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22 hrs ago

International Public Notice: This Is What They Do to Hide Their Crimes
By Anna Von Reitz

We see tonight that instead of accepting the inevitable reckoning that is due for their financial crime, the usual Suspects are "at it"
again, rattling sabers and moving troops--- mercenary troops--- and making plans to start World War III against both China and Russia.

And they plan to charge the cost of this in blood and in assets and credit to you.

Yes, these people claiming to be your "representatives" are planning to charge you for the "service" of starting World War III, so they can
make money on war-for-profit and keep your attention focused away from
their financial crimes against you.

They have done it twice before.

World War I covered the phony bankruptcy of the Scottish Commercial
Corporation doing business as "The United States of America,

World War II covered the phony bankruptcies of the Delaware
Corporation doing business as "the United States of America,
Incorporated" and "E Pluribus Unum the United States of America" and
half a dozen others.

They think you are all stupid enough to fall for it a third time. They
think that their joint corporate bankruptcies can be shoved under the
rug and the American people will just take it in the crotch a third

Their propaganda mills are already ginned up and running in Britain
and in Germany, but remember--- those "governments" are actually just
franchises of the U.S. Inc. and also remember that those countries
are occupied by unwitting mercenaries employed by the U.S., Inc.

And remember that any such war is illegal by definition and is not
covered under their contracts, which clearly stipulate that their role
is defensive only and applies only to this country.

The days of them engaging in war-for-profit all over the world and
sending the bill for it to us, are over and done.

Please show your support for your Fiduciary in loudly informing NATO
that not only will we not pay them for any such "service", we will
instead charge them one (1) Trillion USD for every American maimed or
killed, and will charge them for all equipment lost or damaged, all
supplies and personnel expense --- will all get charged back to them
and their enterprises.

They won't make any money. In fact, they will be deeper in the hole
because of it, if they start WWIII.

We will also refuse their draft and their illegal conscription
processes and their false claims of contract.

Stick that message up the nearest Congressman's butt and see how fast
they flinch.

Also remind them and the United States Secretary of State that we have
a Treaty with Russia that must be honored, the American-Russian
Alliance of 1858, which neither we nor the Russians have ever

If our Employees, or the banks backing them, think that they are
going to breach our treaties in our names and charge us for the honor,
they had better stick their heads in a toilet and flush, flush, flush
until that notion is completely washed away.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 14th 2024

See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:

22 hrs ago

International Public Notice: It's Not Just History
By Anna Von Reitz

Not to be monotonous in our observation that the Brits are always at the bottom of every dogpile, but....

This video is worth watching, if only as a reprise to what we have already noted about the "legacy" of the still-present and not reformed British Empire.

The Raj in India.
The rape of the Ottoman Empire.
The brutal suppression of Ireland.
The Balfour Declaration.
Israel created by an illegal British land lease.
Territorial rule of the former Commonwealth.
Betrayal of The United States.
Apartheid and Segregation.
Invention of Concentration Camps.
Immoral horrific experiments on Dutch prisoners.
Mass genocide of German prisoners of war.
Illegal mercenary occupations of other countries.
Counterfeiting and commodity rigging.
Identity and credit theft of entire countries.
Institutionalized personage and barratry.
Unlawful conversion of nationality and political status.
Corporatism substituted for Colonialism.
National Governments usurped.
Securitization of living flesh -- peonage and slavery.
Deliberate, pre-planned war-for-profit.
False Flags and pre-planned Fall Guys.
Theft of natural resources and asset stripping.
Shameless propaganda campaigns.
Violent suppression of dissent.
Use of social caste systems to divide and conquer.
Privateering, racketeering, and inland piracy.
Deliberate creation of divisions by religion and race.
Elitism -- apparently based on criminal success.
Collusion against both Catholics and Protestants.
Immoral trade in Baptismal Certificate securities.
Destroying and distorting history.
Evasion of Treaties and Contracts.
Immoral trade in Birth Certificates.
Illegal drug trade, smuggling, and sex trafficking.
The Boxer Rebellion.
Deliberate betrayal of the Philippines.
Assassinations of Four U.S. Presidents.
Forced conscriptions and press-ganging.
Bank, securities, and currency rigging.
Undisclosed and unconscionable contracting.
Stock market manipulation and insider trading.
Suppression of natural resource development.
Obstruction of trade, e.g., the Nordstream Pipelines.
Interlocking trust directorates.
National-level breaches of trust.
Entrapment and blackmail.
Psychological warfare and brain-washing.
Illegal biowarfare and weather modification.
Deliberate release of nuclear waste: Iran,Iraq,Yemen
Crimes of State: Libya, Benghazi
Forced enrollments and enlistments.
Forced accessions: Kingdom of Hawaii.
The English Civil War and Seven Year War.
The American and French Revolutions.
Napoleon and Central Banks.
The War of 1812, Crimea, American Civil War.
WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I and II, Mali.
Dozens of unreported African campaigns.
And of course, there's more....

