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Why Should I Be Baptized? by William Dupley

Five people were baptized in our church a few Sundays ago, including a small girl. I spoke to her father this week, and he said my daughter told me that all of her fear was gone since she was baptized.This week, I was discussing Baptism with a friend of mine. He had ministered in Haiti, and he said it was very common for people to experience deliverance when they were baptized. Deliverance also occurred when people were baptized at a camp meeting that Toronto Airport Vineyard conducted at Staynor camp in 1992.

I remember praying for a lady once at church, and when I laid my hands on her, she fell down to the floor in the form of an idol and went into a trance. I wasn't quite sure what happened, but I figured there had been some power encounter between the Holy Spirit and some spiritual force. I asked her friend who was with this woman if she was a Christian, and she said yes, she was. I asked her if she had been baptized. She said yes. I then spoke to the spiritual force and told it that you have no right to be on this woman because she had identified herself with Christ through the waters of Baptism, and you belong to the old man. I command you to leave and go to the tank, where the Baptism occurred. Immediately, she was delivered and came out of the trance.

Why does this not always happen
I've seen many people baptized, and I rarely see people experience deliverance when they are baptized. I suggest this is because they are not taught what really happens when someone is baptized. Often, Baptism is taught as a symbolic activity. I have heard it said it is the outward sign of an inward commitment, sort of like joining the union and getting the union badge that you put on your coat. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, these statements rob the true power of what Baptism accomplishes in our lives.

Types of Baptism
The Greek word for Baptism is baptízō – properly, "submerge" (Souter); hence, baptize, to immerse (literally, "dip under"). It does not always mean water baptism. It means to be immersed in something.

There are three different types of Baptism mentioned in the New Testament. Each has a different purpose.

1. Baptism into Christ
When we accept Christ as our Saviour and Lord, three things happen
1. We are baptized into Christ. We are immersed in God.
Gal 3:26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ
2. Our Spirit becomes one with God's Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in Spirit.
3. We become a new creation.
2 Cor 5:17 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!
Jesus commands us to baptize people in Matthew 28:19 20 as part of the process of disciplining people.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
I don't think Jesus is saying that we just water baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in this verse. Rather, I think Jesus is saying that we immerse people in the (love of the) Father, (the grace of) Jesus, and (the fellowship of) the Holy Spirit since he is talking about making disciples in this verse. A key part of making disciples is helping them develop an intimate relationship with God.
2. Baptized in the Holy Spirit
When we accept Christ, our Spirit is united with Holy Spirit, but there is an additional experience that Jesus prophesied would happen to us in Acts 1:4-5
4 And while they were gathered together, He commanded them: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift the Father promised, which you have heard Me discuss. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
This prophecy was fulfilled in Acts 2: 4
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
When we are baptized with Holy Spirit. Our entire body is immersed in the Holy Spirit, and His presence overwhelms us. We feel his presence penetrate our physical being. Just as water soaks us when we are immersed in water, so Holy Spirit soaks our physical being. We also begin to manifest the gifts of Holy Spirit as outlined in I Cor 12

3. Baptism in water
The Book of Acts describes many events where people believed and were immediately baptized. They were immersed in water. In fact, it seemed that in most cases, a person was baptized immediately upon repentance and acceptance of Christ. There is one particularly fascinating example. There was an Ethiopian eunuch who was responsible for the entire treasury of Ethiopia. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was going back to Ethiopia. An angel directed Philip to catch up with his caravan, and he heard him reading the book of Isaiah. Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading. He said how can I unless someone guides me. They had a further discussion, and Philip began to tell him the good news about Jesus.

The Ethiopian made the most remarkable request after hearing what Philip had to say.

Acts 8:36 Now, as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, "See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?"

38 So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him.
Now, I want you to capture what happened here. This was a very wealthy man, and he would have had an entourage. He would have been dressed in very expensive clothes, yet it was so important for him to be baptized that he was prepared to get out of his chariot, go down to a muddy hole filled with water, and be baptized. I suggest there was something very compelling that Philip told him about the benefit of being baptized.

Jesus was Baptized in Water
Jesus felt it was so important to be baptized in water that he was baptized in water himself.
Matt 3: 13 At that time Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. 14 But John tried to prevent Him, saying, "I need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?" 15 "Let it be so now," Jesus replied. "It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness in this way." Then John permitted Him. 16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water. Suddenly the heavens were opened and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and resting on Him.

Jesus never sinned, yet He felt it was important to do this, and the question has to be asked: why did He do this? Jesus said, "It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." I suggest He did this to demonstrate what has to be in our hearts when we are baptized. He humbled himself and publicly declared that His entire life was committed to God and that He was completely dedicating His life to living according to God's will and commands.

A leader leads by example. I think Jesus did this to be an example to all of us.

What happens when you are baptized in water
I do not believe that Baptism is just some symbolic or ritualistic activity. Jesus had no use for those things. I do not wish to minimize the symbolic aspect of Baptism. Baptism is a powerful and symbolic visual aid, a prophetic act demonstrating outwardly what the Lord has done and is doing inwardly. It speaks loudly to the fact that this person needs a bath to be cleansed and needs a burial of the old man to rise up in the newness of life in Christ. But to say it is just symbolic negates the spiritual transformative aspect of Baptism.
Romans chapter 6 :3-7 describes Baptism in great detail and what really happens when we are baptized.

3 Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through Baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, a that we should no longer be slaves to sin— 7 because anyone who has died has been set free from sin

Let's start by looking at what happens when we are baptized:
1. We are baptized into Christ Jesus.
2. We were baptized into his death.
3. We were buried with him.

