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A Public Official, or, Merely Pretending to Be?
By Anna Von Reitz

One of the problems I have with believing any of the reports of people being arrested and tried at Gitmo and elsewhere is that certain fundamental premises don't make sense.

Here is a case in point, following fast upon the heels of our analysis of King John I's private ability to contract versus public ability to contract.

According to the Narrative, United States Navy personnel, particularly the JAG (Judge Advocate General) Command, have been rounding up various members of the former and present political Administrations and subjecting them to various charges and sentences, up to and including capital punishment for treason.

The stated rationale for this is that these people are "public officials" but a closer inspection reveals that this is not true; they may have occupied vacant Public Offices, but that does not make them legitimate Public Officials -- especially not without their contractual acceptances.

As impersonators, does the charge of "treason" even apply?

People engaged in parody and theater productions and even con games seldom rise to the level of capital crimes, and though I appreciate the spirit of the thing, it does rather reek of killing the scapegoats that have been hired to promote the fictional narrative -- many of whom may actually believe that they are public officials and have no idea otherwise.

The distinction between being elected in a political election sponsored by a municipal or commercial corporation and being elected in an actual Public Election may be lost on Joe Average or Joe Biden, for that matter, but not on us, the actual Americans who are Foreign Sovereigns, not Sovereign Citizens.


It's been over 160 years since we had actual Public Elections in this country, 160 years since we sent delegations of Fiduciary Deputies from all the States to our capitol in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

It's also been that long since our American Federal Subcontractors sent delegations of properly informed Representatives to the Federal Capitol in Washington, DC.

How are these poor vermin supposed to know that they lack any authority? That they are just pawns in a play? That they are occupying foreign corporate offices and foisting them off as Public Offices?

True, they have evinced neither good sense nor conscience in their roles. True, they have created gross public endangerment in the name of their profit seeking. True, they have betrayed the best interests of this country and our people. True, they are scum overall and their performances stink.... but.... are they "Public Officials" or merely imposters playing the role of Public Officials?

Does this play-acting amount to Treason? Where do they incur the liability of Public Office, as they are occupying similarly-named private corporate offices instead?

And as imposters or skilled actors, either one, do they have the liability commensurate with capital punishment?

If JAG is actually arresting and imprisoning and executing all these politicians and bureaucrats, as a Justice, I have to ask --- on what grounds are these phonies being tried?

They aren't "Public Officials" according to any definition of the words I am familiar with.

They don't have a Public Bond or a Public Oath.

And what "Enemy" are they aiding and abetting or colluding with for profit?

Sure, corporations have "enemies" in the sense of rival corporations, selling different services and products, etc., but is it proper to style such commercial and political rivals as "Enemies" in the sense invoked throughout the War Powers Act, Title 50, of the Federal Code?

It's more like gunning down a house cat and pretending it's a tiger.

Slaughtering numerous nobodies and leaving the actual criminals intact doesn't serve anyone's best interests. And doesn't fulfill the duty owed to our government.

Without an actual and properly declared war in evidence, it's difficult to see how anyone invokes Title 50 with a straight face.

"Wars" against poverty, drugs, and general clueless ignorance are equally absurd, and "treason" based on such "wars" is even more ridiculous.

Come to that, upon what basis in Law or Fact does Title 50 and its claim of "War Powers" rest? No such war powers were ever granted to our Federal Subcontractors by the people of our States, so we naturally wonder upon what basis these undelegated "powers" can be presumed to exist?

Should I stand up and start stamping my feet and claim that a mouse scampering across the toe of my shoe is an "emergency"? And then, should I claim that I have "war powers" against this rodent, when it's not my rodent, not my house, and not even my shoe (it turns out it was borrowed)?

And then, should I start screaming "Treason!" at the property manager I hired to maintain this vacant property?

A rodent it may be. Scum it may be. A vaudeville comedian escaped from the silver screen maybe, or even an Agent of Darkness, but wherein do any of these characters owe the liability of treason?

I suppose an actor, like John Wilkes Booth, could be charged with Treason if he killed an actual American President; but, what if he killed a man pretending to be our President, a man who was actually committing treason against our country and who was actually working for a foreign power -- in this case, British Territorial interests?

Then, it is a Twisted Tale, and murder it may be, but not treason.

History and logic provides that Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney prohibited from holding our Presidential Office, usurped upon it and seemed to occupy our Public Office without actually doing so.

Was he committing Treason?

In what sense could our own British Territorial United States Government contractor be considered a foreign Enemy as contemplated under the War Powers Act? And if so, with whom were they colluding, as in aiding and abetting?

Let's go back to Benedict Arnold. He was a General in the Continental Army. He betrayed his commission and oath. He held the office and rank and wore the uniform. He betrayed his command and his commander in favor of England, a declared and recognized Enemy that he conspired with in exchange for payola.

That is treason.

But what in the murky swamp of the current day compares with that? We have municipal and commercial corporations and their shareholder elections resulting in their corporation "Presidents" substituting themselves for our actual Public Elections and Public Officials --- so how can corporations pretend that their fisticuffs rise to the level of --or even address-- the issue of treason?

If there is any treason to be had, it appears that it lies in the pretense that these private corporate elections are Public Elections and that these corporations are our government and that these elected corporation officers are "Public Officials".

If so, which "public" do they serve? And to whom and to which "public" do the JAG Officers owe their allegiance and service?

Ours or theirs?

They appear to be working on the HMS AMERICA and aiding and abetting incorporated entities that are bent on usurping against our actual government, while whacking and hanging all these petty civil servants who are working for other run amok corporations and accusing them of "treason".

Treason implies betrayal of a lawful government, in this case, our lawful government, which presumes the existence of Public Officials capable of committing treason.

Not that I am defending or weeping over the end of such "luminaries" as those reported among the dead at Gitmo, it's more a matter of plain old jurisprudence rearing its head.

Treason requires: (1) Public Election of Public Officials or appointment of Commissioned Officers by duly elected Public Officials; (2) liability for the elected Public Offices and Commissions held under oath, bond, and/or public affirmation; (3) betrayal of that elected Public Office or Commission especially in collusion with Foreign Governments for monetary reward or emoluments.

Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Norman Schwarzkopf being knighted by the late Queen--- knighthood from a foreign government is an emolument and payment from that foreign government for their service is monetary reward.

That is treason -- if these men ever occupied an American Government Office at all, but the facts indicate that they didn't; they only pretended to.

There are no Public Offices left in America, except in our State Assemblies and in a few stubborn Counties scattered across the landscape, holding on from days of yore, preventing any claim of exclusive legislative jurisdiction.

God bless them forever. They've held on, without even knowing why it was important.

When we examine the Law and the Facts, there are no bonded Public Offices left and no Public Oaths of Office, either, related to our lawful government.

All these jokers, first to last, working for either one or both of the Municipal Corporations located in the District of Columbia, or the various franchises thereof, are operating as Free Agents and the only sort of election they have endured is a private shareholder election sponsored by private political parties.

And that's the logical limit of their liability, too.

So I hate to throw cold water on those who are hot to trot and convict all these vermin of treason, but it is not possible to convict people of treason when they hold no liability for the crime.

Unlawful conversion is the crime that they are guilty of, and that is a capital crime similar to cattle rustling; however, both the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Government are guilty of unlawful conversion against their loyal Employers, the clueless Americans.

And both need forgiveness-- amnesty-- to survive this.

Otherwise, we will be stuck with the nasty duty of arresting millions of people for pulling a giant Confidence Racket -- a Sting that most of them are unaware of-- and which in itself is not a capital crime and not treason.

We will also be stuck prosecuting -- to the death -- a few thousand wiseguy masterminds, mainly old CIA and DIA spooks, like [Opium] Poppy Bush, crooked Generals, and worse Admirals, who thought they were really cute for sucking up to the Order of the Garter.

These people aren't worth the effort and the blood and the karma; they aren't worth spitting on.

It's far more important to nail their organizations to the barn door and foreclose their assets.

Defund them and cut their access to all their money laundering bank partners and subsidiary corporation partners, like the United States Government, Inc. umbrella and all its brand-holder franchises--- the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Bureau of Land Management, et alia, for starters.

Come on, America. Come on home, Mamas. You got some real house cleaning to do.

And it all comes down to you.


The Dead Baby Scam, False Wards, and Child Labor
By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:
The Dead Baby Scam began as a result of a misunderstanding. People at the time of St. Thomas Aquinas didn't realize what the afterbirth and placenta materials were that accompanied each baby into the world, but they observed that these things appeared to have a heartbeat of their own and to in some sense, be alive. They also observed that this "monstrous brother" predictably died soon after the baby was delivered.

So, they gave the afterbirth materials a name -- your Given Name -- and a Christian burial as an unknown Pauper. You would have to wait for your official Christening and baptism to have a Christian Name and be enrolled as a member of the Church.

This resulted in a situation where your "dead brother's estate" was in probate and intestate under your Given Name at the same time that you
were nameless and wandering around without a Christian Name as the presumed Inheritor of whatever your dead brother's earthly estate might yield.

Thus, wittingly or unwittingly, the Church put itself in the position of administering the estates of all these presumed-to-be dead babies and all these intestate dead baby estates were operated under the Given Names of living people and they were all operated by Magistrates appointed by the Church as trustees.

It's another Substitution Scheme, but instead of a phony Public Interest in an abandoned estate being asserted by a government entity or foreign nation under the rationale of the 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act in England, this one creates an equally phony Private Interest in what appears to be your private estate for the Church, which stands in as the receiver of the dead body and name of the deceased, and then also acts as the presumed Trustee of the estate they created for your "dead brother". As Trustee, the Church appoints a court Magistrate as the Administrator responsible for the probate of his estate.

Remember that this estate, which you are totally unaware of, is functioning under your Given Name at the same time that you are wandering around gaining skills and education and getting married and buying a house--- so that absolutely everything you are and that you acquire is accruing not to you, but to your dead brother's estate.

That so-called infant decedent estate is under the control of Church appointed Magistrates and being managed for the benefit of the Church's Commonwealth. And there it is again --- the connection to the Commonwealth, that is, Territorial Government, and the Municipal Corporations.

This fraud is much older, by about 500 years, but it's basically the same pattern of fraud we already examined with Public Interest in private property being asserted by government entities. The only substantial differences are that the Church's gambit results in a Private Interest in the estate, and the estate is administered under a different form of law.

In both cases, the living man is impersonated and a thing bearing his Given Name is substituted for him. In both cases, the living man loses his identity and standing and control of his property rights by means of personage crimes, undisclosed fraud, and false claims in commerce.

It's nothing but self-interested fraud that benefits the Perpetrators by creating undisclosed and unauthorized trusts, both public and private, and leaving the Perpetrators or their appointed Executors de Son Tort in control of the assets belonging to living people.

The purported Public Interest in our assets asserted by the British Crown -operated Municipal Subcontractor has a private side, too, in that the British Monarch gets a cut of the action via the establishment of a subset trust.

The purportedly lost British Territorial Seaman who just happens to be operating under the Given Name of an American, is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service working as a "Taxpayer" for the Queen (or King) collecting excise taxes -- and this fictitious Warrant Officer is deemed to be a Ward of the British Monarch. As a Ward, he has no legal standing to bring suit, no control of his own assets, and is subject to Admiralty Law.

All of these schemes use Substitution, Impersonation, Unlawful Conversion, and constructive Identity Theft as a means to rob their American victims silly. The trust schemes set up the framework, and then, the phony unauthorized military district courts do the dirty work for the British Crown Municipal Subcontractors and the Municipal Subcontractors run their own probate courts and corporate tribunals, which are all unauthorized, too, to do the same thing: illegally and unlawfully tax Americans and confiscate American assets under color of law.

They have done the same thing in Britain, The United States, all the former Commonwealth countries, seventeen still-occupied countries in Western Europe, Japan, and everywhere else they can get their Municipal Corporation franchise system going.

Their excuse? That this is the only way they can fund the government and the good works of the Church.

They conveniently forget the non-budgeted side of their crooked Double Accrual Accounting System designed by Al Capone's bookkeeper, Easy Eddie O'Hara---- the proverbial second set of books where all the undisclosed "non-budgeted" profits and our "encumbered trust assets" and all the slush fund accounts are cashiered away and never talked about.

