
& though half-closed eyes amidst web work of Holy intel info output R often a facial sin of anger. They also show concentration. It's trauma: EXTERNAL exhibited that affects 1's INTERNAL all cuz U humanity 2date: NO Will 2 change 4 God & R-is MORE opposite of God than proper.

Jesus, I need you. I’ve tried on my own and I fail. Without you, I’m doomed. And with you, I’m free. Jesus, my Lord, help me. Father, you tell me this isn’t proper for me. I believe you. I am your child. You’ve made me a saint. I don’t want this sin. Help me, Father. God, I want to honor you. I don’t want to grieve the Spirit. My aim, my desire, my goal is for you to be glorified, pleasing you. Lord Jesus, help me. O Jesus! You love me. You died for me. You are alive in me. I believe you will empower me to turn from this sin. I’m looking to you. I live by you. King Jesus, help me.

& even Mary Magdalene via Holy Bible set example 2-4 us ALL men-women USA-globally with SELF denying & turning AWAY FROM old ways of sexual sin, etc & NEVER looking back & turning humbly 2 Jesus who LOVES U & wants U ALL in Heaven, ALL U-ANY 1 need 2 know is in Holy Bible!


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& though half-closed eyes amidst web work of Holy intel info output R often a facial sin of anger. They also show concentration. It's trauma: EXTERNAL exhibited that affects 1's INTERNAL all cuz U humanity 2date: NO Will 2 change 4 God & R-is MORE opposite of God than proper.

Jesus, I need you. I’ve tried on my own and I fail. Without you, I’m doomed. And with you, I’m free. Jesus, my Lord, help me. Father, you tell me this isn’t proper for me. I believe you. I am your child. You’ve made me a saint. I don’t want this sin. Help me, Father. God, I want to honor you. I don’t want to grieve the Spirit. My aim, my desire, my goal is for you to be glorified, pleasing you. Lord Jesus, help me. O Jesus! You love me. You died for me. You are alive in me. I believe you will empower me to turn from this sin. I’m looking to you. I live by you. King Jesus, help me.

& even Mary Magdalene via Holy Bible set example 2-4 us ALL men-women USA-globally with SELF denying & turning AWAY FROM old ways of sexual sin, etc & NEVER looking back & turning humbly 2 Jesus who LOVES U & wants U ALL in Heaven, ALL U-ANY 1 need 2 know is in Holy Bible!

Davis Romero y la Utilidad del ChatGPT Gratis
En el mundo de la inteligencia artificial, Davis Romero es reconocido como un experto que comparte valiosos conocimientos sobre diversas herramientas y tecnologías. Una de las plataformas que destaca es el ChatGPT Gratis, el cual ofrece una amplia gama de beneficios y utilidades para los usuarios en línea. El artículo está tomado del autor Davis Romero. Conozca más sobre ChatGPT aquí:

Accesibilidad y Conveniencia
Una de las características más destacadas que Romero resalta sobre el ChatGPT Gratis es su accesibilidad y conveniencia. Al ser una herramienta gratuita, está disponible para cualquier persona con acceso a internet. Además, su interfaz fácil de usar y su naturaleza intuitiva hacen que sea fácil para cualquier usuario interactuar con la plataforma sin la necesidad de tener conocimientos técnicos avanzados.

Variedad de Aplicaciones
Romero también destaca la versatilidad del ChatGPT Gratis y su amplia variedad de aplicaciones. Desde la generación de respuestas automáticas hasta el soporte en la atención al cliente, esta herramienta puede adaptarse a diferentes contextos y necesidades. Además, su capacidad para comprender y procesar el lenguaje natural la convierte en una opción útil para una variedad de tareas, desde la redacción de correos electrónicos hasta la traducción de idiomas.

Mejora de la Productividad
Otro aspecto que Romero enfatiza es cómo el ChatGPT Gratis puede mejorar la productividad de los usuarios al proporcionar respuestas rápidas y precisas a sus consultas. Esto permite a las personas ahorrar tiempo y esfuerzo al buscar información en línea, lo que a su vez puede aumentar su eficiencia en el trabajo y en otras actividades diarias.


The Crown of Lovingkindness – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Jesus, my Jesus, thank you for your blood that was shed for me, that covers me and protects me. Thank you, Jesus, that you took the punishment for our sin on your body, Lord. O, how you must love us. Thank you, Jesus, my precious, precious, Lord.
I see you today, Lord, standing behind me. I am seated, thanking you, Lord for all you have done and will do. O Jesus, thank you that your lovingkindness never fails, that you will not allow it to fail. Your hands are so warm on my shoulders, Lord. It takes knowing you are with me to a whole different level as I feel your presence with every pulse of your heart. With every beat of your heart, your love flows into me. You move your hands and pick something up. I look back and see that it is a crown. It is the crown of lovingkindness and it is beautiful. I feel it as you place it on my head. How can it fit so perfectly, Lord? Like it is supposed to be there. Your left hand remains on my shoulder but the right hand is raised to the Father as you begin to bless me. With my whole heart I thank you, Lord. I bow my heart in awe and wonder as I hear you speak over me.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious, precious one. Hear Me now!
I am He who forgives all your iniquities.
I am He who heals all your diseases.
I am He who redeems your life from destruction.
I am He who satisfies your mouth with good things and renews your strength like the eagle’s.
I am He who crowns you with My lovingkindness.
Even now, receive My redemption.
Receive My forgiveness.
Receive My healing.

Receive My lovingkindness and all it entails: My goodness, My mercy, My grace, My faithfulness and My steadfast love and My devotion to you.

And remember, dear one, that all means ALL. ALL iniquities means ALL iniquities. ALL diseases means ALL diseases. Receive these My tender mercies, even now, dear one. And bless the One who has given them to you. Bless Me and forget not what I have done for you this day.

This crown is not something that you will remove, LaWanda. Wear it continually and as you interact with those around you, ask me… "Which part of Your lovingkindness do they need today, Lord?" And as you have freely received, so then freely give. I will bless and multiply each of these offerings given to me in this way. When you give mercy, you will receive mercy. When you give grace, you will receive grace. You will be blessed; they will be blessed and I will be honored.
One day you will lay this crown at My feet, dear one. But in the meantime, wear it and use it to glorify Me. My lovingkindness will never run out. Nor will the blessings that flow from you giving it away.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crown you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your strength is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103: 1-5

“Nevertheless, My lovingkindness I will not utterly take from him, nor allow My faithfulness to fail. My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.” Psalm 89:33-34

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