When you finally understand that so much of what we listed here was engineered by the British Crown for mercenary profit and coercive control--- history sucks in its breath.

This tiny little island has been at the bottom of all this list and far, far more; the even smaller bastion of the Inner City of London in collusion with the City of Rome and City of Washington, DC, has ruled a hidden and criminal Empire of the City that has spanned and threatened the existence of the entire Earth.

The Americans who were used to finance and provide the muscle for all this didn't even know that they were acting as mercenaries and being set up as the Fall Guys.

There is no country called Great Britain; there never was. Great Britain is an international business structure cemented together by four National Trusts which have all been breached.

Yet, strangely, the British Empire, a derivative of Great Britain, existing in the Jurisdiction of the Air, continues to have a life of its own nearly a century (1926) after its purported renunciation of Colonialism, peonage and slavery.

Just as the Brits substituted themselves and their State of State organizations for our American State of State organizations after the so-called Civil War, and just as they are still trying to sneak into our Federal Republic and substitute their version of "a" Federal Republic for ours, they lied and never gave up Colonialism, peonage, or slavery.

They simply changed jurisdictions, rebranded themselves as the UK, incorporated their business enterprises, and sailed right on, substituting Corporatism for Colonialism. They continued their practices of indentured servitude and enslavement, only now, they used paper instead of chains.

They replaced their military with another kind of "Uniformed Officers" instead, and coined another oxymoron, "civilian military" to describe the weaponized Bar Attorneys, Medical Doctors, Registered Nurses, University Professors, and other Licensed and Regulated Professionals that they unleashed on the unsuspecting world.

The vast majority of these people were conscripted under force of illegal licensure and were never even made aware of all the "professional obligations" to be imposed on them by the British Guild system and such innocuous-sounding organizations as the American Bar Association and American Medical Association and the National Banking Association and the National Education Association and so on, which have been used to coerce the members of these professions to commit crimes and accept payola for doing so.

Business as usual for the British Crown.

The clueless Americans accepted all these "Associations" and bought the excuse that they were necessary to "discipline the professions" and "uphold professional standards" and "protect the public from quackery" --- when their actual aim was to create an embedded "civilian military" dependent on licenses and required to do whatever these Associations demanded of them.

Like falsifying scientific studies and data to promote a belief in human-caused global warming, which would then be used to justify Draconian new taxes on a worldwide basis.

Like murdering a billion people (and more) using "vaccines" as a weapon injected by Medical Doctors and Registered Nurses.

Like having the same Medical Doctors sign off on paperwork registering American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.

Like using PhD. Educators to dumb down three generations of American students to make us more compliant and too stupid to see through their lies.

Like using other Juris Doctors to undermine our Law Schools to teach nothing but Codes and Court Rules instead of actual Law.

Like using Certified Public Accountants to juggle two sets of books and rig the budgets of every "government" department and agency.

Like using the same licensed CPAs and Insurance Agents and Brokers to siphon off massive Slush Funds and hide it from the American Public.

On the morning of September 11th 2001, we heard Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld mumble something about losing "six trillion dollars".... just mislaid it somewhere.

The list goes on and on. They've been leading all these "professionals" around like bulls with nose-rings formed of nothing more than paper.

The British Empire, which is nothing but a crime syndicate, never went away; it just changed suits.
And like it or not, it's time for the Rest of Us to sink it once and for all.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: The IRS Secret Sauce
By Anna Von Reitz

Please reference my Article about The Informer published yesterday and the example where he was wondering about the difference between the "States of the United States" referenced in Title 26 (the Income Tax Code) and "States of the Union".

Here, thanks to a Fellow Researcher, is the exact regulation confirming and admitting that "State" as defined in the IRS Code was a "State of the United States" and not a "State of the Union":

26 CFR Part § 31.3121(e)-1 State, United States, and citizen

Which takes you to:

Which says:

§ 31.3121(e)-1 State, United States, and citizen.
(a) When used in the regulations in this subpart, the term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii before their admission as States, and (when used with respect to services performed after 1960) Guam and American Samoa.

(b) When used in the regulations in this subpart, the term “United States”, when used in a geographical sense, means the several states (including the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii before their admission as States), the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. When used in the regulations in this subpart with respect to services performed after 1960, the term “United States” also includes Guam and American Samoa when the term is used in a geographical sense. The term “citizen of the United States” includes a citizen of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands, and, effective January 1, 1961, a citizen of Guam or American Samoa.

[T.D. 6744, 29 FR 8314, July 2, 1964]

Now you have all the proof, reasoning, and evidence needed to establish exactly what is meant by "States of the United States" (Territorial "Confederate" States) versus "States of the Union" (National States).

For the purposes of the Federal Government, they have cozily defined their network of Territorial State-of-State organizations, which are called "Confederate States" as "States of the United States" as opposed to our "States of the Union".

