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She's not eligible
In #NikkiHaley’s case, it is well documented that neither one of her parents were citizens, #naturalborn or #naturalized, at the time of her birth in 1972. It has been previously reported that a South Carolina-based newspaper included a quote from the Office of Nikki Haley, stating that “her parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of her birth in 1972 and did not become citizens until 1978 and 2003.

The question of presidential eligibility under the Constitution has been a hot button one, especially in recent years with the controversial campaigns of John McCain, Barack Obama, Ted Cruz…


International Public Claim -- Two Sides to Every Hamburger
By Anna Von Reitz

The last couple of days we have been reviewing the history and players and how-we-all-got-into-this Mess.

We've been issuing our Public Claims and enforcing our Public Liens, which is both our right and duty.

Our Public is self-evidently not the British Territorial Public and not the Roman Municipal Public.

Our Public consists of all the declared and recorded American people living within the borders of our States and our country, and extends to all those merely presumed to be Dual Federal Citizens without their fully disclosed consensual agreement, and who must be deemed unconscionable victims of an attempted National Identity Theft.

As a practical matter, until our people have full disclosure and make reasonable decisions about their political choices, we presume that the only actual Federal citizenries present are those who directly and currently receive sustainable employment from the Municipal Corporations resident in the District of Columbia and any dependent spouses, and does not automatically include their children born on our land and soil, and does not include retirees, and generally speaking, does not include anyone who was enrolled in the federal Social Security program without actually being a Federal Employee.

We would also exempt all franchise employees, who have worked for state-of-state organizations without the benefit of full disclosure, military personnel working under contracts that have not been fully disclosed, and federal civil servants who have been laboring under the same conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.

Virtually nobody in this country has ever had the benefit of full disclosure and understanding of the contracting processes involved, the meaning of registration or the use of the certificates issued to legalize these venal practices of impersonation.

We therefore claim all certificates issued to persons who are not directly employed by the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and their direct dependent spouses, who are currently living in this country and whose provenance and lineage or whose naturalization and residency records indicate that they are either Americans born and bred or legally naturalized immigrants who have not been advised of their political options.

We recognize all these people as presumptive American State Nationals according to our definition of "American State Nationals".

We also claim all credit owed to these persons, which is to be returned to them and their progeny for the cancellation of debts and in recognition of their correct status as Employers and Principals and Preferential Creditors.

Some time ago we gave the example of Joe and Joe's Hamburger Shop. Fred, a Federal Employee, walks in and wants a hamburger, so he gives Joe a "Federal Reserve Note" which is essentially a promise to pay later, also known as an I O.U.

Joe gives him an actual hamburger, not a photograph of one.

Joe is left with a piece of paper acknowledging Fred's debt. On the face of it, this PROMISSORY NOTE is issued by a corporation operating "as" the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and a bank consortium operating as the FEDERAL RESERVE.

Joe is not paid for his hamburger (that would require actual gold or silver or other asset-backed currency) and he is not actually in receipt of credit in exchange for his hamburger, so no equitable consideration has been exchanged.

What Joe is left holding onto, is evidence of the debt owed to him by this unknown corporation and equally unknown association of banks.

This one-sided and undisclosed commercial transaction is taking place entirely in the realm of Maritime Commerce, under the auspices of the British Monarch and Government of Westminster. Both Joe and Fred are being "presumed" to be Subjects of the King, using a private military scrip issued for their use as Wards of the British Monarch or as Officers of the British Crown.

The problem is that this system, while very profitable for the British Monarch, the British Crown, and the Pope, is being practiced in deceit and under conditions of fraud and non-disclosure on dry land that actually belongs to poor old Joe.

What should be happening is that Joe has his own non-Maritime Commercial bank issuing American Credit Certificates in exchange for every Federal Reserve Note.

In this way, the Zero-sum transactions originally anticipated by the Bretton Woods agreements could be completed without any absurd accumulation of debt, without any bankruptcy fraud against our American Public, and Joe could be properly credited for his hamburger, not left holding onto someone else's debt as purported payment for actual goods and services.

When they secretly rolled up the sidewalk on everything else and substituted their British Territorial States of States organizations for ours, the Brits also unlawfully converted all our land jurisdiction Commercial Banks into Maritime Commercial Banks.

Of course, they never told us, nor did they tell most of the affected Commercial Banks, nor did they tell our trading partners in other countries. Instead, they stealthily embarked on a criminal rampage of secretive commercial mercenary war for profit, and attacked our trading partners under pretense of "war".

