somebody like Putin were to do it while Trump was president, it would make Trump look week and the media would have a field day.

What better time to clean up the mess in Ukraine than with Biden in office? Kills two birds with one invasion. You make the Biden administration and the MSM look like fools, while taking on the “deep state” in one of the most corrupt countries on the planet.

Putin is simultaneously helping Trump to serve up red-pills while fixing a problem that actually benefits the USA and the rest of the world – the denazification of Ukraine.

We won’t have any definitive answers until this blows over but make sure you guys are using the 24 – hour rule with news reports coming out about this stuff.





Here’s my take on what’s happening in Ukraine/Russia.

Celebrity Cl@ning Centres, Re@tilians,
Tr@mp & The Gr@at Aw@kening


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"It is a knowing that I was given. My mind became still. So still, that I was able to see without my eyes. I started to see with
my heart. It was then that I began forgiving. I forgave myself, for not knowing that I was the one, The only one that had ever hurt me my whole life. I could see that I had never been a victim. So, within that instance I was able to collapse time. Somehow,
I was given the gift to time travel in my own life and heal it. This only lasted for a short time.

I am so blessed to have had this happen to me. If this has happened to me it can happen to you or anyone that can hear these words. My Awakening happened the night that I had reached the end of me, I was ready to leave this world. But instead of taking my own life I was given life.

August 17th 2003, I awoke with my mind so still, I was able to start living my life knowing there no time, there is only this present moment, and realized that we become what we say we are."

Spiritual Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N