They also forget to mention the mammoth influx of gold they received from the private Avila Family Trust that was meant to build infrastructure, provide direct relief, and pay all the costs of government -- but was then side-tracked and converted into assets backing low interest loans enabling the world to rebuild all the damage these same Municipal Corporations caused in World War II.

Conveniently, when this loan fund agreement came due in 2005, the Perpetrators defaulted and put forward False Claims on Abandonment on the deposited gold assets, in order to avoid payment back to the Avila Family Trust.

These Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, themselves acting under conditions of deceit and misrepresenting themselves as our representatives concerning matters we never delegated to them --- have proved corrupt and dishonorable, and there can be no doubt that they have operated unlawfully and illegally, both, for many years.

We have noted throughout the skillful use of "enclaves" and the choice of where these Municipal Corporation Subcontractors are incorporated, as a means to take advantage of foreign systems of law to evade their constitutional obligations and access forms of law that are not authorized in this country.

The British Crown Municipal Corporation Subcontractors arbitrarily and non-contractually set up military "districts" in The United States in order to front their phony military district court system, and they have not only done this here, but in many other countries, too.

The Municipal Corporation Subcontractors have operated unauthorized and undisclosed probate courts within the military districts provided by their colluding British cohorts, resulting in Municipal Districts and more phony courts on our shores, practicing so-called Administrative Law, and misapplying it to the General Public and utilizing probate courts that have never been authorized here to confiscate American property under color of law.

These white-collar criminals set up shop in Puerto Rico, a convenient and safe United States (meaning Federal Republic) Possession, because it is still a Commonwealth nation and because it gave them access to The Spanish Law of the Inquisition, which they have used to prosecute tax cases.

Similarly, while child labor is largely outlawed in most of the world and certainly in The United States, they have set up their latest version of "the United States of America, Incorporated" in India, in order to continue running a particularly obnoxious child labor contracting service and money laundering scam. India allows child labor and child labor contracting.

So they pick and choose where they set up shop and take advantage of different national laws that allow them to do things that are utterly outlawed in this country -- the problem being that they do these things while operating their secret franchises under our Given Names.

This results in a situation where we have an American named John Andrew Wilkes, and a British Territorial U.S. Citizen also named John Andrew Wilkes and a Municipal infant decedent Estate doing business under the name of John Andrew Wilkes and a British Subject operating as a Merchant Seaman called John Andrew Wilkes, and a British Territorial Cestui Que Vie trust operated as JOHN ANDREW WILKES, and so on.

Most of these phony persons set up as public and private trusts, public transmitting utilities, etc., have been further exploited and encumbered in derivative schemes --- where their purported assets have been bundled together and unassigned fungible shares of undesignated interest have been sold to investors.

Some of those guilty parties responsible for this are so deluded by the illusions of power and pelf that they congratulate themselves for building a world-spanning crime syndicate --- using nothing more than deceit and fraud exercised under color of law against their Employers--- and some of them think that they can go on and keep skating by promoting just one more scam: digital currency.

We wish for all these schemes and abuses to end, and for the Municipal Corporations promoting these schemes and abuses against living people to be shut down, permanently. This includes but is not limited to the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors that have been housed in the District of Columbia and their Successors --- both those operated by the British Territorial Government and those operated by the City Government -- and all their fraudulently constructed state-of-state franchises and agencies, too.

We wish for all their assets worldwide to be forfeit and made available for the use of the national government and the people they have harmed.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 16th 2023


Here come the jews attacking themselves like they've always SILENCE TRUTH.

In February 1979, a man by the name of James Gottman applied for a permit for a combined Ku Klux Klan and [so-called] "Nazi" demonstration to flood the streets of down town Philadelphia... except his real name wasn't James Gottman at all.

He was in fact Mordecai Levi, high figure of the B'nai B'rith's own organised crime gang, the ADL and formed both "Official" terrorist organisations, known as the JDL (Jewish Defense League) and the JDO (Jewish Defense Organisation).

The leader of Philadelphia's American Jewish Com­mittee, the primary organiser of the counter-demonstra­tion for that day in 1979, was close friend of the impersonator "James Guttman"/Mordecai Levy... both Jews organizing the public spectacle of agitation allegedly between two groups, of course, along with all the media coverage that serves, who?

The U.S. Jewish movement has financed and agitated every supposed instance of Nazi-Klan racial violence, including through government COINTELPRO operations; the "Greensboro Massacre" resulting in the murder of 5 Communist demonstrators and wounding 11... along with "Operation Skokie," the plan for a so-called "white supremacist" march through the predominantly Jewish neighbour­hood of Skokie, Illinois.

These marches were organised by so-called "Nazi leader" Frank Collin (and others), whose real name was actually Frank Cohn, Jewish son of a former partisan internnee at a work camp during WWII and American Zionist leader.

There is nothing new about Jewish lobbyist activities, instigating agitation as they did just in the above few examples... Two of the leading founders of the B'nai B'rith, namely Confederate Secretary of War, Judah P. Benjamin and Grandfather of both WWI and WWII's military industrialist, Bernard Baruch's; Dr. Kutner Baruch, were founders of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in 1865.

Even earlier, with their agents of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Society of Jesus, they founded the KKK's predecessor, the Knights of the Golden Circle, as a key instrument of the [B'nai] B'rith-ish elite's policy of continuing the division of the American Experiment. Even John Wilkes Booth, who killed Lincoln, was a member of their Knights of the Golden Circle.

As always, "Who Benefits"? Who is coming out the winner in these media spectacles of Jewish-designed civil unrest?

Besides maintaining the civil unrest for domestic violence and escalating divisional race wars, the intent of these clannish operatives on the payroll of all the Jewish Lobbies, is to maintain the political isolation of Jewish communities themselves, have them shaking in their boots over "Nazi's and White Supremacists" out to get them, continually wailing about the need for protection from extremists...

This secures their support for the expansionist plans and economic policies of the Israeli government and keeps in existence the powerful Lobbyist organisation, the criminal gang of the ADL and their subsidiaries (receiving an abundance of [tax free] donations), who steer governmental policy all over the world in western countries, on migration, housing, minority issues and welfare (ie; reparations and grants), foreign and military policy, so-called "hate-speech" and everything else in between.