The Brits simply acted in Gross Breach of Trust and in violation of their Treaties and Service Contracts (the Constitutions) and unlawfully converted our land-based Commercial Banks into Maritime Commerce Banks.

They also operated under a "Cloak of Secrecy" to do all this. Not only did they not inform their actual Employers, or seek to protect our persons as required by Article IV of their Service Contract, they deliberately and self-interestedly kept mum and prevented us from responding.

They did this by telling the rest of the world that our government was "in interregnum" and that they had to take charge in response to an "Emergency" --- but in fact, our government had to find out about all these cozy arrangements undertaken "for" us, literally, from European gossip and Karen Hudes, acting as a Whistleblower inside the World Bank apparatus.

Our disloyal incorporated Subcontractors and the guilty Principals benefiting themselves at our expense never said a word, never acted to defend their actual Employers, the American States and People.

We are now correcting this situation and are issuing our own gold-backed American currency, the American Federation Dollar, through our chartered International Trade Banks, and issuing American Credit Certificates through our land jurisdiction Commercial Banks for the redemption of "US DEBT NOTES" otherwise known as FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES.

We formally and on the record accepted all debts of the various corporations as credit owed to us prior to the recent bankruptcies, and lodged our claims against the Principals responsible and the treasuries responsible beginning in 1998.

We claim all the unlawfully converted Maritime Commercial Banks as Commercial Banks owed to us and naturally belonging to our jurisdiction.

We deny the existence of any emergency powers assumed by the Usurpers responsible for these conditions, or any special extra-territorial powers assumed by their corporate CEOs.

So far as we are concerned, we already paid for every piece of equipment, every man-hour, and every piece of ground; the assets of these corporations and their franchises and their personnel are ours and forfeit, because there was never any other consideration in any of these commercial exchanges and the credit owed to Joe for his hamburger and his labor was never made available to him, either.

At the end of the day, even the debts accrued by these foreign Municipal Corporations were sloughed off onto poor old Joe, via the Constructive Fraud of undisclosed registration that allowed the Perpetrators to claim that he was part of their "Public" and responsible for their bankruptcy debts.

Joe and his Hamburger Shop have never been part of the British Territorial Public nor the Roman Municipal Public. He has always been part of the American Public and has never known or chosen otherwise.

So, the I.O.U. has landed on the King's desk, the desk of the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, and in the Pope's lap --- where it belongs, for collection.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Double Meanings for Different Things
By Anna Von Reitz

My Readers are no strangers to the kinds of deceitful games the rats play with words and names, so it should come as no surprise that the same applies to entire phrases and definitions.

Let me offer some helpful guidance through this morass of misspeak and run through an example that is currently causing a lot of problems.

David Straight has encouraged millions of people, especially U.S. Citizens, to "correct" their political status to that of an "American State National". He has done this on the basis of Federal Code found in Title 8--- 8 USC 1101 (a) (21) --(I think) but regardless of the exact citation, the point is that--- Number One, he has justified this on the basis of Federal Code.

Now, other people, also citing Federal Codes have come forward and said, "No, no, no! You can get in trouble making a claim to be an American State National....and they then cite their Federal Code sources, saying, the term "American State National" only applies to American Samoans, etc.

It's a typical Federal Code Ballywhump, where nobody is reading the Code correctly and where people are not being helped, because they don't have the tools to sort out the verbiage.

And both parties are right --- to an extent.

Let's begin with the fact that Federal Code does not apply to Joe Average in any broad way.

You, American, eating your lunch beside a railroad track, may have unknowingly come into physical Federal jurisdiction, or maybe you knowingly entered Federal jurisdiction by going to the Post Office, and therefore need to obey the Federal Codes attached to those environs.

You might actually be engaged in interstate commerce, though that is unlikely and an unnecessary supposition.

You might be engaged in the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms across state lines.

You might be operating a boat or ship or barge.

You might be licensed as a Uniformed Officer, like a Medical Doctor or Registered Nurse.

But, the point is, aside from such special occupations and locations, the vast majority of you are not "generally subject" to Federal Code.

Federal Code applies to Federal employees and their direct dependents -- either military or Federal Civil Service.

Now doesn't that make sense? Federal Code applies to Federal Employees. Just like Federal Income means profits derived from Federal employment.

So that is the first issue: the use of Federal Code when talking about or to Joe Average American is generally speaking not appropriate. Patriots constantly make this mistake and it is a Big Mistake.

Ask yourself: why reference Federal Code if it does not apply to you?

The only reason that a member of our General Public would have to reference Federal Code is to convince Public Employees that they are in violation of their own Code, and if that is what you are doing, you must make that very explicit.

