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Humanity committing SELF eternal suicide & signing it's (above) own (via witnessed past historically-tick tock 'Time' day & night 24/7, Behavioral Analysis profiled) eternal death warrant as-while STILL endlessly Devil laughs it up humanity doing it's further attack's job against God 4 it! STOP allowing the innocent 2 B sent 4th B4 Jesus instead SUPPOSE 2 B: evil-unholy THEM, TOP-down, USA-globally as why the 'MORE OF' of U R a sick joke & R LOSER'S! As U ALL have literally NO-ZERO capacity of comprehension as U can't B reasoned with despite past tense-2 date historically, huh, what a waste & FAILED idea only 2 Coming eternally BURN ALIVE screaming amidst it's (NECLEUS species itself) worse eternal nightmarish pain & horror along with Devil 4EVER!

Huh as 2 Behavioral Analysis witnessingly profile THOSE of Deep State, those hired 2 carry out cease contract's & THEIR techie hacker's, OH THEY think much up while Devil laughs it up at THEM, U majority else of humanity itself amidst this Holy War Devil brought 2 us after B-ing defeated & 86-ed outta Heaven & spites God of us ALL B-ing a FAILED (NON representing HIM) idea, huh talk about THEM & (?) misc amidst U ALL else out there = committing eternal suicide & signing YO own death warrant as 2 why all is as is, as it NEVER had 2 B like this, I no care WHO tells U differently. Huh, U human's, U got NO idea via even Jesus: we 'know NOT' & past-2 date got NOTHING 2 show 4 itself!

& with as eternally ever TRUE as Holy Bible is, Yahweh Jehovah Father God 'set the example' regarding LGBTQiA with literally CEASING immediately onsite via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 aside from young female told along with all else thereof NOT 2 look back & BAM she did thus ceased in2 dust & ash (more less) as same separately with Mary Magdalene set the example' 4 us ALL USA-global men & women with turning AWAY FROM her way's & instead un2 Jesus. & Rainbow? 4 ONLY 1 reason: that God no flood dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth again, NOT 4 (above LGBTQiA)! BUT STILL this day in tick tock 'Time' (flies) Age (year) AD, worse than ever ie: fool's PRIOR 2 past The Flood, NO maintained NOTHING right-proper 'tight' & like weed's of-amidst a garden = Coming no flood but Holy retributionarily worse via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations but U humanity keep on evil-unholy & wrongly playing Holy Trinity as we humanity broke God's heart & HIS Holy set 4th moral code's as-while Devil laughs up deeming we doing it's endless past-2 date job (attack's) against God & Heaven 4 it! I NO literally stand 4 U but only-solely along HIM! U wanna do it the hard way? FINE, we'll do it YO-the hard way then, see ya on Coming Judgment day FOOL'S!


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Humanity committing SELF eternal suicide & signing it's (above) own (via witnessed past historically-tick tock 'Time' day & night 24/7, Behavioral Analysis profiled) eternal death warrant as-while STILL endlessly Devil laughs it up humanity doing it's further attack's job against God 4 it! STOP allowing the innocent 2 B sent 4th B4 Jesus instead SUPPOSE 2 B: evil-unholy THEM, TOP-down, USA-globally as why the 'MORE OF' of U R a sick joke & R LOSER'S! As U ALL have literally NO-ZERO capacity of comprehension as U can't B reasoned with despite past tense-2 date historically, huh, what a waste & FAILED idea only 2 Coming eternally BURN ALIVE screaming amidst it's (NECLEUS species itself) worse eternal nightmarish pain & horror along with Devil 4EVER!

Huh as 2 Behavioral Analysis witnessingly profile THOSE of Deep State, those hired 2 carry out cease contract's & THEIR techie hacker's, OH THEY think much up while Devil laughs it up at THEM, U majority else of humanity itself amidst this Holy War Devil brought 2 us after B-ing defeated & 86-ed outta Heaven & spites God of us ALL B-ing a FAILED (NON representing HIM) idea, huh talk about THEM & (?) misc amidst U ALL else out there = committing eternal suicide & signing YO own death warrant as 2 why all is as is, as it NEVER had 2 B like this, I no care WHO tells U differently. Huh, U human's, U got NO idea via even Jesus: we 'know NOT' & past-2 date got NOTHING 2 show 4 itself!

& with as eternally ever TRUE as Holy Bible is, Yahweh Jehovah Father God 'set the example' regarding LGBTQiA with literally CEASING immediately onsite via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 aside from young female told along with all else thereof NOT 2 look back & BAM she did thus ceased in2 dust & ash (more less) as same separately with Mary Magdalene set the example' 4 us ALL USA-global men & women with turning AWAY FROM her way's & instead un2 Jesus. & Rainbow? 4 ONLY 1 reason: that God no flood dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth again, NOT 4 (above LGBTQiA)! BUT STILL this day in tick tock 'Time' (flies) Age (year) AD, worse than ever ie: fool's PRIOR 2 past The Flood, NO maintained NOTHING right-proper 'tight' & like weed's of-amidst a garden = Coming no flood but Holy retributionarily worse via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations but U humanity keep on evil-unholy & wrongly playing Holy Trinity as we humanity broke God's heart & HIS Holy set 4th moral code's as-while Devil laughs up deeming we doing it's endless past-2 date job (attack's) against God & Heaven 4 it! I NO literally stand 4 U but only-solely along HIM! U wanna do it the hard way? FINE, we'll do it YO-the hard way then, see ya on Coming Judgment day FOOL'S!




Yesterday, over 5,400 cat lovers like you signed our petition calling for an end to the controversial cat-culling competition in New Zealand.

Many of our supporters reached out to ask where exactly this was happening, as we had missed it in our original email, You also wanted to know who the petition was directed at
We apologise for the oversight. It wasn't intentional.

The petition is directed to the New Zealand Embassy in the UK and Mayor Mary Black of the Hurunui District in Northern Canterbury. We call for an immediate ban and request that the New Zealand Government implement humane solutions to managing the stray cat population.
This year, nearly 400 cats lost their lives in this tragic competition, Participants of all ages, including children as young as 14, were encouraged to take part in this gruesome event, where the goal was to kill as many feral cats as possible.

Many animals were left to suffer agonisingly slow deaths, trapped in cages and casually shot by hunters. The sheer brutality of this competition cannot be overstated.
The weigh-in produced a horrifying spectacle of thousands of dead animals, so numerous that earthmovers were required to shift their corpses.

If you have already signed this petition, thank you so much. There will be a petition hand-in in the next few weeks, and we will keep you updated on our progress,

If you still need to sign the petition, please click here to sign now. We appreciate your support!

STILL this day in Age AD & just NOTHING 2 rightly-properly show 4 itself (humanity), FINE THEN, we'll do it the hard way then, the MORE OF (than THEM) is suppose 2 mean something, CLEARLY it NO mean NOTHING as U ALL STILL got no literal WILL 2 change from past historically while Devil laughs it up deeming humanity doing it's job 4 it against God. 4ever-eternally BURN ALIVE screaming amidst nightmarish pain & horror VAST will, sigh huh SO B IT!