Plus it keeps that ridiculous spectra of 'anti-Semitism" alive and the added benefit of forever demonising any Caucasian unity or national sentiments of European people (against the white genocide project), by keeping alive that other ridiculous evil spectra, of "Nazi's" - when this is absolutely nothing that the NSDAP actually stood for.


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A Public Official, or, Merely Pretending to Be?
By Anna Von Reitz

One of the problems I have with believing any of the reports of people being arrested and tried at Gitmo and elsewhere is that certain fundamental premises don't make sense.

Here is a case in point, following fast upon the heels of our analysis of King John I's private ability to contract versus public ability to contract.

According to the Narrative, United States Navy personnel, particularly the JAG (Judge Advocate General) Command, have been rounding up various members of the former and present political Administrations and subjecting them to various charges and sentences, up to and including capital punishment for treason.

The stated rationale for this is that these people are "public officials" but a closer inspection reveals that this is not true; they may have occupied vacant Public Offices, but that does not make them legitimate Public Officials -- especially not without their contractual acceptances.

As impersonators, does the charge of "treason" even apply?

People engaged in parody and theater productions and even con games seldom rise to the level of capital crimes, and though I appreciate the spirit of the thing, it does rather reek of killing the scapegoats that have been hired to promote the fictional narrative -- many of whom may actually believe that they are public officials and have no idea otherwise.

The distinction between being elected in a political election sponsored by a municipal or commercial corporation and being elected in an actual Public Election may be lost on Joe Average or Joe Biden, for that matter, but not on us, the actual Americans who are Foreign Sovereigns, not Sovereign Citizens.


It's been over 160 years since we had actual Public Elections in this country, 160 years since we sent delegations of Fiduciary Deputies from all the States to our capitol in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

It's also been that long since our American Federal Subcontractors sent delegations of properly informed Representatives to the Federal Capitol in Washington, DC.

How are these poor vermin supposed to know that they lack any authority? That they are just pawns in a play? That they are occupying foreign corporate offices and foisting them off as Public Offices?

True, they have evinced neither good sense nor conscience in their roles. True, they have created gross public endangerment in the name of their profit seeking. True, they have betrayed the best interests of this country and our people. True, they are scum overall and their performances stink.... but.... are they "Public Officials" or merely imposters playing the role of Public Officials?

Does this play-acting amount to Treason? Where do they incur the liability of Public Office, as they are occupying similarly-named private corporate offices instead?

And as imposters or skilled actors, either one, do they have the liability commensurate with capital punishment?

If JAG is actually arresting and imprisoning and executing all these politicians and bureaucrats, as a Justice, I have to ask --- on what grounds are these phonies being tried?

They aren't "Public Officials" according to any definition of the words I am familiar with.

They don't have a Public Bond or a Public Oath.

And what "Enemy" are they aiding and abetting or colluding with for profit?

Sure, corporations have "enemies" in the sense of rival corporations, selling different services and products, etc., but is it proper to style such commercial and political rivals as "Enemies" in the sense invoked throughout the War Powers Act, Title 50, of the Federal Code?

It's more like gunning down a house cat and pretending it's a tiger.

Slaughtering numerous nobodies and leaving the actual criminals intact doesn't serve anyone's best interests. And doesn't fulfill the duty owed to our government.

Without an actual and properly declared war in evidence, it's difficult to see how anyone invokes Title 50 with a straight face.

"Wars" against poverty, drugs, and general clueless ignorance are equally absurd, and "treason" based on such "wars" is even more ridiculous.

Come to that, upon what basis in Law or Fact does Title 50 and its claim of "War Powers" rest? No such war powers were ever granted to our Federal Subcontractors by the people of our States, so we naturally wonder upon what basis these undelegated "powers" can be presumed to exist?

Should I stand up and start stamping my feet and claim that a mouse scampering across the toe of my shoe is an "emergency"? And then, should I claim that I have "war powers" against this rodent, when it's not my rodent, not my house, and not even my shoe (it turns out it was borrowed)?

And then, should I start screaming "Treason!" at the property manager I hired to maintain this vacant property?

A rodent it may be. Scum it may be. A vaudeville comedian escaped from the silver screen maybe, or even an Agent of Darkness, but wherein do any of these characters owe the liability of treason?

I suppose an actor, like John Wilkes Booth, could be charged with Treason if he killed an actual American President; but, what if he killed a man pretending to be our President, a man who was actually committing treason against our country and who was actually working for a foreign power -- in this case, British Territorial interests?

Then, it is a Twisted Tale, and murder it may be, but not treason.

History and logic provides that Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney prohibited from holding our Presidential Office, usurped upon it and seemed to occupy our Public Office without actually doing so.

Was he committing Treason?

In what sense could our own British Territorial United States Government contractor be considered a foreign Enemy as contemplated under the War Powers Act? And if so, with whom were they colluding, as in aiding and abetting?

Let's go back to Benedict Arnold. He was a General in the Continental Army. He betrayed his commission and oath. He held the office and rank and wore the uniform. He betrayed his command and his commander in favor of England, a declared and recognized Enemy that he conspired with in exchange for payola.

That is treason.

But what in the murky swamp of the current day compares with that? We have municipal and commercial corporations and their shareholder elections resulting in their corporation "Presidents" substituting themselves for our actual Public Elections and Public Officials --- so how can corporations pretend that their fisticuffs rise to the level of --or even address-- the issue of treason?

If there is any treason to be had, it appears that it lies in the pretense that these private corporate elections are Public Elections and that these corporations are our government and that these elected corporation officers are "Public Officials".

If so, which "public" do they serve? And to whom and to which "public" do the JAG Officers owe their allegiance and service?

Ours or theirs?

They appear to be working on the HMS AMERICA and aiding and abetting incorporated entities that are bent on usurping against our actual government, while whacking and hanging all these petty civil servants who are working for other run amok corporations and accusing them of "treason".

Treason implies betrayal of a lawful government, in this case, our lawful government, which presumes the existence of Public Officials capable of committing treason.