"Yes, you are a Public Employee, and here is the pertinent Federal Code you need to obey...."

Estimates are that 92-95% of all Federal Code has no application related to Joe Average American, so, unless your are a Public Employee, please stop this pernicious habit of trying to justify everything according to Federal Code.

I repeat: unless you are engaged in a federally regulated activity or know that you are physically in a federally regulated location -- an army base, a post office, a railroad corridor, etc. -- Federal Code does not apply to you.

David Straight is trying to help people like himself who have, for one reason or another, a compelling reason to adopt British Territorial United States (U.S.) Citizenship. They typically adopt this political status because of their employment and lose their Constitutional Guarantees as a result.
He is trying to show them a way that they can reclaim their guarantees and make use of their ability to adopt Dual Citizenship/Nationality.

So David is trying to help Federal Employees and the use of Federal Code could be appropriate, but in this case, it isn't. Why? Because his critics are right, the phrase "American State National" as used in Federal Code only applies to American Samoans.

Please notice the words "as used in Federal Code".

When these same words "American State National" are applied outside of Federal Code, in the world where actual people speak plain English, they apply to anyone born or naturalized within the physical borders of an actual State of the Union.

So in Federal-ese, the words "American State National" refer to the political status of American Samoans. In Common Parlance, the same words, "American State National" mean anyone born or naturalized within the physical borders of an actual State of the Union.

How do you tell the difference between the two?

When the words are written on paper, they look identical, and when they are spoken, they sound the same.

Hints are provided from context, but the only sure way to tell the difference is to know the definition you are using and say it or write it out.

The bureaucrats resort to using Latin conventions--- and use "American State National" to refer to American Samoans' political status, and American "state national" to refer to those born or naturalized in the States of the Union.

Even though English is our official language, the use of Latin style conventions has been allowed as an exception since 1851.

This just adds to the confusion for Joe Average American, who according to English, assumes that he is an American State National, when in the Federal System he is an American state national.

Obviously, there are considerable communications obstacles embedded in this situation, obstacles that can be overcome by tediously expressing the definitions you are using, or, by adopting Latin style conventions, or both.

Such differences can also be exploited by unscrupulous persons.

When you are claiming your birthright political status and you are obligated to maintain U.S. Citizenship for some reason, its necessary to establish what you mean by "American State National" versus what they mean by "American State National" --- and because your meaning comes from Common Usage, it's inappropriate to reference Federal Code which assigns a totally different meaning to the same words.
There. Does that help?


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



She's not eligible
In #NikkiHaley’s case, it is well documented that neither one of her parents were citizens, #naturalborn or #naturalized, at the time of her birth in 1972. It has been previously reported that a South Carolina-based newspaper included a quote from the Office of Nikki Haley, stating that “her parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of her birth in 1972 and did not become citizens until 1978 and 2003.

The question of presidential eligibility under the Constitution has been a hot button one, especially in recent years with the controversial campaigns of John McCain, Barack Obama, Ted Cruz…


International Public Claim -- Two Sides to Every Hamburger
By Anna Von Reitz

The last couple of days we have been reviewing the history and players and how-we-all-got-into-this Mess.

We've been issuing our Public Claims and enforcing our Public Liens, which is both our right and duty.

Our Public is self-evidently not the British Territorial Public and not the Roman Municipal Public.

Our Public consists of all the declared and recorded American people living within the borders of our States and our country, and extends to all those merely presumed to be Dual Federal Citizens without their fully disclosed consensual agreement, and who must be deemed unconscionable victims of an attempted National Identity Theft.

As a practical matter, until our people have full disclosure and make reasonable decisions about their political choices, we presume that the only actual Federal citizenries present are those who directly and currently receive sustainable employment from the Municipal Corporations resident in the District of Columbia and any dependent spouses, and does not automatically include their children born on our land and soil, and does not include retirees, and generally speaking, does not include anyone who was enrolled in the federal Social Security program without actually being a Federal Employee.

We would also exempt all franchise employees, who have worked for state-of-state organizations without the benefit of full disclosure, military personnel working under contracts that have not been fully disclosed, and federal civil servants who have been laboring under the same conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.

Virtually nobody in this country has ever had the benefit of full disclosure and understanding of the contracting processes involved, the meaning of registration or the use of the certificates issued to legalize these venal practices of impersonation.

We therefore claim all certificates issued to persons who are not directly employed by the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and their direct dependent spouses, who are currently living in this country and whose provenance and lineage or whose naturalization and residency records indicate that they are either Americans born and bred or legally naturalized immigrants who have not been advised of their political options.

