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17 mins ago

an important role in stage III non-small cell lung cancer outcome.The 2017 revision of WHO Classification of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues contains separate chapters on the immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders. In this mini-review, the brief description of pathological, immunophenotypical and clinical features of lymphoid neoplasms associated with primary immune disorders, HIV infection, those arising in post-transplant setting and other lymphoproliferative disorders (excluding those induced by radiation) is given. The heterogeneous spectrum of these lymphoid malignancies is specified by the nature of those factors that are capable to induce immune suppression or chronic antigenic stimulation of immune system. Taking into account the full swing of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and our ignorance of the ability of this virus to induce the sustained stimulation of immune system, we could not exclude the high risk of autoimmune diseases and lymphoid neoplasms in the long-term post-pandemic period. In this context, the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 as well as some recently reported cell receptors for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry should be considered as far as some of them (CD147, CD26) could be tumor-associated antigens.
To study cellular localization of full-length breakpoint cluster region (BCR), Pleckstrin homology domain of BCR and cortactin and determine whether they can coexist in cell nucleus.

HEK293T cell line was transfected with pECFP-BCR, pEGFP-PH and pmTagRFP-N1-CTTN using polyethyleneimine. Live cells were imaged in cell culture dishes with glass coverslip attached to the bottom with Leica SP8 STED 3D confocal microscope in the environmental chamber. Obtained images were processed and analyzed with Fiji software.

We identified colocalization of full-length BCR and cortactin in nucleus of cell undergoing terminal phase of cell division. We did not observe nuclear localization of cortactin in non-dividing cell. Both Pleckstrin homology domain and full-length BCR exhibited cytoplasmic as well as nuclear localization.

Colocalization of BCR with cortactin in cell nucleus indicates their potential role in regulation of actin network allowing for the maintenance of nuclear architecture and DNA integrity.
Colocalization of BCR with cortactin in cell nucleus indicates their potential role in regulation of actin network allowing for the maintenance of nuclear architecture and DNA integrity.
Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is known to be involved in carcinogenesis and cancer progression. Changes in TLR4expression are associated with changes in the expression of key cellular cytokines (transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interferon-γ (IFN-γ)), which affect cancer progression and metastasis.

To study changes in the expression of TLR4, TGF-β, TNF-α, IFN-γ genes, the level of apoptosis and cell cycle distribution in human invasive urothelial carcinoma T24/83cells under the treatment with polyphenolic adjuvant compound of fungal origin melanin, cytotoxic drug cisplatin, and combination of both.

T24/83cells were incubated with cisplatin (0.05mM), melanin (5µg/ml), or their combination. The expression level of TLR-4, TGF-β, INF-γ, TNF-α was evaluated by the real time polymerase chain reaction. The flow cytometry was used to study cell cycle distribution, proliferative activity and level of apoptosis. Morphological analysis of the Т24/83cells was performed as well.

4, TNF-α, TGF-β, INF-γ expression, cell cycle distribution and morphology in T24/83 cells suggesting their transition to less aggressive phenotype.
To assess the functional state of macrophages based on various manifestations of their activity at the different stages of metastatic tumor growth in C57Bl mice.

On days 7, 14, 21and 28after Lewis lung carcinoma transplantation to C57Bl mice, macrophages from various anatomic sites were isolated and tested on their cytotoxicity, metabolic activity, NO production and arginase activity.

In the populations of peritoneal and splenic macrophages, on days 7and 21of tumor growth antitumor (M1) cells prevailed while on days 14and 28tumor-promoting (M2) macrophages predominated. In the population of lung macrophages, cells with M1phenotype were in the majority in the early stages of tumor growth. On days 21and 28, M1cells were gradually substituted by cells exhibiting M2phenotype. This shift correlated with metastasis to lungs.

Lewis lung carcinoma growth is accompanied by the gradual change in macrophage polarization from antitumor (M1) towards tumor-promoting (M2) type. These changes were more evident in population of lung macrophages and correlated with the parameters of metastasis.
Lewis lung carcinoma growth is accompanied by the gradual change in macrophage polarization from antitumor (M1) towards tumor-promoting (M2) type. These changes were more evident in population of lung macrophages and correlated with the parameters of metastasis.Vulvar carcinoma corresponds to the fourth gynecological malignancy in incidence, with more than forty thousand new cases being estimated worldwide in 2020. It is a disease characterized by locoregional spread presenting high recurrence rates although distant metastases are an uncommon event. The purpose of this work is to describe the diagnosis, treatment, and clinical course of vulvar carcinoma in a patient who presented regional recurrences and late metastasis to the mammary gland. Vulvar cancer is a disease with a well-defined natural history; but with the advancement of therapeutic possibilities in recent years, it has been possible to improve the prognosis, reducing the chance of locoregional recurrence. Thus, the possibility of distance recurrence must be remembered in inpatient follow-up with locally advanced vulvar carcinoma, even if atypically, as in the case reported.
To investigate the features of expression of miRNA-21and miRNA-375in tumor cells of patients with cancer of oral cavity(COC) and to determine the possibility of their use to predict the aggressiveness of COC course.

The work is based on the results of examination and treatment of 50patients with stage II-IV COC. miRNA expression in tumor cells was analyzed by real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.

High levels of miRNA-21expression (> 0.26a.u.) and miRNA-375 (> 0.36a.u.) were determined in 72.0% and 63.0% of cases. We revealed a tendency to decreased miRNA-21expression and increased miRNA-375expression in tumors of patients with recurrence-free survival less than 12months and the presence of metastatic lesions in regional lymph nodes. In patients with COC of low differentiation grade, the level of miRNA-21was 2.0times lower compared with tumors of moderate differentiation grade (p< 0.05), while the expression of miRNA-375, on the contrary, was higher in tumors of low differentiation grade. A decreased expression of miRNA-21 (< 0.26a.u.) against the background of decreased levels of miRNA-375 (< 0.36a.u.) in tumor cells was associated with worse recurrence-free survival.

The obtained results indicate the relation between the main clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with COC and the levels of miRNA-21and -375expression in tumor tissue, which indicates the involvement of these miRNAs in the formation of COC malignancy evidencing on their potential usefulness as additional prognostic markers.
The obtained results indicate the relation between the main clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with COC and the levels of miRNA-21 and -375 expression in tumor tissue, which indicates the involvement of these miRNAs in the formation of COC malignancy evidencing on their potential usefulness as additional prognostic markers.In October 2020, passed away Ada Leonidivna Vorontsova, our esteemed colleague, well known specialist in experimental oncology, doctor of sciences in biology, professor, leading researcher, who devoted all her life to the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
To assess the level of erythropoietin (EPO) in blood sera of patients with different subtypes of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) from different risk subgroups and to determine its prognostic role.

