
Take Charge of Your Health!

This month we will be offering free access to our training on Take Charge of Your Health. I became a naturopath about 40 years ago when I was dismayed to discover that Western healthcare did not have the answers to restore my health.

I had picked up parasites in Malaysia, and after 2-3 trips to the doctor, they admitted they couldn’t find the parasites. That startled me, so I explored and found a naturopath within a 1-hour drive and went to see him. He gave me some herbs which chased the parasites out with only one visit! I was astounded!

My entire worldview on healthcare changed right then! I went on to receive training and a diploma as a naturopath, and for the next 25 years did not need to visit a doctor. During this time, I discovered many truths concerning health which were aligned with Scripture, were easy, natural, and spiritual, and things everyone could do at home. I have presented these insights in the training that is being freely offered this month. Please avail yourself of it. The life you save could be yours, a family member’s or a friend's.

For example, did you know that the United States ranks #1 in the annual cost of healthcare per person, but ranks as country #49 in lifespan? This means citizens of 48 nations live longer than we do.
The principle I live by is, “Take charge of your own health!” Don’t trust it to the government or the pharmaceutical companies. God did not anoint either of these to be responsible for your health. He anointed you and the elders of the church (James 5:14-16).
Learn enough to live long enough to fulfill your destiny! Register today. https://go.cluschoolofthespirit.com/health-event

Bonus Offer – Take Charge of Your Health Training with Charity and Mark – June 21, a free 90-minute Zoom session

On Friday evening, June 21, Charity and I will be doing an interactive Zoom call where we share our latest discovery in health. It will be a time of learning, powerful testimonies, Q&A, and the opportunity to appropriate this discovery into your own home.
My paradigm for discovering truth concerning health includes: it must be compatible with Scripture, backed up by science, and when I try it out, I receive a personal health benefit. If these criteria are met, I adopt it and share it with others so they can live and not die.
In our Zoom session I will explain what the Germans are doing different than the U.S. that allows their men to live five years longer than the average man in the U.S. Question: Do you think it is because doctors in Germany are smarter than doctors in the U.S., or is it something else?

Tune in on Friday, June 21 at 7:30 EST to find out! Register here, and if you can’t join us live, a replay will be sent to you. Learn how to treat your body like the temple it is and experience vibrant health today! https://go.cwgministries.org/health-discovery

Have you ever said to yourself “There’s too much conflicting information… I’ll never know how to live in vibrant health!” Discover how Scripture and science agree on how you can live long enough to fulfill your destiny!
