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& huh, like outside-at the front door of a Club via-ie: R U on the guestlist', THOSE (fill in blank's) ie: TOP USA-global 1 percent's, Bill Gates, World Economic Forum, U know THEM, THEY ALL deem (or NOT!!! as 2 why waste THEIR time & breath) R U majority of-amidst 2 date's 8 billion plus all USA-global connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity on THEIR (above) guestlist 2 literally EXIST? Uh NOT! Sigh, worse is Coming & like tick tock 'Time' (flies) of sand in a hourglass of God's temporary & limited merciful patience & held back Holy retributionary wrath-anger amidst HIS overall Holy eternal Well Being, it WON'T B 4ever but 2 me who internally within SELF deny stand truly-solely alone-only 4 Holy Trinity & feels like having witnessed much 2 las 10 lifetime's, the SOONER - the better so B it via God's overall maintained tight Holy eternal Well Being, NO matter me NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24!

SIGH as (I've?!) tried 2 repeatedly share-post via Holy Trinity's Counsel un2 my allowed, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, eternal Soul - temporarily powering my (1's, general saying-speaking) temporary dust & ash corpse ie: like a a AAA battery 2 a old mobile AM-FM transistor radio, that THIS IS, even right now tick tock 'Time' (flies) currently-presently USA-globally is a exhibited (though shunned-ignored-resisted, misc) daily (day & night, 24/7) Holy War that Devil brought 2 us humanity AFTER B-ing defeated & 86-ed outta Heaven & ALL THIS is literally NOT suppose 2 B, NONE of it ie: humanity was SUPPOSE 2 B something else = U see what happens like LACK of 'SELF deny maintaining tight ie: housecleaning, ? misc' WITHOUT-NEVER questioning Holy Trinity what happens via cause & effect repercussion's & God's merciful patience is wearing THIN ie: sand in a hourglass via Holy Bible's Coming Book of Revelations! I told U USA-global humanity = DON'T anger HIM (God) as HE literally CAN deem scrapping ALL like used piece of paper & no have 2 even exhale-thought-blink a eye & ALL out quicker-faster than a candle!

& with THEM - THOSE of Power authorities TOP-down, USA-globally (fill in blank's, name THEM) R just as merely dust & ash temporary human corpse's as U majority capable NON disabled male & female adult's ever more past-2 date with endless $$$ access 2 further create & '!!!' way's 2 have MORE than 1 way's 2 CEASE humanity (itself) ie: Covid, poisoning ALL OUR food & water supplies, misc ELSE (fill in the blank's) & STILL U ALL, especially U who CLAIM 2 B in-of Holy Trinity deem 2 NOT do NOTHING like coward's while fellow (innocent adult & child) human's die & R ceased all around us tick tock 'Time' daily (day & night, 24/7) USA-globally in secret behind closed unknown door's & place's, above & mile's down below ground despite like sand in a hourglass of God's merciful patience running thin, it WON'T last 4ever 2 Coming is HIS Holy retributionary wrath via Jesus - Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & 4 Horsemen upon us ALL, GET it? Understand? WE CLEAR?!


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& huh, like outside-at the front door of a Club via-ie: R U on the guestlist', THOSE (fill in blank's) ie: TOP USA-global 1 percent's, Bill Gates, World Economic Forum, U know THEM, THEY ALL deem (or NOT!!! as 2 why waste THEIR time & breath) R U majority of-amidst 2 date's 8 billion plus all USA-global connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity on THEIR (above) guestlist 2 literally EXIST? Uh NOT! Sigh, worse is Coming & like tick tock 'Time' (flies) of sand in a hourglass of God's temporary & limited merciful patience & held back Holy retributionary wrath-anger amidst HIS overall Holy eternal Well Being, it WON'T B 4ever but 2 me who internally within SELF deny stand truly-solely alone-only 4 Holy Trinity & feels like having witnessed much 2 las 10 lifetime's, the SOONER - the better so B it via God's overall maintained tight Holy eternal Well Being, NO matter me NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24!