Now let's look at the results, what we can expect as a result of being baptized
1. We may walk in the newness of life (The newness of life is the life that God intended for us to live)
2. We will be resurrected.
3. Our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with (rendered powerless)
4. We will no longer be slaves to sin

Let's look at some other results of being baptized
1. He will forgive your sins. Acts 2:38
2. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
3. He will wash away your sins. Acts 22:16
4. Whoever believes in him and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16. This Scripture is not saying that you have to be baptized to receive salvation. Salvation is by grace. Whether we are baptized or not, we will be saved if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, the word for "saved" used here is the Greek word "sozo". The word "sozo" means "safely rescued, delivered out of danger in to safely used principally of God rescuing believers from the penalty and power of sin into his provisions of safety." It is clear from this verse that a real spiritual transaction occurs when we are baptized that delivers us from the results of our sins.

5. You are baptized into the body of Christ (the family of God) (1 Cor. 12:13). In other words, it is also an initiation into the fraternity of Jesus.

These actions and results don't sound very symbolic to me. It clearly sounds like a dramatic spiritual transaction occurs.

Who is buried, who is crucified?
Romans 6:6 states
"Knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away
The King James bible reads
6 Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.

We read here that it is our old self or old man that is buried. Now, you may wonder who this is. I suggest that your old self or old man is the spiritual being you were before you were born again and became a new creation. Our old man has committed a lot of sins and has also inherited a lot of curses from the generations that have gone before.

When we are baptized, the old man is buried. We choose to bury him. He's put to death. It's an execution, and anything related to the old man goes with it.

Sins give rights to demonic forces. The spiritual world is very legalistic. Negative Spiritual forces cannot attack us or touch us unless we give them legal rights to do that. Prov 26:2 clearly states this.

Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse without cause shall not alight.

However, when we do sin, or our parents sin, it gives rights for a curse to come upon us. When we are baptized, we put to death the old man and the rights that are associated with the old man are made null and void. The spiritual forces that are associated with those rights must leave. They have no legal right to be there. That is why Baptism is so important. This is how Baptism saves us. The act of Baptism rescues and delivers us out of danger. It delivers us from the penalty and power of sin into Our Heavenly Father's provisions of safety".

Deliverance is the children's bread.
I have experienced three seasons of deliverance emphasis in the church. There was a great emphasis on deliverance in the late 1970s, it came around again in the 1990s, and it's starting again in the 2020s. The challenge with deliverance is that people often become consumed with looking for demons. Only one-third of Jesus's ministry was focused on deliverance. If you are spending more than one-third of your ministry time on deliverance, I suggest you readjust your focus. However, ignoring deliverance is also a mistake.

Jesus called deliverance the children's bread in Matthew 15. A Canaanite woman had asked him to deliver her demon-possessed daughter. His response was unusual. He said
24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." 25 The woman came and knelt before Him. "Lord, help me!" she said. 26 But Jesus replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." 27 "Yes, Lord," she said, "even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." 28 "O woman," Jesus answered, "your faith is great! Let it be done for you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Jesus called deliverance the children's bread. We are the children of God, and deliverance is our bread, too. It's something that we can expect.

First John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

How do you acquire the results of Baptism?

The first step in Baptism is repentance.
Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Repent means "to change one's mind or purpose". When we repent, we choose to change how we think, what we do, and how we behave, from the way the world thinks to the way God thinks. We start by asking God's forgiveness for our sins. I recommend that this be done thoroughly and not just as a general statement. We commit sins individually. We should ask forgiveness and repent the same way. Remember, our sins provide the spiritual world with legal rights over us, so the more thorough we are with our repentance, the more legal rights are broken. Now, I don't believe you need to repent of every sin you did. I don't think we can remember them all, but I think we can repent for sins in categories.

The Sozo ministry has a good structure for examining ourselves and structuring our repentance. There are four categories they would suggest that you consider when deciding to get serious in the area of repentance. These categories are Sexual sin, Occult, Hatred, and fear. I recommend that you take the time to do this well and not be in a hurry. I also suggest you ask God's forgiveness for generational sins as well. Often, the sins of our ancestors can affect us because they have given rights to the spiritual world to affect their descendants.

The second step is a public declaration.
When we are baptized, we publicly declare our allegiance to Jesus Christ, identify ourselves with the cross of Christ, and are baptized into Christ. We acknowledge that our old man is about to be crucified and buried in the tank, and because we have repented of his sins, the spiritual forces related to the old man must stay in the tank and have no right to be on you.

Now, if you did not understand this when you were baptized and thought that you were just making an outward sign of an inward commitment, you can correct that situation today. There are no time issues with our Heavenly Father. He lives outside of time. I suggest that you can make that declaration today, even though you may have been baptized 50 years ago.

If you would like to acquire all the benefits of your Baptism, I encourage you to do this prayer with me.

The Prayer
Heavenly Father, I now understand that being baptized is much more than just making an outward sign of an inward commitment, and I want to acquire all the benefits that Jesus purchased for me on the cross.

1. I ask forgiveness for my sins and the sins of my ancestors. (Be specific, and don't be in a hurry.) I repent for doing these things, and as an act of my will, I change my mind and choose to live according to your will and commandments. I ask you for your help to do this.
2. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and is sitting with his Heavenly Father today.
3. I received his gift of forgiveness that was paid by the atonement he made for my sins on the cross.
4. I declare that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord.
5. I choose to follow him in the waters of Baptism and identify with His cross by the act of Baptism, and by doing so, I choose to bury my old man and everything that is associated with him. These include all my sins, all my ancestors' sins, and all curses that were related to those sins.
6. I rebuke every spiritual force that's associated with my sins and my ancestors' sins.
7. In Jesus' name, I command these spiritual forces to go to the baptismal tank and never bother me again because you have no rights on me.

Congratulations, you have now dealt with any spiritual forces related to your old man, and you have the authority to tell any temptation that would try to drag you back into those sins to leave you because you have repented, are baptized in Christ, and they have no rights on you.

You will now find it easier to walk in the newness of life. Jesus is committed to helping you be transformed. This process is called sanctification. You have put off the old man, and your mind will be renewed.