EPO was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in peripheral blood of 54patients with different MDS subtypes according to the French-American-British (FAB) classification. The comparison group consisted of 15healthy individuals. Complete blood count (hemoglobin, leukocyte and platelet levels) was determined and bone marrow cells were characterized morphologically. The overall and leukemia-free survivals were estimated by Kaplan- Meier method.

The level of ЕРО in MDS was reliably higher in comparison with healthy persons (p< 0.01, Mann- Whitney test). No statistically significant difference was found in serum EPO concentration between the groups of patients with low- and high-risk MDS (603.5pg/ml vs 721.0pg/ml; p> 0.05). In transfusion-dependent patients, the level of EPO was significantly higher tprognostic factors in MDS patients.
This study shows that lower serum EPO level may be considered as one of the additional adverse prognostic factors in MDS patients.
Somatic mutations in coding regions of the genome may result in non-functional proteins that can lead to cancer or other diseases, however cancer mutations in the non-coding regions have rarely been studied and the interpretation of their effects is difficult. Non-coding mutations might act by breaking or creating transcription factor binding motifs in promoters, enhancers or silencers resulting in altered expression of target gene(s). A high number of mutations have been reported in coding and non-coding regions in cells of liver cancer. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of several genes in liver cells, while the motifs it binds are frequently mutated in promoters and enhancers in liver cancer.

The aim of the study is to evaluate the genetic effects of a non-coding somatic mutation frequently observed in liver cancer.

We evaluated experimentally the effects of a somatic mutation frequently reported in liver cancer as a motif-breaker for the binding of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α. The effects of the mutation on protein binding and enhancer activity were studied in HepG2cells via electrophoresis mobility shift assay and dual luciferase reporter assays. We also studied genome-wide promoter-enhancer interactions performing targeted chromosome conformation capture in liver tissue to identify putative target genes whose expression could be altered by the mutation.

We found that the mutation leads to reduced protein binding and a decrease in enhancer activity. The enhancer harboring the mutation interacts with the promoters of ANAPC13, MAP6D1and MUC13, which have been implicated in liver cancer.

The study highlights the importance of non-coding somatic mutations, vastly understudied, but likely to contribute to cancer development and progression.
The study highlights the importance of non-coding somatic mutations, vastly understudied, but likely to contribute to cancer development and progression.

22 mins ago

In 2012 when many sheep flocks in northern-central Tasmania were experiencing a high prevalence of ovine Johne's disease, 34 wild adult fallow deer shot on or near infected properties were negative to microscopic Mptb lesions of the ileo-caecal valve, terminal ileum and ileo-caecal lymph nodes. This study demonstrated 95% confidence of detecting Johne's disease in this fallow deer population if ≥10% of animals were shedding Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in their faeces, or if ≥21% of animals were sub-clinically infected.To identify the key aroma compounds in Yunnan goat milk cake, seven varieties of milk cake samples were subjected to sensory analysis and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O), aroma recombination, omission, and addition tests. The GC-MS results revealed 53 compounds with aroma characteristics in all the samples. A further comparison of odor activity values and aroma intensities (AI) revealed 25 of these compounds as the initial key aroma compounds. The contributions of these key aroma compounds to the sensory attributes were determined using a partial least squares regression. Of these compounds, 2-heptanone and 2-nonanone were closely related to the "milky" and "cheesy" attributes and were highly abundant in the samples from Kunming. Fatty acids, including butanoic acid, hexanoic acid, octanoic acid, and decanoic acid, were the most abundant compounds detected in the milk cakes. These fatty acids were closely related to the "rancid" and "animalic (goat)" attribheese.
The safety and acceptability of medical abortion using mifepristone and misoprostol at home at ≤9
weeks' gestation is well established. However, the upper gestational limit at which the procedure remains safe and acceptable at home is not known. To inform a national guideline on abortion care we conducted a systematic review to determine what gestational limit for expulsion at home offers the best balance of benefits and harms for women who are having medical abortion.

We searched Embase, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Cinahl Plus and Web-of-Science on 2January 2020 for prospective and retrospective cohort studies with ≥50 women per gestational age group, published in English from 1995 onwards, that included women undergoing medical abortion and compared home expulsion of pregnancies of ≤9
weeks' gestational age with pregnancies of 9
weeks or >10
weeks' gestational age, or compared the latter two gestational age groups. We assessed risk-of-bias using the Newcastle-Ottowa scale. All outcomes wmpromised by low event rates and loss to follow up.

Women who are having a medical abortion and will be taking mifepristone up to and including 10
weeks' gestation should be offered the option of expulsion at home after they have taken the misoprostol. Further research needs to determine whether the gestational limit for home expulsion can be extended beyond 10
Women who are having a medical abortion and will be taking mifepristone up to and including 10+0 weeks' gestation should be offered the option of expulsion at home after they have taken the misoprostol. Further research needs to determine whether the gestational limit for home expulsion can be extended beyond 10+0 weeks.
Maternal obesity is associated with an increased risk of several pregnancy complications. In the second pregnancy, previous pregnancy and other medical history provide additional information about individual morbidity risk. In this study, we assess the risk of pregnancy complications in the second pregnancy by maternal body mass index (BMI) and evaluate how first-pregnancy complications and preexisting conditions modify these associations.

We have used nationwide data on all women (n=48963) experiencing their first and second pregnancy between 2006 and 2013 in Finland. The associations between the full scale of maternal BMI and pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension and preeclampsia) were analyzed using logistic regression and restricted cubic spline regression models and interactions between BMI and first-pregnancy complications, pregestational diabetes or chronic hypertension were tested.

The risk of pregnancy complications increased with adiposity. Unadjusted probabilposity and any of the second-pregnancy complications.

As maternal BMI increases, the risk of complications increases in the second pregnancy. The risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension is, however, highest among women with complications in the first pregnancy.
As maternal BMI increases, the risk of complications increases in the second pregnancy. The risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension is, however, highest among women with complications in the first pregnancy.
CML comprises only 2-3% of all diagnosed pediatric leukemias. Mostly diagnosed in chronic phase (CML-CP), the disease progresses without treatment to accelerated phase (CML-AP) and finally to life-limiting blastic phase (CML-BP). Contrasting the therapy of other leukemia types, CML-CP is not treated by intense chemotherapy but with oral drugs -termed tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI)- for an unlimited duration. This therapy may be associated with general and developmental-specific side effects. The rarity of pediatric-CML is limiting the experience in assessment of the disability rating (DR) as an administrative health authority procedure.