You can now see the pattern of the deceit: actual States (as we think of them) are States of the Union and belong to the Federation of States.

Business organizations doing work for the States are called States of States, like the State of Illinois, or, more generally, Confederate States, which are members of a Confederation (sometimes called "Confederacy").

The actual States, then, are States of the Union, while the Confederate "States" (of States) are States of the United States.

Thus, there are now fifty (50) American States of the Union, and fifty-seven (57) "States of the United States" which we would normally think of as businesses like "the State of Florida" plus the similar administrative "States" of the U.S. Territories and Possessions.

Calling a "State of State" business a "Confederate State" and then shortening that to "State" has been a potent source of confusion for the last 160 years.

It has ultimately led to the idea that a Territorial-level collection of such incorporated State-of-State businesses could function as and be confused with actual physically-defined States, so that the "States of the United States" could be confused with and used to replace the States of the Union.

More British Bunko on steroids.

This is what Mr. Obama was referring to in his famous speech in which he talked about our glorious 57 "States" and everyone perked up their ears and wondered -- 57 States?

He was talking about the "States of the United States" not the States of the Union, and if you take the time you can easily count the seven (7) U.S. Territories and Possessions and add them to the fifty (50) British Territorial State-of-State businesses that have been replacing our American State-of-State businesses on an "emergency basis" since the end of the so-called American Civil War.

In this example, statutory laws and Acts of Legislation purportedly addressed to the "States of the United States" and the foreign citizenry thereof, have been deliberately and deceitfully misapplied to average Americans living in the States of the Union instead.

Both the Municipal IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and all the various Bar Association Members acting as their running dogs, are nothing but British Territorial Privateers engaged in strong arm racketeering under color of law.

Our British and Papist Subcontractors may indeed have the right to tax themselves and their people may choose to act as incorporated persons, and may impersonate themselves as they please, may engage in the foreign and repugnant practices of indentured servitude and slavery, may organize their business operations as they see fit within the confines of their Constitutional limitations --- but they are not allowed to substitute their government or their corporations for our government, and they are not allowed to misaddress or misrepresent or impersonate our people, not allowed to latch onto our assets under False Pretenses, and are not granted any "power" to say one word about our health, our wealth, or our will, are not authorized to declare war or practice mercenary "war" in our names, and have no right to commandeer and use our Title IV Flag or any representation of our flag for purposes of undeclared, mercenary, or otherwise illegal warfare, privateering, or racketeering of any kind, either overtly or under color of law.

We call for an end to this deceit and usurpation by foreign business interests and particularly by the British Monarchs, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, the respective Popes, and the Governments of Great Britain, Westminster, Vatican City and the City of Rome.

It is high time for the entire world to recognize the criminal and deceitful nature of these corporations substituted as governments and also to recognize the role of these Principals and their misuse of "Territorial" entities as instruments to create and enforce a form of repugnant continued colonialism that has been illegally, unlawfully, and immorally applied to The United States, the former Commonwealth, seventeen occupied nations in Western Europe, Japan, and numerous countries in the Middle East and Africa.

We have, in effect, all been suffering under a form of the same malady that wrecked South Africa and India --- a Territorial "Raj" imposed by use of mercenary forces, administered by foreign corporations --- and secretively forced down the throats of the living people and actual owners via constructive fraud and illegal undisclosed, coerced, and unconscionable contracts promoted by members of the corporate bureaucracy and Bar Associations under color of law.

We call upon every country on Earth to "Just say, "No!" and mean it. Every member of our military paid for on our credit, every politician entered into any office associated with us and with our actual government or employed under any Constitutional contract, is hereby fully informed and made liable for this circumstance and these misrepresentations.

They are also made liable for the return of our assets, our credit, and our control of our own facilities and institutions and made responsible for observing the "strictly limited" nature and functions of Maritime Commerce and Admiralty and Administrative Courts in this country.

Members of the Bar Associations are made liable for their complicity in administering, profiting from, and colluding in the impersonation of Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and/or Papist Municipal citizens of the United States.

The British Territorial Maritime Commerce Courts (functioning as UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS and STATE OF STATE COURTS) have been deliberately misaddressing Americans as "citizens of the United States", while British Territorial Admiralty Courts (functioning as United States District Courts and State of State Courts) have been misaddressing Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. This has led to personage and barratry on a scale that is unimaginable, all executed under color of law.

The same evils have been visited by Britain and Rome on all the other nations that have been similarly defrauded, misled, and mistreated.

These crimes of personage and barratry must stop and the illegal impoundment of living people mischaracterized as "cargo" and the illegal confiscation of their property interests and physical assets under a fusillade of deliberately constructed and falsified Legal Presumptions and equally non-existent or invalidated contracts must also stop.

