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NO court's - NO politics - NO prison's - NO mercy versus THEM ALL talking that Coming, FREE Speech & God given FREE Will is OVER-finished-no more allowed, THEY of Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's), USA-globally, & etc else (fill in blank's ie: terrorist's) wanna get stupid via evil-unholy then Holy HOUSECLEAN by U ALL who R capable locally USA-globally wherever U live ie: adult straight-hetrosexual alpha male's-beta female's, if ANY of U truly want eternal Heaven with Jesus-God-Holy Trinity, PROVE it & do (but NO lone wolves, it's all masses non voluntary-non optionally 2gether) what U internally within dare not or refuse like past 3 times denying Peter of Jesus, that's U ALL refusing 2 ALL (no lone wolves) SELF deny Warrior up like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's, it's NOT voluntary NOT optional & ANY out there who R capable though instead play Devil's advocate-wolf in sheep's clothing, misc downplaying, misc else R going 2 Hell after their individual last breath ie: death, U wanna go 2 Hell as well? DO YO JOB-RESPONSIBILITY 4 HOLY TRINITY, OR U WILL THEREOF, 2 HELL AFTER YO LAST BREATH ie: DEATH!

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a Lake of Fire: Book of Revelations 20:15, a bottomless pit: Book of Revelations 20:1, a horrible tempest: Psalm 11:6, a place of everlasting burnings: isaiah 33:14, a furnace of fire & where people cry for mercy: Matthew 13:42, a devouring fire: isaiah 33:14, a place of torments: Luke 16:23 & where people pray: Luke 16:24, a place of everlasting punishment: Matthew 25:46. What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a place where people wail: Book of Revelations 16:11, a place where people blaspheme (speak irreverently about & the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for inviolable Holy God): Book of Revelations 20:15, a place of NO-EVER-NEVER ANY forgiveness: Matthew 12:32, a place of filthiness: Book of Revelations 22:11.

& SIGH huh (me SELF internally within-inside) talk about B-ing at the NON SELF deserved mercy of Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & eternal Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM despite CUZ OF YAW = like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming of a ALL out across the USA-global board murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette, SIGH, FINE, so B it cuz it-this all literally ONLY ENDS 1 WAY sooner or later 1 way or another 4 the appeasement of God's Well Being.


In her widely-read and influential anti-federalist essay, Mercy Otis Warren warned that the Constitution would abandon the principles of the American Revolution and facilitate consolidation of the states under a powerful national government. In other words, it would lead to unlimited centralized power – similar to the system the colonists had fought to leave.

Path to Liberty: February 26, 2024

Mercy Otis Warren summed it up this way.

“The origin of all power is in the people,

It logically follows that if the people give the government its power to begin with, that means it’s up to the people to hold the government within those limits.

Mercy Otis Warren summed it up this way.

“The origin of all power is in the people, and they have an incontestable right to check the creatures of their own creation.”

That means when the government oversteps its bounds, the people have the right to defend their sovereignty and protect their liberty.

Whether the government happens to like it, or not.


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In her widely-read and influential anti-federalist essay, Mercy Otis Warren warned that the Constitution would abandon the principles of the American Revolution and facilitate consolidation of the states under a powerful national government. In other words, it would lead to unlimited centralized power – similar to the system the colonists had fought to leave.

Path to Liberty: February 26, 2024

Mercy Otis Warren summed it up this way.

“The origin of all power is in the people,

It logically follows that if the people give the government its power to begin with, that means it’s up to the people to hold the government within those limits.

Mercy Otis Warren summed it up this way.

“The origin of all power is in the people, and they have an incontestable right to check the creatures of their own creation.”

That means when the government oversteps its bounds, the people have the right to defend their sovereignty and protect their liberty.

Whether the government happens to like it, or not.