We recognize all these people as presumptive American State Nationals according to our definition of "American State Nationals".

We also claim all credit owed to these persons, which is to be returned to them and their progeny for the cancellation of debts and in recognition of their correct status as Employers and Principals and Preferential Creditors.

Some time ago we gave the example of Joe and Joe's Hamburger Shop. Fred, a Federal Employee, walks in and wants a hamburger, so he gives Joe a "Federal Reserve Note" which is essentially a promise to pay later, also known as an I O.U.

Joe gives him an actual hamburger, not a photograph of one.

Joe is left with a piece of paper acknowledging Fred's debt. On the face of it, this PROMISSORY NOTE is issued by a corporation operating "as" the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and a bank consortium operating as the FEDERAL RESERVE.

Joe is not paid for his hamburger (that would require actual gold or silver or other asset-backed currency) and he is not actually in receipt of credit in exchange for his hamburger, so no equitable consideration has been exchanged.

What Joe is left holding onto, is evidence of the debt owed to him by this unknown corporation and equally unknown association of banks.

This one-sided and undisclosed commercial transaction is taking place entirely in the realm of Maritime Commerce, under the auspices of the British Monarch and Government of Westminster. Both Joe and Fred are being "presumed" to be Subjects of the King, using a private military scrip issued for their use as Wards of the British Monarch or as Officers of the British Crown.

The problem is that this system, while very profitable for the British Monarch, the British Crown, and the Pope, is being practiced in deceit and under conditions of fraud and non-disclosure on dry land that actually belongs to poor old Joe.

What should be happening is that Joe has his own non-Maritime Commercial bank issuing American Credit Certificates in exchange for every Federal Reserve Note.

In this way, the Zero-sum transactions originally anticipated by the Bretton Woods agreements could be completed without any absurd accumulation of debt, without any bankruptcy fraud against our American Public, and Joe could be properly credited for his hamburger, not left holding onto someone else's debt as purported payment for actual goods and services.

When they secretly rolled up the sidewalk on everything else and substituted their British Territorial States of States organizations for ours, the Brits also unlawfully converted all our land jurisdiction Commercial Banks into Maritime Commercial Banks.

Of course, they never told us, nor did they tell most of the affected Commercial Banks, nor did they tell our trading partners in other countries. Instead, they stealthily embarked on a criminal rampage of secretive commercial mercenary war for profit, and attacked our trading partners under pretense of "war".

The Brits simply acted in Gross Breach of Trust and in violation of their Treaties and Service Contracts (the Constitutions) and unlawfully converted our land-based Commercial Banks into Maritime Commerce Banks.

They also operated under a "Cloak of Secrecy" to do all this. Not only did they not inform their actual Employers, or seek to protect our persons as required by Article IV of their Service Contract, they deliberately and self-interestedly kept mum and prevented us from responding.

They did this by telling the rest of the world that our government was "in interregnum" and that they had to take charge in response to an "Emergency" --- but in fact, our government had to find out about all these cozy arrangements undertaken "for" us, literally, from European gossip and Karen Hudes, acting as a Whistleblower inside the World Bank apparatus.

Our disloyal incorporated Subcontractors and the guilty Principals benefiting themselves at our expense never said a word, never acted to defend their actual Employers, the American States and People.

We are now correcting this situation and are issuing our own gold-backed American currency, the American Federation Dollar, through our chartered International Trade Banks, and issuing American Credit Certificates through our land jurisdiction Commercial Banks for the redemption of "US DEBT NOTES" otherwise known as FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES.

We formally and on the record accepted all debts of the various corporations as credit owed to us prior to the recent bankruptcies, and lodged our claims against the Principals responsible and the treasuries responsible beginning in 1998.

We claim all the unlawfully converted Maritime Commercial Banks as Commercial Banks owed to us and naturally belonging to our jurisdiction.

We deny the existence of any emergency powers assumed by the Usurpers responsible for these conditions, or any special extra-territorial powers assumed by their corporate CEOs.

So far as we are concerned, we already paid for every piece of equipment, every man-hour, and every piece of ground; the assets of these corporations and their franchises and their personnel are ours and forfeit, because there was never any other consideration in any of these commercial exchanges and the credit owed to Joe for his hamburger and his labor was never made available to him, either.

At the end of the day, even the debts accrued by these foreign Municipal Corporations were sloughed off onto poor old Joe, via the Constructive Fraud of undisclosed registration that allowed the Perpetrators to claim that he was part of their "Public" and responsible for their bankruptcy debts.

Joe and his Hamburger Shop have never been part of the British Territorial Public nor the Roman Municipal Public. He has always been part of the American Public and has never known or chosen otherwise.

