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This song came on the heels of our current Presidents Inauguration, and I was feeling a lot of disparity over it. While the world was doing happy dances to get rid of Trump, I felt sick and disappointed that no one seemed to care, or even know about the sexual allegations from Biden’s former Congressional Aid, Tara Reade, (along with 7 other women’s allegations of misconduct) that came up during his candidacy and were white washed, squeaky clean, in less than a month. It broke my heart that feminist heroes like Starhawk and Ani DiFranco where not just endorsing him without disclaimers, but enthusiastically. To this day, there has been no investigation into Biden’s conduct with any of these women.

Was it that people just cared more about getting rid of Trump, than they cared about replacing one predator with another? …Oh but he is not as bad as Trump, was the general opinion, I am pretty sure Tara Reade doesn’t feel that way. As a matter of fact, she is now working as an advocate for abused women.

Which leads me to the next aspect of this song, and even more the video. When we don’t listen to women, or even take them seriously this is a form of silencing which leads to erasure, both forms of oppression. I have been struggling myself with these concepts, as there are always many agendas that do both and are well endorsed in many communities. When women cannot define their own language or feel free to speak in their own safe spaces, it is terrifying and has effected me personally to the core, that I no longer feel safe to facilitate women’s spaces, speak my truth or even ask questions that they would be met with hate and violence. Instead of mirroring the violence I have turned to art, and to hold love and compassion in my heart. Coming Soon, behind the scenes, original songs and interview with Greg Walker!
#terf #ibelievetarareade

Where are you now my heroes, with the hypocrites?
The truth just a sad, sick, thick
Prick in the office
Doing a dance with this lonely hunch
The collective morality just took a long lunch
In the snow here dear
Ill be holding my own
and I found a truth out here all alone
and although I’m broken
My heart is atoned.

Where are you now my heroes, are you loaded with creed?
I try to speak the truth
but it gets lost in the feed
of their pretenses and calculated acts
and I keep getting blamed for not checking my facts
In the cold snow deep
Im becoming the crone
and I found my truth
and it cuts to the bone
But I feel the good
and my heart is atoned.

About the song:

Denise Cumor~ Guitar, Vocals, Percussion, Weird Casio Interlude

Greg Walker~ Guitar, Percussion

About the video:

Video editing & marker sketches by Denise Cumor, heart sketch by Rose Zaeske, heart animation by Digital Rowye

Where are you now my heroes, with the hypocrites?The truth just a sad, sick, thickPrick in the officeDoing a dance with this lonely hunchThe collective moral...


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This song came on the heels of our current Presidents Inauguration, and I was feeling a lot of disparity over it. While the world was doing happy dances to get rid of Trump, I felt sick and disappointed that no one seemed to care, or even know about the sexual allegations from Biden’s former Congressional Aid, Tara Reade, (along with 7 other women’s allegations of misconduct) that came up during his candidacy and were white washed, squeaky clean, in less than a month. It broke my heart that feminist heroes like Starhawk and Ani DiFranco where not just endorsing him without disclaimers, but enthusiastically. To this day, there has been no investigation into Biden’s conduct with any of these women.

Was it that people just cared more about getting rid of Trump, than they cared about replacing one predator with another? …Oh but he is not as bad as Trump, was the general opinion, I am pretty sure Tara Reade doesn’t feel that way. As a matter of fact, she is now working as an advocate for abused women.

Which leads me to the next aspect of this song, and even more the video. When we don’t listen to women, or even take them seriously this is a form of silencing which leads to erasure, both forms of oppression. I have been struggling myself with these concepts, as there are always many agendas that do both and are well endorsed in many communities. When women cannot define their own language or feel free to speak in their own safe spaces, it is terrifying and has effected me personally to the core, that I no longer feel safe to facilitate women’s spaces, speak my truth or even ask questions that they would be met with hate and violence. Instead of mirroring the violence I have turned to art, and to hold love and compassion in my heart. Coming Soon, behind the scenes, original songs and interview with Greg Walker!
#terf #ibelievetarareade

Where are you now my heroes, with the hypocrites?
The truth just a sad, sick, thick
Prick in the office
Doing a dance with this lonely hunch
The collective morality just took a long lunch
In the snow here dear
Ill be holding my own
and I found a truth out here all alone
and although I’m broken
My heart is atoned.

Where are you now my heroes, are you loaded with creed?
I try to speak the truth
but it gets lost in the feed
of their pretenses and calculated acts
and I keep getting blamed for not checking my facts
In the cold snow deep
Im becoming the crone
and I found my truth
and it cuts to the bone
But I feel the good
and my heart is atoned.

About the song:

Denise Cumor~ Guitar, Vocals, Percussion, Weird Casio Interlude

Greg Walker~ Guitar, Percussion

About the video:

Video editing & marker sketches by Denise Cumor, heart sketch by Rose Zaeske, heart animation by Digital Rowye

Where are you now my heroes, with the hypocrites?The truth just a sad, sick, thickPrick in the officeDoing a dance with this lonely hunchThe collective moral...