Unless every member of the Bar Associations worldwide wants to be dispatched and their "temple" in the Inner City of London vaporized as if it never existed, reason should compel their immediate and permanent cessation of these practices, presumptions, and misapplications of so-called "Equity Law".

The Equity in this case, is ours, not the British Monarch's.

We, the actual living people, have had enough of the Bar Associations' practice of personage and barratry, enough of their King's mindless greed and duplicity, enough of the Popes playing patty-cake and profiting from these crimes, enough of the Lord Mayor and his Merry Men, enough of the misdirection of our military and police forces as unknowing mercenaries, enough, enough, enough.

These so-called "corporate governments" backed up by a purloined Raj, need to be liquidated worldwide and all the assets returned to those to whom these assets belong with no further pretenses, registrations, enrollments, or other misrepresentations used as a means to induce peonage, promote enslavement, and defraud people of what is naturally and rightfully theirs.

The securitization of living flesh via the venal pretenses of personage must stop.

The bid of the UN CORPORATION to rule the world using WHO and "public health" as an excuse for the continuance of these evils must also come to an end. There is no excuse for it and nobody is going to tolerate it.

These mechanizations and crimes are done for.

There is only the specific and urgent demand that these practices, presumptions, and "cozy arrangements" come to an end, and that the purloined property be returned, and that amends be made, without further obfuscation, legal pretenses, or delays.

The so-called Global Collateral Accounts were amassed from private fortunes and must be returned to the actual owners and trustees.

Nobody including the U.S. Army, the Bank for International Settlements, the Swiss Union, U.S. Department of the Treasury, IMF, Federal Reserve, any and all "Federal" Agencies -- none of you have any right to breach the trusts and agreements to which you are bound.

To evade your obligations is merely to act as criminals.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


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22 hrs ago

International Public Notice: This Is What They Do to Hide Their Crimes
By Anna Von Reitz

We see tonight that instead of accepting the inevitable reckoning that is due for their financial crime, the usual Suspects are "at it"
again, rattling sabers and moving troops--- mercenary troops--- and making plans to start World War III against both China and Russia.

And they plan to charge the cost of this in blood and in assets and credit to you.

Yes, these people claiming to be your "representatives" are planning to charge you for the "service" of starting World War III, so they can
make money on war-for-profit and keep your attention focused away from
their financial crimes against you.

They have done it twice before.

World War I covered the phony bankruptcy of the Scottish Commercial
Corporation doing business as "The United States of America,

World War II covered the phony bankruptcies of the Delaware
Corporation doing business as "the United States of America,
Incorporated" and "E Pluribus Unum the United States of America" and
half a dozen others.

They think you are all stupid enough to fall for it a third time. They
think that their joint corporate bankruptcies can be shoved under the
rug and the American people will just take it in the crotch a third

Their propaganda mills are already ginned up and running in Britain
and in Germany, but remember--- those "governments" are actually just
franchises of the U.S. Inc. and also remember that those countries
are occupied by unwitting mercenaries employed by the U.S., Inc.

And remember that any such war is illegal by definition and is not
covered under their contracts, which clearly stipulate that their role
is defensive only and applies only to this country.

The days of them engaging in war-for-profit all over the world and
sending the bill for it to us, are over and done.

Please show your support for your Fiduciary in loudly informing NATO
that not only will we not pay them for any such "service", we will
instead charge them one (1) Trillion USD for every American maimed or
killed, and will charge them for all equipment lost or damaged, all
supplies and personnel expense --- will all get charged back to them
and their enterprises.

They won't make any money. In fact, they will be deeper in the hole
because of it, if they start WWIII.

We will also refuse their draft and their illegal conscription
processes and their false claims of contract.

Stick that message up the nearest Congressman's butt and see how fast
they flinch.

Also remind them and the United States Secretary of State that we have
a Treaty with Russia that must be honored, the American-Russian
Alliance of 1858, which neither we nor the Russians have ever

If our Employees, or the banks backing them, think that they are
going to breach our treaties in our names and charge us for the honor,
they had better stick their heads in a toilet and flush, flush, flush
until that notion is completely washed away.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 14th 2024

See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:

22 hrs ago

International Public Notice: It's Not Just History
By Anna Von Reitz

Not to be monotonous in our observation that the Brits are always at the bottom of every dogpile, but....

This video is worth watching, if only as a reprise to what we have already noted about the "legacy" of the still-present and not reformed British Empire.