Not that I am defending or weeping over the end of such "luminaries" as those reported among the dead at Gitmo, it's more a matter of plain old jurisprudence rearing its head.

Treason requires: (1) Public Election of Public Officials or appointment of Commissioned Officers by duly elected Public Officials; (2) liability for the elected Public Offices and Commissions held under oath, bond, and/or public affirmation; (3) betrayal of that elected Public Office or Commission especially in collusion with Foreign Governments for monetary reward or emoluments.

Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Norman Schwarzkopf being knighted by the late Queen--- knighthood from a foreign government is an emolument and payment from that foreign government for their service is monetary reward.

That is treason -- if these men ever occupied an American Government Office at all, but the facts indicate that they didn't; they only pretended to.

There are no Public Offices left in America, except in our State Assemblies and in a few stubborn Counties scattered across the landscape, holding on from days of yore, preventing any claim of exclusive legislative jurisdiction.

God bless them forever. They've held on, without even knowing why it was important.

When we examine the Law and the Facts, there are no bonded Public Offices left and no Public Oaths of Office, either, related to our lawful government.

All these jokers, first to last, working for either one or both of the Municipal Corporations located in the District of Columbia, or the various franchises thereof, are operating as Free Agents and the only sort of election they have endured is a private shareholder election sponsored by private political parties.

And that's the logical limit of their liability, too.

So I hate to throw cold water on those who are hot to trot and convict all these vermin of treason, but it is not possible to convict people of treason when they hold no liability for the crime.

Unlawful conversion is the crime that they are guilty of, and that is a capital crime similar to cattle rustling; however, both the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Government are guilty of unlawful conversion against their loyal Employers, the clueless Americans.

And both need forgiveness-- amnesty-- to survive this.

Otherwise, we will be stuck with the nasty duty of arresting millions of people for pulling a giant Confidence Racket -- a Sting that most of them are unaware of-- and which in itself is not a capital crime and not treason.

We will also be stuck prosecuting -- to the death -- a few thousand wiseguy masterminds, mainly old CIA and DIA spooks, like [Opium] Poppy Bush, crooked Generals, and worse Admirals, who thought they were really cute for sucking up to the Order of the Garter.

These people aren't worth the effort and the blood and the karma; they aren't worth spitting on.

It's far more important to nail their organizations to the barn door and foreclose their assets.

Defund them and cut their access to all their money laundering bank partners and subsidiary corporation partners, like the United States Government, Inc. umbrella and all its brand-holder franchises--- the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Bureau of Land Management, et alia, for starters.

Come on, America. Come on home, Mamas. You got some real house cleaning to do.

And it all comes down to you.


The Dead Baby Scam, False Wards, and Child Labor
By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:
The Dead Baby Scam began as a result of a misunderstanding. People at the time of St. Thomas Aquinas didn't realize what the afterbirth and placenta materials were that accompanied each baby into the world, but they observed that these things appeared to have a heartbeat of their own and to in some sense, be alive. They also observed that this "monstrous brother" predictably died soon after the baby was delivered.

So, they gave the afterbirth materials a name -- your Given Name -- and a Christian burial as an unknown Pauper. You would have to wait for your official Christening and baptism to have a Christian Name and be enrolled as a member of the Church.

This resulted in a situation where your "dead brother's estate" was in probate and intestate under your Given Name at the same time that you
were nameless and wandering around without a Christian Name as the presumed Inheritor of whatever your dead brother's earthly estate might yield.

Thus, wittingly or unwittingly, the Church put itself in the position of administering the estates of all these presumed-to-be dead babies and all these intestate dead baby estates were operated under the Given Names of living people and they were all operated by Magistrates appointed by the Church as trustees.

It's another Substitution Scheme, but instead of a phony Public Interest in an abandoned estate being asserted by a government entity or foreign nation under the rationale of the 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act in England, this one creates an equally phony Private Interest in what appears to be your private estate for the Church, which stands in as the receiver of the dead body and name of the deceased, and then also acts as the presumed Trustee of the estate they created for your "dead brother". As Trustee, the Church appoints a court Magistrate as the Administrator responsible for the probate of his estate.

Remember that this estate, which you are totally unaware of, is functioning under your Given Name at the same time that you are wandering around gaining skills and education and getting married and buying a house--- so that absolutely everything you are and that you acquire is accruing not to you, but to your dead brother's estate.

That so-called infant decedent estate is under the control of Church appointed Magistrates and being managed for the benefit of the Church's Commonwealth. And there it is again --- the connection to the Commonwealth, that is, Territorial Government, and the Municipal Corporations.

This fraud is much older, by about 500 years, but it's basically the same pattern of fraud we already examined with Public Interest in private property being asserted by government entities. The only substantial differences are that the Church's gambit results in a Private Interest in the estate, and the estate is administered under a different form of law.

In both cases, the living man is impersonated and a thing bearing his Given Name is substituted for him. In both cases, the living man loses his identity and standing and control of his property rights by means of personage crimes, undisclosed fraud, and false claims in commerce.

It's nothing but self-interested fraud that benefits the Perpetrators by creating undisclosed and unauthorized trusts, both public and private, and leaving the Perpetrators or their appointed Executors de Son Tort in control of the assets belonging to living people.

The purported Public Interest in our assets asserted by the British Crown -operated Municipal Subcontractor has a private side, too, in that the British Monarch gets a cut of the action via the establishment of a subset trust.

The purportedly lost British Territorial Seaman who just happens to be operating under the Given Name of an American, is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service working as a "Taxpayer" for the Queen (or King) collecting excise taxes -- and this fictitious Warrant Officer is deemed to be a Ward of the British Monarch. As a Ward, he has no legal standing to bring suit, no control of his own assets, and is subject to Admiralty Law.

All of these schemes use Substitution, Impersonation, Unlawful Conversion, and constructive Identity Theft as a means to rob their American victims silly. The trust schemes set up the framework, and then, the phony unauthorized military district courts do the dirty work for the British Crown Municipal Subcontractors and the Municipal Subcontractors run their own probate courts and corporate tribunals, which are all unauthorized, too, to do the same thing: illegally and unlawfully tax Americans and confiscate American assets under color of law.

