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The Crown of Lovingkindness – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Jesus, my Jesus, thank you for your blood that was shed for me, that covers me and protects me. Thank you, Jesus, that you took the punishment for our sin on your body, Lord. O, how you must love us. Thank you, Jesus, my precious, precious, Lord.
I see you today, Lord, standing behind me. I am seated, thanking you, Lord for all you have done and will do. O Jesus, thank you that your lovingkindness never fails, that you will not allow it to fail. Your hands are so warm on my shoulders, Lord. It takes knowing you are with me to a whole different level as I feel your presence with every pulse of your heart. With every beat of your heart, your love flows into me. You move your hands and pick something up. I look back and see that it is a crown. It is the crown of lovingkindness and it is beautiful. I feel it as you place it on my head. How can it fit so perfectly, Lord? Like it is supposed to be there. Your left hand remains on my shoulder but the right hand is raised to the Father as you begin to bless me. With my whole heart I thank you, Lord. I bow my heart in awe and wonder as I hear you speak over me.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious, precious one. Hear Me now!
I am He who forgives all your iniquities.
I am He who heals all your diseases.
I am He who redeems your life from destruction.
I am He who satisfies your mouth with good things and renews your strength like the eagle’s.
I am He who crowns you with My lovingkindness.
Even now, receive My redemption.
Receive My forgiveness.
Receive My healing.

Receive My lovingkindness and all it entails: My goodness, My mercy, My grace, My faithfulness and My steadfast love and My devotion to you.

And remember, dear one, that all means ALL. ALL iniquities means ALL iniquities. ALL diseases means ALL diseases. Receive these My tender mercies, even now, dear one. And bless the One who has given them to you. Bless Me and forget not what I have done for you this day.

This crown is not something that you will remove, LaWanda. Wear it continually and as you interact with those around you, ask me… "Which part of Your lovingkindness do they need today, Lord?" And as you have freely received, so then freely give. I will bless and multiply each of these offerings given to me in this way. When you give mercy, you will receive mercy. When you give grace, you will receive grace. You will be blessed; they will be blessed and I will be honored.
One day you will lay this crown at My feet, dear one. But in the meantime, wear it and use it to glorify Me. My lovingkindness will never run out. Nor will the blessings that flow from you giving it away.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crown you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your strength is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103: 1-5

“Nevertheless, My lovingkindness I will not utterly take from him, nor allow My faithfulness to fail. My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.” Psalm 89:33-34

Want to receive wonderful counsel like LaWanda does from the Wonderful Counselor Himself?

Register today for online access: April 15-24, 2024
Counseled by God 35th Anniversary Edition Free Video Event
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February 13

Jesus’ Blood
Bible in a Year :
Leviticus 14
Matthew 26:51–75
Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

Today's Scripture & Insight :

Isaiah 1:15–20
The color red doesn’t always naturally occur in the things we make. How do you put the vibrant color of an apple into a T-shirt or lipstick? In early times, the red pigment was made from clay or red rocks. In the 1400s, the Aztecs invented a way of using cochineal insects to make red dye. Today, those same tiny insects supply the world with red.

In the Bible, red denotes royalty, and it also signifies sin and shame. Further, it’s the color of blood. When soldiers “stripped [Jesus] and put a scarlet robe on him” (Matthew 27:28), these three symbolisms merged into one heartbreaking image of red: Jesus was ridiculed as would-be royalty, He was cloaked in shame, and He was robed in the color of the blood He would soon shed. But Isaiah’s words foretell the promise of this crimsoned Jesus to deliver us from the red that stains us: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (1:18).

One other thing about those cochineal insects used for red dye—they are actually milky white on the outside. Only when they are crushed do they release their red blood. That little fact echoes for us other words from Isaiah: “[Jesus] was crushed for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5).

Jesus, who knew no sin, is here to save us who are red with sin. You see, in His crushing death, Jesus endured a whole lot of red so you could be white as snow.

By: Kenneth Petersen

Reflect & Pray
How do “sins . . . like scarlet” stain your life? How might Jesus restore you and make you clean again?

Dear God, thank You for Your Son, Jesus, and the saving grace of His shed blood. Amen.


The Lord Who Heals
AUGUST 17, 2023

O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.
Psalm 30:2

Recommended Reading: Psalm 41:1-3
God revealed Himself to His people Israel by a series of covenant names, one of which was Jehovah Rophe—“the Lord who heals.” Having redeemed His people from Egypt, God told them if they would walk in His statutes they would be spared from the diseases He brought on the Egyptians—“For I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26).

Conversely, if Israel failed to walk in obedience to God, they would suffer the diseases of Egypt and more (Deuteronomy 28:60-61). Part of the covenant expectations that Israel had of God was that He would forgive all their sins and heal all their diseases (Psalm 103:2-3). The coming Messiah would be “bruised for our iniquities” and we would be “healed” by His “stripes” (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24). Healing, or salvation, was considered to be inclusive of both body and soul. So it is no surprise that we find the psalmist David praying for healing in Psalm 30. And it should likewise be no surprise that God answered his prayer (verse 2).

