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The Prohibition Pullover Cookie Hoodie, the perfect blend of comfort, style, and nostalgia. This trendy and eye-catching hoodie is designed to keep you cozy while making a bold fashion statement.


) – Joe Biden has been left humiliated in his attempt to please liberals, as a federal judge has once again blocked Biden’s proposed changes to Title IX, which would incorporate transgender ideology into the educational framework.
Issued by Chief Judge Danny Reeves, this decision mirrors a similar block that was placed last week in Louisiana.
These revisions were set to begin on August 1 and would have forced schools to allow students to use facilities and participate in sports corresponding to their gender identity rather than their biological sex.
This means males who claim to identify as female would have been allowed to compete against females in competitions and use female bathrooms.
Judge Reeves’ ruling now extends this prohibition to enforce the changes in six additional states including Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia. and West Virginia. A previous ruling only covered the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Idaho.



Thanks to a growing number of unconstitutional federal programs, local law enforcement in almost every jurisdiction has been drawn in as tools of a national police state the founders would’ve despised. But states aren’t required to participate, even under modern precedent. Here are 5 big areas where they can simply opt out and help bring this unconstitutional national police state to an end.

Path to Liberty: October 18, 2023

"It was unenforceable when they refused to comply. That is the model. This is nullification in action."


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Thanks to a growing number of unconstitutional federal programs, local law enforcement in almost every jurisdiction has been drawn in as tools of a national police state the founders would’ve despised. But states aren’t required to participate, even under modern precedent. Here are 5 big areas where they can simply opt out and help bring this unconstitutional national police state to an end.

Path to Liberty: October 18, 2023

"It was unenforceable when they refused to comply. That is the model. This is nullification in action."



The Prohibition Pullover Cookie Hoodie, the perfect blend of comfort, style, and nostalgia. This trendy and eye-catching hoodie is designed to keep you cozy while making a bold fashion statement.


) – Joe Biden has been left humiliated in his attempt to please liberals, as a federal judge has once again blocked Biden’s proposed changes to Title IX, which would incorporate transgender ideology into the educational framework.
Issued by Chief Judge Danny Reeves, this decision mirrors a similar block that was placed last week in Louisiana.
These revisions were set to begin on August 1 and would have forced schools to allow students to use facilities and participate in sports corresponding to their gender identity rather than their biological sex.
This means males who claim to identify as female would have been allowed to compete against females in competitions and use female bathrooms.
Judge Reeves’ ruling now extends this prohibition to enforce the changes in six additional states including Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia. and West Virginia. A previous ruling only covered the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Idaho.


Eating blood is forbidden. Blood is blood, whether it comes from a human being or an animal. In prohibiting the consumption of blood, the Holy Bible seems 2 B concerned that it can excite a blood-lust in human beings & may desensitize us 2 the suffering of human beings when their blood is spilled. In the passage in which the prohibition against eating “flesh with its life-blood in it” is 1st found we also see the prohibition against murder: “Whoever sheds the blood of man - By man shall his blood be shed” (Holy Bible's Genesis 9:6). Cuz life, even an animal life, is sacred & “the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Holy Bible's Leviticus 17:11), the blood of animals must not be eaten; it must B disposed of carefully.


Speaker Johnson Pulls Surprise Move For Trump After Guilty Conviction
Speaker Johnson Pulls Surprise Move For Trump After Guilty Conviction
Following the jury's 34-count conviction of former President Donald Trump in the controversial New York hush-money case, House Speaker Mike Johnson has responded strongly.
In an interview with Fox News, Johnson condemned what he described as “the weaponization of our justice system” and predicted that Trump would “appeal this absurd verdict.”

When host Ainsley Earhardt asked Johnson about the implications of the sentencing date set for July 11th, which is after the first debate, she inquired, “How is that going to affect the RNC? What if he has home confinement? He can’t go? Does the convention still happen? Does he zoom in on the screen? How does he campaign if he goes to prison? What does that look like? Will he be in prison with the Secret Service on Election Day?”

Johnson responded, “We’re in uncharted waters, right? Obviously, there is no prohibition against him being elected president, even if he is confined somewhere. But I certainly hope that doesn’t happen. You know, there is lots of discussion, we talked about it all last night, there will be more discussion today about how we might adjust things in the schedule and all of that.”
He continued, “But I will tell you what will happen. I predict this will increase turnout on our side. He will win, decisively. He will become the next president. He was already, as I said, crushing Joe Biden in the polls. I think as this plays out and people get more and more frustrated about it, I think it will help us and that huge enthusiasm gap that already existed between the Trump and Biden campaigns will be even wider. People now see Donald Trump as a symbol of something. He is more than just an individual. He is a symbol of fighting back against this government corruption, the deep state, the bureaucracy and all the rest. And we need his leadership in the White House now more than ever.”