Eph 4:22 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

It does take your whole life to become what you are in Christ, but choosing to be baptized is the best way to start the journey.
I bless you all. I hope this has been helpful. Please write to me if you experience a change in your life as a result of this prayer. I would love to know about it.

This blog is originally published here:

Author: William Dupley


Help! I Can’t FEEL God and I Don't Know Why

Question sent in to CWG: I went through two impartation services, but out of the 150 or so people, I was one of about 10 who never felt anything. Everyone else was on the floor, overwhelmed with God’s presence. I began to cry the second time. Why don’t I feel God’s presence?
Mark’s answer (stated in a left-brain way so left-brainers can appreciate and appropriate it)

This reminds me of myself during the first ten years of my Christian life. I felt nothing. I even defined my love for my wife as "My decision to commit myself to her." So even my love for Patti was not a feeling. It was an intellectual commitment. This is not very heartwarming or marriage-enhancing for Patti. I’m so sorry for the pain I put her through.

My emotions were restored by Jesus through two-way journaling
1. Ten years into my Christian life God revealed to me the four keys to hearing His voice: stillness, vision, flow, and journaling. I began using them and hearing God’s voice as flowing thoughts and seeing His vision as flowing pictures which I would journal out.

2. One day the vision was of Jesus holding my head against His chest and He was caressing my hair. He said, “Mark, I want you to know that tenderness is OK. I want to restore emotions to your life." (You see, I had cut them off as I was taught they were soulish and I didn’t want to be soulish.)

3. Jesus said, “To restore emotion. I want you to…
o Re-read the Gospels and see that I healed because I was moved with compassion. Compassion is a spirit emotion. It is the carrier wave of My power.
o Re-read the Psalms and note that David had emotions and expressed them all to Me and that was fine.
o Notice how tenderly I love you in your two-way journaling times and learn to love others the same way.
o I repented of my scorn of emotions and asked God to restore them to me.

4. Jesus revealed to me that emotions are byproducts of pictures
o For example, in an impartation service where people are laying hands on me and releasing an anointing to me, I PICTURE what is going on… it is Jesus with His hands on their hands and His anointing, light and power are flowing through their hands and into me. I gaze upon that picture which is a true picture of the spiritual reality that is taking place.
o I ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of my heart, take over the picture and breathe on it (Eph. 1:17-18) as I tune to flow (Jn. 7:37-39).
o The scene in my mind comes alive, meaning I have just stepped from a godly imagination into a vision as I see and feel His power and energy flowing into me. My feelings are now a byproduct of what I am seeing.
o Yes, then I do feel something. It would be easy to fall backward at that point and lay on the floor and soak in His presence, with my eyes on the Holy Spirit that was engulfing me like a cocoon. Or it would be easy for me to resist this light feeling and NOT fall. So I get to choose. I choose to participate in the experience as that appears most appropriate to me.

Summary – Stepping from Rationalism to Revelation Knowledge
The above steps allowed me to move from the false god of rationalism (relying on reason to establish religious truth), to Christian spirituality, where I experience Jesus and the Holy Spirit alive in my heart. I am stepping from a theology about God to a living encounter with God, through use of the four keys. This was the transformational point in my Christian experience.

I grew up a westerner. Jesus was not a westerner. I had to choose to step out of the western worldview and rediscover the world of my heart and the Holy Spirit Who lives within my heart (Jn. 7:37-39).
"But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth (Jn. 16:13).

Resources to go deeper and GAIN this revelation and lifestyle transformation
• My story of how God’s voice was opened up to me by identifying and honoring four simple keys is recorded in my training on 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice, which I teach at Global Awakening every semester.
• An overview of the 4 Keys is here:
• You can get either the audio or video training package on the 4 Keys. Get the one that is best for your learning style:


People Panic . . . God Provides

September 09, 2023
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Scriptures: 1 Samuel 15:1–19
“It’s true that the army spared the best of the sheep, goats, and cattle,” Saul admitted. “But they are going to sacrifice them to the LORD your God. We have destroyed everything else.”

Then Samuel said to Saul, “Stop! Listen to what the LORD told me last night!”

“What did he tell you?” Saul asked.

And Samuel told him, “Although you may think little of yourself, are you not the leader of the tribes of Israel? The LORD has anointed you king of Israel. And the LORD sent you on a mission and told you, ‘Go and completely destroy the sinners, the Amalekites until they are all dead.’ Why haven’t you obeyed the LORD? Why did you rush for the plunder and do what was evil in the LORD’s sight?” (1 Samuel 15:15–19)
The tragic story of King Saul is that he never, ever fully repented of his sin. Saul's greatest concern was his image, and how he looked before the people. Even after Samuel gave him a break, Saul took advantage of it and continued in that same vein until the day he took his own life. How sad is that?

Samuel has reached the end of his rope. The people elected Saul as king, but he was no longer qualified. What are they to do? Israel is surrounded by enemies, and they need someone to carry the scepter. But who? Samuel didn't know and couldn't imagine. The people didn't know and had no suggestions. No one knew . . . except God.

What Samuel didn't realize—what we often don't realize—is that behind the scenes, before He ever flung the stars into space, God had today in mind. He had this very week in mind. In fact, He had you in mind. And He knew exactly what He was going to do. God is never at a loss to know what He's going to do in our situations. He knows perfectly well what is best for us. Our problem is, we don't know. And we say to Him, "Lord, if You just tell me, then I'll be in great shape. Just reveal it to me. Explain Your plan to me, and I'll count on You." But that's not faith. Faith is counting on Him when we do not know what tomorrow holds.

When a man or a woman of God fails, nothing of God fails. When a man or woman of God changes, nothing of God changes. When someone dies, nothing of God dies. When our lives are altered by the unexpected, nothing of God is altered or unexpected. It was the prophet Isaiah who wrote: "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear" (Isaiah 65:24).