SIGH as (I've?!) tried 2 repeatedly share-post via Holy Trinity's Counsel un2 my allowed, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, eternal Soul - temporarily powering my (1's, general saying-speaking) temporary dust & ash corpse ie: like a a AAA battery 2 a old mobile AM-FM transistor radio, that THIS IS, even right now tick tock 'Time' (flies) currently-presently USA-globally is a exhibited (though shunned-ignored-resisted, misc) daily (day & night, 24/7) Holy War that Devil brought 2 us humanity AFTER B-ing defeated & 86-ed outta Heaven & ALL THIS is literally NOT suppose 2 B, NONE of it ie: humanity was SUPPOSE 2 B something else = U see what happens like LACK of 'SELF deny maintaining tight ie: housecleaning, ? misc' WITHOUT-NEVER questioning Holy Trinity what happens via cause & effect repercussion's & God's merciful patience is wearing THIN ie: sand in a hourglass via Holy Bible's Coming Book of Revelations! I told U USA-global humanity = DON'T anger HIM (God) as HE literally CAN deem scrapping ALL like used piece of paper & no have 2 even exhale-thought-blink a eye & ALL out quicker-faster than a candle!

& with THEM - THOSE of Power authorities TOP-down, USA-globally (fill in blank's, name THEM) R just as merely dust & ash temporary human corpse's as U majority capable NON disabled male & female adult's ever more past-2 date with endless $$$ access 2 further create & '!!!' way's 2 have MORE than 1 way's 2 CEASE humanity (itself) ie: Covid, poisoning ALL OUR food & water supplies, misc ELSE (fill in the blank's) & STILL U ALL, especially U who CLAIM 2 B in-of Holy Trinity deem 2 NOT do NOTHING like coward's while fellow (innocent adult & child) human's die & R ceased all around us tick tock 'Time' daily (day & night, 24/7) USA-globally in secret behind closed unknown door's & place's, above & mile's down below ground despite like sand in a hourglass of God's merciful patience running thin, it WON'T last 4ever 2 Coming is HIS Holy retributionary wrath via Jesus - Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & 4 Horsemen upon us ALL, GET it? Understand? WE CLEAR?!

& further with Jesus's little Heaven supported 1's kid's-children-teen's NOT understand just what they've been born in2 & it's deemed that their suppose 2 answer 2 U adult's despite Holy Bible's Romans 13 4 example is clearly B-ing mocked & twisting like (?, !) else 2 where like fool's PRIOR 2 past The Flood via Holy Bible's Noah 2 date in history & we humanity have only had life force worse 2 bring 4th cause & effect repercussion's of worse & THAT of Coming? SIGH huh like sand in a hourglass of God's merciful patience with us humanity is, SHOULD B understandably wearing THIN & won't last 4ever via Holy Bible! If U humanity WANT life, misc better, then politics is NOT the avenue-path is which 2 make it happen & B, it is by non voluntary-non optional-non questioned (like nature of Heaven's Warrior angel's) of Holy SELF deny Warrior forcing this ALL USA-global connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity 2 GET RIGHT-proper OR B literally CEASED immediately onsite & sent 4th upon knees B4 Jesus 4 any 1's individual PRE judgment day processing!

& the notion of 'THIS is the world we ALL connected USA-globally whole NECLEUS species-humanity live in', is cuz of all OUR own ALLOWED making, NOT God's! HE so-called AIN'T done nothing via conveyed: 'Well HE (God) ain't done nothing SO HE must B okay with all' & HE permits, AH SHADDAP-OH SHUT YO DAMN MOUTH (s)! As such past-2 date historically we've FORCED HIS Holy merciful, misc hand AWAY (from us 1 NECLEUS species-humanity), HIS Holy eternal hand's R literally & incomprehensibly CLEAN of us via FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve as Adam was SUPPOSE 2 have had Eve's back-coming FROM Adam!