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& sigh huh Yippee Ki‐Yay with worse Coming of a ALL out across the USA-global board murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette thru out 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally, sigh huh FINE, so B it then like with past historically repeating itself & nevertheless ain't the truth a bitch ie: hard pill 2 swallow despite reality so grim none wanna hear-see-witness it but only local-global dance Club in 1's head (with ALL else of humanity MAY B never existing & got Earth & ALL off Earth ALL 2 1's SELF) getting SELF individual own dance groove & drink on, sigh huh SICK!

Sigh huh & even ALL thereof amidst UK (country) yaw general public population, YAW gonna act surprised 2 know that YAW own government's ALREADY past-previously literally signed ALL YAW Coming death warrant while YAW doing WHAT & R where? At the local dance Club in YO own head getting YO dance groove & drink on? SHADDPA, get outta here fools!

& sigh huh of so called politics amidst Babylon via Holy Bible & Rome falling via past history USA-America, the democrats CAN'T win so nevertheless they stuck on stupid dust ash corpse asses just gonna go on like (?) some sick ass at local "EH" sadistic suicide pact Club in any 1's individually own SELF head getting their dance groove & drink on while throwing each other under the bus & kicking 2 the curb ALL thereof aside from-of worse THAT of we fellow 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself.



I do a little dance in celebration of knowing the fact that #taxationistheft

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#libertarian #ancap #voluntaryism #endthefed #freedom #liberty


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I do a little dance in celebration of knowing the fact that #taxationistheft

Get your own TIT tee here:


#libertarian #ancap #voluntaryism #endthefed #freedom #liberty


& sigh huh Yippee Ki‐Yay with worse Coming of a ALL out across the USA-global board murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette thru out 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally, sigh huh FINE, so B it then like with past historically repeating itself & nevertheless ain't the truth a bitch ie: hard pill 2 swallow despite reality so grim none wanna hear-see-witness it but only local-global dance Club in 1's head (with ALL else of humanity MAY B never existing & got Earth & ALL off Earth ALL 2 1's SELF) getting SELF individual own dance groove & drink on, sigh huh SICK!

Sigh huh & even ALL thereof amidst UK (country) yaw general public population, YAW gonna act surprised 2 know that YAW own government's ALREADY past-previously literally signed ALL YAW Coming death warrant while YAW doing WHAT & R where? At the local dance Club in YO own head getting YO dance groove & drink on? SHADDPA, get outta here fools!

& sigh huh of so called politics amidst Babylon via Holy Bible & Rome falling via past history USA-America, the democrats CAN'T win so nevertheless they stuck on stupid dust ash corpse asses just gonna go on like (?) some sick ass at local "EH" sadistic suicide pact Club in any 1's individually own SELF head getting their dance groove & drink on while throwing each other under the bus & kicking 2 the curb ALL thereof aside from-of worse THAT of we fellow 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself.

Like HUH, all of U (all connected USA-global NON disabled but though capable adult) sick ass excuse of a waste & FAILED idea NECLEUS species-humanity daily (day - night, 24/7, tick tock 'Time') past historically-2 date grip-grips-gripping on2 YO DENIAL, misc like a internal within '?' security blanket, & deem YEAH - MORE OF (than THEM, fill in blank's) at the (dance, misc worse) Club (misc amusement park, etc fill in blank's) while nevertheless deeming "EH"! HUH, SICK, like there is TRULY NO literal human conveyable word's-NO dictionary & while Holy Bible IS ALIVE as with like history repeating itself, we're all in it as with, (?) misc Holy Bible's Book of Revelations of worse nightmarish pain & horror Coming un2 us ALL connected USA-global NECLEUS species-humanity!

Sigh huh ALL YAW daily caught up of ALL the-that B/S-NOISE ie: News media (?) else of politics, at the local dance Club in 1's own head getting 1's SELF own dance groove & drink on all the while past-2date ever growing like (?) weeds of garden compiling of literal 2 B carried on kill-death list CEASING contract's upon 1st majority 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide Babylon via Holy Bible & Rome falling via past history exhibited USA-globally = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself then-B4 THEMSELVES of TOP Power fill in blanks thus literally NO where 2 go-run-hide anywhere above nor miles down below underground aside from-of fools OFF Earth 2 eventually ceased POINT = worse Coming even via Holy Bible.