A questionnaire was sent out evaluating the procedures and results associated with the application of a disabled person's pass.

34 out of 70 patients (49%; median age 11 yrs., range 3-17 yrs.; CML-CP/-AP/-BP N= 28/3/3) replied to the questionnaire. Median duration of TKI therapy was 33 months (range 4-163) and associated in 71% (24/34) of the patients with side effects. 5/34 (15%) patients did not apply for a pass. DR 100 was assigned to all patients with CML-BP and to 2/3 patients with CML-AP; the 3
patient was assigned DR 60. In the 21 patients with CML-CP the assigned DR varied from 20-100; 9/28 patients (32%) were assigned to DR 50. Special identifier label H (helpless) was assigned to 5/28 patients (18%) with CML-CP.

Compared to other pediatric malignancies, the broad range of DR in CML-CP points to unsureness when assessing the limitations exerted by the disease and its therapy. Guidelines for adults with CML offer little orientation only as pediatric patients frequently suffer from developmental-specific side effects.
Compared to other pediatric malignancies, the broad range of DR in CML-CP points to unsureness when assessing the limitations exerted by the disease and its therapy. Guidelines for adults with CML offer little orientation only as pediatric patients frequently suffer from developmental-specific side effects.
of the study is to research the epidemiological aspects of maternal alloimmunization against erythrocyte antigens of fetuses (AB0, Rhesus, Lewis, Kell, Duffy and others) and to identify the most common types of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) in the West Herzegovina region.

The 20-year retrospective epidemiological study includes all pregnant women who had been immunologically tested and newborn treated for HDN.

The indirect antiglobulin (IAT) detected antibodies against antigens in 545 (1.8%) pregnant women of the 29 663 who were tested at the Department of Transfusion Medicine. During the 20-year-long study 310 (1.0%) newborn with HDN were treated. Our results indicate that 42% (230/545) of the pregnant women had AB0 immunization. The most common form of HDN is AB0 HDN 64% (199/310), whereas RhD HDN was treated in 19% (59/310) of the newborn infants. ETR was performed on 29 (19%) infants, 21 (72.4%) with AB0 HDN, and 7 (26%) with RhD HDN.

This 20-year-long study concludes that, even though th the past few years. The above raises new questions and recommends further research and monitoring of immunization and HDN treatment worldwide.
 Homeopathy is a complementary medicine characterized by the use of diluted and potentized medicines. Innovations in this area are constantly being proposed in the relevant literature, such as scientific articles and patents. The objective of this study was to carry out a patent survey of homeopathic products and processes.

 A free and international patent database, Espacenet, was used. The search was carried out using the keyword homeop*, with two approaches (1) no date restrictions for the search and (2) a date limit for the publication years 2008 to 2018. The patents from the limited period were organized as depositor countries, ownerships and groups, including homeopathic formulations, equipment, packaging, production procedures, and analytical methods.

 Without date restriction, 601 patents were identified in the survey. Of these, 174 were related to homeopathy and published in the period 2008 to 2018. Technologies come mainly from the following countries United States (55 patents), Russia (24), Germany (15), France (13), India (12), Ukraine (11), Brazil (6), and China (6). Among the ownerships, 69% of patent applications were by independent depositors, 23% by companies, 7.5% by universities, and 0.5% by company/university partnerships. New formulations represented 75.9% of technologies, whilst the others comprised 14.3% for equipment, 3.8% for drugs packaging, 3.8% for production procedures, and 2.2% for analytical methods.

 The present review helps visualize the homeopathy-related patents published in recent years, as well as the main countries and researchers investing in the field of homeopathy.
 The present review helps visualize the homeopathy-related patents published in recent years, as well as the main countries and researchers investing in the field of homeopathy.The purpose was to compare the effects of protein (whey protein) and carbohydrate supplementation and protein alone both combined with resistance training on muscle strength, muscle mass and total training volume progression in untrained young men. Resistance training was performed using the leg press and knee extension until concentric failure (8-12 repetition maximum), three times a week for eight weeks. Muscle strength and muscle cross-sectional area were assessed before and after training. Total training volume progression was calculated considering the first and eighth week. Seventeen men completed the study (protein and carbohydrate, n=9, age 23.44 ± 4.56 years, weight 62.13±6.17 kg, height 1.75±0.02 m, body mass index 20.29±2.08 kg/m2; protein, n=8, age 24.63±2.39 years, weight 69.01±5.57 kg, height 1.77±0.07 m; body mass index 21.64±1.05 kg/m2. Both protocols showed similar increases in muscle strength (effect size protein and carbohydrate=1.28; protein=0.97; p0.05). Protein and carbohydrate supplementation combined with resistance training does not induce greater gains in muscle strength, hypertrophy and total training volume compared to resistance training combined with protein alone in untrained individuals.Health care workers are subjected to particular job strains. Besides workload, exposure to the risks of violence and traumatic experiences can result in negative health effects. To date, there are hardly any preventive interventions. Supported by the German Innovationsfonds, we want to evaluate the effectiveness of a more intensive intervention for health care workers, the Creative Strengthening Groups. In this randomised controlled trial, 366 participants will be assigned to the intervention or the control group. The intervention group will participate in the Creative Strengthening Groups. At baseline and follow-up, all participants will complete questionnaires. The primary outcome is the change in job satisfaction as measured with the validated Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Secondary outcomes will be obtained by questionnaires that include items on psychosocial working conditions and organisational changes. We hypothesise that participation in the UPGRADE intervention will improve job satisfaction and thus constitute a structural and behavioural prevention strategy for the promotion of psychological well-being of health care workers.

22 mins ago

Who is the second would-be Trump assassin, Ryan Routh?

The 58-year-old male from Greensboro, North Carolina was taken into custody last Sunday after leaving behind an AK-47 rifle just outside a golfing course in West Palm Beach, Florida. Reports say that, while being detained, Routh showed no emotion and refrained from questioning the purpose of his arrest.

Routh is far from unfamiliar when it comes to run-ins with the law. In 2002, he was involved in a 3-hour stand-off with Greenboro police that resulted in a felony charge of possession of a weapon of mass destruction; it is important to note that this charge could be in reference to his possession of an AK-47. In 2010, Routh was convicted of driving without a license, a hit-and-run and possession of stolen goods. In 2018, he then moved to Oahu, Hawaii where he ran a shed building business, albiet seemly perfunctory according to online reviews.

In more recent years, Routh has become an extreme supporter of Ukarine. He even appeared in a propaganda video for the Azov Brigade, a well-known Ukrainian military unit accused of Neo-Nazi orgins with ties to the CIA. His primary mission in Ukraine consisted of the recruitment of Afghan soldiers. Routh was even featured in a 2023 interview with the New York Times, who stated, "With (Ukrainian) Legion growth stalling, Ryan Routh, a former construction worker from Greensboro, NC is seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mr. Routh, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine."

A Semafor report published in March of 2023 cited Routh as director of the International Vounteer Center (IVC), an organization that works with volunteers and NGOs to "enhance the distribution of humanitarian aid throughout Ukraine." Routh was quoted in the report as complaining about facing obstacles in importing foreign soldiers, including a group of Afghan commandos who were facing skeptisim and bureaucratic roadblocks in Kiev. IVC has since denounced any claim of having been affiliated with Routh.

How did Routh develop Afghan contacts and assets? How could a construction worker from Greesnboro, North Carolina afford to move to Hawaii and make multiple trips to and from Ukraine on earnings from a failing shed building business? And how did a man with his history slip through the State Departments travel checks to a country accused of high corruption and money laundering?

Perhpes most questionable of all is Ryan Routh’s vague connection to the CIA. Before being raided by the FBI and having his X account erased, it was discovered that his first follow on the platform, out of a small group of 60, was to a former CIA analyst named Dr. Soo Kim. Kim, also a former policy analyst at the RAND Corperation, is a Yale graduate with an MA in International Studies at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. Kim has also worked for the Department of Homeland Security and is a member of the Council of Korean Americans. Her background and affiliations are typical of those who work in the intelligence community. Kim is not a public figure or a well-known CIA affiliate. Where would Routh have known or heard of her?

Is Routh indeed the lone actor the media is attempting to portray him as, or is there actually more to the story? Could this be yet another in a long line of co-ops involving US “alphabet agencies?”


In today’s episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the mysterious case of Ryan Routh, a man who reportedly plotted against Donald Trump and developed an unusual obsession with Ukraine. Rick unravels Routh’s astonishing transition from a minor criminal to a figure with connections to both Ukrainian military leaders and US lawmakers. Along the way, he questions the reliability of mainstream media coverage and explores the potential political undercurrents at play. The episode also covers an extraordinary situation in Lebanon, where beepers are mysteriously exploding and causing widespread injuries. Rick will be joined by experts Elijah Magnier and Nabeel Khoury to help make sense of this unfolding crisis.

On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into a disturbing incident involving a thwarted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, exposing the bizarre obsession of the suspect, Ryan Routh. The show also explores the divisive impact of media bias on domestic issues, such as the recent anti-Haitian rhetoric causing fear and school closures in Springfield, Ohio. Joining Rick is Professor Aviva Chomsky, who provides insights into the broader context of immigration controversies and media influence.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the latest geopolitical developments and their far-reaching implications. With expert analysis from Ghadi Francis and Elijah Magnier, Sanchez explores Ukraine’s precarious position and the potential US authorization for Ukrainian missile strikes on Russian territory. The show also investigates the surprising celebrations in Jordan following an attack on Israeli soldiers and dissects the global reaction to Donald Trump’s controversial debate comments.


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In today’s episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the mysterious case of Ryan Routh, a man who reportedly plotted against Donald Trump and developed an unusual obsession with Ukraine. Rick unravels Routh’s astonishing transition from a minor criminal to a figure with connections to both Ukrainian military leaders and US lawmakers. Along the way, he questions the reliability of mainstream media coverage and explores the potential political undercurrents at play. The episode also covers an extraordinary situation in Lebanon, where beepers are mysteriously exploding and causing widespread injuries. Rick will be joined by experts Elijah Magnier and Nabeel Khoury to help make sense of this unfolding crisis.

On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into a disturbing incident involving a thwarted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, exposing the bizarre obsession of the suspect, Ryan Routh. The show also explores the divisive impact of media bias on domestic issues, such as the recent anti-Haitian rhetoric causing fear and school closures in Springfield, Ohio. Joining Rick is Professor Aviva Chomsky, who provides insights into the broader context of immigration controversies and media influence.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the latest geopolitical developments and their far-reaching implications. With expert analysis from Ghadi Francis and Elijah Magnier, Sanchez explores Ukraine’s precarious position and the potential US authorization for Ukrainian missile strikes on Russian territory. The show also investigates the surprising celebrations in Jordan following an attack on Israeli soldiers and dissects the global reaction to Donald Trump’s controversial debate comments.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez dissects a contentious and dramatic presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. With insightful commentary and analysis from experts Craig Jardula and Angie Wong, Sanchez explores how Harris strategically baited Trump into revealing his frustration and anger, while both candidates failed to deliver substantial policy details. The show highlights key moments from the debate, including Trump’s handling of the Ukraine conflict and Harris’ provocative tactics, concluding that Harris’ approach might sway undecided voters and attract Democratic support.


In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez takes a closer look at the tangled web of global conflicts and shifting public opinions. The show kicks off with a jaw-dropping moment: a high-ranking Chinese diplomat delivers a sharp critique to former US Vice President Dick Cheney. From there, Rick dives into recent polls from Israel and Ukraine, which suggest a growing public desire to end these protracted wars. Rick is joined by Craig ‘Pasta’ Jardula of The Convo Couch to unpack the significance of these polling trends and their potential effects on media and policy. In the second half of the show, attorney and political commentator Steve Gill weighs in on the upcoming US presidential debate and what it could mean for the political landscape ahead.


17 mins ago

an important role in stage III non-small cell lung cancer outcome.The 2017 revision of WHO Classification of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues contains separate chapters on the immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders. In this mini-review, the brief description of pathological, immunophenotypical and clinical features of lymphoid neoplasms associated with primary immune disorders, HIV infection, those arising in post-transplant setting and other lymphoproliferative disorders (excluding those induced by radiation) is given. The heterogeneous spectrum of these lymphoid malignancies is specified by the nature of those factors that are capable to induce immune suppression or chronic antigenic stimulation of immune system. Taking into account the full swing of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and our ignorance of the ability of this virus to induce the sustained stimulation of immune system, we could not exclude the high risk of autoimmune diseases and lymphoid neoplasms in the long-term post-pandemic period. In this context, the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 as well as some recently reported cell receptors for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry should be considered as far as some of them (CD147, CD26) could be tumor-associated antigens.
To study cellular localization of full-length breakpoint cluster region (BCR), Pleckstrin homology domain of BCR and cortactin and determine whether they can coexist in cell nucleus.

HEK293T cell line was transfected with pECFP-BCR, pEGFP-PH and pmTagRFP-N1-CTTN using polyethyleneimine. Live cells were imaged in cell culture dishes with glass coverslip attached to the bottom with Leica SP8 STED 3D confocal microscope in the environmental chamber. Obtained images were processed and analyzed with Fiji software.

We identified colocalization of full-length BCR and cortactin in nucleus of cell undergoing terminal phase of cell division. We did not observe nuclear localization of cortactin in non-dividing cell. Both Pleckstrin homology domain and full-length BCR exhibited cytoplasmic as well as nuclear localization.

Colocalization of BCR with cortactin in cell nucleus indicates their potential role in regulation of actin network allowing for the maintenance of nuclear architecture and DNA integrity.
Colocalization of BCR with cortactin in cell nucleus indicates their potential role in regulation of actin network allowing for the maintenance of nuclear architecture and DNA integrity.
Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is known to be involved in carcinogenesis and cancer progression. Changes in TLR4expression are associated with changes in the expression of key cellular cytokines (transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interferon-γ (IFN-γ)), which affect cancer progression and metastasis.

To study changes in the expression of TLR4, TGF-β, TNF-α, IFN-γ genes, the level of apoptosis and cell cycle distribution in human invasive urothelial carcinoma T24/83cells under the treatment with polyphenolic adjuvant compound of fungal origin melanin, cytotoxic drug cisplatin, and combination of both.

T24/83cells were incubated with cisplatin (0.05mM), melanin (5µg/ml), or their combination. The expression level of TLR-4, TGF-β, INF-γ, TNF-α was evaluated by the real time polymerase chain reaction. The flow cytometry was used to study cell cycle distribution, proliferative activity and level of apoptosis. Morphological analysis of the Т24/83cells was performed as well.

4, TNF-α, TGF-β, INF-γ expression, cell cycle distribution and morphology in T24/83 cells suggesting their transition to less aggressive phenotype.
To assess the functional state of macrophages based on various manifestations of their activity at the different stages of metastatic tumor growth in C57Bl mice.

On days 7, 14, 21and 28after Lewis lung carcinoma transplantation to C57Bl mice, macrophages from various anatomic sites were isolated and tested on their cytotoxicity, metabolic activity, NO production and arginase activity.

In the populations of peritoneal and splenic macrophages, on days 7and 21of tumor growth antitumor (M1) cells prevailed while on days 14and 28tumor-promoting (M2) macrophages predominated. In the population of lung macrophages, cells with M1phenotype were in the majority in the early stages of tumor growth. On days 21and 28, M1cells were gradually substituted by cells exhibiting M2phenotype. This shift correlated with metastasis to lungs.

Lewis lung carcinoma growth is accompanied by the gradual change in macrophage polarization from antitumor (M1) towards tumor-promoting (M2) type. These changes were more evident in population of lung macrophages and correlated with the parameters of metastasis.
Lewis lung carcinoma growth is accompanied by the gradual change in macrophage polarization from antitumor (M1) towards tumor-promoting (M2) type. These changes were more evident in population of lung macrophages and correlated with the parameters of metastasis.Vulvar carcinoma corresponds to the fourth gynecological malignancy in incidence, with more than forty thousand new cases being estimated worldwide in 2020. It is a disease characterized by locoregional spread presenting high recurrence rates although distant metastases are an uncommon event. The purpose of this work is to describe the diagnosis, treatment, and clinical course of vulvar carcinoma in a patient who presented regional recurrences and late metastasis to the mammary gland. Vulvar cancer is a disease with a well-defined natural history; but with the advancement of therapeutic possibilities in recent years, it has been possible to improve the prognosis, reducing the chance of locoregional recurrence. Thus, the possibility of distance recurrence must be remembered in inpatient follow-up with locally advanced vulvar carcinoma, even if atypically, as in the case reported.
To investigate the features of expression of miRNA-21and miRNA-375in tumor cells of patients with cancer of oral cavity(COC) and to determine the possibility of their use to predict the aggressiveness of COC course.

The work is based on the results of examination and treatment of 50patients with stage II-IV COC. miRNA expression in tumor cells was analyzed by real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.

High levels of miRNA-21expression (> 0.26a.u.) and miRNA-375 (> 0.36a.u.) were determined in 72.0% and 63.0% of cases. We revealed a tendency to decreased miRNA-21expression and increased miRNA-375expression in tumors of patients with recurrence-free survival less than 12months and the presence of metastatic lesions in regional lymph nodes. In patients with COC of low differentiation grade, the level of miRNA-21was 2.0times lower compared with tumors of moderate differentiation grade (p< 0.05), while the expression of miRNA-375, on the contrary, was higher in tumors of low differentiation grade. A decreased expression of miRNA-21 (< 0.26a.u.) against the background of decreased levels of miRNA-375 (< 0.36a.u.) in tumor cells was associated with worse recurrence-free survival.

The obtained results indicate the relation between the main clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with COC and the levels of miRNA-21and -375expression in tumor tissue, which indicates the involvement of these miRNAs in the formation of COC malignancy evidencing on their potential usefulness as additional prognostic markers.
The obtained results indicate the relation between the main clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with COC and the levels of miRNA-21 and -375 expression in tumor tissue, which indicates the involvement of these miRNAs in the formation of COC malignancy evidencing on their potential usefulness as additional prognostic markers.In October 2020, passed away Ada Leonidivna Vorontsova, our esteemed colleague, well known specialist in experimental oncology, doctor of sciences in biology, professor, leading researcher, who devoted all her life to the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
To assess the level of erythropoietin (EPO) in blood sera of patients with different subtypes of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) from different risk subgroups and to determine its prognostic role.

EPO was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in peripheral blood of 54patients with different MDS subtypes according to the French-American-British (FAB) classification. The comparison group consisted of 15healthy individuals. Complete blood count (hemoglobin, leukocyte and platelet levels) was determined and bone marrow cells were characterized morphologically. The overall and leukemia-free survivals were estimated by Kaplan- Meier method.

The level of ЕРО in MDS was reliably higher in comparison with healthy persons (p< 0.01, Mann- Whitney test). No statistically significant difference was found in serum EPO concentration between the groups of patients with low- and high-risk MDS (603.5pg/ml vs 721.0pg/ml; p> 0.05). In transfusion-dependent patients, the level of EPO was significantly higher tprognostic factors in MDS patients.
This study shows that lower serum EPO level may be considered as one of the additional adverse prognostic factors in MDS patients.
Somatic mutations in coding regions of the genome may result in non-functional proteins that can lead to cancer or other diseases, however cancer mutations in the non-coding regions have rarely been studied and the interpretation of their effects is difficult. Non-coding mutations might act by breaking or creating transcription factor binding motifs in promoters, enhancers or silencers resulting in altered expression of target gene(s). A high number of mutations have been reported in coding and non-coding regions in cells of liver cancer. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of several genes in liver cells, while the motifs it binds are frequently mutated in promoters and enhancers in liver cancer.

The aim of the study is to evaluate the genetic effects of a non-coding somatic mutation frequently observed in liver cancer.

We evaluated experimentally the effects of a somatic mutation frequently reported in liver cancer as a motif-breaker for the binding of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α. The effects of the mutation on protein binding and enhancer activity were studied in HepG2cells via electrophoresis mobility shift assay and dual luciferase reporter assays. We also studied genome-wide promoter-enhancer interactions performing targeted chromosome conformation capture in liver tissue to identify putative target genes whose expression could be altered by the mutation.

We found that the mutation leads to reduced protein binding and a decrease in enhancer activity. The enhancer harboring the mutation interacts with the promoters of ANAPC13, MAP6D1and MUC13, which have been implicated in liver cancer.

The study highlights the importance of non-coding somatic mutations, vastly understudied, but likely to contribute to cancer development and progression.
The study highlights the importance of non-coding somatic mutations, vastly understudied, but likely to contribute to cancer development and progression.

22 mins ago

In 2012 when many sheep flocks in northern-central Tasmania were experiencing a high prevalence of ovine Johne's disease, 34 wild adult fallow deer shot on or near infected properties were negative to microscopic Mptb lesions of the ileo-caecal valve, terminal ileum and ileo-caecal lymph nodes. This study demonstrated 95% confidence of detecting Johne's disease in this fallow deer population if ≥10% of animals were shedding Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in their faeces, or if ≥21% of animals were sub-clinically infected.To identify the key aroma compounds in Yunnan goat milk cake, seven varieties of milk cake samples were subjected to sensory analysis and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O), aroma recombination, omission, and addition tests. The GC-MS results revealed 53 compounds with aroma characteristics in all the samples. A further comparison of odor activity values and aroma intensities (AI) revealed 25 of these compounds as the initial key aroma compounds. The contributions of these key aroma compounds to the sensory attributes were determined using a partial least squares regression. Of these compounds, 2-heptanone and 2-nonanone were closely related to the "milky" and "cheesy" attributes and were highly abundant in the samples from Kunming. Fatty acids, including butanoic acid, hexanoic acid, octanoic acid, and decanoic acid, were the most abundant compounds detected in the milk cakes. These fatty acids were closely related to the "rancid" and "animalic (goat)" attribheese.
The safety and acceptability of medical abortion using mifepristone and misoprostol at home at ≤9
weeks' gestation is well established. However, the upper gestational limit at which the procedure remains safe and acceptable at home is not known. To inform a national guideline on abortion care we conducted a systematic review to determine what gestational limit for expulsion at home offers the best balance of benefits and harms for women who are having medical abortion.

We searched Embase, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Cinahl Plus and Web-of-Science on 2January 2020 for prospective and retrospective cohort studies with ≥50 women per gestational age group, published in English from 1995 onwards, that included women undergoing medical abortion and compared home expulsion of pregnancies of ≤9
weeks' gestational age with pregnancies of 9
weeks or >10
weeks' gestational age, or compared the latter two gestational age groups. We assessed risk-of-bias using the Newcastle-Ottowa scale. All outcomes wmpromised by low event rates and loss to follow up.

Women who are having a medical abortion and will be taking mifepristone up to and including 10
weeks' gestation should be offered the option of expulsion at home after they have taken the misoprostol. Further research needs to determine whether the gestational limit for home expulsion can be extended beyond 10
Women who are having a medical abortion and will be taking mifepristone up to and including 10+0 weeks' gestation should be offered the option of expulsion at home after they have taken the misoprostol. Further research needs to determine whether the gestational limit for home expulsion can be extended beyond 10+0 weeks.
Maternal obesity is associated with an increased risk of several pregnancy complications. In the second pregnancy, previous pregnancy and other medical history provide additional information about individual morbidity risk. In this study, we assess the risk of pregnancy complications in the second pregnancy by maternal body mass index (BMI) and evaluate how first-pregnancy complications and preexisting conditions modify these associations.

We have used nationwide data on all women (n=48963) experiencing their first and second pregnancy between 2006 and 2013 in Finland. The associations between the full scale of maternal BMI and pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension and preeclampsia) were analyzed using logistic regression and restricted cubic spline regression models and interactions between BMI and first-pregnancy complications, pregestational diabetes or chronic hypertension were tested.

The risk of pregnancy complications increased with adiposity. Unadjusted probabilposity and any of the second-pregnancy complications.

As maternal BMI increases, the risk of complications increases in the second pregnancy. The risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension is, however, highest among women with complications in the first pregnancy.
As maternal BMI increases, the risk of complications increases in the second pregnancy. The risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension is, however, highest among women with complications in the first pregnancy.
CML comprises only 2-3% of all diagnosed pediatric leukemias. Mostly diagnosed in chronic phase (CML-CP), the disease progresses without treatment to accelerated phase (CML-AP) and finally to life-limiting blastic phase (CML-BP). Contrasting the therapy of other leukemia types, CML-CP is not treated by intense chemotherapy but with oral drugs -termed tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI)- for an unlimited duration. This therapy may be associated with general and developmental-specific side effects. The rarity of pediatric-CML is limiting the experience in assessment of the disability rating (DR) as an administrative health authority procedure.

A questionnaire was sent out evaluating the procedures and results associated with the application of a disabled person's pass.

34 out of 70 patients (49%; median age 11 yrs., range 3-17 yrs.; CML-CP/-AP/-BP N= 28/3/3) replied to the questionnaire. Median duration of TKI therapy was 33 months (range 4-163) and associated in 71% (24/34) of the patients with side effects. 5/34 (15%) patients did not apply for a pass. DR 100 was assigned to all patients with CML-BP and to 2/3 patients with CML-AP; the 3
patient was assigned DR 60. In the 21 patients with CML-CP the assigned DR varied from 20-100; 9/28 patients (32%) were assigned to DR 50. Special identifier label H (helpless) was assigned to 5/28 patients (18%) with CML-CP.

Compared to other pediatric malignancies, the broad range of DR in CML-CP points to unsureness when assessing the limitations exerted by the disease and its therapy. Guidelines for adults with CML offer little orientation only as pediatric patients frequently suffer from developmental-specific side effects.
Compared to other pediatric malignancies, the broad range of DR in CML-CP points to unsureness when assessing the limitations exerted by the disease and its therapy. Guidelines for adults with CML offer little orientation only as pediatric patients frequently suffer from developmental-specific side effects.
of the study is to research the epidemiological aspects of maternal alloimmunization against erythrocyte antigens of fetuses (AB0, Rhesus, Lewis, Kell, Duffy and others) and to identify the most common types of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) in the West Herzegovina region.

The 20-year retrospective epidemiological study includes all pregnant women who had been immunologically tested and newborn treated for HDN.

The indirect antiglobulin (IAT) detected antibodies against antigens in 545 (1.8%) pregnant women of the 29 663 who were tested at the Department of Transfusion Medicine. During the 20-year-long study 310 (1.0%) newborn with HDN were treated. Our results indicate that 42% (230/545) of the pregnant women had AB0 immunization. The most common form of HDN is AB0 HDN 64% (199/310), whereas RhD HDN was treated in 19% (59/310) of the newborn infants. ETR was performed on 29 (19%) infants, 21 (72.4%) with AB0 HDN, and 7 (26%) with RhD HDN.

This 20-year-long study concludes that, even though th the past few years. The above raises new questions and recommends further research and monitoring of immunization and HDN treatment worldwide.
 Homeopathy is a complementary medicine characterized by the use of diluted and potentized medicines. Innovations in this area are constantly being proposed in the relevant literature, such as scientific articles and patents. The objective of this study was to carry out a patent survey of homeopathic products and processes.

 A free and international patent database, Espacenet, was used. The search was carried out using the keyword homeop*, with two approaches (1) no date restrictions for the search and (2) a date limit for the publication years 2008 to 2018. The patents from the limited period were organized as depositor countries, ownerships and groups, including homeopathic formulations, equipment, packaging, production procedures, and analytical methods.

 Without date restriction, 601 patents were identified in the survey. Of these, 174 were related to homeopathy and published in the period 2008 to 2018. Technologies come mainly from the following countries United States (55 patents), Russia (24), Germany (15), France (13), India (12), Ukraine (11), Brazil (6), and China (6). Among the ownerships, 69% of patent applications were by independent depositors, 23% by companies, 7.5% by universities, and 0.5% by company/university partnerships. New formulations represented 75.9% of technologies, whilst the others comprised 14.3% for equipment, 3.8% for drugs packaging, 3.8% for production procedures, and 2.2% for analytical methods.

 The present review helps visualize the homeopathy-related patents published in recent years, as well as the main countries and researchers investing in the field of homeopathy.
 The present review helps visualize the homeopathy-related patents published in recent years, as well as the main countries and researchers investing in the field of homeopathy.The purpose was to compare the effects of protein (whey protein) and carbohydrate supplementation and protein alone both combined with resistance training on muscle strength, muscle mass and total training volume progression in untrained young men. Resistance training was performed using the leg press and knee extension until concentric failure (8-12 repetition maximum), three times a week for eight weeks. Muscle strength and muscle cross-sectional area were assessed before and after training. Total training volume progression was calculated considering the first and eighth week. Seventeen men completed the study (protein and carbohydrate, n=9, age 23.44 ± 4.56 years, weight 62.13±6.17 kg, height 1.75±0.02 m, body mass index 20.29±2.08 kg/m2; protein, n=8, age 24.63±2.39 years, weight 69.01±5.57 kg, height 1.77±0.07 m; body mass index 21.64±1.05 kg/m2. Both protocols showed similar increases in muscle strength (effect size protein and carbohydrate=1.28; protein=0.97; p0.05). Protein and carbohydrate supplementation combined with resistance training does not induce greater gains in muscle strength, hypertrophy and total training volume compared to resistance training combined with protein alone in untrained individuals.Health care workers are subjected to particular job strains. Besides workload, exposure to the risks of violence and traumatic experiences can result in negative health effects. To date, there are hardly any preventive interventions. Supported by the German Innovationsfonds, we want to evaluate the effectiveness of a more intensive intervention for health care workers, the Creative Strengthening Groups. In this randomised controlled trial, 366 participants will be assigned to the intervention or the control group. The intervention group will participate in the Creative Strengthening Groups. At baseline and follow-up, all participants will complete questionnaires. The primary outcome is the change in job satisfaction as measured with the validated Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Secondary outcomes will be obtained by questionnaires that include items on psychosocial working conditions and organisational changes. We hypothesise that participation in the UPGRADE intervention will improve job satisfaction and thus constitute a structural and behavioural prevention strategy for the promotion of psychological well-being of health care workers.

22 mins ago

Who is the second would-be Trump assassin, Ryan Routh?

The 58-year-old male from Greensboro, North Carolina was taken into custody last Sunday after leaving behind an AK-47 rifle just outside a golfing course in West Palm Beach, Florida. Reports say that, while being detained, Routh showed no emotion and refrained from questioning the purpose of his arrest.

Routh is far from unfamiliar when it comes to run-ins with the law. In 2002, he was involved in a 3-hour stand-off with Greenboro police that resulted in a felony charge of possession of a weapon of mass destruction; it is important to note that this charge could be in reference to his possession of an AK-47. In 2010, Routh was convicted of driving without a license, a hit-and-run and possession of stolen goods. In 2018, he then moved to Oahu, Hawaii where he ran a shed building business, albiet seemly perfunctory according to online reviews.

In more recent years, Routh has become an extreme supporter of Ukarine. He even appeared in a propaganda video for the Azov Brigade, a well-known Ukrainian military unit accused of Neo-Nazi orgins with ties to the CIA. His primary mission in Ukraine consisted of the recruitment of Afghan soldiers. Routh was even featured in a 2023 interview with the New York Times, who stated, "With (Ukrainian) Legion growth stalling, Ryan Routh, a former construction worker from Greensboro, NC is seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mr. Routh, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine."

A Semafor report published in March of 2023 cited Routh as director of the International Vounteer Center (IVC), an organization that works with volunteers and NGOs to "enhance the distribution of humanitarian aid throughout Ukraine." Routh was quoted in the report as complaining about facing obstacles in importing foreign soldiers, including a group of Afghan commandos who were facing skeptisim and bureaucratic roadblocks in Kiev. IVC has since denounced any claim of having been affiliated with Routh.