From your head to your toes, if you are in need of wholeness and good health, ask the Lord who heals you.

Any sinner may be healed if he will only come to Christ.
J. C. Ryle


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The Crown of Lovingkindness – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Jesus, my Jesus, thank you for your blood that was shed for me, that covers me and protects me. Thank you, Jesus, that you took the punishment for our sin on your body, Lord. O, how you must love us. Thank you, Jesus, my precious, precious, Lord.
I see you today, Lord, standing behind me. I am seated, thanking you, Lord for all you have done and will do. O Jesus, thank you that your lovingkindness never fails, that you will not allow it to fail. Your hands are so warm on my shoulders, Lord. It takes knowing you are with me to a whole different level as I feel your presence with every pulse of your heart. With every beat of your heart, your love flows into me. You move your hands and pick something up. I look back and see that it is a crown. It is the crown of lovingkindness and it is beautiful. I feel it as you place it on my head. How can it fit so perfectly, Lord? Like it is supposed to be there. Your left hand remains on my shoulder but the right hand is raised to the Father as you begin to bless me. With my whole heart I thank you, Lord. I bow my heart in awe and wonder as I hear you speak over me.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious, precious one. Hear Me now!
I am He who forgives all your iniquities.
I am He who heals all your diseases.
I am He who redeems your life from destruction.
I am He who satisfies your mouth with good things and renews your strength like the eagle’s.
I am He who crowns you with My lovingkindness.
Even now, receive My redemption.
Receive My forgiveness.
Receive My healing.

Receive My lovingkindness and all it entails: My goodness, My mercy, My grace, My faithfulness and My steadfast love and My devotion to you.

And remember, dear one, that all means ALL. ALL iniquities means ALL iniquities. ALL diseases means ALL diseases. Receive these My tender mercies, even now, dear one. And bless the One who has given them to you. Bless Me and forget not what I have done for you this day.

This crown is not something that you will remove, LaWanda. Wear it continually and as you interact with those around you, ask me… "Which part of Your lovingkindness do they need today, Lord?" And as you have freely received, so then freely give. I will bless and multiply each of these offerings given to me in this way. When you give mercy, you will receive mercy. When you give grace, you will receive grace. You will be blessed; they will be blessed and I will be honored.
One day you will lay this crown at My feet, dear one. But in the meantime, wear it and use it to glorify Me. My lovingkindness will never run out. Nor will the blessings that flow from you giving it away.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crown you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your strength is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103: 1-5

“Nevertheless, My lovingkindness I will not utterly take from him, nor allow My faithfulness to fail. My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.” Psalm 89:33-34

Want to receive wonderful counsel like LaWanda does from the Wonderful Counselor Himself?

Register today for online access: April 15-24, 2024
Counseled by God 35th Anniversary Edition Free Video Event
Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

Experience emotional wholeness through hearing God's voice!


February 13

Jesus’ Blood
Bible in a Year :
Leviticus 14
Matthew 26:51–75
Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

Today's Scripture & Insight :

Isaiah 1:15–20
The color red doesn’t always naturally occur in the things we make. How do you put the vibrant color of an apple into a T-shirt or lipstick? In early times, the red pigment was made from clay or red rocks. In the 1400s, the Aztecs invented a way of using cochineal insects to make red dye. Today, those same tiny insects supply the world with red.

In the Bible, red denotes royalty, and it also signifies sin and shame. Further, it’s the color of blood. When soldiers “stripped [Jesus] and put a scarlet robe on him” (Matthew 27:28), these three symbolisms merged into one heartbreaking image of red: Jesus was ridiculed as would-be royalty, He was cloaked in shame, and He was robed in the color of the blood He would soon shed. But Isaiah’s words foretell the promise of this crimsoned Jesus to deliver us from the red that stains us: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (1:18).

One other thing about those cochineal insects used for red dye—they are actually milky white on the outside. Only when they are crushed do they release their red blood. That little fact echoes for us other words from Isaiah: “[Jesus] was crushed for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5).

Jesus, who knew no sin, is here to save us who are red with sin. You see, in His crushing death, Jesus endured a whole lot of red so you could be white as snow.

By: Kenneth Petersen

Reflect & Pray
How do “sins . . . like scarlet” stain your life? How might Jesus restore you and make you clean again?

Dear God, thank You for Your Son, Jesus, and the saving grace of His shed blood. Amen.


The Lord Who Heals
AUGUST 17, 2023

O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.
Psalm 30:2

Recommended Reading: Psalm 41:1-3
God revealed Himself to His people Israel by a series of covenant names, one of which was Jehovah Rophe—“the Lord who heals.” Having redeemed His people from Egypt, God told them if they would walk in His statutes they would be spared from the diseases He brought on the Egyptians—“For I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26).

Conversely, if Israel failed to walk in obedience to God, they would suffer the diseases of Egypt and more (Deuteronomy 28:60-61). Part of the covenant expectations that Israel had of God was that He would forgive all their sins and heal all their diseases (Psalm 103:2-3). The coming Messiah would be “bruised for our iniquities” and we would be “healed” by His “stripes” (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24). Healing, or salvation, was considered to be inclusive of both body and soul. So it is no surprise that we find the psalmist David praying for healing in Psalm 30. And it should likewise be no surprise that God answered his prayer (verse 2).

