Like HUH, all of U (all connected USA-global NON disabled but though capable adult) sick ass excuse of a waste & FAILED idea NECLEUS species-humanity daily (day - night, 24/7, tick tock 'Time') past historically-2 date grip-grips-gripping on2 YO DENIAL, misc like a internal within '?' security blanket, & deem YEAH - MORE OF (than THEM, fill in blank's) at the (dance, misc worse) Club (misc amusement park, etc fill in blank's) while nevertheless deeming "EH"! HUH, SICK, like there is TRULY NO literal human conveyable word's-NO dictionary & while Holy Bible IS ALIVE as with like history repeating itself, we're all in it as with, (?) misc Holy Bible's Book of Revelations of worse nightmarish pain & horror Coming un2 us ALL connected USA-global NECLEUS species-humanity!