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12 Common Ways God Leads You into Your Destiny
Original blog with all hyperlinks here:

I have recently enjoyed reading two books by Tony Stoltzfus: The Invitation and The Encounter Coach's Cheat Sheet. In another of Tony's books, I discovered the innovative list below of 12 ways God leads us.

I see God has used all twelve of these methods to reveal and confirm His will and destiny for my life. With permission from the author, I am sharing this helpful list with you for your edification and for you to share with others, helping them discern God’s gifting, leading, call, and destiny God has for them. Pursuing one’s God-ordained destiny is the KEY to an effective, fun, fulfilling, and abundant life!

12 Common Ways People Experience Hearing a Call from God - by Tony Stoltzfus

Drawing to a Need – I see a person, group, or need my heart is drawn to serve, and through that feel a larger sense of calling to meet those needs long-term (Moses).
Personal Suffering – My call grows out of a personal experience of suffering and what is birthed in my heart through it (Job).
Personal Success – God speaks to me through my success or overcoming something with a realization of what I can do on behalf of others (David with Goliath).
Demonstration of Gifting – My calling is demonstrated (and often recognized by others) through unusual or early manifestations of gifting or ability (Joseph).
Childhood Dreams – God implants significant insights about the future in the hearts of children (Samuel).
Holy Discontent – I can’t stand something that is going on, and in the process of working against that injustice I discover my calling (Nehemiah).
Inheritance/Community – My call comes through being part of my family, tribe or community, and embracing that group’s sense of collective call (Isaac, Jacob, Ruth).
Affirmation/Confirmation – God uses others to name, confirm, or prophetically reveal my calling to me (David).
Scripture – God reveals my call through a Scripture that is brought to life for me (Josiah).
Circumstances – I find myself in a place of destiny where circumstances force me to respond (Esther).
Direct Revelation – God speaks directly through an inner witness, dreams, visions or other supernatural means (Paul, Mary).
Progressive Revelation – God uses many events, circumstances and insights to progressively unfold my call over a period of years (Abraham).

Stoltzfus, Tony. A Leader's Life Purpose Workbook: Calling and Destiny Discovery Tools for Christian Life Coaching. Pegasus Creative Arts. Kindle Edition.

Testimony: How I (Mark Virkler) have experienced these twelve ways God guides

Drawing to a Need – I got saved in a church that didn’t believe God spoke today. Even churches that do believe God speaks have many in their congregations who did not know how to clearly and easily hear His voice as no one had ever mentioned to them that God’s voice is experienced as flowing thoughts which light upon your mind, while your eyes are fixed on Jesus.
Personal Suffering – I was devastated with sadness and regret that I didn’t live when Jesus was alive on the earth, so I could walk and talk with Him. Now He was far away in heaven.
Personal Success – I realized the final words of Jesus were: “Behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:20 Modern KJV) Yay! Also see #11 below concerning direct revelation.
Demonstration of Gifting – Once God revealed to me the four keys to hearing His voice, I discovered as I shared them, others could hear God’s voice too.
Childhood Dreams – God put in my heart as a child the passion to LIVE the Bible.
Holy Discontent – I could not accept that God no longer allowed His sheep to hear His voice.
Inheritance/Community – My call came based on a family heritage of parents who loved the Lord and sought to serve Him with all their lives.
Affirmation/Confirmation – Rev. Tommy Reid, John Arnott, and Randy Clark all confirmed the 4 Keys and had me teach them continuously in their ministries. Shawn Bolz, Sid Roth, Patricia King, and many others have video interviews with me on the 4 Keys. The 4 Keys have been translated into 56 languages. Nearly 100 other authors have added the 4 Keys to their books. I have traveled for 40 years on six continents teaching How to Hear God’s Voice. Now we have students in 127 nations who have taken our training on communion with God and provided hundreds of testimonies of transformed lives. (See also Trustpilot Reviews.)
Scripture – God showed me His guarantee: “My sheep hear My voice!” (Jn. 10:27)
Circumstances – I found myself kicked out of my church when I first taught the 4 Keys. This opened the door for me to become a co-pastor in a church of 3,000. When let go from that church, God used that to fulfill His ultimate destiny for my life: He led me to the nations to teach communion with God.
Direct Revelation – As I honored the inner leading to set aside a year of my life to learn God’s voice, He woke me halfway through that year with a booming bass voice, saying “Get up, I am going to teach you how to hear My voice.” That morning He taught me 1) stillness, 2) vision, 3) flow, 4) journaling. God’s voice is as simple as quieting down, fixing my eyes on Jesus, tuning to flow, and journaling out the flowing thoughts (God’s voice), and flowing pictures (God’s vision). See:
Progressive Revelation – I have been a Christian since age 15. I learned the 4 Keys at age 25. Now at age 72, I have over 50 books that bring the voice of God to 50 areas of one’s life. We have 100 university courses that bring the voice of God to your university education and a School of the Spirit which brings the voice of God to over 25 e-learning training modules. We also have a website committed to communion with God ( God has confirmed that I am living out my destiny. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Now It's Your Turn: Personal Journaling Application

Ask God for direction for your life’s ministry by asking Him for revelation in these 12 areas.

