

FIRST? Read the Declaration Of Independence out loud. NOW! SECOND? Recruit others to do the same. THIRD? Publicly read the DOI on July 4th. Or anytime. FOURTH? Include- Context Of The Times b4 the Reading. Include- What happened to Signers of DOI after the Reading. Include- Public comments and commitments. FIFTH? Disallow political candidates from speaking. They have their own airwaves and press hungering after them. SIXTH? Keep this a private citizen(s) organized event. WHERE? Public park, Fellowship Hall, Camp Groups, Designated private parking lot, etc. Imagine a Big Box sponsoring such an event. HIGHLIGHT? The “long train of usurpations-duty” phrase that cornerstones our entire republic. HINT: Encourage Americanism, not political party dogma. SEE: Readthedeclaration.org for Payson Arizona’s 15 year tradition.



Read the Declaration Of Independence out loud. NOW!
Recruit others to do the same.
Publicly read the DOI on July 4th. Or anytime.
Include- Context Of The Times b4 the Reading.
Include- What happened to Signers of DOI after the Reading.
Include- Public comments and commitments.
Disallow political candidates from speaking. They have their own airwaves and press hungering after them.
Keep this a private citizen(s) organized event.
WHERE? Public park, Fellowship Hall, Camp Groups, Designated private parking lot, etc. Imagine a Big Box sponsoring such an event.
The “long train of usurpations-duty” phrase that cornerstones our entire republic.
Encourage Americanism, not political party dogma.
SEE: Readthedeclaration.org for Payson Arizona’s 15 year tradition.