"Before you even utter a word," God promises, "I'm involved in answering. In fact, while you're speaking, I'm involved in bringing to pass the very thing I have planned from the get-go."

God knows exactly what He's going to do, and nothing can restrain His bringing it to pass.


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Why Should I Be Baptized? by William Dupley

Five people were baptized in our church a few Sundays ago, including a small girl. I spoke to her father this week, and he said my daughter told me that all of her fear was gone since she was baptized.This week, I was discussing Baptism with a friend of mine. He had ministered in Haiti, and he said it was very common for people to experience deliverance when they were baptized. Deliverance also occurred when people were baptized at a camp meeting that Toronto Airport Vineyard conducted at Staynor camp in 1992.

I remember praying for a lady once at church, and when I laid my hands on her, she fell down to the floor in the form of an idol and went into a trance. I wasn't quite sure what happened, but I figured there had been some power encounter between the Holy Spirit and some spiritual force. I asked her friend who was with this woman if she was a Christian, and she said yes, she was. I asked her if she had been baptized. She said yes. I then spoke to the spiritual force and told it that you have no right to be on this woman because she had identified herself with Christ through the waters of Baptism, and you belong to the old man. I command you to leave and go to the tank, where the Baptism occurred. Immediately, she was delivered and came out of the trance.

Why does this not always happen
I've seen many people baptized, and I rarely see people experience deliverance when they are baptized. I suggest this is because they are not taught what really happens when someone is baptized. Often, Baptism is taught as a symbolic activity. I have heard it said it is the outward sign of an inward commitment, sort of like joining the union and getting the union badge that you put on your coat. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, these statements rob the true power of what Baptism accomplishes in our lives.

Types of Baptism
The Greek word for Baptism is baptízō – properly, "submerge" (Souter); hence, baptize, to immerse (literally, "dip under"). It does not always mean water baptism. It means to be immersed in something.

There are three different types of Baptism mentioned in the New Testament. Each has a different purpose.

1. Baptism into Christ
When we accept Christ as our Saviour and Lord, three things happen
1. We are baptized into Christ. We are immersed in God.
Gal 3:26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ
2. Our Spirit becomes one with God's Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in Spirit.
3. We become a new creation.
2 Cor 5:17 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!
Jesus commands us to baptize people in Matthew 28:19 20 as part of the process of disciplining people.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
I don't think Jesus is saying that we just water baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in this verse. Rather, I think Jesus is saying that we immerse people in the (love of the) Father, (the grace of) Jesus, and (the fellowship of) the Holy Spirit since he is talking about making disciples in this verse. A key part of making disciples is helping them develop an intimate relationship with God.
2. Baptized in the Holy Spirit
When we accept Christ, our Spirit is united with Holy Spirit, but there is an additional experience that Jesus prophesied would happen to us in Acts 1:4-5
4 And while they were gathered together, He commanded them: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift the Father promised, which you have heard Me discuss. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
This prophecy was fulfilled in Acts 2: 4
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
When we are baptized with Holy Spirit. Our entire body is immersed in the Holy Spirit, and His presence overwhelms us. We feel his presence penetrate our physical being. Just as water soaks us when we are immersed in water, so Holy Spirit soaks our physical being. We also begin to manifest the gifts of Holy Spirit as outlined in I Cor 12

3. Baptism in water
The Book of Acts describes many events where people believed and were immediately baptized. They were immersed in water. In fact, it seemed that in most cases, a person was baptized immediately upon repentance and acceptance of Christ. There is one particularly fascinating example. There was an Ethiopian eunuch who was responsible for the entire treasury of Ethiopia. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was going back to Ethiopia. An angel directed Philip to catch up with his caravan, and he heard him reading the book of Isaiah. Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading. He said how can I unless someone guides me. They had a further discussion, and Philip began to tell him the good news about Jesus.

The Ethiopian made the most remarkable request after hearing what Philip had to say.

Acts 8:36 Now, as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, "See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?"

38 So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him.
Now, I want you to capture what happened here. This was a very wealthy man, and he would have had an entourage. He would have been dressed in very expensive clothes, yet it was so important for him to be baptized that he was prepared to get out of his chariot, go down to a muddy hole filled with water, and be baptized. I suggest there was something very compelling that Philip told him about the benefit of being baptized.

Jesus was Baptized in Water
Jesus felt it was so important to be baptized in water that he was baptized in water himself.
Matt 3: 13 At that time Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. 14 But John tried to prevent Him, saying, "I need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?" 15 "Let it be so now," Jesus replied. "It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness in this way." Then John permitted Him. 16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water. Suddenly the heavens were opened and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and resting on Him.

Jesus never sinned, yet He felt it was important to do this, and the question has to be asked: why did He do this? Jesus said, "It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." I suggest He did this to demonstrate what has to be in our hearts when we are baptized. He humbled himself and publicly declared that His entire life was committed to God and that He was completely dedicating His life to living according to God's will and commands.

A leader leads by example. I think Jesus did this to be an example to all of us.

What happens when you are baptized in water
I do not believe that Baptism is just some symbolic or ritualistic activity. Jesus had no use for those things. I do not wish to minimize the symbolic aspect of Baptism. Baptism is a powerful and symbolic visual aid, a prophetic act demonstrating outwardly what the Lord has done and is doing inwardly. It speaks loudly to the fact that this person needs a bath to be cleansed and needs a burial of the old man to rise up in the newness of life in Christ. But to say it is just symbolic negates the spiritual transformative aspect of Baptism.
Romans chapter 6 :3-7 describes Baptism in great detail and what really happens when we are baptized.

3 Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through Baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, a that we should no longer be slaves to sin— 7 because anyone who has died has been set free from sin

Let's start by looking at what happens when we are baptized:
1. We are baptized into Christ Jesus.
2. We were baptized into his death.
3. We were buried with him.