They have done the same thing in Britain, The United States, all the former Commonwealth countries, seventeen still-occupied countries in Western Europe, Japan, and everywhere else they can get their Municipal Corporation franchise system going.

Their excuse? That this is the only way they can fund the government and the good works of the Church.

They conveniently forget the non-budgeted side of their crooked Double Accrual Accounting System designed by Al Capone's bookkeeper, Easy Eddie O'Hara---- the proverbial second set of books where all the undisclosed "non-budgeted" profits and our "encumbered trust assets" and all the slush fund accounts are cashiered away and never talked about.

They also forget to mention the mammoth influx of gold they received from the private Avila Family Trust that was meant to build infrastructure, provide direct relief, and pay all the costs of government -- but was then side-tracked and converted into assets backing low interest loans enabling the world to rebuild all the damage these same Municipal Corporations caused in World War II.

Conveniently, when this loan fund agreement came due in 2005, the Perpetrators defaulted and put forward False Claims on Abandonment on the deposited gold assets, in order to avoid payment back to the Avila Family Trust.

These Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, themselves acting under conditions of deceit and misrepresenting themselves as our representatives concerning matters we never delegated to them --- have proved corrupt and dishonorable, and there can be no doubt that they have operated unlawfully and illegally, both, for many years.

We have noted throughout the skillful use of "enclaves" and the choice of where these Municipal Corporation Subcontractors are incorporated, as a means to take advantage of foreign systems of law to evade their constitutional obligations and access forms of law that are not authorized in this country.

The British Crown Municipal Corporation Subcontractors arbitrarily and non-contractually set up military "districts" in The United States in order to front their phony military district court system, and they have not only done this here, but in many other countries, too.

The Municipal Corporation Subcontractors have operated unauthorized and undisclosed probate courts within the military districts provided by their colluding British cohorts, resulting in Municipal Districts and more phony courts on our shores, practicing so-called Administrative Law, and misapplying it to the General Public and utilizing probate courts that have never been authorized here to confiscate American property under color of law.

These white-collar criminals set up shop in Puerto Rico, a convenient and safe United States (meaning Federal Republic) Possession, because it is still a Commonwealth nation and because it gave them access to The Spanish Law of the Inquisition, which they have used to prosecute tax cases.

Similarly, while child labor is largely outlawed in most of the world and certainly in The United States, they have set up their latest version of "the United States of America, Incorporated" in India, in order to continue running a particularly obnoxious child labor contracting service and money laundering scam. India allows child labor and child labor contracting.

So they pick and choose where they set up shop and take advantage of different national laws that allow them to do things that are utterly outlawed in this country -- the problem being that they do these things while operating their secret franchises under our Given Names.

This results in a situation where we have an American named John Andrew Wilkes, and a British Territorial U.S. Citizen also named John Andrew Wilkes and a Municipal infant decedent Estate doing business under the name of John Andrew Wilkes and a British Subject operating as a Merchant Seaman called John Andrew Wilkes, and a British Territorial Cestui Que Vie trust operated as JOHN ANDREW WILKES, and so on.

Most of these phony persons set up as public and private trusts, public transmitting utilities, etc., have been further exploited and encumbered in derivative schemes --- where their purported assets have been bundled together and unassigned fungible shares of undesignated interest have been sold to investors.

Some of those guilty parties responsible for this are so deluded by the illusions of power and pelf that they congratulate themselves for building a world-spanning crime syndicate --- using nothing more than deceit and fraud exercised under color of law against their Employers--- and some of them think that they can go on and keep skating by promoting just one more scam: digital currency.

We wish for all these schemes and abuses to end, and for the Municipal Corporations promoting these schemes and abuses against living people to be shut down, permanently. This includes but is not limited to the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors that have been housed in the District of Columbia and their Successors --- both those operated by the British Territorial Government and those operated by the City Government -- and all their fraudulently constructed state-of-state franchises and agencies, too.

We wish for all their assets worldwide to be forfeit and made available for the use of the national government and the people they have harmed.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 16th 2023


Here come the jews attacking themselves like they've always SILENCE TRUTH.

In February 1979, a man by the name of James Gottman applied for a permit for a combined Ku Klux Klan and [so-called] "Nazi" demonstration to flood the streets of down town Philadelphia... except his real name wasn't James Gottman at all.

He was in fact Mordecai Levi, high figure of the B'nai B'rith's own organised crime gang, the ADL and formed both "Official" terrorist organisations, known as the JDL (Jewish Defense League) and the JDO (Jewish Defense Organisation).

The leader of Philadelphia's American Jewish Com­mittee, the primary organiser of the counter-demonstra­tion for that day in 1979, was close friend of the impersonator "James Guttman"/Mordecai Levy... both Jews organizing the public spectacle of agitation allegedly between two groups, of course, along with all the media coverage that serves, who?

The U.S. Jewish movement has financed and agitated every supposed instance of Nazi-Klan racial violence, including through government COINTELPRO operations; the "Greensboro Massacre" resulting in the murder of 5 Communist demonstrators and wounding 11... along with "Operation Skokie," the plan for a so-called "white supremacist" march through the predominantly Jewish neighbour­hood of Skokie, Illinois.

These marches were organised by so-called "Nazi leader" Frank Collin (and others), whose real name was actually Frank Cohn, Jewish son of a former partisan internnee at a work camp during WWII and American Zionist leader.

There is nothing new about Jewish lobbyist activities, instigating agitation as they did just in the above few examples... Two of the leading founders of the B'nai B'rith, namely Confederate Secretary of War, Judah P. Benjamin and Grandfather of both WWI and WWII's military industrialist, Bernard Baruch's; Dr. Kutner Baruch, were founders of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in 1865.

Even earlier, with their agents of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Society of Jesus, they founded the KKK's predecessor, the Knights of the Golden Circle, as a key instrument of the [B'nai] B'rith-ish elite's policy of continuing the division of the American Experiment. Even John Wilkes Booth, who killed Lincoln, was a member of their Knights of the Golden Circle.

As always, "Who Benefits"? Who is coming out the winner in these media spectacles of Jewish-designed civil unrest?

