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Cartoon published 01/09/2024

Biden’s administration is a sham. It’s filled with DEI incompetents. That’s just the way the ruling elite wants it. It’s a humiliation ritual for patriotic Americans.

The election that was stolen showed how weak and powerless we are. Those who protested were given long prison sentences.

Now we’re being told that everything is just super while our border remains wide open. We’re funding foreign wars while our military has deteriorated. The cost of living has skyrocketed. Joe and his Biden crime family can thumb their noses at us. They know they will never face justice.

Joe and his cabinet failures are mere figureheads—political stick figures. Obama and his crew pull strings, but their strings are pulled by unelected powers behind the curtains. They make the big decisions. The mega billionaires and globalists own most of our politicians and institutions. They are the ones who ordered the climate change nonsense as well as the ‘trans’ insanity. It’s all designed to demoralize us.

Back in 2008 when Joe was running with Barack, he claimed he would make sure the border was closed. He droned on about how important it was to secure our border. Joe is operating from a different script now. He’s a hollow man who reads from a teleprompter. He may be in office, but he spent more time on vacation than any other executive in history. He may as well be on permanent vacation. Nobody’s home upstairs already.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin went to the hospital and Joe didn’t know about it for nearly a week. It doesn’t matter—nobody will be held accountable if they’re on the blue team. Austin tried to remove ‘white supremacists’ from the military except to his chagrin he didn’t find any. Instead, he drove out thousands of competent military men because they refused the dangerous Covid vaccines. He made sure that trannies were welcomed with open arms, though.

Kamala Harris continues to be an unfunny joke. We’re not laughing, but she is. She cannot make a coherent speech and many times people wonder if she is high. She loves to laugh for no particular reason. Maybe it’s because she knows it’s all a joke. A sham. A freak show.

Looks like we are stuck with the stick figures. For now…


— Ben Garrison



Cartoon re-published 01/06/2024

Getting old is an unwanted but inexorable process for us all. It does have one benefit, however: One accumulates knowledge through experience. In the movie, “Groundhog Day,” Phil (played by Bill Murray) mentioned that maybe God knows everything because He has been around so long. I won’t be around nearly as long, but my experience told me that January 6th, 2020 would be a momentous day. I drew this cartoon on January 5th as a means to emphasize my prediction. I wasn’t wrong.

Biden does not have much to run on. The border remains wide open—and in fact, he wants to sue Texas for trying to close it. Imagine that, he’s not enforcing the law as is his duty, but he attacks those who try to uphold the law. Doesn’t that make him a traitor and insurrectionist himself?

Biden’s other accomplishments include the Afghanistan withdrawal failure. He wasted a vast amount of money on losing a war in Ukraine. Now he wants to send American troops there in a desperate attempt to make himself more popular. How low? How evil?

Biden’s green energy policies have been a flop. Bidenomics is a miserable flop. Biden’s claim that he would restore decency to the White House has been a scandalous flop. (Cocaine was found and trannies cavorted naked on the White House lawn).

Biden’s term has been a disaster and since he has nothing to run on, he is using fear as his campaign strategy. He and his fellow crackpot leftist Democrats continue to label Trump as a Nazi and claim his followers are ‘insurrectionists.’

If an insurrection really occurred, it was the worst ever attempted in history. The MAGA-minded people were there to protest a stolen election. They were urged into the Capitol by undercover FBI agents. Pelosi encouraged it by failing to deploy more law enforcement to the scene as Trump requested. The spider set her trap.

The so-called insurrectionists on January 6 failed to carry arms. They had no plan other than to wander in, take a selfie, and stroll out peacefully. One of the patriots who was there that day was Ashli Babbitt. She served in the US armed forces—nobody could question her patriotism. Yet she was shot and killed by a guard for no reason. The murderer went unpunished—and in fact he was promoted. The protesters were rounded up by a partisan FBI and sentenced to long prison terms in dungeons. It’s a disgrace!

Trump is not an insurrectionist merely because most of the ruling-class Democrats are afraid of him. They say Trump is “a threat to democracy” and claim that as being a valid reason for removing his name from ballots. How democratic of them.

The Democrats are the insurrectionists. “Always accuse your enemies of what you are doing,” is the creed they follow. They stole an election, trampled on our First Amendment by stymying our free speech, and they imposed their green nonsense upon us in the name of their climate change bunk—they even think they can tell us what appliances we can own and what cars we can drive.

My prediction for this time next year: Trump will be president. That is, unless the Democrats conduct an insurrection and steal another election.

— Ben Garrison


Watch: Cops Intervene as Antifa Trannies Clash with “Leave Our Kids Alone” Protesters in LA

Far-left activists blocked off parents' rights march route, prompting police to get involved as the two groups began clashing.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.




Cartoon published 01/09/2024

Biden’s administration is a sham. It’s filled with DEI incompetents. That’s just the way the ruling elite wants it. It’s a humiliation ritual for patriotic Americans.

The election that was stolen showed how weak and powerless we are. Those who protested were given long prison sentences.

Now we’re being told that everything is just super while our border remains wide open. We’re funding foreign wars while our military has deteriorated. The cost of living has skyrocketed. Joe and his Biden crime family can thumb their noses at us. They know they will never face justice.

Joe and his cabinet failures are mere figureheads—political stick figures. Obama and his crew pull strings, but their strings are pulled by unelected powers behind the curtains. They make the big decisions. The mega billionaires and globalists own most of our politicians and institutions. They are the ones who ordered the climate change nonsense as well as the ‘trans’ insanity. It’s all designed to demoralize us.

Back in 2008 when Joe was running with Barack, he claimed he would make sure the border was closed. He droned on about how important it was to secure our border. Joe is operating from a different script now. He’s a hollow man who reads from a teleprompter. He may be in office, but he spent more time on vacation than any other executive in history. He may as well be on permanent vacation. Nobody’s home upstairs already.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin went to the hospital and Joe didn’t know about it for nearly a week. It doesn’t matter—nobody will be held accountable if they’re on the blue team. Austin tried to remove ‘white supremacists’ from the military except to his chagrin he didn’t find any. Instead, he drove out thousands of competent military men because they refused the dangerous Covid vaccines. He made sure that trannies were welcomed with open arms, though.

Kamala Harris continues to be an unfunny joke. We’re not laughing, but she is. She cannot make a coherent speech and many times people wonder if she is high. She loves to laugh for no particular reason. Maybe it’s because she knows it’s all a joke. A sham. A freak show.

Looks like we are stuck with the stick figures. For now…


— Ben Garrison



Cartoon re-published 01/06/2024

Getting old is an unwanted but inexorable process for us all. It does have one benefit, however: One accumulates knowledge through experience. In the movie, “Groundhog Day,” Phil (played by Bill Murray) mentioned that maybe God knows everything because He has been around so long. I won’t be around nearly as long, but my experience told me that January 6th, 2020 would be a momentous day. I drew this cartoon on January 5th as a means to emphasize my prediction. I wasn’t wrong.

Biden does not have much to run on. The border remains wide open—and in fact, he wants to sue Texas for trying to close it. Imagine that, he’s not enforcing the law as is his duty, but he attacks those who try to uphold the law. Doesn’t that make him a traitor and insurrectionist himself?

Biden’s other accomplishments include the Afghanistan withdrawal failure. He wasted a vast amount of money on losing a war in Ukraine. Now he wants to send American troops there in a desperate attempt to make himself more popular. How low? How evil?

Biden’s green energy policies have been a flop. Bidenomics is a miserable flop. Biden’s claim that he would restore decency to the White House has been a scandalous flop. (Cocaine was found and trannies cavorted naked on the White House lawn).

Biden’s term has been a disaster and since he has nothing to run on, he is using fear as his campaign strategy. He and his fellow crackpot leftist Democrats continue to label Trump as a Nazi and claim his followers are ‘insurrectionists.’

If an insurrection really occurred, it was the worst ever attempted in history. The MAGA-minded people were there to protest a stolen election. They were urged into the Capitol by undercover FBI agents. Pelosi encouraged it by failing to deploy more law enforcement to the scene as Trump requested. The spider set her trap.

The so-called insurrectionists on January 6 failed to carry arms. They had no plan other than to wander in, take a selfie, and stroll out peacefully. One of the patriots who was there that day was Ashli Babbitt. She served in the US armed forces—nobody could question her patriotism. Yet she was shot and killed by a guard for no reason. The murderer went unpunished—and in fact he was promoted. The protesters were rounded up by a partisan FBI and sentenced to long prison terms in dungeons. It’s a disgrace!

Trump is not an insurrectionist merely because most of the ruling-class Democrats are afraid of him. They say Trump is “a threat to democracy” and claim that as being a valid reason for removing his name from ballots. How democratic of them.

The Democrats are the insurrectionists. “Always accuse your enemies of what you are doing,” is the creed they follow. They stole an election, trampled on our First Amendment by stymying our free speech, and they imposed their green nonsense upon us in the name of their climate change bunk—they even think they can tell us what appliances we can own and what cars we can drive.

My prediction for this time next year: Trump will be president. That is, unless the Democrats conduct an insurrection and steal another election.

— Ben Garrison


Watch: Cops Intervene as Antifa Trannies Clash with “Leave Our Kids Alone” Protesters in LA

Far-left activists blocked off parents' rights march route, prompting police to get involved as the two groups began clashing.


Hilarious! Roseanne Barr Talks Cancel Culture, Trannies, Ukraine War & More In Piers Morgan Interview

Top comedian responds to media clipping out her remarks about the Holocaust


Of course they're #exempt #Army #fat #obese #trannies

In celebration of LGBT pride, which in the United States has captured the entire month of June, “Rachel Jones,” the military’s latest cross-dressing male pretending to be a “female,” released a video clip on Twitter for Independence Day that promotes mental illness and obesity in the military. Jones, a mentally deranged male who thinks he […]