Drawing to a Need – Lord, what need do I feel drawn to meet?
Personal Suffering – Lord, where have I personally suffered?
Personal Success – Lord, where has Your comfort granted me the grace to overcome this suffering so I can minister this same healing to others who have experienced similar suffering?
Demonstration of Gifting – Lord, what gifts and strengths have I expressed so far in my life?
Childhood Dreams – Lord, what dreams did You place in my heart as a child?
Holy Discontent – Lord, what is it that I can’t stand and believe needs fixing?
Inheritance/Community – Lord, what are the gifts in my family's heritage which I see are now present in my life also?
Affirmation/Confirmation – What do others tell me my gifts and calling are?
Scripture – Lord, what Scripture supports my gifts and calling?
Circumstances – Lord, what circumstances are pushing me in the direction of my calling?
Direct Revelation – Lord, what would You say to me about my gifts and calling?
Progressive Revelation – Lord, what ongoing revelation confirms and expands my gifts and calling?

Dig Deeper: Personality Profiles, 4 Keys Training, & More Journaling Questions

As I completed a dozen personality profiles in the book, Gifted to Succeed, I noted that God had placed within my DNA specific and unique gifts which I can now see were the building blocks to assist me in coming to the place of fulfilling my destiny. I was uniquely designed, equipped, and anointed to fulfill my destiny. The same is true for you, so why not check out the profiles in Gifted to Succeed?

A free Jesus Encounter prayer app will be released later in 2024 from Communion With God Ministries. It will contain key journaling questions for 30 specific prayer topics. If you are signed up for the CWG monthly newsletter, you will be informed when this app is available for download.


Video: 7 Step Bible Meditation Process Explored
Original blog with many hyperlinks, video and pictures, and great formatting is here:

Meditation: “God’s Spirit utilizing every faculty of my heart and mind, bringing forth revelation which ushers in transformation.”

Seven Steps in Biblical Meditation

Available as a free downloadable bookmark (shown at right).

Write: I copy the verse I am meditating on onto a piece of paper or 3X5 card, as instructed to in Deut. 17:18, and keep it with me to meditate on, memorize and mutter throughout the day(s). I also record this verse in my meditation/journal (which can be written, typed or verbally recorded).
Quiet Down: I become still in God’s presence, loving Him through soft soaking music (2 Kings 3:15,16) and/or praying in tongues (1 Cor. 14:14), or putting a smile on my face and picturing Jesus with me (Acts 2:25). I tune to His flowing thoughts, pictures and emotions (Jn. 7:37-39).
Reason: Come let us reason together (Isa. 1:18), meaning the Spirit guides my reasoning process. I ask, “Lord, what do You want to show me from this verse?” I tune to flow and revelation from the Holy Spirit bubbles up within me.
Speak & Imagine: I ponder the Scripture, personalizing and speaking it to myself softy over and over again until I can say it with my eyes closed. As I repeat the Scripture, I allow myself to see it with the eyes of my heart. I note what the picture is in my mind’s eye as I repeat the Scripture.
Feel God’s Heart: While seeing the above picture, I ask, “Lord, what does this Scripture reveal about Your heart toward me?” I feel His heart and journal it out.
Hear God’s Rhema: I put myself in the picture of this Scripture in my mind. I ask, “Lord, what are You speaking to me through this Scripture?” I tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures (God’s voice and vision) and I record this dialogue in my two-way journaling.
Act: I accept this revelation, repenting of any sin that is opposite of it and roaring at any obstacle that stands in the way of implementing it. I then speak it forth and act on it.

Our hearts burn within as He walks with us opening Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32).

We are transformed as we look, and see what Jesus is doing (2 Cor. 3:18).

The Holy Spirit guides the above process, leading to more or less emphasis on any of the various steps, according to God’s wishes for the present moment and the personal needs one has. So we remain dependent upon Him throughout. For example, I may need more or less time to quiet myself in His presence or more or less time in Spirit-led “reasoning,” or more or less time in speaking it, or feeling God’s heart in it, or doing two-way journaling about it, or roaring at the enemy to get his lies out of my head and his hands off my being. So I allow the flow of the Holy Spirit to guide me through the steps of this meditation process.
A beautiful example of meditating upon Luke 2:25-38 (the story of Simeon and Anna in the temple).

Linda - What an amazing experience, Lord. I am still overwhelmed with what I felt. I saw Simeon holding Jesus as an infant, worshipping God for the fulfillment of a promise that God had given him. While he’s holding baby Jesus, his old friend Anna walks up and sees him holding Jesus, weeping and worshipping, and Anna knows immediately that this is what she had been praying and fasting for all her life. Anna goes and wraps her right arm around baby Jesus as Simeon is still holding him then her left hand is extended toward heaven as she worships too. I am a bystander but I walk over and ask permission to hold Jesus. Mary and Joseph nod and I sob as the most wonderful gift ever is placed in my arms. Thank You, Lord. I love You.

Jesus - You are welcome, beloved. I said the same thing when I held you in My arms when you were born anew!
How to Meditate on a Topic (Utilize the free software, e-Sword)

Be led by God to the topic: God will show you the topic He wants you to explore, by bringing it to your consciousness through thoughts, the comment of a friend or a book, or a presenting need in your life which demands the revelation and power of God to overcome (Jn. 16:13).
Be cleansed by His blood: Approach your meditation time by drawing near to the Lord, repenting of all sins and asking for and receiving the cleansing of His blood (Heb. 10:22).
Be humble and teachable: Ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you (Eph. 1:17,18). Be willing to discover and embrace His truth, no matter what it costs (reputation, pride, ego, job, financial security, etc.).
Be fearless: Some churches will excommunicate, fire or shun a person who disagrees with the church’s belief. Thus fear hinders many from pursuing truth. Put your whole trust in God to sustain you, even if you are shunned or rejected by organized religion.
Be whole-hearted in your search: Seek the Lord with your whole heart (i.e. presenting all your faculties to the Lord to fill and to use) and you will find Him (Jer. 29:13). Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and fill your heart and then tune to flowing thoughts, flowing pictures, flowing emotions.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you in the use of the following Bible tools:

A good concordance such as Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and the King James Concordance (gives you every verse where a specific Hebrew or Greek word is used).
Some good Bible dictionaries such as Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, Brown – Driver – Briggs Dictionary, Vines Complete Bible Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vines Complete Dictionary of Old Testament Words.
Miscellaneous analytical tools such as Nave’s Topical Bible, and Manners and Customs of the Bible, etc.
Interpretive tools such as exegetical commentaries, expository commentaries and devotional commentaries.

Receive counsel: Wisdom and safety come from receiving counsel, input and confirmation from the 5-fold team God has given to you (Prov. 11:14; Eph. 4:11; 2 Cor. 13:1).

Most of the above tools (plus many more) are available electronically in the free software, e-Sword. Our online college course, BIB390 Biblical Research Methods from Christian Leadership University provides excellent training on how to research a topic using these tools.
An Example of the 7 Step Meditation Process

Meditation: “God’s Spirit utilizing every faculty of my heart and mind,
bringing forth revelation which ushers in transformation.”

Write: I copy the verse by hand onto a piece of paper or 3X5 card (Deut. 17:18) and keep it with me to meditate on, memorize and mutter throughout the day(s). I also record this verse in my meditation/journal (which can be written, typed or verbally recorded).

Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening (Gen. 24:63).

Quiet Down: I become still in God’s presence, loving Him through soft soaking music (2 Kings 3:15,16) and/or praying in tongues (1 Cor. 14:14), or putting a smile on my face and picturing Jesus with me (Acts 2:25). I tune to His flowing thoughts, pictures and emotions (Jn. 7:37-39).

Used the Sea of Galilee Quieting Exercise, picturing myself together with Jesus and tuned to flow.

Reason: I reason together with God (Isa. 1:18), meaning the Spirit guides my reasoning process (i.e. through flow). “Lord, what do You want to show me about any of the following: the context of the verse, the Hebrew/Greek definitions of the key words in the verse, any cultural understandings?” (“How to Meditate on a Topic” above details these steps.)

Meditation is a lifestyle that I have ordained. Do it in the evening. It is better than watching TV. As you do it, I can and will bring the choicest provisions of life to you. In this case, Isaac lifted up his eyes and saw the gift of his future wife who was being brought to him by his servant. His servant had discovered her in a distant land through a divine appointment. I also bring good gifts to you from distant places while you honor Me by making meditation your lifestyle. For when you honor Me by inviting Me into your everyday life, I honor you by bringing to you divine appointments. Honor Me with your lifestyle. Let your lifestyle be one of ongoing meditation.

Speak & Imagine: I ponder the Scripture speaking it to myself softy over and over again until I can say it with my eyes closed. As I repeat the Scripture, I allow myself to see it with the eyes of my heart. I note what the picture is in my mind’s eye as I repeat the Scripture.

I see Isaac walking in a field in the evening and pondering as he walks along. I see Jesus at his side, speaking with him.

Feel God’s Heart: While seeing the above picture, I ask, “Lord, what does this Scripture reveal about Your heart toward me?” I feel His heart and journal it out.

Mark, I love to walk with you in the cool of the day. This was My original design. This allows you to hear My thoughts and receive My wisdom, My counsel and My blessing. It is My desire to love you and care for you and provide for you and this is one key way I can do that if you allow Me to. Come experience My heart toward you in the cool of the day. Come meditate in the cool of the day.

Hear God’s Rhema: I put myself in the picture of this Scripture in my mind. I ask, “Lord, what are You speaking to me through this Scripture?” I tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures (God’s voice and vision) and I record this dialogue in my two-way journaling.

Mark, there is SO much I want to reveal to you and I do it as we take these walks together in the cool of the day. You see, this was My pattern in the Garden of Eden. I chose for it to be our pattern also, that we walk together down the road of life. Will you come to Me in the cool of the day and meditate in My presence, allowing Me to minister grace to you on a daily basis? You can ponder the specific needs and situations you are surrounded by and present them to Me and I will give you revelation and insight as to how to best handle them and respond to them. I will do this daily if you will walk with Me daily. You will experience ideas and understanding beyond your natural ability. You will accomplish beyond your natural giftings.

Act: I accept this revelation, repenting of any sin that is opposite of it and roaring at any obstacle that stands in the way of implementing it. I then speak it forth and act on it.

Lord, I accept this awesome invitation from You, my Lord and my Redeemer. What a gracious gift You have offered me, and all I have to do is say yes, and we walk together. I receive Your life and fullness into my heart and life. Lord, what an amazing offer You are making. I roar at every false belief that I can do it on my own. That is a lie from satan. I renounce humanism and rationalism. Get out of my life, now! I choose to die daily and come alive only to Jesus, who is my life.

Lord, I will walk with You and talk with You in the cool of the day and I will present to You the issues I am facing and ask for Your wisdom and insight on them. I thank You, Lord, for Your gracious wisdom, revelation and strength which flow so freely!!!

Our hearts burn within as He walks with us opening Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32).
We are transformed as we look, and see what Jesus is doing (2 Cor. 3:18).
Let’s Begin Meditating and Enjoying Life-transforming Revelation & Empowerment

Select one verse a day to meditate on. (It could be that some days you want to continue to meditate on the verse from the previous day.) Copy the above “7 Step Meditation Process” into your word processor and insert into it the Scripture you are meditating on for the day along with the revelation God gives you.

You could begin with the verses on meditation listed below and then move on to verses or topics which interest you. If you want more verses on the topic of meditation, refer to the Scriptures in the file “Meditation – Hebrew and Greek Definitions” for an additional 40+ verses. For topical lists of verses to meditate on, use the “Bible search” feature, available as part of the free software, e-Sword, and search for words that deal with the topic(s) you want to explore in-depth.

Since revelation promotes transformation, I recommend meditating in areas where you are seeking change. If I desire to move into God’s miracle-working power, I would meditate on the words for power and healing, and compassion. If I need to discover the many ways He heals, I will meditate on all the verses in the Bible which speak of health, heal, healed, healing. If I need improved interpersonal relationships, I will meditate on the “one another” commands in the New Testament. Additional meditation topics and resources are suggested at the end of this file. (Note: you can explore my meditations on the above keywords by typing them in the search bar at

I will stay with a topic until the revelation is complete, the enemy has been roared at and is defeated, and I am a living testimony of God’s grace in that area. Then the Holy Spirit will move me on to the next area where I need revelation, transformation, and breakthrough. This is the process of life. This is the way we are called to live, so do not miss out on life! Since I am a teacher, I consolidate each year of God’s revelation and transformation to me into a training book in order to easily pass it on.
Blogs On Meditation and Using the Eyes of Your Heart as You Approach God

How to Meditate on Scripture & Receive Life-Transforming Revelation
Hebrew and Greek Definitions of Meditation
Does the Bible REALLY Say “Study to Show Yourself Approved”?
Western Study Versus Biblical Meditation
7 Step Meditation Process Explored
7 Step Meditation Bookmark (shown at right)
Healing Scriptures for Meditation
4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice
What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
Poised Before Almighty God
Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
Protestantism's 500-Year-Old Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

Books And Courses On Meditation And Spiritual Formation

Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation book
Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God ebook
The Art of Biblical Meditation Interactive Online Course from School of the Spirit
Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
Book - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge by Mark and Patti Virkler – an alternative to traditional hermeneutics.
The Great Mystery – Christ in You by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores all New Testament verses that describe what Jesus provides for you through His indwelling Spirit.
How to Walk by the Spirit by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores Scriptures concerning the heart
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit by Mark and Patti Virkler– Explores Scriptures concerning the Holy Spirit
How Do You Know? by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores hundreds of verses which reveal God’s prescribed methodology for discovering truth.

© 2013 Mark & Patti Virkler – Original source can be found at
Permission given to freely distribute in its entirety, provided all hyperlinks remain intact.


A Delightful New Picture Book: Come See What I See! by Pamela Amlung

Embark on a journey of discovery

Follow Gabby, Emmie, and Nate as they explore the wonders of nature and encounter the loving presence of Jesus. This captivating picture book, with its enchanting watercolor illustrations, is ideal for families with children ages 4-10, but is also a delight for people of all ages. The first in a series of “Jesus and Me Stories,” this book will spark meaningful conversations surrounding what it means to be in a loving and exciting relationship with God. Children will be caught up in the stories while also learning biblical truth –about God’s love, the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and key scriptures about relationship with God. Each book also includes a parent/teacher note with additional scripture references.

I was glad to write the following endorsement:

“This is an excellent book for children and their parents. It will open children’s eyes to the spirit world which they can readily and easily experience. This is the perfect time to introduce them to using the eyes of their hearts to see Jesus. This book does that in the most simple, natural way imaginable. Your children will love it.”

It is available here in two formats, Kindle and hardcover.

Wouldn’t this be a nice present for the children you know, or perhaps forward this blog on to other parents and grandparents. Let’s together encourage spirituality among children!

Pamela Amlung’s website is:

Related Resources: Books for Children and Teens


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12 Common Ways God Leads You into Your Destiny
Original blog with all hyperlinks here:

I have recently enjoyed reading two books by Tony Stoltzfus: The Invitation and The Encounter Coach's Cheat Sheet. In another of Tony's books, I discovered the innovative list below of 12 ways God leads us.

I see God has used all twelve of these methods to reveal and confirm His will and destiny for my life. With permission from the author, I am sharing this helpful list with you for your edification and for you to share with others, helping them discern God’s gifting, leading, call, and destiny God has for them. Pursuing one’s God-ordained destiny is the KEY to an effective, fun, fulfilling, and abundant life!

12 Common Ways People Experience Hearing a Call from God - by Tony Stoltzfus

Drawing to a Need – I see a person, group, or need my heart is drawn to serve, and through that feel a larger sense of calling to meet those needs long-term (Moses).
Personal Suffering – My call grows out of a personal experience of suffering and what is birthed in my heart through it (Job).
Personal Success – God speaks to me through my success or overcoming something with a realization of what I can do on behalf of others (David with Goliath).
Demonstration of Gifting – My calling is demonstrated (and often recognized by others) through unusual or early manifestations of gifting or ability (Joseph).
Childhood Dreams – God implants significant insights about the future in the hearts of children (Samuel).
Holy Discontent – I can’t stand something that is going on, and in the process of working against that injustice I discover my calling (Nehemiah).
Inheritance/Community – My call comes through being part of my family, tribe or community, and embracing that group’s sense of collective call (Isaac, Jacob, Ruth).
Affirmation/Confirmation – God uses others to name, confirm, or prophetically reveal my calling to me (David).
Scripture – God reveals my call through a Scripture that is brought to life for me (Josiah).
Circumstances – I find myself in a place of destiny where circumstances force me to respond (Esther).
Direct Revelation – God speaks directly through an inner witness, dreams, visions or other supernatural means (Paul, Mary).
Progressive Revelation – God uses many events, circumstances and insights to progressively unfold my call over a period of years (Abraham).

Stoltzfus, Tony. A Leader's Life Purpose Workbook: Calling and Destiny Discovery Tools for Christian Life Coaching. Pegasus Creative Arts. Kindle Edition.

Testimony: How I (Mark Virkler) have experienced these twelve ways God guides

Drawing to a Need – I got saved in a church that didn’t believe God spoke today. Even churches that do believe God speaks have many in their congregations who did not know how to clearly and easily hear His voice as no one had ever mentioned to them that God’s voice is experienced as flowing thoughts which light upon your mind, while your eyes are fixed on Jesus.
Personal Suffering – I was devastated with sadness and regret that I didn’t live when Jesus was alive on the earth, so I could walk and talk with Him. Now He was far away in heaven.
Personal Success – I realized the final words of Jesus were: “Behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:20 Modern KJV) Yay! Also see #11 below concerning direct revelation.
Demonstration of Gifting – Once God revealed to me the four keys to hearing His voice, I discovered as I shared them, others could hear God’s voice too.
Childhood Dreams – God put in my heart as a child the passion to LIVE the Bible.
Holy Discontent – I could not accept that God no longer allowed His sheep to hear His voice.
Inheritance/Community – My call came based on a family heritage of parents who loved the Lord and sought to serve Him with all their lives.
Affirmation/Confirmation – Rev. Tommy Reid, John Arnott, and Randy Clark all confirmed the 4 Keys and had me teach them continuously in their ministries. Shawn Bolz, Sid Roth, Patricia King, and many others have video interviews with me on the 4 Keys. The 4 Keys have been translated into 56 languages. Nearly 100 other authors have added the 4 Keys to their books. I have traveled for 40 years on six continents teaching How to Hear God’s Voice. Now we have students in 127 nations who have taken our training on communion with God and provided hundreds of testimonies of transformed lives. (See also Trustpilot Reviews.)
Scripture – God showed me His guarantee: “My sheep hear My voice!” (Jn. 10:27)
Circumstances – I found myself kicked out of my church when I first taught the 4 Keys. This opened the door for me to become a co-pastor in a church of 3,000. When let go from that church, God used that to fulfill His ultimate destiny for my life: He led me to the nations to teach communion with God.
Direct Revelation – As I honored the inner leading to set aside a year of my life to learn God’s voice, He woke me halfway through that year with a booming bass voice, saying “Get up, I am going to teach you how to hear My voice.” That morning He taught me 1) stillness, 2) vision, 3) flow, 4) journaling. God’s voice is as simple as quieting down, fixing my eyes on Jesus, tuning to flow, and journaling out the flowing thoughts (God’s voice), and flowing pictures (God’s vision). See:
Progressive Revelation – I have been a Christian since age 15. I learned the 4 Keys at age 25. Now at age 72, I have over 50 books that bring the voice of God to 50 areas of one’s life. We have 100 university courses that bring the voice of God to your university education and a School of the Spirit which brings the voice of God to over 25 e-learning training modules. We also have a website committed to communion with God ( God has confirmed that I am living out my destiny. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Now It's Your Turn: Personal Journaling Application

Ask God for direction for your life’s ministry by asking Him for revelation in these 12 areas.

Drawing to a Need – Lord, what need do I feel drawn to meet?
Personal Suffering – Lord, where have I personally suffered?
Personal Success – Lord, where has Your comfort granted me the grace to overcome this suffering so I can minister this same healing to others who have experienced similar suffering?
Demonstration of Gifting – Lord, what gifts and strengths have I expressed so far in my life?
Childhood Dreams – Lord, what dreams did You place in my heart as a child?
Holy Discontent – Lord, what is it that I can’t stand and believe needs fixing?
Inheritance/Community – Lord, what are the gifts in my family's heritage which I see are now present in my life also?
Affirmation/Confirmation – What do others tell me my gifts and calling are?
Scripture – Lord, what Scripture supports my gifts and calling?
Circumstances – Lord, what circumstances are pushing me in the direction of my calling?
Direct Revelation – Lord, what would You say to me about my gifts and calling?
Progressive Revelation – Lord, what ongoing revelation confirms and expands my gifts and calling?

Dig Deeper: Personality Profiles, 4 Keys Training, & More Journaling Questions

As I completed a dozen personality profiles in the book, Gifted to Succeed, I noted that God had placed within my DNA specific and unique gifts which I can now see were the building blocks to assist me in coming to the place of fulfilling my destiny. I was uniquely designed, equipped, and anointed to fulfill my destiny. The same is true for you, so why not check out the profiles in Gifted to Succeed?

A free Jesus Encounter prayer app will be released later in 2024 from Communion With God Ministries. It will contain key journaling questions for 30 specific prayer topics. If you are signed up for the CWG monthly newsletter, you will be informed when this app is available for download.


Video: 7 Step Bible Meditation Process Explored
Original blog with many hyperlinks, video and pictures, and great formatting is here:

Meditation: “God’s Spirit utilizing every faculty of my heart and mind, bringing forth revelation which ushers in transformation.”

Seven Steps in Biblical Meditation

Available as a free downloadable bookmark (shown at right).

Write: I copy the verse I am meditating on onto a piece of paper or 3X5 card, as instructed to in Deut. 17:18, and keep it with me to meditate on, memorize and mutter throughout the day(s). I also record this verse in my meditation/journal (which can be written, typed or verbally recorded).
Quiet Down: I become still in God’s presence, loving Him through soft soaking music (2 Kings 3:15,16) and/or praying in tongues (1 Cor. 14:14), or putting a smile on my face and picturing Jesus with me (Acts 2:25). I tune to His flowing thoughts, pictures and emotions (Jn. 7:37-39).
Reason: Come let us reason together (Isa. 1:18), meaning the Spirit guides my reasoning process. I ask, “Lord, what do You want to show me from this verse?” I tune to flow and revelation from the Holy Spirit bubbles up within me.
Speak & Imagine: I ponder the Scripture, personalizing and speaking it to myself softy over and over again until I can say it with my eyes closed. As I repeat the Scripture, I allow myself to see it with the eyes of my heart. I note what the picture is in my mind’s eye as I repeat the Scripture.
Feel God’s Heart: While seeing the above picture, I ask, “Lord, what does this Scripture reveal about Your heart toward me?” I feel His heart and journal it out.
Hear God’s Rhema: I put myself in the picture of this Scripture in my mind. I ask, “Lord, what are You speaking to me through this Scripture?” I tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures (God’s voice and vision) and I record this dialogue in my two-way journaling.
Act: I accept this revelation, repenting of any sin that is opposite of it and roaring at any obstacle that stands in the way of implementing it. I then speak it forth and act on it.

Our hearts burn within as He walks with us opening Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32).

We are transformed as we look, and see what Jesus is doing (2 Cor. 3:18).

The Holy Spirit guides the above process, leading to more or less emphasis on any of the various steps, according to God’s wishes for the present moment and the personal needs one has. So we remain dependent upon Him throughout. For example, I may need more or less time to quiet myself in His presence or more or less time in Spirit-led “reasoning,” or more or less time in speaking it, or feeling God’s heart in it, or doing two-way journaling about it, or roaring at the enemy to get his lies out of my head and his hands off my being. So I allow the flow of the Holy Spirit to guide me through the steps of this meditation process.
A beautiful example of meditating upon Luke 2:25-38 (the story of Simeon and Anna in the temple).

Linda - What an amazing experience, Lord. I am still overwhelmed with what I felt. I saw Simeon holding Jesus as an infant, worshipping God for the fulfillment of a promise that God had given him. While he’s holding baby Jesus, his old friend Anna walks up and sees him holding Jesus, weeping and worshipping, and Anna knows immediately that this is what she had been praying and fasting for all her life. Anna goes and wraps her right arm around baby Jesus as Simeon is still holding him then her left hand is extended toward heaven as she worships too. I am a bystander but I walk over and ask permission to hold Jesus. Mary and Joseph nod and I sob as the most wonderful gift ever is placed in my arms. Thank You, Lord. I love You.

Jesus - You are welcome, beloved. I said the same thing when I held you in My arms when you were born anew!
How to Meditate on a Topic (Utilize the free software, e-Sword)

Be led by God to the topic: God will show you the topic He wants you to explore, by bringing it to your consciousness through thoughts, the comment of a friend or a book, or a presenting need in your life which demands the revelation and power of God to overcome (Jn. 16:13).
Be cleansed by His blood: Approach your meditation time by drawing near to the Lord, repenting of all sins and asking for and receiving the cleansing of His blood (Heb. 10:22).
Be humble and teachable: Ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you (Eph. 1:17,18). Be willing to discover and embrace His truth, no matter what it costs (reputation, pride, ego, job, financial security, etc.).
Be fearless: Some churches will excommunicate, fire or shun a person who disagrees with the church’s belief. Thus fear hinders many from pursuing truth. Put your whole trust in God to sustain you, even if you are shunned or rejected by organized religion.
Be whole-hearted in your search: Seek the Lord with your whole heart (i.e. presenting all your faculties to the Lord to fill and to use) and you will find Him (Jer. 29:13). Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and fill your heart and then tune to flowing thoughts, flowing pictures, flowing emotions.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you in the use of the following Bible tools:

A good concordance such as Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and the King James Concordance (gives you every verse where a specific Hebrew or Greek word is used).
Some good Bible dictionaries such as Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, Brown – Driver – Briggs Dictionary, Vines Complete Bible Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vines Complete Dictionary of Old Testament Words.
Miscellaneous analytical tools such as Nave’s Topical Bible, and Manners and Customs of the Bible, etc.
Interpretive tools such as exegetical commentaries, expository commentaries and devotional commentaries.

Receive counsel: Wisdom and safety come from receiving counsel, input and confirmation from the 5-fold team God has given to you (Prov. 11:14; Eph. 4:11; 2 Cor. 13:1).

Most of the above tools (plus many more) are available electronically in the free software, e-Sword. Our online college course, BIB390 Biblical Research Methods from Christian Leadership University provides excellent training on how to research a topic using these tools.
An Example of the 7 Step Meditation Process

Meditation: “God’s Spirit utilizing every faculty of my heart and mind,
bringing forth revelation which ushers in transformation.”

Write: I copy the verse by hand onto a piece of paper or 3X5 card (Deut. 17:18) and keep it with me to meditate on, memorize and mutter throughout the day(s). I also record this verse in my meditation/journal (which can be written, typed or verbally recorded).

Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening (Gen. 24:63).

Quiet Down: I become still in God’s presence, loving Him through soft soaking music (2 Kings 3:15,16) and/or praying in tongues (1 Cor. 14:14), or putting a smile on my face and picturing Jesus with me (Acts 2:25). I tune to His flowing thoughts, pictures and emotions (Jn. 7:37-39).

Used the Sea of Galilee Quieting Exercise, picturing myself together with Jesus and tuned to flow.

Reason: I reason together with God (Isa. 1:18), meaning the Spirit guides my reasoning process (i.e. through flow). “Lord, what do You want to show me about any of the following: the context of the verse, the Hebrew/Greek definitions of the key words in the verse, any cultural understandings?” (“How to Meditate on a Topic” above details these steps.)

Meditation is a lifestyle that I have ordained. Do it in the evening. It is better than watching TV. As you do it, I can and will bring the choicest provisions of life to you. In this case, Isaac lifted up his eyes and saw the gift of his future wife who was being brought to him by his servant. His servant had discovered her in a distant land through a divine appointment. I also bring good gifts to you from distant places while you honor Me by making meditation your lifestyle. For when you honor Me by inviting Me into your everyday life, I honor you by bringing to you divine appointments. Honor Me with your lifestyle. Let your lifestyle be one of ongoing meditation.

Speak & Imagine: I ponder the Scripture speaking it to myself softy over and over again until I can say it with my eyes closed. As I repeat the Scripture, I allow myself to see it with the eyes of my heart. I note what the picture is in my mind’s eye as I repeat the Scripture.

I see Isaac walking in a field in the evening and pondering as he walks along. I see Jesus at his side, speaking with him.

Feel God’s Heart: While seeing the above picture, I ask, “Lord, what does this Scripture reveal about Your heart toward me?” I feel His heart and journal it out.

Mark, I love to walk with you in the cool of the day. This was My original design. This allows you to hear My thoughts and receive My wisdom, My counsel and My blessing. It is My desire to love you and care for you and provide for you and this is one key way I can do that if you allow Me to. Come experience My heart toward you in the cool of the day. Come meditate in the cool of the day.

Hear God’s Rhema: I put myself in the picture of this Scripture in my mind. I ask, “Lord, what are You speaking to me through this Scripture?” I tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures (God’s voice and vision) and I record this dialogue in my two-way journaling.

Mark, there is SO much I want to reveal to you and I do it as we take these walks together in the cool of the day. You see, this was My pattern in the Garden of Eden. I chose for it to be our pattern also, that we walk together down the road of life. Will you come to Me in the cool of the day and meditate in My presence, allowing Me to minister grace to you on a daily basis? You can ponder the specific needs and situations you are surrounded by and present them to Me and I will give you revelation and insight as to how to best handle them and respond to them. I will do this daily if you will walk with Me daily. You will experience ideas and understanding beyond your natural ability. You will accomplish beyond your natural giftings.

Act: I accept this revelation, repenting of any sin that is opposite of it and roaring at any obstacle that stands in the way of implementing it. I then speak it forth and act on it.

Lord, I accept this awesome invitation from You, my Lord and my Redeemer. What a gracious gift You have offered me, and all I have to do is say yes, and we walk together. I receive Your life and fullness into my heart and life. Lord, what an amazing offer You are making. I roar at every false belief that I can do it on my own. That is a lie from satan. I renounce humanism and rationalism. Get out of my life, now! I choose to die daily and come alive only to Jesus, who is my life.

Lord, I will walk with You and talk with You in the cool of the day and I will present to You the issues I am facing and ask for Your wisdom and insight on them. I thank You, Lord, for Your gracious wisdom, revelation and strength which flow so freely!!!

Our hearts burn within as He walks with us opening Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32).
We are transformed as we look, and see what Jesus is doing (2 Cor. 3:18).
Let’s Begin Meditating and Enjoying Life-transforming Revelation & Empowerment

Select one verse a day to meditate on. (It could be that some days you want to continue to meditate on the verse from the previous day.) Copy the above “7 Step Meditation Process” into your word processor and insert into it the Scripture you are meditating on for the day along with the revelation God gives you.

You could begin with the verses on meditation listed below and then move on to verses or topics which interest you. If you want more verses on the topic of meditation, refer to the Scriptures in the file “Meditation – Hebrew and Greek Definitions” for an additional 40+ verses. For topical lists of verses to meditate on, use the “Bible search” feature, available as part of the free software, e-Sword, and search for words that deal with the topic(s) you want to explore in-depth.

Since revelation promotes transformation, I recommend meditating in areas where you are seeking change. If I desire to move into God’s miracle-working power, I would meditate on the words for power and healing, and compassion. If I need to discover the many ways He heals, I will meditate on all the verses in the Bible which speak of health, heal, healed, healing. If I need improved interpersonal relationships, I will meditate on the “one another” commands in the New Testament. Additional meditation topics and resources are suggested at the end of this file. (Note: you can explore my meditations on the above keywords by typing them in the search bar at

I will stay with a topic until the revelation is complete, the enemy has been roared at and is defeated, and I am a living testimony of God’s grace in that area. Then the Holy Spirit will move me on to the next area where I need revelation, transformation, and breakthrough. This is the process of life. This is the way we are called to live, so do not miss out on life! Since I am a teacher, I consolidate each year of God’s revelation and transformation to me into a training book in order to easily pass it on.
Blogs On Meditation and Using the Eyes of Your Heart as You Approach God

How to Meditate on Scripture & Receive Life-Transforming Revelation
Hebrew and Greek Definitions of Meditation
Does the Bible REALLY Say “Study to Show Yourself Approved”?
Western Study Versus Biblical Meditation
7 Step Meditation Process Explored
7 Step Meditation Bookmark (shown at right)
Healing Scriptures for Meditation
4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice
What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
Poised Before Almighty God
Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
Protestantism's 500-Year-Old Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

Books And Courses On Meditation And Spiritual Formation

Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation book
Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God ebook
The Art of Biblical Meditation Interactive Online Course from School of the Spirit
Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
Book - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge by Mark and Patti Virkler – an alternative to traditional hermeneutics.
The Great Mystery – Christ in You by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores all New Testament verses that describe what Jesus provides for you through His indwelling Spirit.
How to Walk by the Spirit by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores Scriptures concerning the heart
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit by Mark and Patti Virkler– Explores Scriptures concerning the Holy Spirit
How Do You Know? by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores hundreds of verses which reveal God’s prescribed methodology for discovering truth.

© 2013 Mark & Patti Virkler – Original source can be found at
Permission given to freely distribute in its entirety, provided all hyperlinks remain intact.


A Delightful New Picture Book: Come See What I See! by Pamela Amlung

Embark on a journey of discovery

Follow Gabby, Emmie, and Nate as they explore the wonders of nature and encounter the loving presence of Jesus. This captivating picture book, with its enchanting watercolor illustrations, is ideal for families with children ages 4-10, but is also a delight for people of all ages. The first in a series of “Jesus and Me Stories,” this book will spark meaningful conversations surrounding what it means to be in a loving and exciting relationship with God. Children will be caught up in the stories while also learning biblical truth –about God’s love, the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and key scriptures about relationship with God. Each book also includes a parent/teacher note with additional scripture references.

I was glad to write the following endorsement:

“This is an excellent book for children and their parents. It will open children’s eyes to the spirit world which they can readily and easily experience. This is the perfect time to introduce them to using the eyes of their hearts to see Jesus. This book does that in the most simple, natural way imaginable. Your children will love it.”

It is available here in two formats, Kindle and hardcover.

Wouldn’t this be a nice present for the children you know, or perhaps forward this blog on to other parents and grandparents. Let’s together encourage spirituality among children!

Pamela Amlung’s website is:

Related Resources: Books for Children and Teens


Take Charge of Your Health!

This month we will be offering free access to our training on Take Charge of Your Health. I became a naturopath about 40 years ago when I was dismayed to discover that Western healthcare did not have the answers to restore my health.

I had picked up parasites in Malaysia, and after 2-3 trips to the doctor, they admitted they couldn’t find the parasites. That startled me, so I explored and found a naturopath within a 1-hour drive and went to see him. He gave me some herbs which chased the parasites out with only one visit! I was astounded!

My entire worldview on healthcare changed right then! I went on to receive training and a diploma as a naturopath, and for the next 25 years did not need to visit a doctor. During this time, I discovered many truths concerning health which were aligned with Scripture, were easy, natural, and spiritual, and things everyone could do at home. I have presented these insights in the training that is being freely offered this month. Please avail yourself of it. The life you save could be yours, a family member’s or a friend's.

For example, did you know that the United States ranks #1 in the annual cost of healthcare per person, but ranks as country #49 in lifespan? This means citizens of 48 nations live longer than we do.
The principle I live by is, “Take charge of your own health!” Don’t trust it to the government or the pharmaceutical companies. God did not anoint either of these to be responsible for your health. He anointed you and the elders of the church (James 5:14-16).
Learn enough to live long enough to fulfill your destiny! Register today.

Bonus Offer – Take Charge of Your Health Training with Charity and Mark – June 21, a free 90-minute Zoom session

On Friday evening, June 21, Charity and I will be doing an interactive Zoom call where we share our latest discovery in health. It will be a time of learning, powerful testimonies, Q&A, and the opportunity to appropriate this discovery into your own home.
My paradigm for discovering truth concerning health includes: it must be compatible with Scripture, backed up by science, and when I try it out, I receive a personal health benefit. If these criteria are met, I adopt it and share it with others so they can live and not die.
In our Zoom session I will explain what the Germans are doing different than the U.S. that allows their men to live five years longer than the average man in the U.S. Question: Do you think it is because doctors in Germany are smarter than doctors in the U.S., or is it something else?

Tune in on Friday, June 21 at 7:30 EST to find out! Register here, and if you can’t join us live, a replay will be sent to you. Learn how to treat your body like the temple it is and experience vibrant health today!

Have you ever said to yourself “There’s too much conflicting information… I’ll never know how to live in vibrant health!” Discover how Scripture and science agree on how you can live long enough to fulfill your destiny!



How the Bible and the Spirit keep you from being deceived. Come get equipped with the skills of biblical meditation & hearing God's voice!

You can now register for this NEW seminar where I will spend eight hours training you how to avoid deception by learning how to properly meditate on Scripture as you listen to the Holy Spirit.
We will also explore the two ditches on both sides of this highway of light. One side is phariseeism, where one lives by biblical law rather than by the Spirit. The other ditch is when one avoids the Bible and simply seeks to live by the spirit, for example, the New Age Movement.

People often fall into one ditch or the other. We will carefully train you to learn how YOU can do original raw Bible research using the tool of e-Sword, a free downloadable Bible software program, while at the same time listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, "When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" (Jn. 16:13).

Amazing how we re-write that to say it is my mind and my careful study of the Bible and my theology that leads me into all truth!
Well, I am sure glad I can repent of my errors and move on to higher ground. May we all walk and live by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25)!
It is NOT the Bible OR the Spirit. It is the BIBLE AND THE SPIRIT! (100% Bible & 100% Spirit)

THE REAL - True Christianity: The Bible and the Spirit
1st COUNTERFEIT - New Age Movement: The spirit without the Bible
2nd COUNTERFEIT - Phariseeism: The Bible without the Spirit

Come and discover for yourself these lifechanging revelations in this hands-on workshop where we will practice truth together!

How the Bible and the Spirit keep you from being deceived. Come get equipped in the skills of biblical meditation & hearing God's voice.