So, the I.O.U. has landed on the King's desk, the desk of the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, and in the Pope's lap --- where it belongs, for collection.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Double Meanings for Different Things
By Anna Von Reitz

My Readers are no strangers to the kinds of deceitful games the rats play with words and names, so it should come as no surprise that the same applies to entire phrases and definitions.

Let me offer some helpful guidance through this morass of misspeak and run through an example that is currently causing a lot of problems.

David Straight has encouraged millions of people, especially U.S. Citizens, to "correct" their political status to that of an "American State National". He has done this on the basis of Federal Code found in Title 8--- 8 USC 1101 (a) (21) --(I think) but regardless of the exact citation, the point is that--- Number One, he has justified this on the basis of Federal Code.

Now, other people, also citing Federal Codes have come forward and said, "No, no, no! You can get in trouble making a claim to be an American State National....and they then cite their Federal Code sources, saying, the term "American State National" only applies to American Samoans, etc.

It's a typical Federal Code Ballywhump, where nobody is reading the Code correctly and where people are not being helped, because they don't have the tools to sort out the verbiage.

And both parties are right --- to an extent.

Let's begin with the fact that Federal Code does not apply to Joe Average in any broad way.

You, American, eating your lunch beside a railroad track, may have unknowingly come into physical Federal jurisdiction, or maybe you knowingly entered Federal jurisdiction by going to the Post Office, and therefore need to obey the Federal Codes attached to those environs.

You might actually be engaged in interstate commerce, though that is unlikely and an unnecessary supposition.

You might be engaged in the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms across state lines.

You might be operating a boat or ship or barge.

You might be licensed as a Uniformed Officer, like a Medical Doctor or Registered Nurse.

But, the point is, aside from such special occupations and locations, the vast majority of you are not "generally subject" to Federal Code.

Federal Code applies to Federal employees and their direct dependents -- either military or Federal Civil Service.

Now doesn't that make sense? Federal Code applies to Federal Employees. Just like Federal Income means profits derived from Federal employment.

So that is the first issue: the use of Federal Code when talking about or to Joe Average American is generally speaking not appropriate. Patriots constantly make this mistake and it is a Big Mistake.

Ask yourself: why reference Federal Code if it does not apply to you?

The only reason that a member of our General Public would have to reference Federal Code is to convince Public Employees that they are in violation of their own Code, and if that is what you are doing, you must make that very explicit.

"Yes, you are a Public Employee, and here is the pertinent Federal Code you need to obey...."

Estimates are that 92-95% of all Federal Code has no application related to Joe Average American, so, unless your are a Public Employee, please stop this pernicious habit of trying to justify everything according to Federal Code.

I repeat: unless you are engaged in a federally regulated activity or know that you are physically in a federally regulated location -- an army base, a post office, a railroad corridor, etc. -- Federal Code does not apply to you.

David Straight is trying to help people like himself who have, for one reason or another, a compelling reason to adopt British Territorial United States (U.S.) Citizenship. They typically adopt this political status because of their employment and lose their Constitutional Guarantees as a result.
He is trying to show them a way that they can reclaim their guarantees and make use of their ability to adopt Dual Citizenship/Nationality.

So David is trying to help Federal Employees and the use of Federal Code could be appropriate, but in this case, it isn't. Why? Because his critics are right, the phrase "American State National" as used in Federal Code only applies to American Samoans.

Please notice the words "as used in Federal Code".

When these same words "American State National" are applied outside of Federal Code, in the world where actual people speak plain English, they apply to anyone born or naturalized within the physical borders of an actual State of the Union.

So in Federal-ese, the words "American State National" refer to the political status of American Samoans. In Common Parlance, the same words, "American State National" mean anyone born or naturalized within the physical borders of an actual State of the Union.

How do you tell the difference between the two?

When the words are written on paper, they look identical, and when they are spoken, they sound the same.

Hints are provided from context, but the only sure way to tell the difference is to know the definition you are using and say it or write it out.

The bureaucrats resort to using Latin conventions--- and use "American State National" to refer to American Samoans' political status, and American "state national" to refer to those born or naturalized in the States of the Union.

Even though English is our official language, the use of Latin style conventions has been allowed as an exception since 1851.

This just adds to the confusion for Joe Average American, who according to English, assumes that he is an American State National, when in the Federal System he is an American state national.

Obviously, there are considerable communications obstacles embedded in this situation, obstacles that can be overcome by tediously expressing the definitions you are using, or, by adopting Latin style conventions, or both.