Mercy Otis Warren was one of the most formidable intellectuals in eighteenth-century America. Her prolific writing on the most important issues of the time, along with her massive history of the Revolution also earns her the title of America’s first female historian.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: Sept 23, 2022


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Calling these United States the “land of the free” is ignorant of what actually qualifies as a “free people” - at best. Or a dangerous state of denial that will only make things far worse in the long run. Wisdom and insight from Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Dickinson, Mercy Otis Warren, Thomas Paine - and Lysander Spooner.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 6, 2022


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NO court's - NO politics - NO prison's - NO mercy versus THEM ALL talking that Coming, FREE Speech & God given FREE Will is OVER-finished-no more allowed, THEY of Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's), USA-globally, & etc else (fill in blank's ie: terrorist's) wanna get stupid via evil-unholy then Holy HOUSECLEAN by U ALL who R capable locally USA-globally wherever U live ie: adult straight-hetrosexual alpha male's-beta female's, if ANY of U truly want eternal Heaven with Jesus-God-Holy Trinity, PROVE it & do (but NO lone wolves, it's all masses non voluntary-non optionally 2gether) what U internally within dare not or refuse like past 3 times denying Peter of Jesus, that's U ALL refusing 2 ALL (no lone wolves) SELF deny Warrior up like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's, it's NOT voluntary NOT optional & ANY out there who R capable though instead play Devil's advocate-wolf in sheep's clothing, misc downplaying, misc else R going 2 Hell after their individual last breath ie: death, U wanna go 2 Hell as well? DO YO JOB-RESPONSIBILITY 4 HOLY TRINITY, OR U WILL THEREOF, 2 HELL AFTER YO LAST BREATH ie: DEATH!

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a Lake of Fire: Book of Revelations 20:15, a bottomless pit: Book of Revelations 20:1, a horrible tempest: Psalm 11:6, a place of everlasting burnings: isaiah 33:14, a furnace of fire & where people cry for mercy: Matthew 13:42, a devouring fire: isaiah 33:14, a place of torments: Luke 16:23 & where people pray: Luke 16:24, a place of everlasting punishment: Matthew 25:46. What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a place where people wail: Book of Revelations 16:11, a place where people blaspheme (speak irreverently about & the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for inviolable Holy God): Book of Revelations 20:15, a place of NO-EVER-NEVER ANY forgiveness: Matthew 12:32, a place of filthiness: Book of Revelations 22:11.

& SIGH huh (me SELF internally within-inside) talk about B-ing at the NON SELF deserved mercy of Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & eternal Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM despite CUZ OF YAW = like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming of a ALL out across the USA-global board murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette, SIGH, FINE, so B it cuz it-this all literally ONLY ENDS 1 WAY sooner or later 1 way or another 4 the appeasement of God's Well Being.

We humanity were created in LESS than a day 2 SELF deny care take of each other aside from Earth, NOTHING off & THAT of SELF deny Warrior maintain tight' like housecleaning like Heaven's Warrior angel's DID with defeating Devil & 86-ing (evicting) outta Heaven, likewise humanity 2 CEASE immediately onsite, no prisoner's-no mercy & sending 4th B4 Jesus 4 fool's PRE judgment day processing, NOT or STOP having innocent civilian human's CEASED while us all allowing the evil human's 2 just laugh it up like Devil that we doing Devil's job 4 it against God & none of U think God's gonna eventually 'call it' ie: coming Holy retributionary consequential punishment 4 all we've allowed, I mean HUH, no matter however, I just can't enough make clear-convey, misc 2 U humanity enough 2 where no doubt generally saying-speaking, a species that can't B reasoned with - will only eventually sooner or later lead 2 (humanity itself) forced cause & effect repercussion's of SELF extinction, WE CLEAR?!

Sigh NO prisoner's-NO mercy-NO man (human deemed) court's-NO prison's, just CEASE THEM (fill in blank's) & send THEM B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing & STOP allowing THEM 2 force out innocent human's B4 Jesus, YA got it all wrong & backwards, the wrong 1's R B-ing ceased & send 4th B4 Jesus but nevertheless as we ALL R gonna B B4 Jesus BUT there is 2 B NO taking MORE OF (than THEM) notion 4 granted as with USA"s Founding Father's DID all 4 NOTHING? Like those GOOD past B4 us historically (fill in blank's)? SIGH just no dictionary 4 this humanity, no word's 2 deem of the daily endless senselessness that shouldn't ever-never B allowed & fool's out there deeming, 'OH who's gonna save us', AH SHADDAP!