From your head to your toes, if you are in need of wholeness and good health, ask the Lord who heals you.

Any sinner may be healed if he will only come to Christ.
J. C. Ryle


Isaiah 53:1-5 NIV
[1] Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? [2] He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. [3] He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. [4] Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. [5] But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Listen NOW


The Truth Shall Set You Free
By Anna Von Reitz

Did you ever wonder about the "Dark Ages"---the biggest media black-out in all of human history?

How about the meaning of the Jolly Roger flag?

King Arthur?

The Knights Templar-- that is, the Fraternal Order of John the Baptist?

Why is our country's capitol known as Philadelphia--- the City of Brotherly Love?

There is a missing key, a crucial understanding, a piece of history that we obviously don't know --- something that has been ruthlessly suppressed since the days of Edward Long Shanks in England (1184 AD) and the burning of Glastonbury, England, that took place during his reign.

That missing key is the ancient proto-Hebraic language of Negeth, the Kolbrin Bible, and the Knights Templar.

Many years ago, by accident though there are no accidents, I discovered the Tamar - El, a small ancient sect of people in the Middle East, also known by other names, and described since Roman times as The Reed People, because during the destruction of Judea by the Romans, they fled into the swamps and lived among the reeds.

These people speak an extremely ancient language known as Negeth among themselves, though they speak street languages when they interact with the modern world.

Negeth is the same language that gave rise to Hebrew and Aramaic. It is the language of the petroglyphs and the "talking stones" of Illinois, Ethiopia, and Peru. It is related to the written language of Easter Island, known as RongKong. It is the language of the Arthurian Legend and the crystalline Heart of the Rose.

We have been unable to place things in their proper context and time frame because all this knowledge was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church and the Monarchs that owe their monarchies to it.

The role of the Mercenaries, also known as the Templars, in all of this, is simple enough.

At a crucial time in history, while busy developing the first international bank, the Templars discovered the Tamar-El in the Middle East, and, back home in western Europe, they realized that they had the supporting documents affirming what the Tamar-El told them, documents which, taken together, form the Kolbrin Bible.

The Kolbrin Bible is written in Negeth.

This knowledge opens up a door into an infinite past, a scope of history going back millions of years, and it totally destroys the neat little domain created by the Roman Catholic Church, limiting human history to at most, 6,000 years.

It also completely changes our view of John, the Baptist, who the Tamar-El reverence as the Savior of this world and the actual Founder of what we would all still recognize as the Christian Faith.

The Tamar-El regard Yeshuah as the bridge between this world and the next, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, because we can only make the next evolutionary step by following him and his teachings, but John was the one who called us to repent and showed us the cleansing power of blessed water, that is, Holy Water, which retains memory like a liquid crystal chip.

How I got lost and fell asleep in the shade of an olive tree beside an ancient well in the Middle East, how I awakened to find a snake at my feet, how a shepherd girl, one of the Tamar-El found me, how all this knowledge and more came to me, is another story.

For now, let this knowledge come to you and don't be afraid.

The Kolbrin Bible was the basis of the Mystery Schools of the Druids, Gnostics, and Albigensians; it offered a history of the world and a religious curriculum which the Emperor Constantine no doubt studied as a lad growing up in Britain.

The Knights Templar adopted the insight provided by the ancient wisdom teachings of the Tamar-El, and the historical writings and records in the Templar's possession, the Kolbrin Bible, that corroborated what the Tamar-El told them.

At first, the Church leaders couldn't care less if the Templars accorded John the Baptist a more important place in religious history, even to the point of placing an image of John's severed skull and two crossed bones on their black flag.

Things might have gone on swimmingly and this knowledge might have been passed down smoothly without the horrors of suppression by the Inquisition, except for one thing: the bank.

Over time, the Kings and the Popes amassed a very large debt to the Templars and paying them back became burdensome.

Finally, King Philip the Fair of France and Pope Clement V, who lived in France, had had enough of it, and decided that if they destroyed the Templar Order, by accusing them of heresy for their veneration of John, the Baptist --- they could also destroy their own debts.

Nothing much has changed. Similar characters destroyed the records of their debts by taking down the World Trade Center and attacking the Naval Fiscal Officers at the Pentagon who were investigating the long history of the corporate government's malfeasance and debt.

No amount of suppression, lies, burning of books, and destruction of records can help them now. Their debts are submitted before the throne of the Living God. Their iniquities and cruelties are all known.

And for you? For you, it's time to step forward into a completely new understanding, time to accept the glory of your inheritance, and the great kindness of our Creator.

Listen to this interview with Glenn Kimball as an introduction:

Once again, we are facing a time when the Kings and Ministers try to shuffle off their debts onto the backs of the common people. Once again, they are attempting to use religion, what some have called "the New Paganism", as a smokescreen and excuse for their actions.

It isn't going to work.


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here: