

International Public Notice: Analysis for Laymen
By Anna Von Reitz

We are being killed, robbed, and defrauded by our own public employees.

That is the literal truth.

They are, in large part, being misdirected and misinformed by corporations acting as middlemen that they assume to be their employers -- but aren't actually their employers.

Their paychecks actually come from us, and so do the paychecks of the middlemen involved.

This disconnect between employer and employee results in our public employees being misled and harming their actual employers, the very people upon whom they all depend for their own livelihood --- also the very people they are paid to serve and protect.

This is how we have "Federal" troops facing off National Guardsmen in Texas.

This sounds too crazy to be true, but it is, and this is not the first time this has happened.

America is not alone in having been bamboozled. England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Roman Catholic Church all succumbed before we did.

As we began to dig into this absurd circumstance we discovered a pattern of this same thing happening for the past couple hundred years, with some of it going back far longer.

We were left wondering, how can this be?

How can people hired to protect and serve forget who they are serving, and then, not even serve themselves in the process?

The public employees aren't served by harming their employers.

Some of them get payola out of it, but ultimately, they are out of their jobs and their pensions, and some could face being hung.

So what causes so many of them to obey patently unlawful, illegal, and immoral orders?

And why are the public employee unions not protecting and properly advising their members?

Police Unions have got to know that their members are not properly insured or protected by actual public bonding. Laborer's International Unions have to know the same thing.

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees is leaving its millions of members hung out to dry, their pension funds left at risk.

The American Bar Association, International Bar Association, and US Bar Association are acting in gross dereliction of duty owed to protect and advise their members and so is the American Medical Association.

All these licensed professional organizations and Agencies hired as Subcontractors of our Subcontractors are just going along, letting their members operate under false assumptions, and leaving them liable.

All of this is happening because, among the various middlemen, there is a "middleman of middlemen": a comptroller, the banks. And the banks are corrupt, because the banks have been promoting and enriching themselves via fraud.

Thus, you have known con artists in charge of the other middlemen and they are holding the purse strings, not our lawful Congress, not our Fiduciary Deputies; if the banks stopped paying for it "in our names", none of these evil things would be happening in the world.

No wars for profit. No poisoning of the environment. No peonage and enslavement rackets.

The banks are the stopcock and bottleneck in the whole system.

Long ago, bankers were doing a simple service -- issuing and keeping track of warehouse receipts for commodities.

Ten bushels of wheat into the warehouse, one warehouse deposit receipt, ten bushes of wheat out of the warehouse, one warehouse withdrawal ticket.
Throughout Europe, they were called "bankers" in slang because the warehouses sat on the banks of rivers and bays and harbors, to expedite imports from the sea to the land and vice versa.

It was simple, and for what it was, it was honest.

So long as we were dealing in actual commodities, it remained simple and honest, because a bushel of wheat is a bushel of wheat. You can't fake it. That bushel is either in the warehouse, or it's not.

Unfortunately, things moved on from there and became more and more abstracted.

The actual bushels of wheat came to be represented by coins and still later, by paper deposit certificates instead; the banker stamped a piece of paper, signed for it, and this piece of paper now stood for ten bushels of wheat that the bank warehouse "guaranteed" to be in its possession.

We see this practice still in use in the issuance of Safekeeping Receipts called SKRs to this day.

So far, so good. Everything is still sane and on track and attached to the factual world, but circa the beginning of the 1800s, everything got out of whack and bankers began dealing in insubstantial things, like copyrights, performance contracts, and shares in joint stock corporations as "bankable assets".

Like the disconnect between employers and employees, this disconnect between the old warehouse paradigm's factual reality, and the insubstantial nature of things like promissory notes and labor contracts and bonds and shares of stock being "warehoused" and monetized, has led to gross confusion and fraud.

Some Parties figured out that they could increase what appeared to be their asset base by fictionalizing assets -- also known as "legalizing" them.

You could begin with a living man bound by a fealty oath, and create a human named after him to function as an indentured servant (peonage) and you could then create another legal fiction, a corporation franchise, and name it after him to function as a slave (enslavement).

And at each step, in each jurisdiction, you could increase your asset base and also increase your ownership and control over the victim of this fraud.

All of this is perfectly "legal" but not lawful, and the laws that apply to these fictional persons are completely different, too.

One kind of law applies to living people, another kind of law applies to Legal Persons, and yet another to CORPORATIONS. Predictably, the laws that apply to each "class of person" are increasingly Draconian and increasingly unfair as we progress from the status of a living man to that of a human to that of a slave.

If we were to allow the further descent into madness, the slaves would be redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms owned by corporations via patent, and they would be totally unrecognizable as living men.

By mistaking the living man for the other "persons" thus created and skillfully manipulating between the forms of law owed to each of them, it has been possible for the Vermin responsible and the banks supporting them, to create a completely dystopian world in which the educated and wealthy are set free to prey upon, degrade, and rob the unsuspecting public.

And that is precisely what they have done.

Except that all their works and ways have been conceived in self-interest and fraud, and fraud vitiates everything, nullifying all that it has tainted.

In the course of our research we have determined that, while appearing to act as the English Kings and Queens, the purported sovereigns of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have been acting in totally different capacities in league with the afore-described "asset control and manipulation scheme".

The British Monarch is neither a King nor a Queen, but is instead the head of a Corporate entity, a Company, called "Great Britain" -- not a country at all.

Likewise, the same Person acting as the British Monarch, can act as His or Her Imperial Majesty -- an Office of the Holy Roman Empire, which is even more detached from physical reality, and is in fact the CEO of an incorporated franchise formerly called the UNITED KINGDOM.

These phony assets are all owned and operated now as franchises of Earth, Incorporated, yet another Municipal Corporation operated out of Switzerland.

The CEO of this giant swindle scheme is called the Pindar, instead of the President; the Pindar is a priestly office associated with the Mystery Babylon religion.

As "King" Charles III was recently crowned in the office of Imperial Majesty instead of operating as any form of "King, and as "Pope" Francis is not operating in either of the traditional offices of a Pope, we may safely assume that Francis is operating in the office of the Pindar now, and as a priest of Satan -- the Father of All Lies.

And what is all this, except lies?

Lies about identity and authority, lies about offices and capacities, lies about ownership interests, lies about contractual obligations, lies about religion, lies about government, lies about everything you can think of, culminating in otherwise sane people dressing up in drag and parading around giant furnaces in the shape of an owl.

Unbelievable insanity.

Of course, when we bring this forward for public examination, some people think that we are off our rockers, too --- until they gain an understanding of how Satanism inverts everything --- and observe that Judges are now peddling injustice, doctors are promoting disease, Kings and Priests are lying about their offices and authorities, governments have been reduced to being incorporated governmental services monopolies, and a commitment to protect the public has been converted into a commitment to prey upon the public, instead.

These criminals, for criminals they are, have already forced mass human sacrifices upon us in the form of abortion on demand, endless wars replete with genocide, ethnic cleansings, and catastrophic environmental disasters, and never forget the recent pandemic democide; no doubt they ultimately hope to revive the blood-letting of the Aztecs and to restore their practice of throwing babies and dissenters into fiery furnaces as sacrifices to Satan and his minions.

Remember the Babylonian captives, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, whose Hebrew names as free men were Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah?

There is always a name change involved in the conversion associated with this venal fraud, from Babylonian times until this. This is Old School.

Just as the Babylonians gave their "human" servants new names to commemorate their denigration, and branded their slaves with signs, never believe it when you are told that James Allen Finch is the same as JAMES ALLEN FINCH or J.A. Finch or JAS. A. FINCH or anything else of this kind; each change however small, and any addition or deletion, results in the creation of a different entity or a different kind of entity.

It's the same kind of fiery furnace, too.

If we won't be fooled or seduced into doing these cruel and barbaric things voluntarily, they propose that they will do it for us -- via wars, pandemics, "legalization" of cannibalism, and other steps toward the complete denigration and destruction of mankind.

We are just as determined that the only thing going into those furnaces will be their charters and registrations and licenses and permits, and their entire "legal" system, too.

We are not deceived. We are done with evil and delusion in all its forms.

Throughout the step-by-step descent into madness there has been an increasing reliance on abstraction: a free physical, living, breathing man is abstracted as a two-dimensional character known as a human, which is subject to peonage and indentured servitude.

Next, the human is denigrated and abstracted to the level of a franchise corporation enslaved to the will of its parent corporation, and, most recently, abstracted further and rebranded as a Genetically Modified Organism owned as a product under patent.

In this country, if you are a member of the military or have a title of any kind -- Mister, Missus, Sir, Lady, Gentleman, Doctor, Professor, Confessor, Captain, Sergeant, etc., you are classed as a Human, owed British Territorial Law. Humans have no Natural and Unalienable Rights and are not Parties to the Constitutions nor heirs to their protections. They are considered foreigners in this country and subjects of the British Monarch.

If you accept any identity couched in sign language, as for example, JAMES MARTIN PIERCE, you are considered illiterate and a slave that exists as a Municipal citizen of the United States. The only law you are owed is the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

If you accepted a clot shot, you are considered a Genetically Modified Organism, owned under patent by DARPA and licensed to Microsoft, Inc.

All of this has been done to you by people taking their paychecks out of your pockets, while considering themselves your owners and masters, by "the grace of Satan" --- the Father of all the lies that have gotten them this far along the road to perdition.

Finally, let's look at how all of this has been fueled by a similar process of denigration and abstraction in the banking system.

We started out bartering freely for goods and services, my ham in trade for your potatoes, my work as a carpenter traded for your skill as a seamstress.
All is consensual and self-evident, and at least in the consideration of the participants in the exchange, it's fair.

This got abstracted to the substitution of gold and silver coins, which had accepted value in-and-of-themselves, and which could be traded for a range of other commodities. Now we were trading my gold coins for a variety of other goods and services -- hams, potatoes....but what about services?

In order to trade services in an early money system, we had to invent the concept of time and unitize it as a quantity that could be measured, assigned values, and bought and sold as services.

The second, minute, and hour were created so that men could trade their services in exchange for gold and silver coins. Along with this came a whole pecking order, as some jobs were more necessary or more skilled than others, and commanded more gold per hour.

The next level of abstraction came with the development of "certificate money" -- paper receipts standing for guaranteed quantities of warehoused gold, silver, or other physical commodities.

The "birth certificates" monetizing Municipal citizens of the United States that Franklin Delano Roosevelt literally sold as slaves to the Pope are exactly such warehouse guarantees. The British Territorial Birth Certificates that Jimmy Carter transferred to the International Monetary Fund were warehouse certificates of the same kind attached to British Territorial U.S. Citizens --- plus millions of Americans merely presumed to be British Territorial U.S. Citizens on the basis of unconscionable registrations that were engineered when they were babies.

Those tallies included millions of Americans who were neither citizens of the Municipal United States nor British Territorial U.S. Citizens, either one.

We were falsely registered and rebranded as such, because our own government remained relatively dormant and was not provided with any information regarding these activities.

Finally, the bankers utterly corrupted and abstracted the system by issuing "notes" instead of guaranteed "certificates" to be used "as" and substituted for actual money under so-called Legal Tender Laws.

Any kind of "note" is a "promissory note" otherwise known as an I.O.U. representing that the one offering it will pay you off at some later stipulated time or according to a schedule of smaller payments to be paid monthly, yearly, or whatever is agreed upon.

To be valid, a note must have a stipulated end date or repayment date that is knowingly agreed to by both parties.

No Federal Reserve Note in history has had a firm repayment date published on the face of the note, so these promissory notes are all fraudulent on their face.

Additionally, the Perpetrators have deliberately removed any means of actually paying a debt, which creates another condition of fraud and force.

All forms of promissory notes are fraudulent in another sense as well; everyone signing or accepting promissory notes has cause to know that they are bargaining on future events that cannot be guaranteed to happen.

As such, both parties to such an arrangement are engaged in a form of unregulated gambling -- a fact that banks have cause to know, but do not divulge to their victims.

When promissory notes are used as money, everyone involved is engaged in gambling on future events, in the same sense that insurance companies are engaged in legalized gambling.

Witness the pattern of abstraction: a bushel of wheat is "equivalenced" to a gold or silver coin in value, the gold or silver coin is replaced by a guaranteed warehouse certificate, the warehouse certificate is replaced by a promissory note underwritten by the good faith and credit of the U.S. Congress, that is, the elected Board of Directors of the United States of America, Incorporated.

Lacking a date certain for repayment, the promissory notes are fraudulent and subject to immediate foreclosure by the injured Preferential Creditors, the actual States and People of this country. And we have foreclosed on them.

Faced with the possibility of another round of this monkey-business and provoked by the recently announced United States Note, we have foreclosed the Federal Reserve and its Successors, as well as the International Monetary Fund.

They cannot expect to purloin and squander our assets or our credit based on unconscionable contracts and undated, unspecified promissory notes.

Their good faith on all issues has been found lacking.

An entire unregulated gambling market and futures investment market has been generated by this misuse of promissory notes without the conscious knowledge of the public.

Meanwhile, banking the value of joint stock company shares, like the advent of "mortgage backed securities" has left investors in the dark about the indivisible nature of their "share".

Think about it this way: anyone who has invested in mortgage backed securities can't point to any one house or property that they own no matter how much money they have plowed into such investments. They can't prove they own a single house.

Even pension funds have been hoodwinked.

Their investment interest is commingled with the interest of many others in the same property and there has been no regulation in place to prevent the sale and resale again and again of the same or different property or share interests which results in a ballooning of "derivative interests", with the percentage interest in the actual asset being infinitesimally subdivided.

Add to this that the legalization (fictionalizing) process results in the creation of assets that don't actually exist, and you have a recipe for both corruption and disaster.

The fictionalization of land has resulted in a proliferation of legal fiction entities all claiming to have an ownership claim on the same physical parcel, and it is one thing when that parcel is legitimately public land, but quite another when it is in private hands.

Here is an example.

The UNITED STATES, INC. went bankrupt in 2015 and it was Chapter 7, Involuntary Dissolution. This meant that all its franchises, including the local franchise doing business as the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH was also bankrupted.

The Receivers of the bankruptcy, the British Territorial State of Alaska, inherited the assets and the debts of the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH and rolled the whole shebang over into a newly created structure doing business as a British Territorial "County" --- a local franchise of the State of Alaska which is a franchise of the United States of America, Incorporated.

This new British Territorial County doing business as the Matanuska-Susitna County is now addressing all the British Territorial Humans presumed to exist and calling upon them to pay up the debts of the defunct MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH.

I, an American, who corrected my political status on the public record many years ago, and who published my Express Trust and recorded it on the Public Record years ago, and who also extracted my name(s) and all assets attached to my names, have no contract with either entity -- not the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH and not the new Successor doing business as the (British Territorial) Matanuska Susitna County, either.

We have received and returned tons of intergovernmental mail misdelivered to our privately bought and paid for post box, unopened, because we know the difference between mail and private post, and also know that we are not British Territorial U.S. Citizens and not acting as agents of their foreign corporation, so by definition, the Royal Mail Service is either committing mail fraud or not addressing us. It's addressing a British Territorial franchise "Person" named after Americans-- a Human that doesn't exist, on behalf of an equally airy-fairy British Territorial County that has no substance, either.

Next, they hold a "tax sale" of what they also "assume" to be our house and land here in Big Lake, and a gullible Buyer goes to the tax sale and thinks he has bought our land and house, etc., for a pittance based on alleged unpaid service fees owed to the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH by other non-existent franchises named after us.

All this is based on a single unconscionable and undisclosed contract foisted off on American babies in their cradles by their British Territorial employees.

We interviewed some now- former MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH Employees.

They freely disclosed that they could not and did not in fact create or own or sell any interest or accrue any debt against our house or land.

What they did create and copyright and buy and sell were their own land descriptions and location of service designators, such as street names and numbers attached to the public road easement in front of our house -- 2390 South Park Road, and their own Subdivision descriptors, such as Lot I, Block 12, Birch Park Subdivision, amounting to custom plat maps, neither of which have anything to do with us or our house.

So now, we have to fully inform the Buyer of these interests that they have nothing to do with us or our house, and if there is any problem both he and the new Matanuska Susitna County have no recourse, because the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH never had any ownership claim or interest in our substance, and technically didn't claim to have any such interest.

As the BOROUGH entity is bankrupt, they can't be held to account for any misrepresentation they made in making their Municipal addresses and plats and cataloguing systems available for sale.

So, they offered "2390 South Park Road", etc., for sale, which was their copyrighted creation, but my house and land isn't attached to their "title"; that title only attaches to a public road easement in front of our house and their other land description, Lot 12, Block 1, of the Birch Park Subdivision, only attaches to a totally imaginary Subdivision Plat, a special purpose map that they created and copyrighted and are free to sell.

Please note, if I didn't know all this, the two colluding Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia could actually succeed in illegally "latching upon" our house and land in consideration for one of them hiring a young woman to run around and make up a street name and assign a number to a piece of neighboring public road easement.

These swindles based on appearances have to stop and those indulging in these patently deceptive practices in pursuit of unjust enrichment have to be apprehended and punished for making false claims in commerce, illegal latching, misrepresentation, false registrations, and impersonation.

****Anyone hired as a Jurist by any incorporated Legal Fiction Entity and running a court to support and enforce these swindles against the American Public is committing a capital crime of inland piracy and unlawful political conversion under international law. No further Notice or Due Process is required to deal with this problem.****

And, we would assert, the Buyers of such misrepresented "property interests" should be held harmless and made whole, because they have acted without full disclosure from the Sellers and in anticipation that they were buying a house and land, not an arbitrarily made-up and copyrighted land description and a map.

The actual American Matanuska-Susitna County surveyed and defined by the Bureau of Land Management in the early territorial days prior to Territorial Statehood in 1959 encompasses land and soil as well as water and air, and that version of Matanuska-Susitna County belongs to us, as Americans, under the General Jurisdiction of Alaska, officially a State of the Union since October First 2020, retroactive to January 3rd, 1959 when Alaska -- under the provisions of The Northwest Ordinance -- entered Territorial Statehood.

The Territorial Statehood of Alaska and all the States created since the beginning of the American Civil War thus officially ended as of the first of October over three years ago, and all ownership interest in the State Trust Assets throughout this country reverted to the actual Alaskans and their counterparts in other States of the Union.

We extracted the assets of all the Territorial and Municipal STATES including the State Trusts and rolled them into two American Common Law Trusts, one public and one private; these actions and the numerous notices and liens associated with them are cured on the Public Record of the numerous and Several States and Counties.

Our courts hold superior concurrent General Jurisdiction with regard to all Americans and American assets, including our land, soil, water, and air resources.

We don't deal in legal fictions and flim-flam.

We don't recognize registrations obtained under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure. We don't recognize unconscionable contracts applied to babies in their cradles or foreign citizenship obligations arbitrarily conferred on anyone without their knowing and fully disclosed consent.

We refute and rebut any assumption that the Law of War or Law of Peace apply to us and our situation, though we would be owed the Law of Peace in any actual war; our country, The United States, has been at peace since 1814; all else that has happened here has been in the nature of illegal Mercenary Conflicts promoted by foreign Municipal and Commercial Corporation Subcontractors acting in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts.

Our Court rendered Final Judgment in April of 2014.
Let those who have ears, hear.

It should now be apparent that we have lived in the grip of a foreign peonage and enslavement racket promoted by our public employees -- who have done this while owing us good faith and service and while taking their paychecks from our pockets the entire time.

It should also be apparent that continuing these practices and acts of fraud "legalizing" -- that is, "fictionalizing" and impersonating actual people, and using this to promote actual crimes against humanity, has to come to an end.

There is nothing fictional about the harm being caused by these impersonations, misrepresentations, and mercenary acts of fraud, force, and violence.

The corporations responsible must be dissolved back into the ether from which they sprang and the Principals and responsible Parties who have concocted and run this con game have to be recognized as the criminals they are.

It must also be firmly recognized that by descending to the level of an incorporated entity, any subcontractor of this or any other government, loses State Immunity.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: Why "Britain" is a Territory
By Anna Von Reitz

In order to maintain national and international standing, each country must retain and maintain its land and soil jurisdiction, and its living population of men and women, who are endowed with Natural and Unalienable Rights. Each country is physically defined and has published definable borders within which it enjoys general jurisdiction over its land and soil, air, and water resources.

England is a country.
Scotland is a country.
Ireland is a country.
Wales is a country.

Each country has a lawful government. In most cases, they also have Territories and may have Municipalities, too, which maintain separate jurisdictions.

Britain is, in effect, a union of four separate countries, and is a separate fictional creation standing for the four sovereign countries as if they were one country in international jurisdiction.

This is similar to the union of our States in America, called The United States, which is a fictional instrumentality created to wield certain mutually shared powers of the sovereign member-states.

As they are not sovereign entities themselves, these melded-together creations depend upon the sovereignty of the member countries, or in our case, our Federation of States depends on our member States which are individual small countries holding general jurisdiction.

It should be apparent that without the sovereign member countries or sovereign member States, these dependent entities whether described as Unions or Federations or Confederations, have "no standing".

They are like a doll's dress, without the doll.

When Queen Anne vacated the land and soil of England in favor of acting as the British Queen, she removed herself from what is known as "Original Jurisdiction". She did not, as some people assume, act as the Queen of England, the Queen of Scotland, the Queen of Ireland, and the Queen of Wales. Queen of Britain is an abstract office in a different Territorial jurisdiction.

Elizabeth II was working for sovereign countries in international jurisdictions but not directly representing England, because as we know, she vacated the English Throne within three days of taking the Coronation Vow.

This means that she was either operating without standing or she was working for a foreign sovereign government other than England, and as she owed her crown to the Pope no less than her ancestors and was still obligated to work as the Overseer of the Commonwealth lands to maintain her position, it's a good bet that the foreign sovereign that gave her standing was the Vatican City-State.

According to the rest of the provisions and history we have uncovered, and also in view of the recent coronation of King Charles III who was crowned as his Imperial Majesty -- not the King of England, and not the King of Great Britain, either -- it seems obvious that the late Queen worked for the Pope all of her adult life, as her predecessors have.

Her Son has followed in her footsteps, albeit, more honorably, (he never took the Christian Coronation Vow, so he didn't have to sneak around voiding it), and continues to work directly for the Roman Hierarchy, though as we have also discovered, not for the Pope, or even "a" Pope, that we can discern, as Pope Francis could not enter the Office of the Roman Pontiff, has not received the sacred ministerial Office from Benedict XVI, which leaves him operating as the Prince of the Air.

Like Charles, the only office that was left for Francis to operate in was the Former Pope's office in the jurisdiction of the air.

We deduce and are aware that they committed crimes on the land and sea and fled to the air as a protective measure and to continue their assault on the living people -- people to whom they owe good faith and service. They have instead attempted to denigrate the entire population and secretly forced most of humanity into an undisclosed system of both peonage and slavery.

Why is the discussion of Britain as a Territorial Power important against this backdrop of fraud, breach of trust, and criminality?

One issue is that by the contracts and grants and everything else surrounding the construction of the British Union, the British Monarch is required to be Protestant, and as we have discovered, King Henry the Eighth double-crossed the Anglican Church while acting as its Head. So, he and his heirs have all done the same, worked as Overseers for the Popes and collected 40% of the take from all the personage and certificate and denigration schemes.

Charles III didn't take the Christian Coronation Vow and his Mother skipped on hers, so it follows that at the very least, Elizabeth II can't be counted as a "Protestant" and neither can Charles III. Most likely they can't be counted as Catholics, either; it appears that they belong to the long-suppressed Roman Cult that also ensconced itself in the Inner City of London and the City of Washington, DC.

Not being a Protestant voids everything that Elizabeth II did as Queen of Great Britain and would void everything that Charles III attempted to do. Both the Throne of England and the Office of Queen/King of Great Britain are thus vacated -- and have been for a long time.

Only the Imperial Office remains, but it remains totally without substance.

Everything we have observed about British Territorial powers being used to undermine, subvert, and usurp upon the lawful authorities now applies--- for not only were these crimes in-and-of themselves, but it turns out that they were accomplished under a Pretense of power and authority.

When Elizabeth II ditched her Coronation Vow and voided the obligation to be and act as a Christian of any kind, much less a Protestant, she also voided her Office as Queen of Great Britain. Any action she undertook in the Territorial jurisdiction, either in the guise of a land protectorate or at sea, is null and void for fraud, lack of standing, and lack of authority since 1953, and the overall fraud may extend back all the way to Queen Anne.

No doubt, "Francis" and Charles III imagine that they will be able to wield the powers of the jurisdiction of the air and use the instruments of that jurisdiction to devastating and final effect, as they will pretend to own the names of nearly everyone and every corporation and invention, too, through copyrights, patents, and trademarks administered by the British commercial conglomerate SERCO.

However, they have been severed from the body of their authority and so, have lost the world of substance. Nobody can assume the existence of any authority to enforce the obligations of the legal fictions that their scheme depends upon, because the Perpetrators lacked the substance, standing, and authority to form the legal fictions in the first place.

We have all been the victims of an organized commercial crime syndicate. Our research indicates that the roots of this syndicate go all the way back to the Hanseatic League, an arrangement by which German business interests ran the economies of other countries. Anyone who is interested in the development of the more recent version of these same evils may read the Treaty of Utrecht, 1713-14.

Once you realize that the English Throne has been in the possession of German interests since the early 1700's, it all makes sense. Even the Second World War makes sense in terms of two German hegemonies fighting against each other.

Once you realize that there is no such country as Great Britain and that you are dealing with a separate business entity "representing" four kingdoms, more smoke begins to clear.

And when you realize that the military worldwide has been reduced to the level of imaginary "humans" and denigrated so that they can never enjoy the freedom they have fought for and the peace they have sought to achieve, that they have been used as cheap mercenaries without their knowledge or consent, still more smoke clears away.

As we have seen, there has been no King or Queen of England for a long time, nor has there been a competent "King" or "Queen" of Great Britain since at least 1953. We don't currently have a Pope, either, in any traditional sense of the word, as Jorge Bergolio could not inherit the Office of the Roman Pontiff which was dissolved in 2011 and there is no known process by which he inherited the ministerial office of the Pope which was retained by Benedict XVI.

Territorial forces have been used throughout to illegally occupy country after country, using their own troops to do it, so that American troops were used to commandeer America, Australian troops were used to commandeer Australia, and so on. Commercial corporations have been given contracts to run entire occupied countries in a reprise of what South Africa suffered under the British South Africa Company and Cecil Rhodes.

And we know that, at least in England, there was no English Queen with standing to charter corporations and no Queen of Great Britain with standing to register corporations.

So just as Great Britain has been a Territorial entity used to undermine first England and then other countries ---and is not a country itself, the Queen was not a Queen, and the Pope is not a Pope, and even the corporations are not corporations.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652'>'>


ECETI News Protecting democracy is the platform the Democrats are running on. They have weaponized all the agencies; mainstream and social media have censored anyone who is in opposition or disagreement with the policies of the present administration. They have been using lawfare to censor and remove opposition. This included raids and jailing people for passing along Clinton memes. They are doing everything possible to remove the leading candidate off the ballot. This is the opposite of democracy. The truth of the matter is we are a Republic with God given natural unalienable rights with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Something the left and most democrats abhor. Their policies are not law most of which are unconstitutional and go against natural or common law. Know the difference. I would have to say almost everything they do goes against common sense.

Government officials and the military swear an oath to protect the people and the constitution. In these matters the current administration and top military officials are a total fail. They have been lockstep in the global elite plan to take down America. How did leaving billions of dollars of weapons, tanks, helicopters, trucks in enemy hands behind help our military protect and provide security for the American people? How did funding Isis and Iran help bring peace to the middle east? How did vaccinating the troops with what is now known to be a bioweapon, the clot shot make our troops battle ready. What consequences did it have on our pilots many of which are now grounded? This is not rocket science. Allowing millions of illegal aliens, mystery men come across the border unvetted, unvaxed, giving them hotels, money, medical including sex changes, bussing and flying them across the nation dropping them off, how is this in Americas highest and best good?

Our border patrol is reduced to processors, nannies and uber drivers. In some cases, democrats are passing legislation giving illegal aliens drivers licenses, pressuring them to vote democrat. This is nothing more than stacking the deck in upcoming elections, a bid for power and control at the people’s expense. The insurance companies are asking why no increase in policies, uninsured drivers are epidemic, car chases are off the scale along with deadly accidents often involving high speed chases, drugs, alcohol and human trafficking. They are now passing legislation for them to be able to buy a weapon. How can they do that with a straight face? How is that going to decrease the rapidly escalating crime wave already occurring. Looters are forming their own unions with guidelines. Break windows, destroy the buildings, show in numbers and take as much as possible. These policies and actions are undeniably breaking their sworn oath to protect the people. Does all this make you feel safe, warm and fuzzy?

Taking money from hostile foreign nations, members of the global elite sworn to take down America is Treason and there is sufficient evidence this is being done all the way to the top. Yet no matter what they do they have a get out of jail card free. They can lie, steal, inside trade, take bribes, riot, loot, burn down businesses, homes and get a pass with the media and law enforcement in most democratic run states. The media is claiming these are peaceful demonstrations with businesses, cars, home burning in the background with ongoing looting and violence on camera. If you are conservative, prochoice, question their authority the book will be thrown at you. Most politicians are in the war and disease profiteers back pockets which is why you will never see an end to war and disease. This is all starring the American people in the face, it is undeniable.

There are a few reasons for supporting this nonsense. One being corrupt, totally morally and integrity challenged. Another would be to be socially engineered to the point of cognitive dissonance. No matter how much evidence and proof is put in front of you it doesn’t matter. We are seeing this with TDS, Trump derangement syndrome. The Russian pee tapes never existed, there was never any Russian collusion, Trump has not been charged with or found guilty of insurrection yet they are taking him off the ballot for insurrection? Now they are saying Trump was on Epstein Island even though the court documents clearly stated he was not. The lame stream media is posting pictures of Trump, Clinton and Epstein trying to sell the lie that they are all together in this. In fact, Trump threw Epstein out of Mar Largo for hitting on underage girls. If you follow the continued law fare, they have no cases whatsoever, no evidence, no one harmed all they have is crooked DAs and Judges trying to keep him off the ballot. It called election interference. You would never know this if you allowed the majority of the main stream media to tell you what is happening.

The polls are rigged, the elections were rigged, the ballots were harvested and faked, Joe can’t even fill a high school gymnasium even when he is paying for them to come. This is 1 plus 1 equal 2 math. The democrats can only run on the lies and deceptions fueling TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, they have nothing else. The economy is _hit, crime is through the roof, our borders are wide open, our military is the laughing stock of the world with Generals in dresses wearing lipstick. The worst joke on the American people is our current president. How many gaffs, poopy diaper and senile jokes do we have to hear? Joe needs to go along with the vast majority of his administration. The open border, the escalating crime, the runaway inflation, the food shortages, energy shortages, poverty and homelessness all are testimony to a total fail. It is as if someone else is in charge who hates America and is sponsoring everything possible to destroy it. Follow the money.

All you have to do is put a grow light and a sand box in his back yard with a pack of pampers, record some seagulls and tell him he is at the beach. He would never figure it out. He never knows where he is, where to go and what to

say incapable of even reading a teleprompter.

What I am amazed at is no one is seeing this is all by design. Keep them sick, poor and stupid has always been their game plan. It is the game plan of the global elite. They want over 7 billion people dead, gone, off the planet in their own words and their depopulation programs are in full swing with wars and deadly debilitating vaccines. Your food and water in most cases has been corrupted not to mention chemtrails with heavy metals and biologicals. They want everyone divided, religions, cultures, races, genders how can you miss this. Do you think you and your family not a target because you are the right political party, culture, religion or race? If you play ball with them, do you think they will protect you. If you have played ball with them in the past you are even more of a threat because you know too much.

There are a few brave souls combating this it is time to get behind them. Trump is the main character now. He is the only one with the backbone to take back America. He cannot be bought. Think of him what you want but know where those ideas came from and be brutally honest does the character assassinations, accusations, lies and slander have any merit? Do you have any firsthand experience or knowledge. Why do those in his inner circle, those who work for him love him? How can you know any of the attacks on his character to be true?

Trump protected our borders, other countries admired us and respected our military, we had a great economy, jobs were up, crime was down, we were energy independent selling excess to other countries. What happened? If you can’t see what happened, the obvious then no words can explain it to you. If anyone continues to support this madness God/Creator/Great Spirit help you. You are critically thinking, research, morally and integrity impaired. You don’t deserve freedom. What you need is a wakeup call and it is coming.

Nothing can stop what is coming. The planetary liberation is cosmic, multidimensional, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth is unstoppable. The entire Universe is behind it. There are two choices. The upward spiral living in harmony with each other and nature living a spiritual life according to Universal Law. The other choice is to be self-serving, lust for power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth, the downward spiral ending in social, economic and environmental collapse. Karma is accelerating. Everything is being revealed nothing will remain hidden. Time to make a choice. For those who missed it Universal Law is Universal Peace. Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. When you step out of Universal Law you create Karma. In some cases, it will be Truckma. Time to Unite, release the past, forgive yourself and others, transcend all religious and cultural boundaries and work together to end the tyranny, the enslavers, the war and disease profiteers, those promoting the divisions, the keep them sick, poor and stupid agendas. The group that is at war with the Creator in all creation. They serve different gods that thrive on death and destruction. We are all in this together. It is time to unite under Universal Law. A whole new world is waiting for us. A quantum leap in consciousness, energy and evolution. A world where spiritual technologies will look like magic.

This message will be heavily censored so to counter that pass it far and wide.
Be well, James Gilliland

ECETI RANCH   will be closing for the 2023 season   September 18th  th 2023 ​


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International Public Notice: Analysis for Laymen
By Anna Von Reitz

We are being killed, robbed, and defrauded by our own public employees.

That is the literal truth.

They are, in large part, being misdirected and misinformed by corporations acting as middlemen that they assume to be their employers -- but aren't actually their employers.

Their paychecks actually come from us, and so do the paychecks of the middlemen involved.

This disconnect between employer and employee results in our public employees being misled and harming their actual employers, the very people upon whom they all depend for their own livelihood --- also the very people they are paid to serve and protect.

This is how we have "Federal" troops facing off National Guardsmen in Texas.

This sounds too crazy to be true, but it is, and this is not the first time this has happened.

America is not alone in having been bamboozled. England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Roman Catholic Church all succumbed before we did.

As we began to dig into this absurd circumstance we discovered a pattern of this same thing happening for the past couple hundred years, with some of it going back far longer.

We were left wondering, how can this be?

How can people hired to protect and serve forget who they are serving, and then, not even serve themselves in the process?

The public employees aren't served by harming their employers.

Some of them get payola out of it, but ultimately, they are out of their jobs and their pensions, and some could face being hung.

So what causes so many of them to obey patently unlawful, illegal, and immoral orders?

And why are the public employee unions not protecting and properly advising their members?

Police Unions have got to know that their members are not properly insured or protected by actual public bonding. Laborer's International Unions have to know the same thing.

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees is leaving its millions of members hung out to dry, their pension funds left at risk.

The American Bar Association, International Bar Association, and US Bar Association are acting in gross dereliction of duty owed to protect and advise their members and so is the American Medical Association.

All these licensed professional organizations and Agencies hired as Subcontractors of our Subcontractors are just going along, letting their members operate under false assumptions, and leaving them liable.

All of this is happening because, among the various middlemen, there is a "middleman of middlemen": a comptroller, the banks. And the banks are corrupt, because the banks have been promoting and enriching themselves via fraud.

Thus, you have known con artists in charge of the other middlemen and they are holding the purse strings, not our lawful Congress, not our Fiduciary Deputies; if the banks stopped paying for it "in our names", none of these evil things would be happening in the world.

No wars for profit. No poisoning of the environment. No peonage and enslavement rackets.

The banks are the stopcock and bottleneck in the whole system.

Long ago, bankers were doing a simple service -- issuing and keeping track of warehouse receipts for commodities.

Ten bushels of wheat into the warehouse, one warehouse deposit receipt, ten bushes of wheat out of the warehouse, one warehouse withdrawal ticket.
Throughout Europe, they were called "bankers" in slang because the warehouses sat on the banks of rivers and bays and harbors, to expedite imports from the sea to the land and vice versa.

It was simple, and for what it was, it was honest.

So long as we were dealing in actual commodities, it remained simple and honest, because a bushel of wheat is a bushel of wheat. You can't fake it. That bushel is either in the warehouse, or it's not.

Unfortunately, things moved on from there and became more and more abstracted.

The actual bushels of wheat came to be represented by coins and still later, by paper deposit certificates instead; the banker stamped a piece of paper, signed for it, and this piece of paper now stood for ten bushels of wheat that the bank warehouse "guaranteed" to be in its possession.

We see this practice still in use in the issuance of Safekeeping Receipts called SKRs to this day.

So far, so good. Everything is still sane and on track and attached to the factual world, but circa the beginning of the 1800s, everything got out of whack and bankers began dealing in insubstantial things, like copyrights, performance contracts, and shares in joint stock corporations as "bankable assets".

Like the disconnect between employers and employees, this disconnect between the old warehouse paradigm's factual reality, and the insubstantial nature of things like promissory notes and labor contracts and bonds and shares of stock being "warehoused" and monetized, has led to gross confusion and fraud.

Some Parties figured out that they could increase what appeared to be their asset base by fictionalizing assets -- also known as "legalizing" them.

You could begin with a living man bound by a fealty oath, and create a human named after him to function as an indentured servant (peonage) and you could then create another legal fiction, a corporation franchise, and name it after him to function as a slave (enslavement).

And at each step, in each jurisdiction, you could increase your asset base and also increase your ownership and control over the victim of this fraud.

All of this is perfectly "legal" but not lawful, and the laws that apply to these fictional persons are completely different, too.

One kind of law applies to living people, another kind of law applies to Legal Persons, and yet another to CORPORATIONS. Predictably, the laws that apply to each "class of person" are increasingly Draconian and increasingly unfair as we progress from the status of a living man to that of a human to that of a slave.

If we were to allow the further descent into madness, the slaves would be redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms owned by corporations via patent, and they would be totally unrecognizable as living men.

By mistaking the living man for the other "persons" thus created and skillfully manipulating between the forms of law owed to each of them, it has been possible for the Vermin responsible and the banks supporting them, to create a completely dystopian world in which the educated and wealthy are set free to prey upon, degrade, and rob the unsuspecting public.

And that is precisely what they have done.

Except that all their works and ways have been conceived in self-interest and fraud, and fraud vitiates everything, nullifying all that it has tainted.

In the course of our research we have determined that, while appearing to act as the English Kings and Queens, the purported sovereigns of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have been acting in totally different capacities in league with the afore-described "asset control and manipulation scheme".

The British Monarch is neither a King nor a Queen, but is instead the head of a Corporate entity, a Company, called "Great Britain" -- not a country at all.

Likewise, the same Person acting as the British Monarch, can act as His or Her Imperial Majesty -- an Office of the Holy Roman Empire, which is even more detached from physical reality, and is in fact the CEO of an incorporated franchise formerly called the UNITED KINGDOM.

These phony assets are all owned and operated now as franchises of Earth, Incorporated, yet another Municipal Corporation operated out of Switzerland.

The CEO of this giant swindle scheme is called the Pindar, instead of the President; the Pindar is a priestly office associated with the Mystery Babylon religion.

As "King" Charles III was recently crowned in the office of Imperial Majesty instead of operating as any form of "King, and as "Pope" Francis is not operating in either of the traditional offices of a Pope, we may safely assume that Francis is operating in the office of the Pindar now, and as a priest of Satan -- the Father of All Lies.

And what is all this, except lies?

Lies about identity and authority, lies about offices and capacities, lies about ownership interests, lies about contractual obligations, lies about religion, lies about government, lies about everything you can think of, culminating in otherwise sane people dressing up in drag and parading around giant furnaces in the shape of an owl.

Unbelievable insanity.

Of course, when we bring this forward for public examination, some people think that we are off our rockers, too --- until they gain an understanding of how Satanism inverts everything --- and observe that Judges are now peddling injustice, doctors are promoting disease, Kings and Priests are lying about their offices and authorities, governments have been reduced to being incorporated governmental services monopolies, and a commitment to protect the public has been converted into a commitment to prey upon the public, instead.

These criminals, for criminals they are, have already forced mass human sacrifices upon us in the form of abortion on demand, endless wars replete with genocide, ethnic cleansings, and catastrophic environmental disasters, and never forget the recent pandemic democide; no doubt they ultimately hope to revive the blood-letting of the Aztecs and to restore their practice of throwing babies and dissenters into fiery furnaces as sacrifices to Satan and his minions.

Remember the Babylonian captives, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, whose Hebrew names as free men were Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah?

There is always a name change involved in the conversion associated with this venal fraud, from Babylonian times until this. This is Old School.

Just as the Babylonians gave their "human" servants new names to commemorate their denigration, and branded their slaves with signs, never believe it when you are told that James Allen Finch is the same as JAMES ALLEN FINCH or J.A. Finch or JAS. A. FINCH or anything else of this kind; each change however small, and any addition or deletion, results in the creation of a different entity or a different kind of entity.

It's the same kind of fiery furnace, too.

If we won't be fooled or seduced into doing these cruel and barbaric things voluntarily, they propose that they will do it for us -- via wars, pandemics, "legalization" of cannibalism, and other steps toward the complete denigration and destruction of mankind.

We are just as determined that the only thing going into those furnaces will be their charters and registrations and licenses and permits, and their entire "legal" system, too.

We are not deceived. We are done with evil and delusion in all its forms.

Throughout the step-by-step descent into madness there has been an increasing reliance on abstraction: a free physical, living, breathing man is abstracted as a two-dimensional character known as a human, which is subject to peonage and indentured servitude.

Next, the human is denigrated and abstracted to the level of a franchise corporation enslaved to the will of its parent corporation, and, most recently, abstracted further and rebranded as a Genetically Modified Organism owned as a product under patent.

In this country, if you are a member of the military or have a title of any kind -- Mister, Missus, Sir, Lady, Gentleman, Doctor, Professor, Confessor, Captain, Sergeant, etc., you are classed as a Human, owed British Territorial Law. Humans have no Natural and Unalienable Rights and are not Parties to the Constitutions nor heirs to their protections. They are considered foreigners in this country and subjects of the British Monarch.

If you accept any identity couched in sign language, as for example, JAMES MARTIN PIERCE, you are considered illiterate and a slave that exists as a Municipal citizen of the United States. The only law you are owed is the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

If you accepted a clot shot, you are considered a Genetically Modified Organism, owned under patent by DARPA and licensed to Microsoft, Inc.

All of this has been done to you by people taking their paychecks out of your pockets, while considering themselves your owners and masters, by "the grace of Satan" --- the Father of all the lies that have gotten them this far along the road to perdition.

Finally, let's look at how all of this has been fueled by a similar process of denigration and abstraction in the banking system.

We started out bartering freely for goods and services, my ham in trade for your potatoes, my work as a carpenter traded for your skill as a seamstress.
All is consensual and self-evident, and at least in the consideration of the participants in the exchange, it's fair.

This got abstracted to the substitution of gold and silver coins, which had accepted value in-and-of-themselves, and which could be traded for a range of other commodities. Now we were trading my gold coins for a variety of other goods and services -- hams, potatoes....but what about services?

In order to trade services in an early money system, we had to invent the concept of time and unitize it as a quantity that could be measured, assigned values, and bought and sold as services.

The second, minute, and hour were created so that men could trade their services in exchange for gold and silver coins. Along with this came a whole pecking order, as some jobs were more necessary or more skilled than others, and commanded more gold per hour.

The next level of abstraction came with the development of "certificate money" -- paper receipts standing for guaranteed quantities of warehoused gold, silver, or other physical commodities.

The "birth certificates" monetizing Municipal citizens of the United States that Franklin Delano Roosevelt literally sold as slaves to the Pope are exactly such warehouse guarantees. The British Territorial Birth Certificates that Jimmy Carter transferred to the International Monetary Fund were warehouse certificates of the same kind attached to British Territorial U.S. Citizens --- plus millions of Americans merely presumed to be British Territorial U.S. Citizens on the basis of unconscionable registrations that were engineered when they were babies.

Those tallies included millions of Americans who were neither citizens of the Municipal United States nor British Territorial U.S. Citizens, either one.

We were falsely registered and rebranded as such, because our own government remained relatively dormant and was not provided with any information regarding these activities.

Finally, the bankers utterly corrupted and abstracted the system by issuing "notes" instead of guaranteed "certificates" to be used "as" and substituted for actual money under so-called Legal Tender Laws.

Any kind of "note" is a "promissory note" otherwise known as an I.O.U. representing that the one offering it will pay you off at some later stipulated time or according to a schedule of smaller payments to be paid monthly, yearly, or whatever is agreed upon.

To be valid, a note must have a stipulated end date or repayment date that is knowingly agreed to by both parties.

No Federal Reserve Note in history has had a firm repayment date published on the face of the note, so these promissory notes are all fraudulent on their face.

Additionally, the Perpetrators have deliberately removed any means of actually paying a debt, which creates another condition of fraud and force.

All forms of promissory notes are fraudulent in another sense as well; everyone signing or accepting promissory notes has cause to know that they are bargaining on future events that cannot be guaranteed to happen.

As such, both parties to such an arrangement are engaged in a form of unregulated gambling -- a fact that banks have cause to know, but do not divulge to their victims.

When promissory notes are used as money, everyone involved is engaged in gambling on future events, in the same sense that insurance companies are engaged in legalized gambling.

Witness the pattern of abstraction: a bushel of wheat is "equivalenced" to a gold or silver coin in value, the gold or silver coin is replaced by a guaranteed warehouse certificate, the warehouse certificate is replaced by a promissory note underwritten by the good faith and credit of the U.S. Congress, that is, the elected Board of Directors of the United States of America, Incorporated.

Lacking a date certain for repayment, the promissory notes are fraudulent and subject to immediate foreclosure by the injured Preferential Creditors, the actual States and People of this country. And we have foreclosed on them.

Faced with the possibility of another round of this monkey-business and provoked by the recently announced United States Note, we have foreclosed the Federal Reserve and its Successors, as well as the International Monetary Fund.

They cannot expect to purloin and squander our assets or our credit based on unconscionable contracts and undated, unspecified promissory notes.

Their good faith on all issues has been found lacking.

An entire unregulated gambling market and futures investment market has been generated by this misuse of promissory notes without the conscious knowledge of the public.

Meanwhile, banking the value of joint stock company shares, like the advent of "mortgage backed securities" has left investors in the dark about the indivisible nature of their "share".

Think about it this way: anyone who has invested in mortgage backed securities can't point to any one house or property that they own no matter how much money they have plowed into such investments. They can't prove they own a single house.

Even pension funds have been hoodwinked.

Their investment interest is commingled with the interest of many others in the same property and there has been no regulation in place to prevent the sale and resale again and again of the same or different property or share interests which results in a ballooning of "derivative interests", with the percentage interest in the actual asset being infinitesimally subdivided.

Add to this that the legalization (fictionalizing) process results in the creation of assets that don't actually exist, and you have a recipe for both corruption and disaster.

The fictionalization of land has resulted in a proliferation of legal fiction entities all claiming to have an ownership claim on the same physical parcel, and it is one thing when that parcel is legitimately public land, but quite another when it is in private hands.

Here is an example.

The UNITED STATES, INC. went bankrupt in 2015 and it was Chapter 7, Involuntary Dissolution. This meant that all its franchises, including the local franchise doing business as the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH was also bankrupted.

The Receivers of the bankruptcy, the British Territorial State of Alaska, inherited the assets and the debts of the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH and rolled the whole shebang over into a newly created structure doing business as a British Territorial "County" --- a local franchise of the State of Alaska which is a franchise of the United States of America, Incorporated.

This new British Territorial County doing business as the Matanuska-Susitna County is now addressing all the British Territorial Humans presumed to exist and calling upon them to pay up the debts of the defunct MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH.

I, an American, who corrected my political status on the public record many years ago, and who published my Express Trust and recorded it on the Public Record years ago, and who also extracted my name(s) and all assets attached to my names, have no contract with either entity -- not the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH and not the new Successor doing business as the (British Territorial) Matanuska Susitna County, either.

We have received and returned tons of intergovernmental mail misdelivered to our privately bought and paid for post box, unopened, because we know the difference between mail and private post, and also know that we are not British Territorial U.S. Citizens and not acting as agents of their foreign corporation, so by definition, the Royal Mail Service is either committing mail fraud or not addressing us. It's addressing a British Territorial franchise "Person" named after Americans-- a Human that doesn't exist, on behalf of an equally airy-fairy British Territorial County that has no substance, either.

Next, they hold a "tax sale" of what they also "assume" to be our house and land here in Big Lake, and a gullible Buyer goes to the tax sale and thinks he has bought our land and house, etc., for a pittance based on alleged unpaid service fees owed to the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH by other non-existent franchises named after us.

All this is based on a single unconscionable and undisclosed contract foisted off on American babies in their cradles by their British Territorial employees.

We interviewed some now- former MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH Employees.

They freely disclosed that they could not and did not in fact create or own or sell any interest or accrue any debt against our house or land.

What they did create and copyright and buy and sell were their own land descriptions and location of service designators, such as street names and numbers attached to the public road easement in front of our house -- 2390 South Park Road, and their own Subdivision descriptors, such as Lot I, Block 12, Birch Park Subdivision, amounting to custom plat maps, neither of which have anything to do with us or our house.

So now, we have to fully inform the Buyer of these interests that they have nothing to do with us or our house, and if there is any problem both he and the new Matanuska Susitna County have no recourse, because the MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH never had any ownership claim or interest in our substance, and technically didn't claim to have any such interest.

As the BOROUGH entity is bankrupt, they can't be held to account for any misrepresentation they made in making their Municipal addresses and plats and cataloguing systems available for sale.

So, they offered "2390 South Park Road", etc., for sale, which was their copyrighted creation, but my house and land isn't attached to their "title"; that title only attaches to a public road easement in front of our house and their other land description, Lot 12, Block 1, of the Birch Park Subdivision, only attaches to a totally imaginary Subdivision Plat, a special purpose map that they created and copyrighted and are free to sell.

Please note, if I didn't know all this, the two colluding Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia could actually succeed in illegally "latching upon" our house and land in consideration for one of them hiring a young woman to run around and make up a street name and assign a number to a piece of neighboring public road easement.

These swindles based on appearances have to stop and those indulging in these patently deceptive practices in pursuit of unjust enrichment have to be apprehended and punished for making false claims in commerce, illegal latching, misrepresentation, false registrations, and impersonation.

****Anyone hired as a Jurist by any incorporated Legal Fiction Entity and running a court to support and enforce these swindles against the American Public is committing a capital crime of inland piracy and unlawful political conversion under international law. No further Notice or Due Process is required to deal with this problem.****

And, we would assert, the Buyers of such misrepresented "property interests" should be held harmless and made whole, because they have acted without full disclosure from the Sellers and in anticipation that they were buying a house and land, not an arbitrarily made-up and copyrighted land description and a map.