Now let's look at the results, what we can expect as a result of being baptized
1. We may walk in the newness of life (The newness of life is the life that God intended for us to live)
2. We will be resurrected.
3. Our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with (rendered powerless)
4. We will no longer be slaves to sin

Let's look at some other results of being baptized
1. He will forgive your sins. Acts 2:38
2. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
3. He will wash away your sins. Acts 22:16
4. Whoever believes in him and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16. This Scripture is not saying that you have to be baptized to receive salvation. Salvation is by grace. Whether we are baptized or not, we will be saved if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, the word for "saved" used here is the Greek word "sozo". The word "sozo" means "safely rescued, delivered out of danger in to safely used principally of God rescuing believers from the penalty and power of sin into his provisions of safety." It is clear from this verse that a real spiritual transaction occurs when we are baptized that delivers us from the results of our sins.

5. You are baptized into the body of Christ (the family of God) (1 Cor. 12:13). In other words, it is also an initiation into the fraternity of Jesus.

These actions and results don't sound very symbolic to me. It clearly sounds like a dramatic spiritual transaction occurs.

Who is buried, who is crucified?
Romans 6:6 states
"Knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away
The King James bible reads
6 Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.

We read here that it is our old self or old man that is buried. Now, you may wonder who this is. I suggest that your old self or old man is the spiritual being you were before you were born again and became a new creation. Our old man has committed a lot of sins and has also inherited a lot of curses from the generations that have gone before.

When we are baptized, the old man is buried. We choose to bury him. He's put to death. It's an execution, and anything related to the old man goes with it.

Sins give rights to demonic forces. The spiritual world is very legalistic. Negative Spiritual forces cannot attack us or touch us unless we give them legal rights to do that. Prov 26:2 clearly states this.

Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse without cause shall not alight.

However, when we do sin, or our parents sin, it gives rights for a curse to come upon us. When we are baptized, we put to death the old man and the rights that are associated with the old man are made null and void. The spiritual forces that are associated with those rights must leave. They have no legal right to be there. That is why Baptism is so important. This is how Baptism saves us. The act of Baptism rescues and delivers us out of danger. It delivers us from the penalty and power of sin into Our Heavenly Father's provisions of safety".

Deliverance is the children's bread.
I have experienced three seasons of deliverance emphasis in the church. There was a great emphasis on deliverance in the late 1970s, it came around again in the 1990s, and it's starting again in the 2020s. The challenge with deliverance is that people often become consumed with looking for demons. Only one-third of Jesus's ministry was focused on deliverance. If you are spending more than one-third of your ministry time on deliverance, I suggest you readjust your focus. However, ignoring deliverance is also a mistake.

Jesus called deliverance the children's bread in Matthew 15. A Canaanite woman had asked him to deliver her demon-possessed daughter. His response was unusual. He said
24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." 25 The woman came and knelt before Him. "Lord, help me!" she said. 26 But Jesus replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." 27 "Yes, Lord," she said, "even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." 28 "O woman," Jesus answered, "your faith is great! Let it be done for you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Jesus called deliverance the children's bread. We are the children of God, and deliverance is our bread, too. It's something that we can expect.

First John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

How do you acquire the results of Baptism?

The first step in Baptism is repentance.
Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Repent means "to change one's mind or purpose". When we repent, we choose to change how we think, what we do, and how we behave, from the way the world thinks to the way God thinks. We start by asking God's forgiveness for our sins. I recommend that this be done thoroughly and not just as a general statement. We commit sins individually. We should ask forgiveness and repent the same way. Remember, our sins provide the spiritual world with legal rights over us, so the more thorough we are with our repentance, the more legal rights are broken. Now, I don't believe you need to repent of every sin you did. I don't think we can remember them all, but I think we can repent for sins in categories.

The Sozo ministry has a good structure for examining ourselves and structuring our repentance. There are four categories they would suggest that you consider when deciding to get serious in the area of repentance. These categories are Sexual sin, Occult, Hatred, and fear. I recommend that you take the time to do this well and not be in a hurry. I also suggest you ask God's forgiveness for generational sins as well. Often, the sins of our ancestors can affect us because they have given rights to the spiritual world to affect their descendants.

The second step is a public declaration.
When we are baptized, we publicly declare our allegiance to Jesus Christ, identify ourselves with the cross of Christ, and are baptized into Christ. We acknowledge that our old man is about to be crucified and buried in the tank, and because we have repented of his sins, the spiritual forces related to the old man must stay in the tank and have no right to be on you.

Now, if you did not understand this when you were baptized and thought that you were just making an outward sign of an inward commitment, you can correct that situation today. There are no time issues with our Heavenly Father. He lives outside of time. I suggest that you can make that declaration today, even though you may have been baptized 50 years ago.

If you would like to acquire all the benefits of your Baptism, I encourage you to do this prayer with me.

The Prayer
Heavenly Father, I now understand that being baptized is much more than just making an outward sign of an inward commitment, and I want to acquire all the benefits that Jesus purchased for me on the cross.

1. I ask forgiveness for my sins and the sins of my ancestors. (Be specific, and don't be in a hurry.) I repent for doing these things, and as an act of my will, I change my mind and choose to live according to your will and commandments. I ask you for your help to do this.
2. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and is sitting with his Heavenly Father today.
3. I received his gift of forgiveness that was paid by the atonement he made for my sins on the cross.
4. I declare that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord.
5. I choose to follow him in the waters of Baptism and identify with His cross by the act of Baptism, and by doing so, I choose to bury my old man and everything that is associated with him. These include all my sins, all my ancestors' sins, and all curses that were related to those sins.
6. I rebuke every spiritual force that's associated with my sins and my ancestors' sins.
7. In Jesus' name, I command these spiritual forces to go to the baptismal tank and never bother me again because you have no rights on me.