How did Routh develop Afghan contacts and assets? How could a construction worker from Greesnboro, North Carolina afford to move to Hawaii and make multiple trips to and from Ukraine on earnings from a failing shed building business? And how did a man with his history slip through the State Departments travel checks to a country accused of high corruption and money laundering?

Perhpes most questionable of all is Ryan Routh’s vague connection to the CIA. Before being raided by the FBI and having his X account erased, it was discovered that his first follow on the platform, out of a small group of 60, was to a former CIA analyst named Dr. Soo Kim. Kim, also a former policy analyst at the RAND Corperation, is a Yale graduate with an MA in International Studies at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. Kim has also worked for the Department of Homeland Security and is a member of the Council of Korean Americans. Her background and affiliations are typical of those who work in the intelligence community. Kim is not a public figure or a well-known CIA affiliate. Where would Routh have known or heard of her?

Is Routh indeed the lone actor the media is attempting to portray him as, or is there actually more to the story? Could this be yet another in a long line of co-ops involving US “alphabet agencies?”

2 hrs ago

Since the beginning of Vladimir Putin's rule in Russia 20 years ago, Russia has lost much of the leverage that it previously enjoyed in the Baltics. On the one hand, Russia has antagonized Baltic states through its wars in Georgia and Ukraine, on the other hand, deep integration in the EU and NATO has pulled the Baltic states from the Russian zone of influence. This article discusses the gradual decrease of Russia's influence in the Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania while considering the increased NATO presence in the region, Baltic energy security, and Baltic Russian-speaking communities.The Vladimir Putin regime has framed the Russian national idea in terms of security and militarization, both domestically and internationally. This unifying vision emerged as a reaction against the 1990s and blended together a cultivation of militant and anti-Western patriotism, Soviet nostalgia, and religious orthodoxy. Emphasis on cultivation of the youth has been another key defining feature of these efforts. This vision required a growing Russian presence regionally and globally, which in turn necessitated restoration of Russian military power. It resulted in growing self-confidence, internal repressions, and external military interventionism. There are glimmers of hope, but the Putin regime has shown that it will fight to stay in power, and the cult of militarization which has permeated multiple aspects of the Russian society will influence Russia's uncertain future.In his 20 years in power, Vladimir Putin has employed a savvy use of social policy to bolster his popularity, but it is a set of policies not well designed to address Russia's chronic under-provision of healthcare, education, and other social services-particularly in rural areas. The COVID-19 global pandemic will only exacerbate Russia's social policy challenges and could pose a threat to Putin's political survival.Self-mixed optical feedback interferometry based laser sensors show promising results in the measurement of the vibration frequency. To date several measurement methods have been developed to extract the vibration information from the self-mixed (SM) signal; however, the complexity and accuracy of the methods still need improvement. The presented work tries to fulfill the gap by realizing a novel method using maximal overlap discrete wavelet transformation (MODWT) and multi-resolution analysis (MRA). The proposed method can reconstruct the micro-harmonic ( less then 5 μ m ) vibration up to 1 kHz even under weak feedback conditions. The mean squared error and the maximum relative error of the proposed method for this range remained below 1.89 × 1 0 - 3 & 8.79%, respectively. Although, above 1 kHz, the proposed method turns out to be futile to reconstruct the vibration signal but still capable to measure vibration frequency up to 10 kHz with an accuracy of ± 0.0001. The method also found suitable to measure non-sinusoidal vibration frequency with reasonable accuracy even for the moderate feedback conditions. The authors envision that the proposed method will provide a compact, non-contact, and low-cost alternative for the vibration frequency measurement hence useful in early fault detection schemes and lung abnormality diagnosis.In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of both using curcumin and microencapsulation method on in vitro release behaivour of chia seed oil and its antioxidant potential during simulated gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Maltodextrin (MD) and gum Arabic (GA) was used as wall materials for freeze dried capsules. Sample 6, having 13 MD to GA ratio, 15 chia seed oil to wall material ratio and 40% total dry matter content, was found to have the optimum results in terms of emulsion stability (CI% = 0), zeta potential (-32.2 ± 0.8 mV) and size distribution (600 ± 8 nm). Moreover, release profiles of encapsulated chia seed oil samples were evaluated to determine if curcumin addition has any significant effect. The results revealed that curcumin addition decreased the release of chia seed oil from 44.6% to 37.2%. On contrary, it increased total phenolic content of in fraction of intestine to 22 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/L.Ragweed or Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen is an important atmospheric constituent affecting the Earth's climate and public health. The literature on light scattering by pollens embedded in ambient air is however rather sparse polarization measurements are limited to the sole depolarization ratio and pollens are beyond the reach of numerically exact light scattering models mainly due to their tens of micrometre size. Also, ragweed pollen presents a very complex shape, with a small-scale external structure exhibiting spikes that bears some resemblance with coronavirus, but also apertures and micrometre holes. In this paper, to face such a complexity, a controlled-laboratory experiment is proposed to evaluate the scattering matrix of ragweed pollen embedded in ambient air. It is based on a newly-built polarimeter, operating in the infra-red spectral range, to account for the large size of ragweed pollen. Moreover, the ragweed scattering matrix is also evaluated in the visible spectral range to reveal the spectral dependence of the ragweed scattering matrix within experimental error bars. As an output, precise spectral and polarimetric fingerprints for large size and complex-shaped ragweed pollen particles are then provided. We believe our laboratory experiment may interest the light scattering community by complementing other light scattering experiments and proposing outlooks for numerical work on large and complex-shaped particles.US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed for direct addition of castor oil for human consumption as food and most recently FDA approved castor oil as over-the-counter (OTC) for laxative drug. The present article highlights the green route phosphorylation of castor oil (COL) via condensation polymerization. Further, the incorporation of metal ions Cu (II)) and Zn (II) into the polymer matrix have been carried out at elevated temperature using catalyst p-toluene sulphonic acid (PTSA). The modification of the said material has been confirmed by FT-IR, UV-VIS, and 1H and 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Further, the in vitro antibacterial activities of the metal incorporated-COL has been performed by standard methods against B. cereus (MCC2243) (gram-positive) and E. coli (MCC2412) (gram-negative) bacteria. The results revealed that the incorporation of metal ions into the polymer matrix increases the antibacterial activity largely. This may be governed by the electrostatic interaction between metal ions and microbes, also the generation of free active oxygen hinders the normal activity of bacteria.

Ukraine Drone Attacks Russian Ammo Depot In Major War Escalation

Ukraine Drone Attacks Russian Ammo Depot In Major War Escalation