Besides maintaining the civil unrest for domestic violence and escalating divisional race wars, the intent of these clannish operatives on the payroll of all the Jewish Lobbies, is to maintain the political isolation of Jewish communities themselves, have them shaking in their boots over "Nazi's and White Supremacists" out to get them, continually wailing about the need for protection from extremists...

This secures their support for the expansionist plans and economic policies of the Israeli government and keeps in existence the powerful Lobbyist organisation, the criminal gang of the ADL and their subsidiaries (receiving an abundance of [tax free] donations), who steer governmental policy all over the world in western countries, on migration, housing, minority issues and welfare (ie; reparations and grants), foreign and military policy, so-called "hate-speech" and everything else in between.

Plus it keeps that ridiculous spectra of 'anti-Semitism" alive and the added benefit of forever demonising any Caucasian unity or national sentiments of European people (against the white genocide project), by keeping alive that other ridiculous evil spectra, of "Nazi's" - when this is absolutely nothing that the NSDAP actually stood for.


"The Constitution" as a Red Herring
By Anna Von Reitz

Further evidence and historical supporting material sent to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims March 6th, 2005, January 19th, 2023, in seq:
"The Constitution" as a Red Herring

"Red Herrings" are used as lures in certain fisheries to entrap schools of herring and sometimes their predators, too --- but the slang implication of a "Red Herring" is a distraction or non sequitur issue brought forward to obscure the actual facts or prevent discovery of evidence.

The same concept is presented by "the Rabbit Hole" phenomenon, in which people are led on endless wild goose chases by having their attention focused on material that isn't actually part of the topic they are trying to explore.

Our Federal Employees are constantly focusing all attention possible on "the Constitution" as a means of preventing more appropriate discussion. This is because the Federal Employees are ultimately all dependent on one or another of the Constitutions to provide them with power and paychecks, and if the Constitutions are overturned, they are left with no basis of authority and no money.

As a result, the Constitutions are of supreme and vital interest to our Federal Employees, but not to us.

The actual Americans who are not Federal Employees and not Federal Dependents and not dependent upon any of the Constitutions for our basis of authority or source of money, are more concerned that the Federal Employees honor their obligations under the Constitution that applies to them, and honor our guarantees, and otherwise keep their noses clean and hands out of our pockets.

Although our Federal Employees have an obnoxious habit of referring to "the" Constitution as if there were only one such document, there are actually four(4) "federal" Constitutions that may be referenced.

There is The Constitution for the united States of America, which created the Federal Republic (1787 to 1860), and The Constitution of the United States of America (1789) that created the British Territorial Government and The Constitution of the United States (1790) which created the Municipal Government.

In addition to these three venerable constitutional agreements, there is a fourth so-called "Corporate Constitution" issued by the British Territorial Government in 1868, which was foisted off as "a" constitution without full disclosure to the American Public. This undisclosed charter for a Scottish Commercial Corporation which infringed upon our Good Name, our trademarks, copyrights, and in effect, stole our identity in order to improperly access our credit, continues to be circulated even though the Scottish Usurper went bankrupt in 1906. This is the document that contains the infamous "Fourteenth Amendment".

So other than being the gravy-train and source of all good for our Federal Employees, what function or importance do the Constitutions really have today?

The 1787 Constitution which was written to establish an American Federal Subcontractor went dormant in 1860 when the original Confederation broke up and was no longer able to oversee the operations of the Federal Republic.

The "Corporate Constitution" of 1868 is obviously defunct along with the dishonest Scottish Commercial Corporation that employed it.

That leaves two Constitutions still theoretically in effect, the 1789 British Territorial Constitution, and the 1790 Municipal Constitution --- that is, The Constitution of the United States of America, and The Constitution of the United States, respectively.

All this begs the question of --- what are the Constitutions and why do they exist?

People have been taught to venerate these documents with no idea of what they actually are, apparently to undergird the self-importance of our Federal Employees and their Principals.

To put it bluntly, the Constitutions are Debt Agreements deriving from commercial Services Contracts for "essential government services" -- Article IV of all and any of these documents -- in which the States agree to pay for eighteen stipulated and "enumerated" services and the Federal Subcontractors organized under the provisions of the Constitutions agree to provide those services. The Constitutions may also be regarded as power-sharing agreements, in that the States had to delegate the "enumerated powers" needed for the Federal Subcontractors to perform their work for us.

So the Constitutions are not to be regarded as Sacred Cows by the General Population of this country, but are rather to be regarded as service contracts requiring performance by Federal Subcontractors and their employees--- all of whom are ultimately employed by us, the American States and People.

What else can we profitably observe about the Constitutions?

The Constitutions represent the implementation of the Treaty Agreements ending the War of Independence.

Of all the things that people miss about the nature and meaning of the Constitutions, this is the most damaging omission.

The Constitutions did not take place in a vacuum and they were not established for "fun" or because our American Government was incompetent to provide its own "essential government services". Nor were they some kind of sidebar deal for the rich and famous.

The Constitutions are the result of the Peace Treaty Process, a process that gave every dog a bone and provided for the peace settlement and self-interest of all the former combatants in The War of Independence.

The British were allowed to keep their property interests and gained the lucrative Territorial Government contracts.

Similarly, the Holy Roman Empire retained its property and hegemony over postal services, post offices, weights and measures, patents, copyrights, and so on.

No less than fourteen separate series of peace treaties --- Treaties of Paris, Treaties of Versailles, Treaties of Vienna, Treaties of Rome, Treaties of Westminster, Treaties of Ghent, and so on, all written by hand in diplomatic French of the period --- were required to settle The War of Independence.

When the dust settled, the Constitutions formalized and implemented the results of the treaty agreements.

We, Americans, did not get a clean-sweep victory, but we did achieve our independence and sovereignty on our own land and soil, together with a very substantial interest in the non-enumerated "powers" retained under the Tenth Amendment.

So much for the Constitutions, and now, to the meat of the matter.

The real issues are not related to the Constitutions at all.

The actual issues facing our country and our world result from rogue commercial corporations --- specifically, Municipal Corporations, operated by Territorial Government interests, being allowed to run wild and commit crimes with impunity.

Obviously, our American Government predates any service contracts established for our Federal Employees by the Constitutions, and it is our American Government --- the government of the nation states of the Union --- that acts as the Principal Party agreeing to the Treaties and their implementation via the Constitutions adopted in 1787, 1789, and 1790.

Both the problems and the solutions thus lie at an entirely different level of government, and concern us, the American People, not our Federal Employees who have been misdirected by their foreign Principals for the better part of 160 years.

Let's zero in on the real problem: Abraham Lincoln and his Administration.

Abraham Lincoln was a Bar Attorney and an Esquire. He was not eligible to function as President of The United States of America (our Federation President) as a result. This had been the case since 1819 and neither Lincoln nor his cohorts could plead any ignorance.

Lincoln could only function as "President" of the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor, dba "the United States of America, Incorporated" --- a commercial corporation --- yet he passed himself off as The President of The United States of America, unincorporated, instead.

It was this basic sleight-of-hand deceit seeking to substitute "a" British Territorial Corporation "President" for The American President that resulted in the breakdown of the Confederation. Lincoln continued to act in fraud from the moment of his election until his death.

Analysis shows that Lincoln's Assassination was most likely carried out by his own Union Generals and members of his Cabinet. General Grant and Grant's wife were both supposed to be with Lincoln at the Ford Theater that fateful night, but they begged off at the last moment and went to visit their daughter in Ohio, instead. Close associates of John Wilkes Booth showed up at the home of William H. Seward that night, and disappeared shortly after other members of Lincoln's Cabinet showed up at Seward's house for no apparent reason.

Was Grant tipped off? Obviously.

Did Seward and the other Cabinet Members just decide to throw a party for unknown reasons, after ten o'clock at night, on the night that Lincoln was murdered?

Then, we get to the rest of the Cui Bono?

Who benefited from Lincoln's death and the resulting chaos? Besides "Ulysses S (Hiram) Grant" and his Staff? Besides his Cabinet?

The big winner out of all of it was the Pope, as he owned both major Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia.

It was easy from then on for the Pope to direct his Commonwealth Overseer, the British Monarch, to play endless rounds of "Good Cop - Bad Cop" and keep the American People in a constant state of confusion, wherein they could more easily be parasitized and pillaged by both these foreign Principals.

A couple of days ago, we showed everyone the giant "military" Municipal Umbrella Corporation dba the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, otherwise known as DOD, INC.

We demonstrated how the DOD, INC. owns and operates the Territorial "Congress", the United States Treasury, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the CIA., the FBI, the Secretary of the Treasury, and yes, the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, too. These are rogue, run amok Municipal Corporations being misdirected by foreign Principals who are supposed to be our Subcontractors, Treaty Partners, and Allies.

The people associated with these corporations are not occupying or elected to any American Public Office, have no granted authority, and no explicit written contract to show.

They have been running a giant fraud scheme on our shores in violation of the Use Permits creating the District of Columbia and the Municipality of Washington, DC, both.

They have been making false claims in commerce against us and against our assets and credit for the better part of 160 years, impersonating us like any credit card hacker impersonates his victim.

There isn't a single Fiduciary Deputy in the entire Territorial Congress.

88 of the rats improperly seated in our Congressional seats recently voted to promote "perpetual war" and to continue their rampage of wars-for-profit, their illegal and meaningless in-house "vote" to appropriate money for this via the "National Defense Authorization Acts" and their equally vacuous "Authorization to Use Military Force".

There isn't a single honorable soldier employed by any actual nation in their ranks.

They have been acting as Commercial Mercenaries since 1860 and simply didn't tell anyone. This is what they have all been talking about --- "operating under a cloak of secrecy", indeed.

They had to keep it secret or every police force and actual moral person on Earth would have been down their throats, stripping them of their assets, liquidating their corporations, and kicking their rotten rumps into the sea.

We are the Aggrieved Parties whose trust has been grotesquely violated by these Federal Employees, the Primary Victims of their frauds, their Priority Creditors, and the Principal Secured Parties owed the assets they've purloined.

Apparently, everyone forgot that the Pope owns and operates all these Municipal Corporations, and that he is responsible for liquidating them when they are caught committing unlawful acts against the interests of living people.

That is the quid pro quo and standard treaty agreement allowing the Vatican and the Roman Curia to create all these Legal Fiction Entities and to profit from them in the first place. Under Ecclesiastical Law, they have to liquidate the whole mess upon demand.

When you back-track through the infinite maze of interlocking trusts and municipal corporations affiliated through the Swiss BIS and the Global Federal Reserve Banking System and all the rest of the corruption you find that the final Rat Hole is "the United States of America Corporation"
DUNS 16-190-6193.

It is for this reason that I say that the Constitutions are immaterial to the problem. The Constitutions of 1787, 1789 and 1790 are just as correct and viable as they ever were; their violation at the hands of these ruthless Municipal Corporations and the Federal Employees running them, is the problem --- not who signed the Constitutions, not anything that the Constitutions required.


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

The Mises Institute being corporate anarchists must fool “the people” to keep them divided… North vs. South … Constitution vs. Anarchy ... Union vs. Secession... and on and on. Begun in 1982, the Libertarians have been unable to bring enough awareness of criminality of The FED and their forever wars that we are now again faced with nuclear war. The people have lost a lot of freedom since the Mises Institute was founded. The reason... they are dishonest with history... fooling "the people" ... The FED is the enemy of "the people" ... not the State.

Dishonest About Abe
With malice towards all and charity towards none of Lincoln's principles and actions, 'The Real Lincoln' is the latest attempt to finish the job so ignobly begun by John Wilkes Booth in April 1865.
by Thomas L. Krannawitter

A review of The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, by Thomas DiLorenzo

With malice towards all and charity towards none of Abraham Lincoln's principles and actions, The Real Lincoln is the latest attempt to finish the job so ignobly begun by John Wilkes Booth in April 1865.

Although Lincoln breathed no more after that, his character and reputation lived on, to be sniped at ever since. The Lincoln haters are an increasingly diverse lot, with strange and not always compatible purposes.

The alleged purpose of Thomas DiLorenzo's invective is to defend constitutionalism and free market economics. He claims to demonstrate that Lincoln was an enemy of both, as well as a hypocrite on the subject of "racial equality."

What he mainly demonstrates, however, is that his aim is not nearly as good as Booth's.