Congratulations, you have now dealt with any spiritual forces related to your old man, and you have the authority to tell any temptation that would try to drag you back into those sins to leave you because you have repented, are baptized in Christ, and they have no rights on you.

You will now find it easier to walk in the newness of life. Jesus is committed to helping you be transformed. This process is called sanctification. You have put off the old man, and your mind will be renewed.

Eph 4:22 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

It does take your whole life to become what you are in Christ, but choosing to be baptized is the best way to start the journey.
I bless you all. I hope this has been helpful. Please write to me if you experience a change in your life as a result of this prayer. I would love to know about it.

This blog is originally published here:

Author: William Dupley


Help! I Can’t FEEL God and I Don't Know Why

Question sent in to CWG: I went through two impartation services, but out of the 150 or so people, I was one of about 10 who never felt anything. Everyone else was on the floor, overwhelmed with God’s presence. I began to cry the second time. Why don’t I feel God’s presence?
Mark’s answer (stated in a left-brain way so left-brainers can appreciate and appropriate it)

This reminds me of myself during the first ten years of my Christian life. I felt nothing. I even defined my love for my wife as "My decision to commit myself to her." So even my love for Patti was not a feeling. It was an intellectual commitment. This is not very heartwarming or marriage-enhancing for Patti. I’m so sorry for the pain I put her through.

My emotions were restored by Jesus through two-way journaling
1. Ten years into my Christian life God revealed to me the four keys to hearing His voice: stillness, vision, flow, and journaling. I began using them and hearing God’s voice as flowing thoughts and seeing His vision as flowing pictures which I would journal out.

2. One day the vision was of Jesus holding my head against His chest and He was caressing my hair. He said, “Mark, I want you to know that tenderness is OK. I want to restore emotions to your life." (You see, I had cut them off as I was taught they were soulish and I didn’t want to be soulish.)

3. Jesus said, “To restore emotion. I want you to…
o Re-read the Gospels and see that I healed because I was moved with compassion. Compassion is a spirit emotion. It is the carrier wave of My power.
o Re-read the Psalms and note that David had emotions and expressed them all to Me and that was fine.
o Notice how tenderly I love you in your two-way journaling times and learn to love others the same way.
o I repented of my scorn of emotions and asked God to restore them to me.

4. Jesus revealed to me that emotions are byproducts of pictures
o For example, in an impartation service where people are laying hands on me and releasing an anointing to me, I PICTURE what is going on… it is Jesus with His hands on their hands and His anointing, light and power are flowing through their hands and into me. I gaze upon that picture which is a true picture of the spiritual reality that is taking place.
o I ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of my heart, take over the picture and breathe on it (Eph. 1:17-18) as I tune to flow (Jn. 7:37-39).
o The scene in my mind comes alive, meaning I have just stepped from a godly imagination into a vision as I see and feel His power and energy flowing into me. My feelings are now a byproduct of what I am seeing.
o Yes, then I do feel something. It would be easy to fall backward at that point and lay on the floor and soak in His presence, with my eyes on the Holy Spirit that was engulfing me like a cocoon. Or it would be easy for me to resist this light feeling and NOT fall. So I get to choose. I choose to participate in the experience as that appears most appropriate to me.

Summary – Stepping from Rationalism to Revelation Knowledge
The above steps allowed me to move from the false god of rationalism (relying on reason to establish religious truth), to Christian spirituality, where I experience Jesus and the Holy Spirit alive in my heart. I am stepping from a theology about God to a living encounter with God, through use of the four keys. This was the transformational point in my Christian experience.

I grew up a westerner. Jesus was not a westerner. I had to choose to step out of the western worldview and rediscover the world of my heart and the Holy Spirit Who lives within my heart (Jn. 7:37-39).
"But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth (Jn. 16:13).

Resources to go deeper and GAIN this revelation and lifestyle transformation
• My story of how God’s voice was opened up to me by identifying and honoring four simple keys is recorded in my training on 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice, which I teach at Global Awakening every semester.
• An overview of the 4 Keys is here:
• You can get either the audio or video training package on the 4 Keys. Get the one that is best for your learning style:


People Panic . . . God Provides

September 09, 2023
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Scriptures: 1 Samuel 15:1–19
“It’s true that the army spared the best of the sheep, goats, and cattle,” Saul admitted. “But they are going to sacrifice them to the LORD your God. We have destroyed everything else.”

Then Samuel said to Saul, “Stop! Listen to what the LORD told me last night!”

“What did he tell you?” Saul asked.

And Samuel told him, “Although you may think little of yourself, are you not the leader of the tribes of Israel? The LORD has anointed you king of Israel. And the LORD sent you on a mission and told you, ‘Go and completely destroy the sinners, the Amalekites until they are all dead.’ Why haven’t you obeyed the LORD? Why did you rush for the plunder and do what was evil in the LORD’s sight?” (1 Samuel 15:15–19)
The tragic story of King Saul is that he never, ever fully repented of his sin. Saul's greatest concern was his image, and how he looked before the people. Even after Samuel gave him a break, Saul took advantage of it and continued in that same vein until the day he took his own life. How sad is that?

Samuel has reached the end of his rope. The people elected Saul as king, but he was no longer qualified. What are they to do? Israel is surrounded by enemies, and they need someone to carry the scepter. But who? Samuel didn't know and couldn't imagine. The people didn't know and had no suggestions. No one knew . . . except God.

What Samuel didn't realize—what we often don't realize—is that behind the scenes, before He ever flung the stars into space, God had today in mind. He had this very week in mind. In fact, He had you in mind. And He knew exactly what He was going to do. God is never at a loss to know what He's going to do in our situations. He knows perfectly well what is best for us. Our problem is, we don't know. And we say to Him, "Lord, if You just tell me, then I'll be in great shape. Just reveal it to me. Explain Your plan to me, and I'll count on You." But that's not faith. Faith is counting on Him when we do not know what tomorrow holds.

When a man or a woman of God fails, nothing of God fails. When a man or woman of God changes, nothing of God changes. When someone dies, nothing of God dies. When our lives are altered by the unexpected, nothing of God is altered or unexpected. It was the prophet Isaiah who wrote: "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear" (Isaiah 65:24).

"Before you even utter a word," God promises, "I'm involved in answering. In fact, while you're speaking, I'm involved in bringing to pass the very thing I have planned from the get-go."

God knows exactly what He's going to do, and nothing can restrain His bringing it to pass.


In Spite of Us
JUNE 1, 2023

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.
1 Timothy 1:15

Recommended Reading: 1 Timothy 1:12-16
Before Semere came to Christ, he was a leader in the Muslim community in his Ethiopian village. Semere was adamantly opposed to Christianity and “since [he] was a young man, [he] wanted to persecute and even kill Christians.” But after burning the house of a Christian woman in another village, God crushed him and drew him to Himself. Since his conversion, Semere has been used by God to bring more than one hundred people to a saving knowledge of Christ.1

Like the apostle Paul, Semere’s story is just one of countless stories of how God uses those who were opposed to Him before they became Christians to bring many to Him after they accept Christ as Savior.

In His sovereignty and goodness God uses our past mistakes and failures to bring glory to Himself. Don’t disqualify yourself from serving your Heavenly Father because of what you have done in the past. Remember: He uses us in spite of us.

The greatness of sin is no bar to our acceptance with God… nor to our being employed for him, if it be truly repented of.
Matthew Henry

1 “Former Ethiopian Sheikh Burned Houses; Own House Burned After Conversion,” The Voice of the Martyrs, September 6, 2022.


The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- And Why It Matters Right Now
By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

People give value to money by being willing (or forced by Legal Tender Laws) to trade actual goods (commodities) and services for the money token, whatever the money token (or commercial paper) is.

Remember that token money is physical and has value in and of itself-- for example, a gold coin.

Paper certificates representing gold or silver stored in a warehouse is not actual token money, but represents the lawful claim to a certain amount of the underlying warehoused commodity, should you choose to present your claim to the warehouse (treasury) and receive the commensurate amount of gold, silver, platinum, etc.

Most people in America can remember using Silver Certificates or have at least seen Silver Certificates.

Fiat money takes this abstraction a step further and presumes the existence of a legal claim to something of value that is unspecified. It might represent labor or barrels of oil or...... a debt....represented as "the good faith and credit of Congress".

The idea that debt has value is not new. It is at least as old as the concept of negative numbers.

So now we get to the so-called "monetization of debt" --- which is merely assigning a value to a debt in some certain form of actual token money.

First, let's understand the concept of assigning value to token money:

If I have a bushel of apples and I trade it for a silver dollar, I have just given (assigned) the silver dollar the "value" of a bushel of apples and vice versa.

When we trade physical assets, we always establish values in this way, regardless of local market fluctuations. The same bushel of apples might fetch two silver dollars in some markets or half a dollar in others, but there is always this process of determining "market value" on the spot.

What happens when we trade something of physical value -- such as a gold coin, for something as amorphous as a promise to pay in the future?

To make sense of that kind of trade, we have to adopt a fixed exchange rate, so that we know in advance what we are agreeing to trade for.
That is, we have to assign a value to a debt now and in the future.

If we are paying attention only to market prices, here is what we see:

Joe gives Phil a hamburger in exchange for Phil's I.O.U. for $5, thereby creating a debt "worth" $5 for Joe (Phil's debt is Joe's credit) and assigning a value of $5 to the hamburger at the same time.

Years go by, Joe gives Phil a hamburger in exchange for Phil's I.O.U. for $10 (inflation has hit hard), thereby creating a debt "worth" $10 for Joe and assigning a current value of $10 to the hamburger.

The value of the hamburger appears to have increased, while the value of the I.O.U. has decreased over time. This is because more and more I.O.U.s have accumulated in the system because of rampant money printing or counterfeiting or failure to "redeem the debt" by exchanging it for something of actual value.

Remember -- the way we establish the value of money or anything else is by trading it for something of actual physical value.

Almost a hundred years goes by, and nobody has been trading value for value in a long, long time. Everyone has been trading debts for credit, that is, we've all been assigning value to debts and monetizing them.

The "debt note" currency inexorably loses value, because nobody is trading anything of actual value for it.

In the current crisis, we, our American Government, are the only ones that have a fixed exchange rate established relating the value of our money token dollar known as the United States Silver Dollar to the value of the Federal Reserve Note.

That is, we are the only ones on Earth that can give value to the Federal Reserve Note, because we are the only ones that have a fixed exchange rate for it.

As an analogy, think of translating Chinese into English or English into Chinese --- and we are the only ones with a dictionary.

The fixed exchange rate was established in the Emergency Banking Act of 1934 on a "dollar for dollar" basis, but of course, the value of those "dollars" has changed over time.

One Federal Reserve Note started out equal to the value of one United States Silver Dollar in 1934.

Even in the currently rigged commodity market, the United States Silver Dollar is now selling for around $22 Federal Reserve Notes, so despite best efforts to control silver prices and despite not minting United States Silver Dollars for decades, the Federal Reserve Note is now worth less than five cents against the actual United States Silver Dollar on the open market, and at the United States Treasury, almost $100,000 Federal Reserve Notes are pegged against each and every United States Silver Dollar still in circulation.

No actual value has been added back into the Federal Reserve Note in ninety years, which is partially the fault of funky bookkeeping and partly the fault of the whole political status and identity fraud that has been perpetuated by the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors.

By trying to register all of us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and using that as an excuse to glom onto all our assets for use as collateral backing their foreign debts, the Perpetrators have created a situation in which the physical asset contributions of the American people who have been constantly giving value to the Federal Reserve Note, have not been credited to the Federal Reserve Note. They haven't been put on the ledger as credit for Joe.

