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12 hrs ago

Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Finances? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my finances? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

Jesus and I are in a field and I see sunflowers. Jesus is holding a bubble wand and starts blowing it and the bubbles start flowing into the air. I see Jesus relaxed and smiling and enjoying His time. Suddenly, I see myself as a little girl and Jesus is carrying me and holding me while we stand in the field. He reassuringly pats my back, as if I am concerned.

Jesus: Cathy, My beloved, do not worry. Look at the field around you. It is mostly empty, but the grass is green and growing. The whole land has room and potential for growth to occur. You both are still at the beginning of your marriage. I know there are financial concerns and debts, but just like the field, green and ready to receive the harvest, so is your financial state. There is still time and potential for financial blessings. You just have to trust My timings and ways. I have a plan and I see all your plans. Surrender them to Me and enjoy and relax in the process. Take it easy and enjoy. I have blessed you enough, financially, to provide for your needs and debts, along with some room for enjoyment. Receive it. Do not look at the tasks. Do not let your present moments of enjoyment be robbed because of debt. From this debt, you have a home, along with other things. So, continue to look at it with appreciation and not burden. Enjoy what I have given. And in My ways and time, you will see gradually My blessings pour out. You will not be in need. There is no poverty, there are blessings because I see your hearts.

Guard your hearts, for the enemy will try to distract you with materialistic things or discontentment, but refuse. Keep your hearts connected to Me. I am Your true source of provision. Learn to be content in little and much. For that is the power and secret of godliness, to be content in all situations. For you are not of this world, you are just living in it for a moment, until eternity’s call. Keep your eyes and hearts on Me and My kingdom and I will bring forth blessings. And even in trials, do not let your hearts be burdened or troubled. For I will bring peace, contentment, and provision in its time. In the meantime, know that I am preparing your hearts and refining you both. Receive My blessings, be grateful, be content, and I will work in your lives.

Cathy: Amen, Lord we receive. Continue to keep our hearts free from greed. We want to rely on You for our source of provision and be faithful and generous in what You have blessed us with. Thank You, Lord, for Your provision. We cast our concerns unto You, and receive Your peace and joy.

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Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice!

Huh uh YEA MAY B can't GET ALL of bad, etc ugh weeds of garden fools (NECLEUS species-humanity) BUT certainly those who R SELF deny willing 2 STAND 4 Holy Trinity; END THEM or THEY'LL (Coming) END us ALL USA-globally! Uh Brother Bob Lee 'the Nailer' Swagger (Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg) via the God given Power-Authority 2 do so of the human weeds amidst a garden = B-ing dying non human innocent Earth & us ALL humanity, having come FROM Earth itself via Adam & Eve; & huh I NO wanna hear it from ANY USA-global, TOP-down Power position holder, USA's 535 membered Congress, etc that THIS can't, misc happen 2 U, huh the heck it can't, YA FEEL ME?! Good job Bro, go home, (& try 2) relax, smile -

Bob Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) enters the lodge where Johnson (Danny Glover) and Meachum (Ned Beatty) are celebrating their victory. Bob kills everybody and bur...

OH & 2 cut down or eliminate bugs in YO housing, water rinse out 1st all food container's after emptying them 4 yo meals B4 throwing away as bugs R smart & can smell food container's, keep thing's around tightened down & put away, don't just leave thing's out & thus overall wiped down & decent-clean & remember what U touch as 2 not transfer (?) from what U may have touched as 2 wash hands B4 touching YO face or mouth, just saying, relax & calm but B SELF mindful, MORE vast & various tips & tricks info U can find on web 2 have a nicer, misc housing area where U live-sleep-work, U know, good luck smile.


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12 hrs ago

Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Finances? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my finances? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

Jesus and I are in a field and I see sunflowers. Jesus is holding a bubble wand and starts blowing it and the bubbles start flowing into the air. I see Jesus relaxed and smiling and enjoying His time. Suddenly, I see myself as a little girl and Jesus is carrying me and holding me while we stand in the field. He reassuringly pats my back, as if I am concerned.

Jesus: Cathy, My beloved, do not worry. Look at the field around you. It is mostly empty, but the grass is green and growing. The whole land has room and potential for growth to occur. You both are still at the beginning of your marriage. I know there are financial concerns and debts, but just like the field, green and ready to receive the harvest, so is your financial state. There is still time and potential for financial blessings. You just have to trust My timings and ways. I have a plan and I see all your plans. Surrender them to Me and enjoy and relax in the process. Take it easy and enjoy. I have blessed you enough, financially, to provide for your needs and debts, along with some room for enjoyment. Receive it. Do not look at the tasks. Do not let your present moments of enjoyment be robbed because of debt. From this debt, you have a home, along with other things. So, continue to look at it with appreciation and not burden. Enjoy what I have given. And in My ways and time, you will see gradually My blessings pour out. You will not be in need. There is no poverty, there are blessings because I see your hearts.

Guard your hearts, for the enemy will try to distract you with materialistic things or discontentment, but refuse. Keep your hearts connected to Me. I am Your true source of provision. Learn to be content in little and much. For that is the power and secret of godliness, to be content in all situations. For you are not of this world, you are just living in it for a moment, until eternity’s call. Keep your eyes and hearts on Me and My kingdom and I will bring forth blessings. And even in trials, do not let your hearts be burdened or troubled. For I will bring peace, contentment, and provision in its time. In the meantime, know that I am preparing your hearts and refining you both. Receive My blessings, be grateful, be content, and I will work in your lives.

Cathy: Amen, Lord we receive. Continue to keep our hearts free from greed. We want to rely on You for our source of provision and be faithful and generous in what You have blessed us with. Thank You, Lord, for Your provision. We cast our concerns unto You, and receive Your peace and joy.

10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice!

Huh uh YEA MAY B can't GET ALL of bad, etc ugh weeds of garden fools (NECLEUS species-humanity) BUT certainly those who R SELF deny willing 2 STAND 4 Holy Trinity; END THEM or THEY'LL (Coming) END us ALL USA-globally! Uh Brother Bob Lee 'the Nailer' Swagger (Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg) via the God given Power-Authority 2 do so of the human weeds amidst a garden = B-ing dying non human innocent Earth & us ALL humanity, having come FROM Earth itself via Adam & Eve; & huh I NO wanna hear it from ANY USA-global, TOP-down Power position holder, USA's 535 membered Congress, etc that THIS can't, misc happen 2 U, huh the heck it can't, YA FEEL ME?! Good job Bro, go home, (& try 2) relax, smile -

Bob Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) enters the lodge where Johnson (Danny Glover) and Meachum (Ned Beatty) are celebrating their victory. Bob kills everybody and bur...

OH & 2 cut down or eliminate bugs in YO housing, water rinse out 1st all food container's after emptying them 4 yo meals B4 throwing away as bugs R smart & can smell food container's, keep thing's around tightened down & put away, don't just leave thing's out & thus overall wiped down & decent-clean & remember what U touch as 2 not transfer (?) from what U may have touched as 2 wash hands B4 touching YO face or mouth, just saying, relax & calm but B SELF mindful, MORE vast & various tips & tricks info U can find on web 2 have a nicer, misc housing area where U live-sleep-work, U know, good luck smile.

& sigh huh music artist, Robert Plant may past had the time 2 kick it (relax) amidst music song, 'Big Log', find on YouTube misc, I DON'T (have the tick tock 'Time' day-night 24/7) as tomorrow ISN'T promised 2 NONE via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 aside from Luke 12:51 Jesus came 2 DIVIDE & separately Luke 17:21-22 Kingdom of God is inside (& ALL around) FEW aside from all but NOT all R SELF deny proper B4 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity, sigh THAT'S just me "EH", iight anyway, as YAW were, go on.


✨ Khám Phá Top 7 Địa Chỉ Massage Tân Phú Đa Dạng Dịch Vụ, Thư Giãn Tuyệt Vời! 🌟

Bạn đang tìm kiếm một địa chỉ massage tân phú uy tín để thư giãn và phục hồi sức khỏe sau những ngày làm việc căng thẳng? Hãy cùng khám phá ngay Top 7 địa chỉ Massage Tân Phú chất lượng, được Top Massage gợi ý dưới đây nhé! 😍

Massage Vinh Tiên Tân Phú - Thiên Đường Thư Giãn
🏠 Địa chỉ: 37 Văn Cao, Phú Thạnh
🌟 Đánh giá: 5/5
👉 Với không gian sang trọng và tiện nghi, cùng đội ngũ kỹ thuật viên chuyên nghiệp, Vinh Tiên chắc chắn sẽ mang lại cho bạn những giây phút thư giãn tuyệt vời.

Massage Windy Tân Phú - Dịch Vụ Chuyên Nghiệp
🏠 Địa chỉ: 577 Tân Kỳ Tân Quý, Tân Quý
🌟 Đánh giá: 4,9/5
👉 Không gian độc đáo, dịch vụ tận tâm và sản phẩm từ thiên nhiên an toàn cho da. Đặt lịch trước để trải nghiệm ngay nhé!

Massage Khoẻ Sunflower Tân Phú - Chăm Sóc Sức Khỏe Toàn Diện
🏠 Địa chỉ: 232 Trần Thủ Độ, Phú Thạnh
🌟 Đánh giá: 4,8/5
👉 Phương pháp massage body độc đáo, đội ngũ nhân viên giàu kinh nghiệm. Hãy để Sunflower giúp bạn thư giãn tối đa.

Massage Mộc Nhiên Beauty & Relax Room - Dịch Vụ Massage Đẳng Cấp
🏠 Địa chỉ: 259 Thoại Ngọc Hầu, Phú Thạnh
🌟 Đánh giá: 4,7/5
👉 Tận hưởng liệu pháp massage bằng đá nóng, massage bốn tay với chi phí hợp lý, trong không gian thư giãn sạch sẽ, dễ chịu.

Massage Jeju Spa Tân Phú - Trải Nghiệm Chu Đáo
🏠 Địa chỉ: 87 Hiền Vương, Phú Thạnh
🌟 Đánh giá: 4,6/5
👉 Đội ngũ kỹ thuật viên tận tâm, đa dạng dịch vụ từ trị liệu đến thư giãn, giúp cải thiện sức khỏe toàn diện.

Massage Hi Spa Tân Phú - Cơ Sở Vật Chất Hiện Đại
🏠 Địa chỉ: 17 Lê Trọng Tấn, Sơn Kỳ
🌟 Đánh giá: 4,5/5
👉 Phòng massage riêng tư, dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp, nhiều chương trình khuyến mãi hấp dẫn cho các dịp lễ.

Massage Việt Tân Phú - Trải Nghiệm Sang Trọng
🏠 Địa chỉ: 75 Trương Vĩnh Ký, Tân Thành
🌟 Đánh giá: 4,4/5
👉 Không gian sang trọng, kỹ thuật viên chuyên nghiệp, đa dạng các gói dịch vụ, phục vụ trái cây tươi và nước uống miễn phí sau mỗi liệu trình.

🌟 Hãy chọn cho mình một địa chỉ yêu thích và tận hưởng những giây phút thư giãn, nâng cao sức khỏe ngay hôm nay! 🌟

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