Such differences can also be exploited by unscrupulous persons.

When you are claiming your birthright political status and you are obligated to maintain U.S. Citizenship for some reason, its necessary to establish what you mean by "American State National" versus what they mean by "American State National" --- and because your meaning comes from Common Usage, it's inappropriate to reference Federal Code which assigns a totally different meaning to the same words.
There. Does that help?


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:


International Alert -- False Real Estate Claims in The United States
By Anna Von Reitz

July 15th 2023
No Municipality has any business claiming to have any right to exist in this country outside of the District of Columbia.

Similar to the attempts to have one corporation grant another corporation state immunity, when neither one of them possess any state immunity at all, the colluding Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia have worked together to evade the clearly stated limitations of The Constitution of the United States.

There is one (1) City of Washington, DC, which is supposed to be governed by the Federal Republic Congress, whose members are, or would be, all Fiduciary Deputies. Since the 1860's our delegated powers granted to the American Federal Subcontractor, the Federal Republic, have been usurped by the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor, and later, by the City of Rome Federal Subcontractor, which set up a "Municipal overlay" for itself and which the District Government allowed in the District of Columbia.

This is a case of one Municipal Corporation vastly extending the powers of another Municipal Corporation, when both are bound in fact by the same limitations of the Federal Constitutions.

It is the same business of giving each other what is not theirs to give as we reviewed with respect to the issue of state immunity. By allowing the City of Rome's Municipal Corporation to piggy-back onto Territorial outposts in the States, they are operating in locations where they have always been constitutionally prohibited.

The District Government had highly questionable authority to allow the City of Rome Municipal Corporation to operate Municipalities within the District of Columbia --- its plain on the face of it that they had no ability to allow the Municipalities to function within the borders of the States and that this practice has resulted in evasion of the Use Permits and the Constitutional stipulations meant to define and limit the operations of the Municipal Corporations.

Instead of Fiduciary Deputies, all the members of the Territorial and Municipal "Congresses" function as Boards of Trustees and Boards of Corporations, and except for explicit delegations of power, neither of these bodies have any right or authority to extend their operations into the States.

Our first objection, therefore, is that both of the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia are in violation of their Use Permits and subject to eviction from all District premises. Our second objection is that the Municipal Corporation run by the City of Rome conglomerate has been allowed by the British Territorial Municipal Corporation to piggy-back on its own operations in a manner never allowed to either Subcontractor.
The additional supposition, that because a Municipality establishes an overlay for itself and a boundary for its operations and decides to incorporate its business activities--- and then presumes that everyone else living inside that fictional boundary is impacted by its decisions, is a misunderstanding on the part of the Municipal Department of Finance --- a self-interested misunderstanding about which they need to be corrected.

The Municipality is a corporation and the only ones subject to decisions made by the Municipality are the employees and officers of that Municipal Corporation. Nobody else. All Municipal employees are "residents" in this country, allowed to be here under the provisions of the Residence Act.

You, a natural-born American, or an immigrant properly Naturalized and immigrated to a State of the Union, are not a "resident" in this country and so, your land and soil is not "residential" property, either.

You are part of the population and the General Public, free to obtain and enforce your land grant or patent or any similar gift-deed without reference to any Municipal codes, trusts, definitions, or limitations.

The Federal Employees can't own land in this country while employed by and acting as citizens of a foreign government, so they adopted the British Title System and placed their assets in a real estate trust (that is, a royal estate trust) under the auspices of the British Monarch. All of that is their system and their limitations, not ours.

We can and do own land and soil under and beyond and within the borders of the Municipal overlay and have every right and responsibility to fully inform their tax assessors that we are not Municipal citizens and our homes and businesses are not subject to zoning or any mischaracterization as either residential, commercial, or agricultural parcels.

As with so much else related to the Great Fraud, the Perpetrators came in under color of law and created these so-called "real estate trusts" and presumed that they had authority to establish State Trusts under the False Presumption that our Government was "Missing" and that they had a custodial interest to play --- none of which happens to be true, and which was all accomplished under conditions of purposeful deceit and color of law.

These same State Trusts are generally dissolved upon the actual State Assemblies coming into Session, which happened in 2019, and specifically, upon the declaration of the living Americans to whom the property title, etc., all belongs. All right, title, and interest reverts to the Original Jurisdiction and the original owners. This was presaged by the fact that we renewed our Sovereign Letters Patent on November 4th 2015, giving international and global Notice and Due Process to the Pope and the Queen and the Lord Mayor of London and the Bank for International Settlements.

Typical examples:

(A) An American buys a Complete Title from a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and comes into ownership of a property that is part of a State Trust where this property has been held for 150 years. There is no mortgage on the property. The transaction transferring the title is completed and signed off. The transaction is then published and recorded together with the chain of title and the underlying grant or patent and the property is reconveyed to Original Jurisdiction.

(B) An American buys an Incomplete Title from a Municipal citizen of the United States. A mortgage is still owed on the property by the former tenant, which the American owner agrees to pay off as part of the overall transfer transaction. The Mortgagee (Tenant) releases the claim and title he obtained control of, the American pays off the Mortgage held against the title, and the property in sum total is reconveyed to the Original Jurisdiction via the same process of securing the chain of title, grant or patent record, etc.

Notice that the end result of the process is different depending on the political status of the people involved.

When a Territorial or Municipal person "owns" property they act as Tenants of the State Trust and pay off mortgages owed by the Municipal Corporations managing that Trust; once they pay off the mortgage they still can't actually own the property. They become Leaseholders with a title interest in a "Future Lease-Purchase Agreement" and the only benefit of that is that they don't have to pay a monthly mortgage anymore.

When an American pays off a mortgage and the "title is clear", he is then enabled to record his ownership interest in the land and soil, paper over the title, and dissolve the State Trust interest that is otherwise presumed to exist. Most Americans who have done this rename their parcels and establish a metes and bound survey that is recorded as part of the parcel re-conveyance. He is the Owner-in-Fact, not a Leaseholder.

These and a great many other issues need to be discussed to facilitate the transfer of all land and soil assets out of the State Trusts and to have them returned directly to Original Jurisdiction without harming the living people who have invested their lives and their life savings in these assets in good faith, and without the benefit of full disclosure.

We call upon the Offending Principals to repair their Breach of Trust and voluntarily dissolve all State Trust interests asserted against the property held by Americans who have declared their birthright political status and invoked Original Jurisdiction.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:


The National Identity Theft Scheme
By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

We have described in general terms the many Substitution Schemes that have been involved in the mis-administration of our Government beginning in 1860.

(1) Abraham Lincoln substituted his private office as "President" of a British Crown Corporation doing business as "the United States of America, Incorporated" for the Public Office of The President of The United States of America.

(2) British Territorial business organizations substituted themselves for the actual States-of-States, such as The State of New York, and pushed people to create new State-of-State Constitutions under color of law and force of arms to expedite this scheme.

(3) States-of-States were called "Confederate States" and later simply misrepresented as States.

Throughout, those responsible for these crimes and usurpations have endeavored to say that these frauds were known and that our populace voluntarily accepted these and other changes in flagrant disregard of our own best interests.

We have sought long and hard to find any evidence that these and other changes were ever advertised and fully disclosed and agreed to by the General Public; no such educational campaign is in evidence, nor is there any evidence of a public referendum or similar election process. All these new definitions were simply foisted off onto the General Public without their knowledge or consent.

This process of redefinition, relabeling, and substitution occurred under different circumstances and decades prior to what happened in Australia and in other countries, but we can observe the same process at work and the same methods used to fool the public and allow British Territorial forces to usurp the lawful governments throughout the Commonwealth and later, after World War II, the same was done to the occupied European countries and Japan.

In all cases, these substitutions resulted in National IdentityTheft. The Municipal Corporation Perpetrators responsible gained unauthorized access to credit belonging to the lawful governments, and the colluding banks went along with this.

All of this results in the same exact process of identity theft via impersonation that modern credit card hackers use to access credit that doesn't belong to them. The hacker pretends to be the account holder, and until the thief is caught, gets away with charging whatever they please against the victim's account.

In the same way, the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America"---Incorporated, impersonated our Federation of States and obtained unauthorized and unlawful access to our credit accounts.

As we have gone over the history we find that our Federation of States never owed any debts, and that even the debts of the Federal Republic were completely paid off by Andrew Jackson's Administration, leaving this country and its American Federal Subcontractor debt free as of 1837.

We were also dangerously adrift, mainly because as sound as his fiscal policies were, our Seventh President was a comparatively ignorant man. Andrew Jackson embraced Tory Democracy-- the same political party that was to launch Benjamin Disraeli into power in Great Britain -- and the same party that was responsible for universal enfranchisement.

Though the victims couldn't possibly know this, the enfranchisement they were being offered was identical to corporate business enfranchisement.

As we've seen, though enfranchisement and the right to vote has appeared to be a good thing, it is in fact an undisclosed degradation of political status.

People who registered to vote lost their ability to act as Electors, and appeared to voluntarily donate their services and property assets to the British Territorial Government that was already organized as a democracy; they also became Subjects of the Queen.