The actual American Matanuska-Susitna County surveyed and defined by the Bureau of Land Management in the early territorial days prior to Territorial Statehood in 1959 encompasses land and soil as well as water and air, and that version of Matanuska-Susitna County belongs to us, as Americans, under the General Jurisdiction of Alaska, officially a State of the Union since October First 2020, retroactive to January 3rd, 1959 when Alaska -- under the provisions of The Northwest Ordinance -- entered Territorial Statehood.

The Territorial Statehood of Alaska and all the States created since the beginning of the American Civil War thus officially ended as of the first of October over three years ago, and all ownership interest in the State Trust Assets throughout this country reverted to the actual Alaskans and their counterparts in other States of the Union.

We extracted the assets of all the Territorial and Municipal STATES including the State Trusts and rolled them into two American Common Law Trusts, one public and one private; these actions and the numerous notices and liens associated with them are cured on the Public Record of the numerous and Several States and Counties.

Our courts hold superior concurrent General Jurisdiction with regard to all Americans and American assets, including our land, soil, water, and air resources.

We don't deal in legal fictions and flim-flam.

We don't recognize registrations obtained under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure. We don't recognize unconscionable contracts applied to babies in their cradles or foreign citizenship obligations arbitrarily conferred on anyone without their knowing and fully disclosed consent.

We refute and rebut any assumption that the Law of War or Law of Peace apply to us and our situation, though we would be owed the Law of Peace in any actual war; our country, The United States, has been at peace since 1814; all else that has happened here has been in the nature of illegal Mercenary Conflicts promoted by foreign Municipal and Commercial Corporation Subcontractors acting in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts.

Our Court rendered Final Judgment in April of 2014.
Let those who have ears, hear.

It should now be apparent that we have lived in the grip of a foreign peonage and enslavement racket promoted by our public employees -- who have done this while owing us good faith and service and while taking their paychecks from our pockets the entire time.

It should also be apparent that continuing these practices and acts of fraud "legalizing" -- that is, "fictionalizing" and impersonating actual people, and using this to promote actual crimes against humanity, has to come to an end.

There is nothing fictional about the harm being caused by these impersonations, misrepresentations, and mercenary acts of fraud, force, and violence.

The corporations responsible must be dissolved back into the ether from which they sprang and the Principals and responsible Parties who have concocted and run this con game have to be recognized as the criminals they are.

It must also be firmly recognized that by descending to the level of an incorporated entity, any subcontractor of this or any other government, loses State Immunity.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: Why "Britain" is a Territory
By Anna Von Reitz

In order to maintain national and international standing, each country must retain and maintain its land and soil jurisdiction, and its living population of men and women, who are endowed with Natural and Unalienable Rights. Each country is physically defined and has published definable borders within which it enjoys general jurisdiction over its land and soil, air, and water resources.

England is a country.
Scotland is a country.
Ireland is a country.
Wales is a country.

Each country has a lawful government. In most cases, they also have Territories and may have Municipalities, too, which maintain separate jurisdictions.

Britain is, in effect, a union of four separate countries, and is a separate fictional creation standing for the four sovereign countries as if they were one country in international jurisdiction.

This is similar to the union of our States in America, called The United States, which is a fictional instrumentality created to wield certain mutually shared powers of the sovereign member-states.

As they are not sovereign entities themselves, these melded-together creations depend upon the sovereignty of the member countries, or in our case, our Federation of States depends on our member States which are individual small countries holding general jurisdiction.

It should be apparent that without the sovereign member countries or sovereign member States, these dependent entities whether described as Unions or Federations or Confederations, have "no standing".

They are like a doll's dress, without the doll.

When Queen Anne vacated the land and soil of England in favor of acting as the British Queen, she removed herself from what is known as "Original Jurisdiction". She did not, as some people assume, act as the Queen of England, the Queen of Scotland, the Queen of Ireland, and the Queen of Wales. Queen of Britain is an abstract office in a different Territorial jurisdiction.

Elizabeth II was working for sovereign countries in international jurisdictions but not directly representing England, because as we know, she vacated the English Throne within three days of taking the Coronation Vow.

This means that she was either operating without standing or she was working for a foreign sovereign government other than England, and as she owed her crown to the Pope no less than her ancestors and was still obligated to work as the Overseer of the Commonwealth lands to maintain her position, it's a good bet that the foreign sovereign that gave her standing was the Vatican City-State.

According to the rest of the provisions and history we have uncovered, and also in view of the recent coronation of King Charles III who was crowned as his Imperial Majesty -- not the King of England, and not the King of Great Britain, either -- it seems obvious that the late Queen worked for the Pope all of her adult life, as her predecessors have.

Her Son has followed in her footsteps, albeit, more honorably, (he never took the Christian Coronation Vow, so he didn't have to sneak around voiding it), and continues to work directly for the Roman Hierarchy, though as we have also discovered, not for the Pope, or even "a" Pope, that we can discern, as Pope Francis could not enter the Office of the Roman Pontiff, has not received the sacred ministerial Office from Benedict XVI, which leaves him operating as the Prince of the Air.

Like Charles, the only office that was left for Francis to operate in was the Former Pope's office in the jurisdiction of the air.

We deduce and are aware that they committed crimes on the land and sea and fled to the air as a protective measure and to continue their assault on the living people -- people to whom they owe good faith and service. They have instead attempted to denigrate the entire population and secretly forced most of humanity into an undisclosed system of both peonage and slavery.

Why is the discussion of Britain as a Territorial Power important against this backdrop of fraud, breach of trust, and criminality?

One issue is that by the contracts and grants and everything else surrounding the construction of the British Union, the British Monarch is required to be Protestant, and as we have discovered, King Henry the Eighth double-crossed the Anglican Church while acting as its Head. So, he and his heirs have all done the same, worked as Overseers for the Popes and collected 40% of the take from all the personage and certificate and denigration schemes.

Charles III didn't take the Christian Coronation Vow and his Mother skipped on hers, so it follows that at the very least, Elizabeth II can't be counted as a "Protestant" and neither can Charles III. Most likely they can't be counted as Catholics, either; it appears that they belong to the long-suppressed Roman Cult that also ensconced itself in the Inner City of London and the City of Washington, DC.

Not being a Protestant voids everything that Elizabeth II did as Queen of Great Britain and would void everything that Charles III attempted to do. Both the Throne of England and the Office of Queen/King of Great Britain are thus vacated -- and have been for a long time.

Only the Imperial Office remains, but it remains totally without substance.

Everything we have observed about British Territorial powers being used to undermine, subvert, and usurp upon the lawful authorities now applies--- for not only were these crimes in-and-of themselves, but it turns out that they were accomplished under a Pretense of power and authority.

When Elizabeth II ditched her Coronation Vow and voided the obligation to be and act as a Christian of any kind, much less a Protestant, she also voided her Office as Queen of Great Britain. Any action she undertook in the Territorial jurisdiction, either in the guise of a land protectorate or at sea, is null and void for fraud, lack of standing, and lack of authority since 1953, and the overall fraud may extend back all the way to Queen Anne.

No doubt, "Francis" and Charles III imagine that they will be able to wield the powers of the jurisdiction of the air and use the instruments of that jurisdiction to devastating and final effect, as they will pretend to own the names of nearly everyone and every corporation and invention, too, through copyrights, patents, and trademarks administered by the British commercial conglomerate SERCO.

However, they have been severed from the body of their authority and so, have lost the world of substance. Nobody can assume the existence of any authority to enforce the obligations of the legal fictions that their scheme depends upon, because the Perpetrators lacked the substance, standing, and authority to form the legal fictions in the first place.

We have all been the victims of an organized commercial crime syndicate. Our research indicates that the roots of this syndicate go all the way back to the Hanseatic League, an arrangement by which German business interests ran the economies of other countries. Anyone who is interested in the development of the more recent version of these same evils may read the Treaty of Utrecht, 1713-14.

Once you realize that the English Throne has been in the possession of German interests since the early 1700's, it all makes sense. Even the Second World War makes sense in terms of two German hegemonies fighting against each other.

Once you realize that there is no such country as Great Britain and that you are dealing with a separate business entity "representing" four kingdoms, more smoke begins to clear.

And when you realize that the military worldwide has been reduced to the level of imaginary "humans" and denigrated so that they can never enjoy the freedom they have fought for and the peace they have sought to achieve, that they have been used as cheap mercenaries without their knowledge or consent, still more smoke clears away.

As we have seen, there has been no King or Queen of England for a long time, nor has there been a competent "King" or "Queen" of Great Britain since at least 1953. We don't currently have a Pope, either, in any traditional sense of the word, as Jorge Bergolio could not inherit the Office of the Roman Pontiff which was dissolved in 2011 and there is no known process by which he inherited the ministerial office of the Pope which was retained by Benedict XVI.

Territorial forces have been used throughout to illegally occupy country after country, using their own troops to do it, so that American troops were used to commandeer America, Australian troops were used to commandeer Australia, and so on. Commercial corporations have been given contracts to run entire occupied countries in a reprise of what South Africa suffered under the British South Africa Company and Cecil Rhodes.

