

FIRST? Read the Declaration Of Independence out loud. NOW! SECOND? Recruit others to do the same. THIRD? Publicly read the DOI on July 4th. Or anytime. FOURTH? Include- Context Of The Times b4 the Reading. Include- What happened to Signers of DOI after the Reading. Include- Public comments and commitments. FIFTH? Disallow political candidates from speaking. They have their own airwaves and press hungering after them. SIXTH? Keep this a private citizen(s) organized event. WHERE? Public park, Fellowship Hall, Camp Groups, Designated private parking lot, etc. Imagine a Big Box sponsoring such an event. HIGHLIGHT? The “long train of usurpations-duty” phrase that cornerstones our entire republic. HINT: Encourage Americanism, not political party dogma. SEE: Readthedeclaration.org for Payson Arizona’s 15 year tradition.
