& further with Jesus's little Heaven supported 1's kid's-children-teen's NOT understand just what they've been born in2 & it's deemed that their suppose 2 answer 2 U adult's despite Holy Bible's Romans 13 4 example is clearly B-ing mocked & twisting like (?, !) else 2 where like fool's PRIOR 2 past The Flood via Holy Bible's Noah 2 date in history & we humanity have only had life force worse 2 bring 4th cause & effect repercussion's of worse & THAT of Coming? SIGH huh like sand in a hourglass of God's merciful patience with us humanity is, SHOULD B understandably wearing THIN & won't last 4ever via Holy Bible! If U humanity WANT life, misc better, then politics is NOT the avenue-path is which 2 make it happen & B, it is by non voluntary-non optional-non questioned (like nature of Heaven's Warrior angel's) of Holy SELF deny Warrior forcing this ALL USA-global connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity 2 GET RIGHT-proper OR B literally CEASED immediately onsite & sent 4th upon knees B4 Jesus 4 any 1's individual PRE judgment day processing!