And we know that, at least in England, there was no English Queen with standing to charter corporations and no Queen of Great Britain with standing to register corporations.

So just as Great Britain has been a Territorial entity used to undermine first England and then other countries ---and is not a country itself, the Queen was not a Queen, and the Pope is not a Pope, and even the corporations are not corporations.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652'>'>


ECETI News Protecting democracy is the platform the Democrats are running on. They have weaponized all the agencies; mainstream and social media have censored anyone who is in opposition or disagreement with the policies of the present administration. They have been using lawfare to censor and remove opposition. This included raids and jailing people for passing along Clinton memes. They are doing everything possible to remove the leading candidate off the ballot. This is the opposite of democracy. The truth of the matter is we are a Republic with God given natural unalienable rights with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Something the left and most democrats abhor. Their policies are not law most of which are unconstitutional and go against natural or common law. Know the difference. I would have to say almost everything they do goes against common sense.

Government officials and the military swear an oath to protect the people and the constitution. In these matters the current administration and top military officials are a total fail. They have been lockstep in the global elite plan to take down America. How did leaving billions of dollars of weapons, tanks, helicopters, trucks in enemy hands behind help our military protect and provide security for the American people? How did funding Isis and Iran help bring peace to the middle east? How did vaccinating the troops with what is now known to be a bioweapon, the clot shot make our troops battle ready. What consequences did it have on our pilots many of which are now grounded? This is not rocket science. Allowing millions of illegal aliens, mystery men come across the border unvetted, unvaxed, giving them hotels, money, medical including sex changes, bussing and flying them across the nation dropping them off, how is this in Americas highest and best good?

Our border patrol is reduced to processors, nannies and uber drivers. In some cases, democrats are passing legislation giving illegal aliens drivers licenses, pressuring them to vote democrat. This is nothing more than stacking the deck in upcoming elections, a bid for power and control at the people’s expense. The insurance companies are asking why no increase in policies, uninsured drivers are epidemic, car chases are off the scale along with deadly accidents often involving high speed chases, drugs, alcohol and human trafficking. They are now passing legislation for them to be able to buy a weapon. How can they do that with a straight face? How is that going to decrease the rapidly escalating crime wave already occurring. Looters are forming their own unions with guidelines. Break windows, destroy the buildings, show in numbers and take as much as possible. These policies and actions are undeniably breaking their sworn oath to protect the people. Does all this make you feel safe, warm and fuzzy?

Taking money from hostile foreign nations, members of the global elite sworn to take down America is Treason and there is sufficient evidence this is being done all the way to the top. Yet no matter what they do they have a get out of jail card free. They can lie, steal, inside trade, take bribes, riot, loot, burn down businesses, homes and get a pass with the media and law enforcement in most democratic run states. The media is claiming these are peaceful demonstrations with businesses, cars, home burning in the background with ongoing looting and violence on camera. If you are conservative, prochoice, question their authority the book will be thrown at you. Most politicians are in the war and disease profiteers back pockets which is why you will never see an end to war and disease. This is all starring the American people in the face, it is undeniable.

There are a few reasons for supporting this nonsense. One being corrupt, totally morally and integrity challenged. Another would be to be socially engineered to the point of cognitive dissonance. No matter how much evidence and proof is put in front of you it doesn’t matter. We are seeing this with TDS, Trump derangement syndrome. The Russian pee tapes never existed, there was never any Russian collusion, Trump has not been charged with or found guilty of insurrection yet they are taking him off the ballot for insurrection? Now they are saying Trump was on Epstein Island even though the court documents clearly stated he was not. The lame stream media is posting pictures of Trump, Clinton and Epstein trying to sell the lie that they are all together in this. In fact, Trump threw Epstein out of Mar Largo for hitting on underage girls. If you follow the continued law fare, they have no cases whatsoever, no evidence, no one harmed all they have is crooked DAs and Judges trying to keep him off the ballot. It called election interference. You would never know this if you allowed the majority of the main stream media to tell you what is happening.

The polls are rigged, the elections were rigged, the ballots were harvested and faked, Joe can’t even fill a high school gymnasium even when he is paying for them to come. This is 1 plus 1 equal 2 math. The democrats can only run on the lies and deceptions fueling TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, they have nothing else. The economy is _hit, crime is through the roof, our borders are wide open, our military is the laughing stock of the world with Generals in dresses wearing lipstick. The worst joke on the American people is our current president. How many gaffs, poopy diaper and senile jokes do we have to hear? Joe needs to go along with the vast majority of his administration. The open border, the escalating crime, the runaway inflation, the food shortages, energy shortages, poverty and homelessness all are testimony to a total fail. It is as if someone else is in charge who hates America and is sponsoring everything possible to destroy it. Follow the money.

All you have to do is put a grow light and a sand box in his back yard with a pack of pampers, record some seagulls and tell him he is at the beach. He would never figure it out. He never knows where he is, where to go and what to

say incapable of even reading a teleprompter.

What I am amazed at is no one is seeing this is all by design. Keep them sick, poor and stupid has always been their game plan. It is the game plan of the global elite. They want over 7 billion people dead, gone, off the planet in their own words and their depopulation programs are in full swing with wars and deadly debilitating vaccines. Your food and water in most cases has been corrupted not to mention chemtrails with heavy metals and biologicals. They want everyone divided, religions, cultures, races, genders how can you miss this. Do you think you and your family not a target because you are the right political party, culture, religion or race? If you play ball with them, do you think they will protect you. If you have played ball with them in the past you are even more of a threat because you know too much.

There are a few brave souls combating this it is time to get behind them. Trump is the main character now. He is the only one with the backbone to take back America. He cannot be bought. Think of him what you want but know where those ideas came from and be brutally honest does the character assassinations, accusations, lies and slander have any merit? Do you have any firsthand experience or knowledge. Why do those in his inner circle, those who work for him love him? How can you know any of the attacks on his character to be true?

Trump protected our borders, other countries admired us and respected our military, we had a great economy, jobs were up, crime was down, we were energy independent selling excess to other countries. What happened? If you can’t see what happened, the obvious then no words can explain it to you. If anyone continues to support this madness God/Creator/Great Spirit help you. You are critically thinking, research, morally and integrity impaired. You don’t deserve freedom. What you need is a wakeup call and it is coming.

Nothing can stop what is coming. The planetary liberation is cosmic, multidimensional, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth is unstoppable. The entire Universe is behind it. There are two choices. The upward spiral living in harmony with each other and nature living a spiritual life according to Universal Law. The other choice is to be self-serving, lust for power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth, the downward spiral ending in social, economic and environmental collapse. Karma is accelerating. Everything is being revealed nothing will remain hidden. Time to make a choice. For those who missed it Universal Law is Universal Peace. Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. When you step out of Universal Law you create Karma. In some cases, it will be Truckma. Time to Unite, release the past, forgive yourself and others, transcend all religious and cultural boundaries and work together to end the tyranny, the enslavers, the war and disease profiteers, those promoting the divisions, the keep them sick, poor and stupid agendas. The group that is at war with the Creator in all creation. They serve different gods that thrive on death and destruction. We are all in this together. It is time to unite under Universal Law. A whole new world is waiting for us. A quantum leap in consciousness, energy and evolution. A world where spiritual technologies will look like magic.

This message will be heavily censored so to counter that pass it far and wide.
Be well, James Gilliland

ECETI RANCH   will be closing for the 2023 season   September 18th  th 2023 ​


Biden welcomes Vatican's endorsement to bless same-sex unions

President Joe Biden has agreed with Pope Francis’ decision to allow blessings for same-sex unions, which to most Catholics, is a clear defiance of Church teachings. “The president, along with many Catholics around the world, welcomed the declaration from the Vatican done with the approval of Pope Francis that allows for the blessing of same-sex […]


Thursday, December 14th, 2023

Some Thoughts on Phyles, Islam, and Warfare
Doug Casey

Woods 1, YouTube 0
Tom Woods

Seasons Always Change
Restoring Truth

How To Feed Gaza
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Gaza Vs. Fallujah: Just How Vampiric Are The ‘Vaunted’ Israel Defense Forces?
Ilana Mercer

On Sickness, Confinement, and Creativity
John Leake

Four Died Trying: A Powerful, Riveting, and Masterful Documentary Series Begins
Edward Curtin

Are National Governments All Following a Genocide Agenda?
Julian Rose

Where Are They Now?
Jordan Schachtel

Should the States Form New Unions?
J.B. Shurk

U.S. Military Has More Unfeasible Plans For Ukraine
Moon of Alabama

Another U.S. Spy for Cuba
Jacob G. Hornberger