That is, the value of Joe's hamburger as an actual asset giving back value to the Federal Reserve note, has never been counted. Instead, Joe has been misidentified as a Brit and the credit owed to him has gone to the Queen instead.

Having addressed the unlawful conversion of American State Nationals and American State Citizens effectuated by undisclosed registration of those same Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens when they were still babies in their cradles, we can see that the credit owed to "Joe" is owed back to "Joe" by the Queen, or now, King Charles III as her Successor. Plus interest.

This counts as the largest unlawful conversion scheme and accounting "error" in world history.

Thankfully, the Perpetrators kept scrupulous records of the debt, so we also know the amount of the credit owed over time and can simply discharge the debt --- except for the fact that everyone has been monetizing the debt as an asset, and except for the fact that interest has been charged on a non-existent debt.

That is, the Americans have clawed back at least some of the value of the presumed debt in the arena of commerce and that has kept the boat afloat for a good many years despite not giving poor "Joe" his due and despite charging us interest on a non-existent debt and charging off all the expenses (not just constitutionally allowable expenses) of their Municipal Corporations to us every time they bankrupted another iteration of "the United States, Inc." or "the United States of America, Inc."

Now you can see how we became the Preferential Priority Creditors-in-Fact and how the Queen upstaged us under False Pretenses garnered via secretive unlawful conversions of political status exercised under color of law.

It amounts to a gigantic impersonation fraud scheme resulting in unlawful conversion of political status as well as identity, and de facto theft of our entire country, our citizenry, and our assets under color of law by the offending Municipal Subcontractors who owe us good faith and service.

Once people started monetizing debt as an asset, combined with the process of creating "derivatives" there was no easy way to simply add the credits owed to Joe back onto the ledger and erase the so-called "National Debt" owed by all those spendthrift Municipal citizens of the United States --- that don't actually exist.

Perhaps even worse news is that none of this --- not the rampant monetization of debt, not the development of an imaginary derivatives market --- none of it solves the actual problem that started this whole ball rolling, which is the fact that there has been no means to "add value" to the Federal Reserve Notes this entire time.

Nobody but the Americans have a fixed exchange rate between an asset-backed money and the Federal Reserve Note Legal Tender, so the Americans are the only ones who can solve this problem.

Unfortunately, the Americans are being impersonated by the British Government as British Territorial U.S. Citizens using phony birth registrations purloined without disclosure.

British Territorial U.S. Citizens can't breathe a word against the Queen's theft of our American citizenry and assets and credit -- for obvious reasons.

So it behooves the entire world, all 209 nations to date, to recognize the British Swindlers for what they are and bring pressure to bear before the banks make the Big Mistake of trying a repeat of the 1890's Bank Runs and the 1929 Crash, combined, which will only result in the arrest of the bankers and their Boards of Directors and long stints in places like Fort Leavenworth, plus, the worst economic crisis the world has ever seen.

The Americans must be freed on a systemic basis from the presumption of any form of British Territorial or Municipal citizenship and our assets must be "unblocked" and our gold and silver assets must be used to give value to the Federal Reserve Notes or there will be nothing left to fight over.

Here is the Big News for all those who have been anti-American --- we are not only the victims in this story, we are also the only ones that can save the situation.

We have explained how we became the Preferential Creditors and how the Queen's Government purloined the assets and credit that belong in fact to us.

We have also explained how currency is literally "given value" and the reason that the Federal Reserve Notes have lost almost all their value for lack of actually being credited and exchanged for value.

We've explained how the Americans wound up with the only fixed exchange rate and therefore the only means to translate a form of our lawful money into Federal Reserve Note Legal Tender.

So, in summary:

1. Our people and Government are the only ones with a fixed exchange rate allowing us to translate our asset-backed currency into Federal Reserve Notes, and thereby give value back to the Federal Reserve Notes and saving the world economy;

2. We are the only ones who can extend amnesty to the unwitting criminals responsible for this situation;

3. We are the only ones with the account codes needed to release the M1 funding --- and do it lawfully with proper provenance;

4. We are the only ones with the means and the lawful assets to literally resolve the world debt and give value back to the Federal Reserve Notes.

The solution:

1. The horribly mismanaged Municipal Corporation Subcontractors housed in the District of Columbia must stand down;

2. The criminal malfeasance of these Subcontractors must be recognized, repented, and set aside under a General Amnesty -- which still allows for possible prosecution of willful and knowing criminals;

3. The crimes of unlawful conversion committed against the Americans by the British Crown and the British Government and the Government of Ghent and the City of Rome must be reversed, all foreign registrations must be set aside and presumed to apply only to actual employees of the Federal Municipal Corporation Subcontractors;

4. We must quickly release our asset-backed currencies, the United States Silver Dollar and the gold-backed American Federation Dollar, and invoke our exchange rate to give value to the Federal Reserve Notes;

5. We must meet with the military bankers housed in Switzerland who are responsible;

6. Our American Government and the actual Account Holders must release the blocked account codes;

7. Everyone needs to thoroughly understand how this happened, so that it never happens again.

And somehow, we have to get the word passed to the members of the Territorial Congress and Janet Yellen and all the other Party Hearties that otherwise, their private scrip, the Federal Reserve Note, loses value by the minute until it becomes utterly worthless.

Raising the imaginary debt ceiling merely increases the problem, just as continuing to monetize debt as an asset adds to the problem.

The Day of Reckoning comes, and however you want to chide and goad us for being asleep all these years, we are awake now, and holding the only means --- our fixed exchange rate and our authorized gold and silver-based currencies ---- by which the Federal Reserve Note can have value returned to it, and by which the world economy can be saved.

Mr. Trump, King Charles III, and maybe even the Pope need to be reminded that the ends never justify the means, and representing us doesn't work when we present ourselves.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 26th 2023


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: