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This corrupt political fossil is still running his mouth #JohnKerry #farming #netzero #climatechange

Failed presidential candidate and political fossil John Kerry, a Democrat, is back in the news for ominous comments he recently made about how the only way for leftists to achieve their “net zero” climate goals is for farmers all around the world to stop growing food. The illegitimate Joe Biden regime’s Special Presidential Envoy for […]

NET ZERO TYRANNY IS HERE! - False Flags Perpetuate TECHNOCRATIC Crackdown! - Get Ready!

NOW up on BitChute, Odysee, Rumble & BANNED!

#news #politics #netzero #ClimateScam #greatreset #thegreatreset #klausschwab #15minutecities #inflation #nwo #WAM

GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: USE Code WAM to get FREE shipping in the United States! GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: G…


The sham of “NetZero”.
Of the total 176,431terrawatt hours consumption Worldwide in 2021, only around 6% (11, 087TWh) were produced by wind, solar, “modern biofuels” and “other renewables” (0.06% 2000), whilst 86% (143,243TWh) were produced by hydrocarbons and traditional biomass.
The Globalist/Climate Change/Net Zero movement has committed to massive and unrealistic reductions in traditional hydrocarbon use by 2030/2050 yet has made no realistic plans or progress to establishing large scale replacement energy sources. Just where will a reliable 1566% increase in renewables come from to replace our trusted hydrocarbons?
Whilst we are subjected to mendacious politicians (and media) grandstanding about the need to move to non-existent renewables from reliable hydrocarbons, the coming winter of enforced power cuts due to the illegal Western sanctions on Russia will perhaps provide a wake-up call to the masses that there is no plan, just pain and Oligarchy profiteering. Larry Fink head of the $10trillion hedge-fund Black Rock has talked about the potential $130trillon speculative carbon trading market; together with the ESG manipulations, this is yet another opportunity for the Globalist mega rich to profiteer, and steal private and public resources, whilst the impoverished subjugated masses freeze.

CO2 accounts for around 0.04% of our atmosphere and the influence of human activity is approximately 4% of that CO2 (~0.0016% of atmosphere). CO2 is dissolved in cold oceans and transported to warm oceans in a 300-500 year cycle and also captured and recycled by the earth which required CO2 to sustain all life forms. Man-Made Climate Change doesn’t exist.

“Energy consumption tends to rise when people get richer and population increases. This can be partially offset by improvements in energy intensity – the amount of energy consumed per dollar (per unit of GDP). Global energy consumption is still on the rise. In fact, when we look at data over the past half century, there are only a handful of years where energy consumption did not increase – 2009, the year following the financial crisis, being a key one.
Increased availability of energy is important for raising the living standards of many across the world. But it also makes the transition to low-carbon energy systems more challenging: additions of clean energy have to outpace this growth in demand and displace fossil fuels already in the energy mix.”
Source: OurWorldInData.Org


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This corrupt political fossil is still running his mouth #JohnKerry #farming #netzero #climatechange

Failed presidential candidate and political fossil John Kerry, a Democrat, is back in the news for ominous comments he recently made about how the only way for leftists to achieve their “net zero” climate goals is for farmers all around the world to stop growing food. The illegitimate Joe Biden regime’s Special Presidential Envoy for […]

NET ZERO TYRANNY IS HERE! - False Flags Perpetuate TECHNOCRATIC Crackdown! - Get Ready!

NOW up on BitChute, Odysee, Rumble & BANNED!

#news #politics #netzero #ClimateScam #greatreset #thegreatreset #klausschwab #15minutecities #inflation #nwo #WAM

GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: USE Code WAM to get FREE shipping in the United States! GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: G…


The sham of “NetZero”.
Of the total 176,431terrawatt hours consumption Worldwide in 2021, only around 6% (11, 087TWh) were produced by wind, solar, “modern biofuels” and “other renewables” (0.06% 2000), whilst 86% (143,243TWh) were produced by hydrocarbons and traditional biomass.
The Globalist/Climate Change/Net Zero movement has committed to massive and unrealistic reductions in traditional hydrocarbon use by 2030/2050 yet has made no realistic plans or progress to establishing large scale replacement energy sources. Just where will a reliable 1566% increase in renewables come from to replace our trusted hydrocarbons?
Whilst we are subjected to mendacious politicians (and media) grandstanding about the need to move to non-existent renewables from reliable hydrocarbons, the coming winter of enforced power cuts due to the illegal Western sanctions on Russia will perhaps provide a wake-up call to the masses that there is no plan, just pain and Oligarchy profiteering. Larry Fink head of the $10trillion hedge-fund Black Rock has talked about the potential $130trillon speculative carbon trading market; together with the ESG manipulations, this is yet another opportunity for the Globalist mega rich to profiteer, and steal private and public resources, whilst the impoverished subjugated masses freeze.

CO2 accounts for around 0.04% of our atmosphere and the influence of human activity is approximately 4% of that CO2 (~0.0016% of atmosphere). CO2 is dissolved in cold oceans and transported to warm oceans in a 300-500 year cycle and also captured and recycled by the earth which required CO2 to sustain all life forms. Man-Made Climate Change doesn’t exist.

“Energy consumption tends to rise when people get richer and population increases. This can be partially offset by improvements in energy intensity – the amount of energy consumed per dollar (per unit of GDP). Global energy consumption is still on the rise. In fact, when we look at data over the past half century, there are only a handful of years where energy consumption did not increase – 2009, the year following the financial crisis, being a key one.
Increased availability of energy is important for raising the living standards of many across the world. But it also makes the transition to low-carbon energy systems more challenging: additions of clean energy have to outpace this growth in demand and displace fossil fuels already in the energy mix.”
Source: OurWorldInData.Org


Friends of Science released a statement last week stating that JP Morgan’s energy analysis exposes “The Elephants in the Room” on NetZero and environmental, social, and corporate governance (“ESG”)…