
Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - THEY (the Catholic church, protestant & non denominational churches, misc etc USA-globally) R literally evil - unholy guilty of perverting the gospel (altering, distorting & even corrupting Holy Bible from its original meaning, misc), MUCH of which has been & sadly STILL is such via the Vatican, etc USA-globally, including author's out there that SELF deem they know better & try & write up their own version of Holy Bible while calling - naming it something else & nevertheless SELF reaping $ profit money from & of it) & R carelessly - cluelessly & senselessly causing the whole world 2 go & B come astray (away from the correct path & direction - into error or morally questionable behavior).


Unveiling Spiritual Power: Thy Kingdom Come's Dynamic Warfare Teachings

Dive into the depths of spiritual warfare with Thy Kingdom Come. They illuminate the path to empowerment, equipping individuals with potent strategies and insights to navigate spiritual battles. Discover their transformative teachings and embark on a journey towards victory and enlightenment.

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Dr. Stavros Economou: Premier Plastic Surgeon in Limassol

Elevate your aesthetic journey with Dr. Stavros Economou, a leading plastic surgeon in Limassol. From subtle refinements to transformative procedures, trust their expertise for exceptional results. Embark on your path to beauty and confidence today with a consultation.

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Big steps forward - with bills passing on sound money, privacy, the right to keep and bear arms, CBDCs and more.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: March 1, 2024

Abigail Adams was a fierce advocate for independence, warned that power always grows, repeatedly pushed for the advancement of women, was an early opponent of slavery, a strong supporter of education - and an arms manufacturer too.

Path to Liberty: February 28, 2024

In her widely-read and influential anti-federalist essay, Mercy Otis Warren warned that the Constitution would abandon the principles of the American Revolution and facilitate consolidation of the states under a powerful national government. In other words, it would lead to unlimited centralized power – similar to the system the colonists had fought to leave.

Path to Liberty: February 26, 2024


Big steps forward - with bills passing on sound money, privacy, the right to keep and bear arms, CBDCs and more.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: March 1, 2024

Abigail Adams was a fierce advocate for independence, warned that power always grows, repeatedly pushed for the advancement of women, was an early opponent of slavery, a strong supporter of education - and an arms manufacturer too.

Path to Liberty: February 28, 2024

In her widely-read and influential anti-federalist essay, Mercy Otis Warren warned that the Constitution would abandon the principles of the American Revolution and facilitate consolidation of the states under a powerful national government. In other words, it would lead to unlimited centralized power – similar to the system the colonists had fought to leave.

Path to Liberty: February 26, 2024

On the recently-passed Utah “Constitutional Sovereignty Act,” the fear-mongering, lies and disinformation are bad - even for CNN standards.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: February 23, 2024

The central bank is the engine that powers the largest government in history. And things won’t change until people are “generally and radically instructed” as to the cause and consequences.

Path to Liberty: February 21, 2024


Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - THEY (the Catholic church, protestant & non denominational churches, misc etc USA-globally) R literally evil - unholy guilty of perverting the gospel (altering, distorting & even corrupting Holy Bible from its original meaning, misc), MUCH of which has been & sadly STILL is such via the Vatican, etc USA-globally, including author's out there that SELF deem they know better & try & write up their own version of Holy Bible while calling - naming it something else & nevertheless SELF reaping $ profit money from & of it) & R carelessly - cluelessly & senselessly causing the whole world 2 go & B come astray (away from the correct path & direction - into error or morally questionable behavior).


Unveiling Spiritual Power: Thy Kingdom Come's Dynamic Warfare Teachings

Dive into the depths of spiritual warfare with Thy Kingdom Come. They illuminate the path to empowerment, equipping individuals with potent strategies and insights to navigate spiritual battles. Discover their transformative teachings and embark on a journey towards victory and enlightenment.

To get more information, Visit:

Dr. Stavros Economou: Premier Plastic Surgeon in Limassol

Elevate your aesthetic journey with Dr. Stavros Economou, a leading plastic surgeon in Limassol. From subtle refinements to transformative procedures, trust their expertise for exceptional results. Embark on your path to beauty and confidence today with a consultation.

For more details, visit:

Judy Mikovits a former associate of Anthony Stephen Fauci who worked along side him B4 she really SELF deemed what he was doing was (?), OH SO WRONG in so many way's & on so many level's so she 'bounced' (as we say from the streets), she chose her own more safer independent path & WARNS FAUCI MAY RELEASE MORE DEADLY BIOWEAPONS ON THE WORLD -

Judy Mikovits a former associate of Anthony Stephen Fauci who worked along side him B4 she really SELF deemed what he was doing was (?), OH SO WRONG in so many way's & on so many level's so she 'bounced' (as we say from the streets), she chose her own more safer independent path -

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD Biochemistry & Molecular Biology VIDEO CLIPS & TRANSCRIPTS