This is how and why generations of American schoolchildren have been taught that their country is a democracy -- when it isn't. This is why you hear politicians in Washington, DC, endlessly prattling about their democracy and threats to our democracy and so on.

None of this was ever disclosed to the victims, rendering all these presumed relationships and obligations null and void for lack of disclosure.

There is no such thing as an American democracy. There is only a British Territorial Democracy acting as a Municipal Corporation Subcontractor of our American Government.

Like the cradle snatching involved in the Dead Baby Scams, the Voter Registration and American Democracy Scams are all aimed at identity theft and unlawful, undisclosed conversion of political status and asset ownership.

Our American Government is and always has been republican in nature, and that is not a reference to any political party; it is a reference to the structure and kind of government that the American people practice and ordain -- with our government at all levels tasked to serve and protect the rights and property of individual people, not persons.

Democracy aims at equality at the cost of the individual, whereas republican states adopt equality under the law and protect the individual.

It is the British Territorial Democracy and its U.S. Citizenry which has been responsible for the near-constant mercenary conflicts that the U.S. Armed Services have been involved in, and this has been hidden from the American People and the rest of the world for decades.

The people of this country and indeed, even the men and women employed by these Services, have not known that they were employed in a mercenary capacity -- and that they have been endlessly fighting -- not for freedom or any just cause, but for the commercial gain and business interests of these foreign Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia.

Moreover, by more convenient and self-serving practices of redefinition , the meaning of the word "defense" has been toyed with, so that it is unrecognizable from its intent and meaning in the Federal Constitutions, where it clearly and unequivocally means defense of this country, not defense of their corporations.

Trillions of dollars and millions of lives have been spent over the past 160-plus years, purportedly defending us in places like Mali and Bosnia that posed no threat to us, but which did represent threats or benefits of some kind to the commercial interests of these criminal Municipal Corporations.
We must be very clear about who the actual owners are and whose defense is under contract and exactly what that means. It's our borders and the safety of our States and people that are under contract, nothing more or less. All the other expenditures that these con artists have appropriated for themselves illegally and unlawfully, and which they have used for other non-contractual and non-consensual purposes are logically their costs of doing business and have nothing to do with us.

We should not be blamed nor charged for the opportunism and criminality of these Subcontractors, and we should not be confused with them in the minds of the public in this country or anywhere else. The same goes for the City-operated Municipal Subcontractor.

No hiding behind our skirts. We did not approve of and our contracts do not allow for the invasion of Libya or Iraq or any other country. We did not vouchsafe any War Powers to these Subcontractors to act on our behalf in international or global jurisdictions, and we don't expect to have our Good Names dragged through the mud or our credit employed to fund violence and commercial opportunism.

We don't care how long we have been asleep, trusting these yahoos to do their jobs and follow their contracts; fraud and breach of trust have no statutes of limitation for prosecution and sovereign entities have no obligation to report to their employees.

The job of these Municipal Subcontractors is to defend our land and our people and nothing else; they are not tasked to defend their own commercial self-interest at our expense.

These Municipal Corporations and their operations are unequivocally the responsibility of the other Principals involved in their creation and administration, and ultimately, both of these Municipal Corporations are owned by the Pope, who has the right and responsibility under Ecclesiastical Law to liquidate these corporations for engaging in unlawful, illegal, and immoral activities.

We wish for the Municipal Subcontractors and the banks to be held accountable and for the assets that are lawfully ours to be returned to our administration without further excuse or obfuscation.

We wish for the credit derived from our assets, including our labor, to be returned to us and to our administration without further excuse or obfuscation.

We wish for a competent accounting separating the private debts of these Municipal Corporations from our public service costs.

We wish for the bankruptcies of these Municipal Corporations to be investigated for fraudulent misrepresentation and prior asset stripping.

We wish for the banks that have allowed these private Municipal Corporations to use our accounts without our permission and which have served to block our own access to our assets and our credit, to be thoroughly re-educated and redirected--- and liquidated as accomplices if they do not immediately reform their operations.

We wish for all legal presumptions against our people and against our material and intellectual property interests to be dropped and for hard proof of knowing, willing, voluntary and fully disclosed foreign citizenship contracts to be entered into the public evidence record of the court in all court cases involving Americans from the nation states of the Union known as The United States.

We wish for the aforesaid contracts and any proof of their validity and existence to be further presented as full, complete, and correct copies to any American born in the States of the Union or having been Naturalized in this country without exception, and re-presented each and every time such people are addressed by any foreign court for any reason.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 12th 2023


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: