Humanity committing SELF eternal suicide & signing it's (above) own (via witnessed past historically-tick tock 'Time' day & night 24/7, Behavioral Analysis profiled) eternal death warrant as-while STILL endlessly Devil laughs it up humanity doing it's further attack's job against God 4 it! STOP allowing the innocent 2 B sent 4th B4 Jesus instead SUPPOSE 2 B: evil-unholy THEM, TOP-down, USA-globally as why the 'MORE OF' of U R a sick joke & R LOSER'S! As U ALL have literally NO-ZERO capacity of comprehension as U can't B reasoned with despite past tense-2 date historically, huh, what a waste & FAILED idea only 2 Coming eternally BURN ALIVE screaming amidst it's (NECLEUS species itself) worse eternal nightmarish pain & horror along with Devil 4EVER!