The Raj in India.
The rape of the Ottoman Empire.
The brutal suppression of Ireland.
The Balfour Declaration.
Israel created by an illegal British land lease.
Territorial rule of the former Commonwealth.
Betrayal of The United States.
Apartheid and Segregation.
Invention of Concentration Camps.
Immoral horrific experiments on Dutch prisoners.
Mass genocide of German prisoners of war.
Illegal mercenary occupations of other countries.
Counterfeiting and commodity rigging.
Identity and credit theft of entire countries.
Institutionalized personage and barratry.
Unlawful conversion of nationality and political status.
Corporatism substituted for Colonialism.
National Governments usurped.
Securitization of living flesh -- peonage and slavery.
Deliberate, pre-planned war-for-profit.
False Flags and pre-planned Fall Guys.
Theft of natural resources and asset stripping.
Shameless propaganda campaigns.
Violent suppression of dissent.
Use of social caste systems to divide and conquer.
Privateering, racketeering, and inland piracy.
Deliberate creation of divisions by religion and race.
Elitism -- apparently based on criminal success.
Collusion against both Catholics and Protestants.
Immoral trade in Baptismal Certificate securities.
Destroying and distorting history.
Evasion of Treaties and Contracts.
Immoral trade in Birth Certificates.
Illegal drug trade, smuggling, and sex trafficking.
The Boxer Rebellion.
Deliberate betrayal of the Philippines.
Assassinations of Four U.S. Presidents.
Forced conscriptions and press-ganging.
Bank, securities, and currency rigging.
Undisclosed and unconscionable contracting.
Stock market manipulation and insider trading.
Suppression of natural resource development.
Obstruction of trade, e.g., the Nordstream Pipelines.
Interlocking trust directorates.
National-level breaches of trust.
Entrapment and blackmail.
Psychological warfare and brain-washing.
Illegal biowarfare and weather modification.
Deliberate release of nuclear waste: Iran,Iraq,Yemen
Crimes of State: Libya, Benghazi
Forced enrollments and enlistments.
Forced accessions: Kingdom of Hawaii.
The English Civil War and Seven Year War.
The American and French Revolutions.
Napoleon and Central Banks.
The War of 1812, Crimea, American Civil War.
WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I and II, Mali.
Dozens of unreported African campaigns.
And of course, there's more....

When you finally understand that so much of what we listed here was engineered by the British Crown for mercenary profit and coercive control--- history sucks in its breath.

This tiny little island has been at the bottom of all this list and far, far more; the even smaller bastion of the Inner City of London in collusion with the City of Rome and City of Washington, DC, has ruled a hidden and criminal Empire of the City that has spanned and threatened the existence of the entire Earth.

The Americans who were used to finance and provide the muscle for all this didn't even know that they were acting as mercenaries and being set up as the Fall Guys.

There is no country called Great Britain; there never was. Great Britain is an international business structure cemented together by four National Trusts which have all been breached.

Yet, strangely, the British Empire, a derivative of Great Britain, existing in the Jurisdiction of the Air, continues to have a life of its own nearly a century (1926) after its purported renunciation of Colonialism, peonage and slavery.

Just as the Brits substituted themselves and their State of State organizations for our American State of State organizations after the so-called Civil War, and just as they are still trying to sneak into our Federal Republic and substitute their version of "a" Federal Republic for ours, they lied and never gave up Colonialism, peonage, or slavery.

They simply changed jurisdictions, rebranded themselves as the UK, incorporated their business enterprises, and sailed right on, substituting Corporatism for Colonialism. They continued their practices of indentured servitude and enslavement, only now, they used paper instead of chains.

They replaced their military with another kind of "Uniformed Officers" instead, and coined another oxymoron, "civilian military" to describe the weaponized Bar Attorneys, Medical Doctors, Registered Nurses, University Professors, and other Licensed and Regulated Professionals that they unleashed on the unsuspecting world.

The vast majority of these people were conscripted under force of illegal licensure and were never even made aware of all the "professional obligations" to be imposed on them by the British Guild system and such innocuous-sounding organizations as the American Bar Association and American Medical Association and the National Banking Association and the National Education Association and so on, which have been used to coerce the members of these professions to commit crimes and accept payola for doing so.

Business as usual for the British Crown.

The clueless Americans accepted all these "Associations" and bought the excuse that they were necessary to "discipline the professions" and "uphold professional standards" and "protect the public from quackery" --- when their actual aim was to create an embedded "civilian military" dependent on licenses and required to do whatever these Associations demanded of them.

Like falsifying scientific studies and data to promote a belief in human-caused global warming, which would then be used to justify Draconian new taxes on a worldwide basis.

Like murdering a billion people (and more) using "vaccines" as a weapon injected by Medical Doctors and Registered Nurses.

Like having the same Medical Doctors sign off on paperwork registering American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.

Like using PhD. Educators to dumb down three generations of American students to make us more compliant and too stupid to see through their lies.

Like using other Juris Doctors to undermine our Law Schools to teach nothing but Codes and Court Rules instead of actual Law.

Like using Certified Public Accountants to juggle two sets of books and rig the budgets of every "government" department and agency.

Like using the same licensed CPAs and Insurance Agents and Brokers to siphon off massive Slush Funds and hide it from the American Public.

On the morning of September 11th 2001, we heard Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld mumble something about losing "six trillion dollars".... just mislaid it somewhere.

The list goes on and on. They've been leading all these "professionals" around like bulls with nose-rings formed of nothing more than paper.

The British Empire, which is nothing but a crime syndicate, never went away; it just changed suits.
And like it or not, it's time for the Rest of Us to sink it once and for all.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: The IRS Secret Sauce
By Anna Von Reitz

Please reference my Article about The Informer published yesterday and the example where he was wondering about the difference between the "States of the United States" referenced in Title 26 (the Income Tax Code) and "States of the Union".

Here, thanks to a Fellow Researcher, is the exact regulation confirming and admitting that "State" as defined in the IRS Code was a "State of the United States" and not a "State of the Union":

26 CFR Part § 31.3121(e)-1 State, United States, and citizen

Which takes you to:

Which says:

§ 31.3121(e)-1 State, United States, and citizen.
(a) When used in the regulations in this subpart, the term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii before their admission as States, and (when used with respect to services performed after 1960) Guam and American Samoa.

(b) When used in the regulations in this subpart, the term “United States”, when used in a geographical sense, means the several states (including the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii before their admission as States), the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. When used in the regulations in this subpart with respect to services performed after 1960, the term “United States” also includes Guam and American Samoa when the term is used in a geographical sense. The term “citizen of the United States” includes a citizen of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands, and, effective January 1, 1961, a citizen of Guam or American Samoa.

[T.D. 6744, 29 FR 8314, July 2, 1964]

Now you have all the proof, reasoning, and evidence needed to establish exactly what is meant by "States of the United States" (Territorial "Confederate" States) versus "States of the Union" (National States).

For the purposes of the Federal Government, they have cozily defined their network of Territorial State-of-State organizations, which are called "Confederate States" as "States of the United States" as opposed to our "States of the Union".

You can now see the pattern of the deceit: actual States (as we think of them) are States of the Union and belong to the Federation of States.

Business organizations doing work for the States are called States of States, like the State of Illinois, or, more generally, Confederate States, which are members of a Confederation (sometimes called "Confederacy").

The actual States, then, are States of the Union, while the Confederate "States" (of States) are States of the United States.

Thus, there are now fifty (50) American States of the Union, and fifty-seven (57) "States of the United States" which we would normally think of as businesses like "the State of Florida" plus the similar administrative "States" of the U.S. Territories and Possessions.

Calling a "State of State" business a "Confederate State" and then shortening that to "State" has been a potent source of confusion for the last 160 years.

It has ultimately led to the idea that a Territorial-level collection of such incorporated State-of-State businesses could function as and be confused with actual physically-defined States, so that the "States of the United States" could be confused with and used to replace the States of the Union.

More British Bunko on steroids.

This is what Mr. Obama was referring to in his famous speech in which he talked about our glorious 57 "States" and everyone perked up their ears and wondered -- 57 States?

He was talking about the "States of the United States" not the States of the Union, and if you take the time you can easily count the seven (7) U.S. Territories and Possessions and add them to the fifty (50) British Territorial State-of-State businesses that have been replacing our American State-of-State businesses on an "emergency basis" since the end of the so-called American Civil War.

In this example, statutory laws and Acts of Legislation purportedly addressed to the "States of the United States" and the foreign citizenry thereof, have been deliberately and deceitfully misapplied to average Americans living in the States of the Union instead.

Both the Municipal IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and all the various Bar Association Members acting as their running dogs, are nothing but British Territorial Privateers engaged in strong arm racketeering under color of law.

Our British and Papist Subcontractors may indeed have the right to tax themselves and their people may choose to act as incorporated persons, and may impersonate themselves as they please, may engage in the foreign and repugnant practices of indentured servitude and slavery, may organize their business operations as they see fit within the confines of their Constitutional limitations --- but they are not allowed to substitute their government or their corporations for our government, and they are not allowed to misaddress or misrepresent or impersonate our people, not allowed to latch onto our assets under False Pretenses, and are not granted any "power" to say one word about our health, our wealth, or our will, are not authorized to declare war or practice mercenary "war" in our names, and have no right to commandeer and use our Title IV Flag or any representation of our flag for purposes of undeclared, mercenary, or otherwise illegal warfare, privateering, or racketeering of any kind, either overtly or under color of law.

We call for an end to this deceit and usurpation by foreign business interests and particularly by the British Monarchs, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, the respective Popes, and the Governments of Great Britain, Westminster, Vatican City and the City of Rome.

It is high time for the entire world to recognize the criminal and deceitful nature of these corporations substituted as governments and also to recognize the role of these Principals and their misuse of "Territorial" entities as instruments to create and enforce a form of repugnant continued colonialism that has been illegally, unlawfully, and immorally applied to The United States, the former Commonwealth, seventeen occupied nations in Western Europe, Japan, and numerous countries in the Middle East and Africa.

We have, in effect, all been suffering under a form of the same malady that wrecked South Africa and India --- a Territorial "Raj" imposed by use of mercenary forces, administered by foreign corporations --- and secretively forced down the throats of the living people and actual owners via constructive fraud and illegal undisclosed, coerced, and unconscionable contracts promoted by members of the corporate bureaucracy and Bar Associations under color of law.

We call upon every country on Earth to "Just say, "No!" and mean it. Every member of our military paid for on our credit, every politician entered into any office associated with us and with our actual government or employed under any Constitutional contract, is hereby fully informed and made liable for this circumstance and these misrepresentations.

They are also made liable for the return of our assets, our credit, and our control of our own facilities and institutions and made responsible for observing the "strictly limited" nature and functions of Maritime Commerce and Admiralty and Administrative Courts in this country.

Members of the Bar Associations are made liable for their complicity in administering, profiting from, and colluding in the impersonation of Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and/or Papist Municipal citizens of the United States.

The British Territorial Maritime Commerce Courts (functioning as UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS and STATE OF STATE COURTS) have been deliberately misaddressing Americans as "citizens of the United States", while British Territorial Admiralty Courts (functioning as United States District Courts and State of State Courts) have been misaddressing Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. This has led to personage and barratry on a scale that is unimaginable, all executed under color of law.

The same evils have been visited by Britain and Rome on all the other nations that have been similarly defrauded, misled, and mistreated.

These crimes of personage and barratry must stop and the illegal impoundment of living people mischaracterized as "cargo" and the illegal confiscation of their property interests and physical assets under a fusillade of deliberately constructed and falsified Legal Presumptions and equally non-existent or invalidated contracts must also stop.

Unless every member of the Bar Associations worldwide wants to be dispatched and their "temple" in the Inner City of London vaporized as if it never existed, reason should compel their immediate and permanent cessation of these practices, presumptions, and misapplications of so-called "Equity Law".

The Equity in this case, is ours, not the British Monarch's.

We, the actual living people, have had enough of the Bar Associations' practice of personage and barratry, enough of their King's mindless greed and duplicity, enough of the Popes playing patty-cake and profiting from these crimes, enough of the Lord Mayor and his Merry Men, enough of the misdirection of our military and police forces as unknowing mercenaries, enough, enough, enough.

These so-called "corporate governments" backed up by a purloined Raj, need to be liquidated worldwide and all the assets returned to those to whom these assets belong with no further pretenses, registrations, enrollments, or other misrepresentations used as a means to induce peonage, promote enslavement, and defraud people of what is naturally and rightfully theirs.

The securitization of living flesh via the venal pretenses of personage must stop.

The bid of the UN CORPORATION to rule the world using WHO and "public health" as an excuse for the continuance of these evils must also come to an end. There is no excuse for it and nobody is going to tolerate it.

These mechanizations and crimes are done for.

There is only the specific and urgent demand that these practices, presumptions, and "cozy arrangements" come to an end, and that the purloined property be returned, and that amends be made, without further obfuscation, legal pretenses, or delays.

The so-called Global Collateral Accounts were amassed from private fortunes and must be returned to the actual owners and trustees.

Nobody including the U.S. Army, the Bank for International Settlements, the Swiss Union, U.S. Department of the Treasury, IMF, Federal Reserve, any and all "Federal" Agencies -- none of you have any right to breach the trusts and agreements to which you are bound.

To evade your obligations is merely to act as criminals.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


The evidence about 9/11 being perpetrated by israel is overwhelming.

9/11 was a mass murder of 3000 Americans on American soil.

The "Project for the New American Century" which they called it at the time, was to use 9/11 as the pretext to destroy and take control over 7 middle eastern countries in 5 yrs. All they needed was the "catastrophic event perpetrated by Islamic extremists" which we know full well who trains and finances them all over the Middle East. (Ron Paul spoke of this many years ago in Congress when he was serving. )

The Project for a Greater israel, outlined in the document Oded Yinon, defines exactly how these criminals want to continue to breed world destabilization, by repeatedly orchestrating crisis and perpetrating false flags (and they have a long list of past ones), to practically ensure total global destruction, (and thus dependence or enslavement).

This will enable them to usher their "solution" of One World Government with people's consent.

They want a single world government, they speak of it openly, they are messianic jews who print currency and control mainstream media and have through their illegal lobbying , extorted and compromised the people who are OUR employees in governmental offices.

They lie about their history positioning themselves as "victims" to ensure unconstitutional silencing of free speech.

They want to formulate laws that deem as a "crime", the overwhelming evidence which exposes their fraud.

This illegitimate illegal bullying in American Congress under these false pretenses, in and of itself is by definition a crime against humanity and human values.

There were never 6 million jews who were gassed and even many jews themselves have admitted to this fact.

All jews are indoctrinated to a point of hysteria unfortunately to defend their own demise.

They are given many privileges and stipends (especially in israel) to support this grotesque messianic ideology, therefore becoming easy for them to turn their heads away from the evidence.

There are too many documents from jewish financier groups, admissions, and documented orders from Stalin that made sure jews in Europe were tyrannized by mercenaries who had stolen and fabricated National Socialist uniforms.

Using those uniforms, they terrorized society, thus creating schism , and especially terrorized the jews to force them to populate Palestine, which didn't have enough jewish occupiers at that time.

No jews during that time wanted to go, and this how these criminals forced them.

Don't forget : The Palestinian land grab and genocide started in 1917, much before World War Two. In order to establish an illegal occupation and deem it a "state", they needed jews, and needed to wear the "victim" badge.

They are still prompting jews today to move there. And with our tax money , they offer billions in incentives for jews to relocate and initiate businesses there. They want israel to be the capital of the "single world order" of slaves.

During the Second World War, The real genocide was committed by the jewish bolsheviks, with the same sadism we can witness in Palestine today in real time, including the famine. (3 Holodomors ).

This is why they want to destroy Russia today. It's not only for the resources. These messianic jews no longer control Russia, and Putin speaks about how they want to send Russia back into "soviet union status" (which was their first failed attempt to a single world govt). Russia today stands against this single world order, and speaks of it openly. So does China.

These messianic jews with the assistance of the indoctrinated jews, and "evangelicals" who were taught to believe in a certain convenient "prophecy".... are using America as their work horse and killing us on our soil and abroad, destroying our economy in deliberate disguised forms, WHILE BULLYING AND INTIMIDATING US INTO SILENCE THROUGH UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS.



Screaming weaponized terms such as "conspiracy theorist" or "anti semite" or "fake news" , cancelling the ability for independent journalists to be heard, and truthful information to be spread and be exposed in a global court broadcast system, only confirms their desperation, fraud and their deep understanding of how truly weak they are.

Please let's not white wash the truth for fear of such a criminal minority. They are criminals. They are parasites. They manipulate how people think to a point of self destruction because WE ALLOW THEM THE POWER. DON'T BE INTIMIDATED BY THESE CRIMINALS.

Information and a critical mass awareness is the only peaceful transition to a final solution, which by the way is seamless and easy. No population needs to be hurt.

Only the criminals and treasonous officials should be exposed, removed from all power (media and central banking included) and be held accountable for these massive crimes against WORLD POPULATIONS.


Satanic. The evidence about 9/11 (your next episode) being perpetrated by israel is overwhelming. That was a mass murder of 3000 Americans on American soil.

The "project for new american century" which they called it at the time, was to destroy and take over 7 middle eastern countries in 5 yrs. All they needed was the "catastrophic event perpetrated by islamic extremists" which we know full well they train and finance all over the middle east. (Ron Paul spoke of this many years ago)

The project for a greater israel, defined in the document oded yinon, spells exactly how these criminals want to continue to perpetrate false flags (and they have a long list of past ones) to practically ensure total global destruction, and thus dependence (or enslavement) to be ushered by their "solution" to the global recession.

They want a single world government, they speak of it openly, they are messianic jews who print currency and control mainstream media and have through their illegal lobbying , extorted and compromised the people who are OUR employees in govt.

The lie about their history positioning themselves as "victims" to ensure silencing legislation that exposes their fraud. There were never 6 million jews who were gassed and even many have admitted.

All jews are indoctrinated to a point of hysteria unfortunately and defend their own demise.

They are given many privileges and stipends (especially in israel) to support this grotesque messianic ideology, so it's easy for them to turn their heads away from the evidence.

There are too many documents and orders from Stalin that made sure jews in Europe were terrorized by mercenaries who had stolen and created National Socialist uniforms, to force them to populate Palestine, which still doesn't have enough jews. No jews at the time wanted to go.

They are still doing this today. And with our tax money , they offer billions in incentives for jews to move there and do business there.

During the Second World War, The real genocide was committed by the jewish bolsheviks, with the same sadism we can witness in Palestine in real time, including the famine. (3 Holodomors).

This is why they want to destroy Russia today. It's not only for the resources. These messianic jews no longer control Russia, and Putin speaks about how they want to send Russia back into "soviet union status" (which was their first failed attempt to a single world govt.)

These messianic jews with the assistance of the indoctrinated jews, and "evangelicals" who were taught to believe in a certain convenient "prophecy".... are using America as their work horse and killing us on our soil and abroad and destroying our economy in deliberate disguised forms.




Please let's not white wash the truth for fear of criminals. They are criminals. They are parasites. They manipulate how people think to a point of self destruction. Information and a critical mass awareness is the only peaceful transition to a final solution.

The list of rich and powerful people profiting off the war in Ukraine includes President Biden and his son, but they're far from the only ones... The cult of Zelenskyy spans Hollywood, the political class, and the mainstream media. But do they really believe in him, or is he simply a smokescreen? Episode 3 of Zelenskyy Unmasked starts now.